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AUGUST 9, 2017 --5
extreme caution
This week's triple digit stroke deaths. A rushed or
weather will make it extra distracted caregiver can
dangerous and deadly for easily forget a quiet child
children or pets if left in who is in the vehicle. Cre-
a vehicle, even for a short ate reminders and habits
amount of time. that give you a safety net.
The auto association For example: leave an item,
AAA of Washington rec- such as a purse or wallet,
ommends parents, caregiv- you will need at your next
ers and pet owners to never stop in the back seat so
leave a child or pet unat- you don't forget about your
tended in a vehicle, even if loved one.
the vehicle is parked in the Take action if you see
shadeorhasawindowopen, an unattended child or pet
On a mild or overcast day in a vehicle. Call 9-1-1 and
with an outside tempera- follow the instructions of
ture of 70 degrees the inter- emergency personnel.
nal temperature of a vehicle Discuss the issue of hot-
will increase to 104 degrees car safety with everyone
in just 30 minutes, causing who drives your child,
a child or pet that was left including partners, grand-
in the vehicle to suffer heat-
stroke or possible death. In parents and babysitters.
2016, 39 young children in If your pet can't come
the U.S. died of heatstroke with you when you get out
because they were left in of the vehicle (i.e., restau-
a vehicle, and there have rants, grocery or retail
been 29 heat-related deaths stores), leave the pet at
already this year. home.
Tips for parents and pet Lock your car at all
owners to prevent a trag- times--evenin your garage
edy: or driveway--so young kids
Avoid heatstroke by can't climb into the vehicle
never leaving your child or without your knowledge.
pet in your vehicle, even for Prevention is Still the
a minute. Even on mild or best way to keep from hay-
overcast days, the internal ing a tragic death of a child
temperature of a vehicle or pet that was left in a hot
can increase quickly, caus- car. Don't let your loved one
ing possible heatstroke or become a statistic; find out
even death, more about heatstroke pre-
Sheer forgetfulness is one vention at SafeSeats4Kids.
of the major causes of heat-
o.tpo.a of
Words o(com)Grt
Medical care
These words can barely
express #ur oaratitude.
So we being many are one body in Christ.
J om the fami[y of
Noah Messenger
for your turnout on
August 1, 2017
and for approving
the Parks & Rec
Maintenance &
Operations Levy!
Paid for by Yes for Parks & Rec, PO BOX 532, Goldendale
Live music
The Glenwood station will prime rib dinner at the Glen- attend the Klickitat County
have live music on Friday, wood Station on Saturday, Fair August 24-27, be sure
Aug. 11, from 6-10 p.m. The Aug. 19. It's hard to beat the to check out their sewing
band CSG will provide great delicious prime rib served projects in the exhibit hall.
music and the restaurant up by the staffat the Station. We know that at least one of
will be staying open later for M t. A d a m s the girls received
this special occasion. 4-H sewing club a Judge's Choice
The annual Dream Roll, secretary JaylaGlenwood award. Good job,
hosted by Mt. Adams Lodge, Avila reports that girls.
will bring many visitors on members partici- News Summer is slip-
ping by so quickly.
motorcycles into Glenwood pated in a styleGlenwood High school volley-
on that weekend. Pleaseuse review on Aug. Womens' Club
extra caution on area roads. 4, modeling and ball practice begins
Because of the many visi- displaying their Aug. 21, with Jaecee
tors, the Glenwood Station sewing projects. Hoctor returning
will be open for breakfast As of this writing, we don't as coach of the Klickitat/
both Saturday and Sunday, have final results, but we do Glenwood combined team.
Aug. 11 and 12. know the girls did very well Middle school practice, with
Also, here's another and earned some top rib- coach Sarah McFall, begins
reminder of the August bons. If you get a chance to on the first day of school,
Aug. 30.
Has anybody noticed
it's been a little hot lately?
We've had a long, dry spell
of weather. Doug Daniels
reports that, as we already
knew, July's precipitation
was zero. The high July
precipitation over the last 22
years of record keeping was
1.3 inches in 2000. The July
low over that same period
was, of course, zero, in 2006,
2008, and 2010, in addition to
this year. The July average
is .29 inches. Thanks again,
Doug, for keeping these sta-
tistics for us.
With the new school (facilities) funding from the mately 10:30 a.m., Monday,
year rapidly approach- state, theboard of directors Aug. 21. Eclipse viewing
ing--this week's newshas requested the superin- glasses are available to the
holds a bundle. On Aug. 17 tendent establish a facilities first 100 people. If you plan
- 18 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., improvement advisory com- to join us, please RSVP on
Lyle Community Schoolmittee to study the condition thedistrictwebsiteathttp://
will have registration for of the district's buildings so we know
new students and schedul- and related facilities, pri- how many to plan for. Wher-
ing for secondary students oritize the work ever you watch the
(grades 7-12). Returning needed and deter- eclipse, make sure
students grades K-6 do not mine approximate Lyle News you and your fam-
need to re-register,costs. Ultimately, ily members have
The school office on the the committee proper eyewear--
upper side of the school, will provide their Mildred Lykerls sunglasses won't do
625 Keasey Ave. in Lyle, is recommendations it. Read more about
where to register or sched- to the superinten- how to view the sun
uleclasses, dent and board safelyat
Lyle School District is of directors. To sign up to
seeking community mere- serve on the committee, go viewing_safety.htm
hers to serve on a Facilities to On another subject--
Improvement Advisory Com- Page/458. check out your pantry and
mittee for approximately Even the school is hyped pick out a jar or two of this
one year. Meetings begin upovertheupcomingeclipse, year's preserves. Your fam-
in September and will take Lyle Community Schoolwill ily raved about your apricot
placejustbeforethemonthly host a pancake breakfast jam, and now is the time to
board meeting, 5-6 p.m., in and solar eclipse viewing share it with the folks by
the school library. With the party at the school begin- entering it in competition
district's funding stabilizing ning at 7:30 a.m. through the with your neighbor at the
and the potential for capital eclipse, ending at approxi- County Fair. Show the world
that you are a prize winner
in the kitchen, sewing room
or behind that camera. How
about that beautiful quilt
everyone admires? There is
a spot for almost anything
that takes talent and skill
at the Klickitat County Fair.
Check out the projects the
young Farmer's or the 4-H
kids have worked on all
year! They deserve to be
recognize4d for their perse-
verance. Set aside the dates:
Aug. 24-27. You'll be glad you
Saving he best for last, so
to speak: the annual Twin
Bridges Museum's Yard Sale
is fast approaching. Set your
iPad, iPhone, tablet, or your
paper calendar for Aug. 18
and 19, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is
a fundraiser for the museum
and they always have a
great selection of valuable
'stuff' and need the funds to
keep the door open and the
climate in control.
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