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August 8, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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August 8, 1940 |
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August 8, 1940
0LIFlnS- (Special) --Mrs. Wal-
Thompson returned to her home
being gone on a visit of two
to Portland, Beaverton, Van-
and North Bonneville, Wash-
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of
Bonneville, Washington, vis-
Saturday and Sunday at the
Thompson ranch.
~r. and Mrs. Clarence Brown and
Mobley visi,ted in The Dalle~
Browns' sister, from there
GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--C ldend !e, Washington
!to Mosier visiting Mrs. Browns fat- Bank Rewrites
her who has been sick.
Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown Farm Loans To
made a business trip to Yakima Sat-
urday Help Farmers
NEWS FROM HEIGHTS Rewriting approximately half of
AREA IS CHRONICLED the Land Bank Commissioner loans
outstanding in Klickitat county has
KLICK~TAT HEIGHTS --(Spec- served to stabilize farm mortgage
ial)--Janet Stack is here from Theindebtedness in this county and has
Dalles visiting with her grandparents made it easier for farmers to get out
Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Bradf,ord. of debt, C. E. Crooks, secretary-
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Myhr were bus-
treasurer of the Goldendale Na,tional
iness callers at The DaUes last
Y~arm ~Loan Association office, said
Thursday. I this week.
Little Elizabeth Lois and her ms- During the past several months,
mma are receiving many callers Crooks said, approximately 50 per
these days and the little Miss oblig- cent of the Land Bank Commissioner
ingly opens her eyes for all the loans outstanding in the county have
friends to see for she really "wants been reamortized-~that is, have been
her new mamma to be proud of rer. rewritten for a longer term of years.
Gee. St. Lawrence is visiting aMost of these l,oa.ns were originally
few days at Glenwood.
Mrs. Gee. Bradford and her has- written for ~. term of 10 years. They
have now been extended in many
"~Ldo~'t]ot-you&wn~' band joined her two sisters who
came from Portland to spend Sun- cases to 20 years ,thus reducing an-
nual payments on principal and giv-
day at the old homo place and with ing farmers a bet~ter opportunity to
• t~ their brother Owen Daffroon. J work out of debt.
e ear,rice arage At the beginning of the year there
Wash, mgton Read and Use the Want Ads. t! were 69 Land Bank Commissioner
loans in Klickitat county for a face
Place Your Order for landplaster now
for fall delivery• Take Advantage of
Carload prices by pooling your orders
through Maurer Brothers Feed Store•
Our Price
what they say when ordering ice cream confections
at their favorite fountains.
Ice Cream whether served at home or over a
counter is delicious, healthful and economical.
Everyone likes Reli, ance Ice Cream.
Order Reliance Ice Cream today, Serve it for any occasion,
it's the ideal dessert.
la Always Better when the Toast is made from that always
fresh Goldendale Baked
Iha,t take chmaces-with untried brands, always order
GOLD KRUST BRAED, its baked the day you buy it.
Next Time You Plan That Favorite
lireakfast Inchde some of these Gold-
tadale Bakery products on the Menu
boughnuts... Rolls... Butterhorns
,k SEmOLD, l'rom-ie m
amount of $157,8@@. In addition,
there was outstanding approximately
$686,050 in Commissioner and Bank
loans. Some of these loans also have
been reamortized.
In most cases the Commissioner
loans are second mortgage loans. The
tPederal Lank Bank loans are all first
mortgage loans. "The reamortization
Page lflve
...... --- ~ • lgT t~_*_ ___ !Claskey, the court entered judgment
I l ~*°~[r]~ l'~ew' ~JlV~rl ]against the defendant in the sum °f
9 • $822 97 together with interest and
cogtsi" '
............ / An interlocutory decree of divorce
The return o~ sam nlea in the mat-|
.... is entered in the case of Grace Wil-
tar of the estate oI ~usanna An(ler-
Photo: Waahlngton State Progress Commission and Washington Newspaper Pablisher~' Asscctati0a
This scene in the Wenatchee River Valley, between Zake Wenatchee
and the town of Wenatehee, is typical of the beauty which surrounds
the apple capital of the world.
of the Commissioner loans," Crooks KLICKITAT PEOPLE ed.
said, "spreads out the paymen~ts on ON MOUNTAIN TRIP I Mrs. 0. E. Holdman's ,bridge bah-
these mortgages more in line with :ies met at the home ,of Mrs. Norald
the earning capacity of the farm andKLIGI~ITAT, August 5-- Greet- Hazen Thursday evening. Mrs.
it has brought renewed confidence ings to Mr. and Mrs. Klickitat:Verne Modin had high score. Mrs.
to many fa.milies." County -- and all the children. After Hazen served ice cream and deltc-
a July as lovely as the month of ious home made cakes.
D Y K ? May it looks as though August were Mrs. Allen McEwen entertained
o ou now going to ,deal us double vengeance, her bridge club Wednesday evening.
If you are one of those lucky people Mrs. Herman Umlauff was the prize
Washington's oyster canning in- who always look at the bright aidewinner which was a very pretty
dustry produced 150,822 standard of things you wiJ1 be apt to bemoan little apron. Mrs. McEwen served
cases in 1939,exceeding the previ- a sweltering August. Us? Oh, you'll lemon sherbet and cookies.
ous year's pack by 42,674 cases, find us in the latter bracket. Mrs. Bob McEwen and children
Soec'tacular growth in oyster produc- Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Nails and are spending a week's vacatiion in
tion in the state began ten years ago family, Louise Schmidt, Mi~s Diekie Pe.rtland visiting with relatives.
after successful importation of Jap- Leland and Merle Studley are on a Mr. and Mrs. John Berry and Mr.
anese .oyster seed and planting of horseback trip a~ound Mt. Adams. and Mrs. Bob Bortch went on a fish-
large beds, principally in the Willapa We ~vouldn't twit any one for the ing picnic Sunday. Mrs. Berry was
Harbor district. Tenderness of Pa- world but we do hope that the the champion angler, she caught 8
cific canned oysters £heir fine size horses are equiped with safety steel trout.
and ready adaptability to prepara- bodies, lballoon tires and coil Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schurtz enter-
tion for the ~able in any style has springs! tained dinner guests Sunday. They
led to constantly increased demand Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lehto, Johnny ~¢ere Mr. and Mrs. Guy Schurtz and
for them. Canning of smoked oysters Jewel, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Woods, Mrs. Nay Schurtz of Goldendale.
also is a growing industry, and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe The Royal Neigh~bors went to
Olympia is ~he home of the tiny McCune and children attended the Northwestern Lake on a picnic
native Olympia oyster, which cannot Eagle's picnic at big Cedars Sunday. Thursday. A very goal time was
be grown anywhere else than in the Mi~s Karen Lee Wichman cole- reported.
southernmost reaches of Puge~ brated her fifth birthday with the Mr. and Mrs. Galagan of Mosier
Sound. It is famous among world help of a group of her little friends were visitors in Klickitat last week.
epicures for its delicate and distinc- last Monday evening. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mur-
tire flavor. The annual supply is Mrs. Elms Heiser spent Monday lin Wise and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
strictly limited by the small area in Portland. Hutchins. Mrs. Galagan was Miss
available for propagation and the Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hallyburton Jaunita Wise before hermarriage.
four or five years required for ms- visited in The Dallas with Mr. Hal-Catherene Mullins of Yakima,
turtty. The yearly production usually lyburton's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Washington, are visiting with Mar-
has a value of approximately L. Hallyburton last week. garet Landgraf.
$250,000. The Klickitat school gymnasium Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jackson, Mr.
will be painted some time in the and Mrs. Frank Rustwig of Port-
MARYHILL RESIDENTS r.ear future, not that it needs it we land were Sunday visitors at the
DRIVE TO VANCOUVER add .otto voce. Landgraf's cabin.
----------- Of intrest to many bridge players Alvin G. Overacker is the new
MARYHILL ---(Special)-- Mrs. will be the conclusions arrived at by assistan.t postmaster at Klickitat.
Goss and Leon Buzzard shopped in 0. E. Holdman and Walter Janke. A1 Henry is spending the week in
The Dallas Saturday. In 52 dealt hands the bids arrived Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Asher and son Stun- at according to Sam Gordons system Mickey.
lay and Byron Babcock drove to ,of bidding were possible to make to
Vanoouv~er Thursday', returningthe trick with the exeception of offe. Obit
Saturday. Careful study revealed that the fail- ual~
Mr. and Mrs. Early and sons of are to make the bid was caused by
Portland spent the weekend at their both partners holding the same short MRS. F. H. WALKER
Maryhill farrn, cards. While 'bidding according to
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Re,bisonand Mr. Culbertson's system it was found Jennie Hardee was born February
son Dermic spent :Sunday at the impossible to dertmine the exact ~, 1880 in Bluntsville, Ala., and
Goss home. number of tricks, passed away at her home July 29,
,Miss Davis who has been a The Klickitat school VciH open on 1940.
guest a¢ the Babcock home the pastSeptember 3, this year. There will~he left Alabama soon after her
six weeks returned to her homo in be four new teachers, Miss Edding-birth and moved to Louisiana. Later
Vancouver last Thursday. ton of Deer Park. will teach the first she moved into West Texas where
Kenneth Rude and Vina Baldon and second grades, Mrs. Sanders ofin 1912 she was married to Mr.
were married in ] Goldendale lastSeattle will teach the remedial ~oom Walker. After a time they moved to
Friday night. Mr. Rempfior of North Dakota, willthe northwest and the last thirteen
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wedge~,ood teach the seventh and eight grade,years of her life have been spent in
went to The Dallas Tuesday. and Miss Hallyburton, sl~ter to Bob
Llndy Sanders of Portland is visit- Hall:~burton, and from The
Dallas She is survived by her husband,
F. H. Walker ,a son George, and a
ing at the Asher home for a couplewill teach the sixth and seventh
of weeks, grades. All activity classes will be daughter Mrs. Floyd Reavis, a~l of
Mr. an.d Mrs. l%onald Brown of shifted to the afternoons this year. whom were present. ~he also leaves
Portland spent the weekend at ¢heIMr. Carstens~)n will be the new four sisters and three brothers.
R. L. McDonald home. Mr. Abram- schoool janitor. She was a life long member of
son who has been here the past two Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard, Mr. and the Methodist church and also a
weeks returned to Portland with the Mrs. Malcom Bennett, and Mr. and member of the Rebekah lodge of
Browns. Mrs. Wilfred Monroe and children Springfield, Oregon, for a humber
Mr. and Mrs. tester t~blson spent Sunday at Lost Lake. of years.
drove to The Dalles Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McGill of Libby, ~ ,,,,,
Mrs. Stephen, sister Miss Ruth Montana visited with the W. C.U i L 1
Phetteplace of Portland visited at Huhbards for several days. n on oca
the Stephens home the past week. Miss Helen Jeffrey was guest