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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 8, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 8, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GOLDEN'DALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington Page Eight Thursday, August 8, /iii!!!/ iili GOODNOE HILLS HAS REAL AUGUST RAIN GOC~DNOE HILLS--(Special) -- An August rain is unusual in our section but this year the rain-god was good to us. We had 25 tenths precipation. Ernest and Ed Gerling are visitors at the tinct home this week. Among .the visitors at Miss Geer's store were Mr. and Mrs. Duggan from Yakima, Mrs. F. R. Jeffrey wh~ lives in Seattle, and V. C. MoCanney and family. Mr. ~]IcCanney has a large stock farm in LaCenter and was trying to locate some grade Hereford cattle to be used in clearing off some of the brushy tracts on his farm. Jack Swartz, the grasshopper and Morman cricket control man, was in the Hills last week getting data on these two pests so they might be ex- terminated before nex't year's grain season. Mrs. Jack DeHaveu and family were recent visitors at the Gus Becks home. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Beeks have charge of the Sundale postoffiee now. Combine work is in all stages here. Wilford Imrie and the Graves Brothers have finished and are haul- ing straw; V¢. G. Doughty is about half ~hrough and E. E. Brashear has not started yet. Mrs. E. E. Brashear was hostess for a surprise birthday party on Chester and Raymond Baggarley re- cently. Instrumental and vocal music ima. made the evening pass all too quick-I Sunday evening supper guests at ly. At a la'te hour weiners, buns, !the Allen Counts were: Mr. and salad and cakes were served by the lMrs. E. Gounts and son Harvey, Mrs. hostess. Among those present werei L. Freer, Mr. and Mrs. GaG. Kr&us Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Imrie, Roberti and sons, Bill Smith, Bob Selby and Flynn, Joe Faren, Roscoe Imrie, Del- bert Imrie, Mexton Imrie, Mrs. Maudt Ryals, George Ryals, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Imrie, ,Helen Axley, Mr. and Mrs. Brashear, Chester, Raymond and Richard Baggarley and Miss Geer. Dr. L. I. Hewes was a recent signer for the P.U.D. in this section. CROFTON PRAIRIE NEWS IS REPORTED CROFTON PRAIRIE -- (Special) --Mr. and Mrs. E. Counts and son Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. A. Counts, Mrs. L. Freer .and Bill Smith were guesbs at a birthday dinner given for Daisy Freors' ninth birthday at Bickleton. The Ed Thompson family had visitors from Yakima Sunday. Miss Elnora Freer is spending a few weeks at Mowich, Oregon, with her sister Mrs. Gilbert Winterstein who just recently returned ~home from the hoepftal. Harvey Counts and Allan Hall spent three days camping in the Simcoe Mountains last week. Sunday visitors at the R. Densley home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ste-{ vens and son from Goldendale and two L. D. S. missionaries from Yak- Daisy Freer from Bickleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harting ,and ]two daughters from Baker, Oregon, were Sunday overnite guests at the GaG. Kraus home. Mrs. Dick Athow spent Friday at the Allen Coun~ and Harry Freer homes. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Crane and two daughters and Mr. and Mrs. GaG. Sorenson Of Riverton, Utah, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mm. R. Densley and family. Pomona Slates Picnic Members of Klickit~t Pomona Grange number five will meet at Brooks Memorial park, Sunday, Au- gust 18 for their annual picnic. A potluck dinner will be served at 1:00 p. m. Ice cream and coffee will be furnished by the Gra.nge. All persons attending should bring their own dishes and utensils. During {he afternoon a number of games and contests will be arranged. All (~rangers and members of their families and friends are invited to attend the picnic. Sell it through the Want Ads. YOU CAN ALWAYS BE SIJRE IT'S FF SM! PRICES FRI. thru Man. AUG 9.12 JEI£.WELL ANGLO 12-oz. can Assozted TID.BITS or CRUSHED 8-oz. can Cherub Milk 4 Tall Cans 26¢ Pork & Beans, V.C. 2 V2s 2 cns 25¢ Wesson Salad Oil, Qt. Can 39¢ Sandwich Spread, Lch Box Qt. 35¢ Hershey 5c Bars $ for 15¢ Jar Rubbe'rs 3 Doz. 10c Toilet Soap, %V. King, 3 cakes 14¢ Su-Purb Soap 24o~ 17c s0.o,. 33¢ pkq. FLOUR All Purpose 49-1b. sack• SUGAR, Fine Gran. 100 lbs.. "$5.29 lb ..... 1Vzc Red Pipe Klondykes, Green or Striped ORANGES, 48 for ........49c "Sunkist" Valencies, 344s, FREE SHOPPING BAG stalk ............ 5c Utah Crisp Green LETTUCE, 2 heads ........9c Large, Solid Heads, Fancy Quality GRAPES, 3 lb• basket ..... 15c Seedless Thompsons TOMATOES, 18 lb• flat .... 35c Yaklma Smooth and Ripe, 8 pounds10~ Maximum Salt, pl. or iodized, 26 oz. pkg... 74~ Grapefruit Juice, Town House, No. 2's, 2 15e Idaho I~.l Beans, 5 lb. pkg ........... ~ Borax Powder, IO oz. pkg ............. 10~ Fruit Cocktail, Sutter Gold, No. I can ..10e Valley lioney, 5 lb. can .............. 39e Pic~hnont Mayonnaise ..... pt. 19 ; qt. 33d Sandwich Spread, Lnnch Bx pt. 21¢; qt. 35¢ Jels-Rite Liquid Pectin, 8 oz. ~)tl., 3 .... KREMEL, Assorted, 4 oz. pkg ........... 4e Wheaties or Corn Kix, 2 for .......... 21e Kellogg, Corn Flakes, lge. pkg ........ 10~ ) Picnic style Ideal for Co 'd Ham on Picnic Lunch Pork Roast, lb. ......... llc Bacon, pound .......... 17c Morrell's Eastern Fryers, Dry Picked, lb... 23c Pork Steak, lb. ...... Ideal for Breading Veal Steaks, lb ...... BRANDED STEER BEEF Beef Roasts ,lb ..... .... 17c Short Ribs, lb. .......... 7c Breast of Veal, lb ........ 9c Mutton Chops, lb ........ 7c Spiced ......... $1.19 Raths 6 lb. tin George A. Read Candidate Auditor's Post George A. Read, of White Salmon, Monday filed his candidacy for the office of county auditor on the Demo- cratic ticket. Read is the first Demo- crat to file for this office. Three Re- publicans, John A. Miller, Roy E. Crooks and Martin Lumijarvi have already filed for the same position. No other candidates had filed for any other county wide office during the past week although the deadline for filing declaration of candidacy is Saturday noon, August 10. Ivan MeCumber, of Glenwood, last week filed his candidacy for justice of the peace in the Glenwood pre- cinct. Other filings this week includ- ed: Stanton Ganders for Democratic precinct committeeman for Bickle- Notice of Hearing Amended Final Account and Report and Peti- tion for Distribution No. P. 2095 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Klickitat County. In Probate In the Matter of the estate of Alice Mead Famelos, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Con- stantine Famelos, the executor of the estate of Alice Mead Famelos, deceased, has rendered and present- ed for settlement to, and filed with th clerk of the Superior Court of said county and state his amended final account and report and petition for distribution as such executor; and that Tuesday the 3rd day of Septem- ber, 1940, at 2:00 o'clock p. m., at the court room of our said Superior Court at Goldendale, in said county, has been duly appointed by our Su- perior Court for the settlement of the final account, at which time the Court is asked to settle such report, distribute the property to the heirs or persons entitled to the same and discharge the executor. WITNESS, The Hon. J. E. Stone, Esq. Judge of the said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court affixed this 7th day of August, 1940. R. M. SPOON, County Clerk and court room of the above entitled court in Klickitat county, Washing- ton, located in ~he Town of Gold- endale, said county and state, have been fixed as the time and place for the hearing upon the said final ac- count, report and petition for distri- bu,tion, at which time and place any person interested may file objections to said report and petition, or may appear at said time and place and present his objections thereto. W-ITN~,E~SS, the Honorable iHoward J. Atwell, one .of the judges of said court, and the seal thereof hereto affixed this 7th, day of August, 1940. R. M. SPOON, Clerk of the s~Id Su- perior Court. C. O. GAILMIRE, Attorney for said estate. Aug 8-29-4t-- CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank our friends and neighbors, including members of the Rebekah and Odd Fellows orders, for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sym- pathy during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother.---~F. H. Walker ~.nd family. It Free Picture For All Couples Wed 30 Years Or Klickitat eotrnty couples been married 30 years or longer be guests of the Sb&r Theatre nights of August 28 or 29 at showing of the RKO comedy tion "My Favorite Wife." Lloyd Moore, owner of the Theatre, announced that he admit all couples who have married 30 years or longer ly free to this picture. He keep a register of the couples hopes to have a representative from all sections of the countY. Read and Use the Want AdS. TREE RIPENED ton; and Merle Studley for Demo- Clerk of the Superior Court. . Aug 8-29-4t-- cratic preclnetc ommitteeman ~Org_ .... PEA l~liekltgt !Notice of Hearing on Final Account ............ ~ and Petition for_ Distribution. " No. P. 2104 Youn wlmmers In the Superior Court of the State of C~| ~ 11 • I Washington for tire County of now lecnnlque {_ Klickitat. ..... • I ln the matter of the est'tte of James At Mason P %hllard, Deceased lCnlC NOT{CE iS HEll,BY IVEN That ---'"- Ruth E. Robinson, executrix of the Hales - - - Crawfords - - - Muirs Performing in the water llke vet- above entitled estate, has filed with the clerk of this Court her final ac- MARYHILL erans, a group of children who learn- count, report and pe'tition for distri- ed 'to swim through the Lions club button, and that the Court is asked sponsored swimming progsam, stag- to settle said e~ccount and report and Phone 3126 distribute the property to the heirs, ed a special show for more than 300 next of kin and legatees under the Tree Ripened Fruit is A lways Highest Quality C~Idendale Masons and their fan- will of decedent, and discharge the l ilies at Blockhouse Sunday. said executrix, and that the 6th day l From Orchard Direct to You of September, 1940, a.t the hour of The swimming show was held dur- 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, in the ing the annual Masonic picnic. Eight young swimmers, Sally Helfer, Naomi Edgar, DoneJd Horner, Ernie / FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AND MONDAY Fruit Jars, qts. reg ...... 92c S and W Peas, No. 2's House, Charles Brock, Dick House, Ralph Edgar and Jack Palmer, under the direction of their instructor, Mrs. Harry Palmer, swam about the pool and dived from the ~hree-foot board. As another feature of the show Mrs. Palmer, Harry Palmer, Dick Burris and James Mackay, all Red Cross life guards, gave special per- formances of life saving technique. The annual Mesonic picnic was held on the Blockhouse Mineral Springs picnic grounds. F~ed Ander- son was general chairman for the affair. Weiss Offered Union Position C. M. Weiss, former business man- ager for Goldendale local number 9-58 of the Lumber and Sawmill Workers union, was offered an exe- cutive position with the district council of the International Wood- workers of America, at a recent union conference held in Olympie~ The announcement of the appoint- ment was made by Ed Schwader, president of the Goldendale local, who attended the meeting. Weiss said he had not decided on whether or not to accept the $300 per month position at this time and intimated he would wait the entire +two months allowed him before mak- Inglng a final decision. Weiss's ap- pointment was approved by every local affiliated ~¢ith the district council. " Priends of Weiss in Goldendale said they believed he might turn down the job and remain here as a Klickitat Pine Box company em- ployee Judge Fines Two Drivers Earl Dooley wa s fined $10 and costs by Justice of the Peace A. T. Byars M,onday e~ening on a negligent driving charge. Dooley, who was ar- rested by John Gulden, state patrol- ,nan, a week ago for allegedly p.~ss- ing a car on the Maryhill loops with- out having sufficient vision ahead pleaded not guilty. Justice Byars after hearing the testimony of Dooley, Mrs. Deoley and Gulden held that Earl Dooley was guilty of negligent driving. Gulden introduced pictures of the section of road where the alleged offense ~. curred. C. O. Gexmire, attorney {or Dooley, filed notice of appeal. Sam T. Lowrence, of Kennewick, was fined $5 and costs by Justice Byars last Wednesday evening. Imw- rence, who was arrested by Gulden. pleaded guilty to a charge of speed- tng. Mrs. Annie Gillenwaters pleaded guilty to a charge of irrigating with city water through an open hose after hours and was fined $3 and costs by Justice Byars. This was Mrs. Oillenw~'ters' second offense this year, city water depextment officials said. Ed Karge paid a $1 service charge to the water department for irrigat- ing after hours. Karge paid the fine under protest declaring Chat some- one had turned the water on after he had turned off all taps for the i evening. Kerr Fruit Jars, qts .......... 97c Widemouth Kerr Fruit Jars, qts .......... 84c Ball Fruit Jars, pints ........ 69c Brown Bread, 28 oz. .... 17c S. and W. Black Tea, 1/2 lb ......... 34c S. and W. Green Tea, 1/2 Ib ........ 29c Ball S, and W. Porto Pectin, quart ..... 37c Parowax ............... 9c All Canning Fruits in Season at Lowest Possible Prices. Exchange Pectin, 3 for .. 22c S and W Coffee, 1 Ib ..... 25c S and W Coffee, 2 Ibs .... 49c Hearts, Ib ............ 9c Beef or Veal Lard, lb ............ 6 hc !Superb 1.... Pure Kettle Rendered • " i • k .. Qual,ty Hams, lb. ........... 23c Sack Whole o1" Half Young Hens, lb ...... 15c America $5.30 Cottage Cheese, pt... 10c FREE DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE 1152 GOLDENDALI THE BEST IN GROCERIES AND FINEST QUALITY INSPECTED MEATS Lowest prices on finest quality, guaranteed meats• We al, ways sell for less. GOLDENDALE MEAT Fresh Ocean FILET OF SOLE, Mutton Stew, lb ...... Calf Brains, lb .......... Liver, 2 lbs ............. 15c Leg of Mutton, lb. ....... Minced Ham, 2 lbs. ..... Lunch Meat Fresh Pork Shanks, lb.... Choice Young Steer Baby Beef Round Steak, lb ...... 24c Sirloin Steak, lb. .... 22c Beef Roast, lb. ...... 14c Short Ribs of Beef, lb. 11c FRUITS and VEGETABLES LETTUCE, 2 heads ..................9¢ NEW POTATOES, 50 lb. bag No. TOMATOES, crate , ............... 34eCANTALOUPES, 7 for . CANNING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AT LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN:'ALWAY -- ~ "Home of Kliekitat Valley's Finest Inspected Meats"