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August 9, 2017 |
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AUGUST 9, 2017--3
George Fox
George passed away in The
Dalles on April 3, 2017 with
his family by his side. He suf-
fered for 38 years from diabe-
tes, which ultimately claimed
his life. He was 66 years old.
He was born on August 20,
1950 in Vancouver to John
and Flora Fox.
George's fam-
ily moved to
where he spent
his childhood
years. He grad-
uated from Rex
Putman in 1968.
served in Viet-
nam from
1969 to 1971 as a Helicopter
Repairman, obtaining deco-
rations of; National Defense
Service Medal, Army Com-
mendation Medal With Oak
Tijuana, San Diego Zoo
and Kahnetah. They spent
an entire summer camp-
ing throughout the Oregon
Coast. Many fond childhood
memories were made.
During his time at the Post
Office he was honored to be
part of design-
ing and install-
ing all of the
postage vend-
ing machines
that were
throughout the
area. He con-
tinued to work
for the Postal
Service until retirement in
2005 at the Portland Airport
On May 13, 2000 George
met the love of his life,
Leaf Cluster, Vietnam Cam- Samantha Fonda. They
paign Medal with 60 Device began their journey of retire-
and Vietnam Service Medal
ment together going on 18
with Three Bronze Service
Stars. years. He was also blessed
After his service time, in this marriage with a step-
he was offered a position at daughter, Brooklyn Myers.
West Point but elected to stay George and Sam eventually
with his wife. George and Joy moved from Comas area to
were married in 1971in Cola- make many memories in
rado where he was stationed. Goldendale. This was a place
They had their first child of sweet serenity and peace-
Jeff and shortly moved to ful bliss that George was
Portland area. After leaving able to enjoy the remainder
the Army, George accepted of his years. George always
a position for the U.S. Postal greeted the day with, "I woke
Service in Portland and up today, I won." He has now
also joined the Air Force won everyday with our ever-
Reserves. At this time their lasting God and our Lord and
second child Jessica Fox was Savior Jesus Christ.
born in 1974. George and Joy He leaves behind his legacy
divorced in 1978. to his wife, three children, 10
George enjoyed riding grandchildren, three great-
his motorcycle, playing golf grandchildren and Tobias.
and an avid pool player with Please join us in George's
his good friends Roger and celebration of life Sunday,
Pernell. During Jessica, Aug. 20, at 3 p.m. at The
Jeff's and nephew Jerry American Legion, 108 N
Plato's childhood they took Grant Ave., Goldendale. In
many vacations to the San lieu of flowers, make dana-
Juan Islands, Disney land, tionstotheAmericanLegion.
Ethel W. Read
Ethel W. Read, age 90, of and Senior meals in Bickle-
Bickleton passed away on ton on Tuesdays.
Saturday, July 29, 2017 at Ethel is survived by
the Toppenish Nursing and daughter Susan Wright of
Rehab Center. She was born Bickleton; grandsons Shane
in The Dalles on April 18, (Laura) Wright of Vanden-
1927, the oldest of four chil- burg Air Force Base Call-
dren born to Del and Fern
Whitmore. Ethel went to fornia, and J.J. (Heather)
elementary schoolat Juniper Wright of Pasco, Washing-
Canyon School and gradu- ton; four granddaughters,
ated from Bickleton High Katie and Alexis of Van-
School. denburg AFB and Lilly and
Ethel and Max Read mar- Addison of Pasco; one sister,
ried on October 4, 1948 and Betty Berger of Kittitas; and
spent the rest of their lives in several nieces and nephews.
the Bickleton area. They had She is preceded in death by
two daughters, Susan (born her parents; husband of 58
1950) and Virginia (born years, Max Read; daughter,
1952). In 1964, they took over Virginia Read; brother, Law-
the cattle from her father, rence Whitmore; and sister,
and she continued ranching
until her death. Eileen Bowden.
During her lifetime Ethel In lieu of flowers, those
was a 4-H member and leader wishing to honor her memory
for over 50 years, Klickitat may contribute to the Alder
County Rodeo Queen, Wash- Creek Pioneer Association
ington State Grange mem- Endowment Fund, Bickleton
ber for 50+ years, Klickitat Fire Department, Or Bickle-
County Cattlemen for 1982, ton Hilltoppers 4-H Club.
Grand Marshall of the Klicki- In Honor of Ethel a Memo-
tat County Fair in 2003, and rial Luncheon will be held at
Alder Creek Pioneer Assoc. 1 p.m. followed by a Celebra-
President. She enjoyed driv- tion of Ethel's life at 2 p.m. on
ing school bus in the Bickle-
ton School District for daily, Aug. 12, 2017 at the Cleveland
Picnic Grounds, Cleveland,
activity and game runs,
driving wheat truck during Washington. Those wishing
harvest, taking care of her to sign Ethel's online memo-
cattle, gardening, and just rial book may do so at www.
being outside in general. In
her later years, she enjoyed Smith Funeral Homes is in
attending birthday lunches care of arrangements.
Lela Mae Moline
Lela Mae Maline was born Birch. She is survived by
to Oscar and Florence Moline her brother Ronald; chil-
on April 24, 1926 in Pendle- dren Michael and Terrance
ton, Oregon, and passed away McKune, and Darcy and
peacefully in her sleep July Tracy Bush; stepchildren
10 in White Salmon. Bonnie Beeks; and many
She was preceded in nieces, nephews and great-
death by her parents; sisters grandchildren.
Phoebe, Jean, and Marie; At her request, no services
brothers Lawrence and Ken- will be held. Ben and Lela's
neth; husband Ben F. Bush; ashes will be deposited at
and stepdaughter Nancy various areas.
Parker Lee Perkins
Parker Lee Perkins, age 4, Aug. 12, at Calvary Baptist
residentofTheDaUes, passed Church, The Dalles. Spen-
away July 30, 2017 near Gold- cer Libby & Powell Funeral
endale. A Memorial Service Home in care of arrange-
will be held 11 a.m. Saturday, ments.
Doris Brack
Doris Mary Yeley was
born September 7, 1925 on the
Hamilton ranch eight miles
east of Goldendale, Washing-
ton to F. Erman Yeley and
Sylvia May Schuster Yeley.
Doris was the second child
born to this family. Doris
rode her horse, "Old Silver"
3 miles to the No. 6 school
for the first two years, hav-
ing many snow drifts and
icy roads to contend with.
She then transferred to the
Goldendale schools when
her brother entered high
school. She then rode 3 miles
on horseback to reach the
bus and then, after putting
her horse in a barn, rode the
school bus 27 miles to Gold-
endale. She had to be at the
bus stop at 7:15 to get on the
bus and was the last one to
get offof the bus at night.
In 1938 the family moved
to the Pike place on the old
No. 8 road. The bus stopped
at their door. Doris gradu-
ated from high school in 1943.
From her marriage she
had 3 children. For many
years she raised her son,
Dale Bruce, alone and they
lived together her remain-
ing years on their property
on Rimrock, outside of Gol-
Doris was always active
in community activities.
She was a 15-year 4-H
leader, working with sev-
eral groups--foods, sew-
ing, sheep, gardening and
the horse club. In the 1940s
Doris was a member of the
No. 12 Riding Club. She was
on the ladies pole bending
team earning several tro-
phies. This group met every
Sunday during the summer
at the fairgrounds to prac-
tice their square dancing
on horseback.
24 members
took part in
this activity.
Their club par-
ticipated with
many other
clubs for play-
days, namely
Hood River,
The Dalles,
White Salmon,
Moro and Tygh Valley. In
1949, Doris was the rodeo
queen for the Klickitat
County fair. When her chil-
dren were in school she was
their "room mother" and was
active in planning their par-
ties; their picnics wereheld
at her home. When her boys
were in athletic activities she
helped with their banquets.
Doris joined the Pleasant
Valley Grange in 1944 and
was later the first woman
Master for the group. She
was always involved in
their projects and their fair
booths. When their Grange
dissolved, she joined the
Goldendale Grange and
remained active there.
Doris was employed at
the Extension Office in Gol-
dendale working with the
4-H leaders. She traveled to
White Salmon every Wednes-
day and set up an office in the
Old Leaky Teepee building.
The leaders met with her to
get their supplies and to keep
up to date with the programs.
Next she went to work for the
Klickitat County
Title Company
doing mapping
and research-
ing titles. When
the title com-
pany was sold
to Schrieners
she went into
the real estate
business for
a few years.
From there she
went to work for the Asses-
sor's Office and was the first
woman appraiser to work in
Klickitat County. She was
appointed County Asses-
sor for a year when there
was a vacancy. Not being
elected for the office, she did
private appraisals locally
and worked in Columbia
County for a time doing their
appraisal work.
After retirement, Doris
started researching and
writing the genealogy of
her extended families. Her
great-grandparents, August
and Catherine Dell Schus-
ter joined a wagon train in
Wisconsin in May of 1862
and arrived in The Dalles,
Oregon in October of 1862.
They soon moved their fam-
ily to the Washington side of
the river. In 1867, August was
appointed a County Commis-
sioner for Klickitat County.
At their first meeting he
resigned this position and
was appointed to the position
of Sheriff. He served in this
office for 17 years. When Gol-
dendale was established as
County Seat he moved there
and started a meat market.
Doris' grandfather William
was the 8th white child born
in Klickitat County in 1866.
Her great-grandparents,
Joel and Elizabeth Black-
burn Cowles, left the state of
Iowa in July of 1880 by wagon
train and reached Pleasant
Valley in November of 1880.
They were one of the first
families to claim a home-
stead in that area.
Doris has also amassed
an extensive history of her
father's families in Indiana
and from Europe dating back
to the 1350s.
Another hobby Doris had
was making and collecting
quilts. Her quilt depicting
the Indian Petroglyphs was
her favorite.
Doris passed away in The
Dalles on July 31, 2017 at the
age of 91. She was preceded
in death by her parents, hus-
band, two brothers and one
sister. A graveside service
was held on Aug. 5 at the
Mountain View Cemetery
in Goldendale. Condolences
may be sent to the family at
Betty Emma Wonder Byars Goodwin
Sept 18, 1924 was the ried Archie Radcliffe. The married John Richard Good- for crafting and restoring
first day of Mom's life. three of them formed a lay- winin1975."IlovedBettyfor furniture. These were her
She was born to Park and ing family. Grandpa Archie over 42 years. In my heart interests, but her passion
Emma "Peggy" Wonder in had never had children of his she can never be replaced." was her love and devotion for
Wenatchee, WA. Shortly own but that never deterred They livedin The Dalles, OR her family. Her Celebration
after her birth they moved to him from sharing his love to and Council, ID.,returning of Life will be held Saturday,
Buffalo Gap, S.D. to live with Morn or rest of our family, to The Dalles until her death September 23rd, l:00pm at
her paternal grandparents Morn graduated July 12th at Deschutes State Park. All
until she was age 3 or 4. They from high school their home
then moved to the mountains in 1942. She mar- surrounded who knew Morn are invited
around Ennis, MT where ried John Robert by family, for potluck and loving sto-
they lived in a cabin and her "Bob" Byars also She was ries. Gratitude and appre-
father trapped and hunted in 1942. To this p r e c e d e d ciation for all that helped
for a living. While there, union five chil- in death by us along this final journey
Mom attended first grade in dren were born, her parents, of Mom's with prayers,
a one-room schoolhouse. Her Patricia (Mas- daughter, food, cards, flowers, and
teacher, Vercie Clark, board tolier), Barbara Patti, son-in- calls. Grandchildren flew
and roomed with them until (Kinkade), Peggy law William and drove long distances to
the family moved to Nampa, (Eakin), John Kinkade, catch her smile and one more
ID. There she attended school Robert "Bobby" g r a nd s o n, story. It meant so very much!
from second to fifth grade. Byars, Jr. and Paula (King). Ken Slawson and half-
At that time, her parents She was blessed with 11 brother, Jack Wonder. She Special thanks to Hearts of
divorced and she and her grandchildren, several great loved fishing and being host Hospice for your caring and
mother moved to Goldendale, andgreat-greatgrandchil- at Deschutes State Park for guidance and also to "Super
WA to be closer to her mater- dren, half-sister, Mary Lou 20 years. Her paintings are K" from Hearts of Gold. She
nal side of the family. Her Slaathaug, as wellasnumer- treasured by family and was one grand lady, our
mother, "Peggy", later mar- ous nieces and nephews. She friends as well as her talent Morn! See youin our dreams.
Local Fresh Produce from the
Takahashi Family Farm
in Maryhill
Church Dtrector$
Columbus Avenue Baptist, S.B.C.
815 N. Columbus, Goldendale. 773-4471.
Pastor Michael Block, Sunday School
9:45am, Morning Worship liana, Sunday
Evening Study and Worship 6pm, Wednesday
Evening Prayer and Youth Group 7pm
Holy Trinity Catholic
307 Schuster, Goldendale. Father William
Byron, 773-4516. Sat. Eve. Mass 5:30pm;
Sun. Mass 9am; Spanish Mass Sat. evening
6:30pm Eve of Holy Days 7pm; Holy Days
7:30am and Daily Mass Man - Fri 7:30am
CCD Classes, Wed. afternoons 2:15 to
3:30pm Kindergarten through 6th grade. Wed.
evenings 7:30 to 8:30, 7th - 12th grade. Con-
fessions before Mass Sat. noon - lpm
Community Grace Brethren
1180 S Roosevelt, Goldendale, Gregory M.
Howell, pastor. 773-3388. Sunday School for
kids & Adults 9:00am; Sun. Service 10:30am;
Sat. Service 6:30pm; Wednesday Activities:
Awana 3-5pm; Youth Group & Prayer Meet-
ing 6:30pm;
"The Bible, the whale Bible, and
nothing but the Bible."
Christ the King Lutheran
S Columbus & Simcoe Dr, Goldendale; 773-
5750. Sun. school, 9am, worship services
10am Everyone welcome.
United Methodist
Columbus & Broadway; Pastor Kathy Neary;
773-4461. Service times: Worship 9:30am;
Adult classes 10:45am; Fall & Winter Chil-
dren's Church available during worship. All are
welcome. Call the church for regularly sched-
uled events.
Church of the Nazarene
124 W Allyn, Goldendale; Pastor Victor Hunt,
773-4216; goldendalenaz@gmail.eom. Sunday
School 9:30am; Worship 10:45am
1602 S Columbus, Goldendale. Pastor Kevin
Gerehak, 773-4650; Stm. School 9:30am;
Morning Worship Service 10:30am; Evening
Service 6pm; Family Night on Wed. 7pm with
programs for ages 3 years through adult.
1/2 mile East on Bickleton Hwy. Sabbath
School Sat. 9:3earn; Worship Service llam;
Pastor.Tim Gray; 773-4381
Centerville Community Church
508 Dalles Mountain Road, Centerville,
WA 98613; 208-792-7108', Pastor Ken
Akins; palerider;
Sunday Worship Celebration 10am.
"Where friends invite friends and
Everyone is Welcome"
Father's House Fellowship
207 S Klickitat Ave, 773-4719. Basic Bible
Fellowship 9:30am; Worship 10:30am; Wed.
Prayer 6pro "A Gospel-Centered Church."
Praise Barn
2021 Pipeline Rd, Pastors Rod and Cathy
Smith, 773-3185, Sunday Worship 1030am;
Wednesday Bible Study 7pm
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at 773-3777 to find out how. Blessings!