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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 9, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 9, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GOLDEN'DALE, WASHINGTON AUOUST 9, 2017 --7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF CLARK In the Matter of the Estate of GLEN PAUL HAMPTON, Deceased. No. 17-4-00593-3 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.020, 11.40.030 Joylyn Ankeney has been appointed as Personal Rep- resentative of if;is estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any oth- erwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Per- sonal Representatives' attor- ney at the address stated be- low, a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) 30 days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1) (c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and nonprobate assets. Dates of Publication: July 26, 2017, August 2, 2017, and August 9, 2017. Personal Representative: Joyiyn Ankeney 2435 Debok Road West Linn, Oregon 97068 503.970.4918 Attorneys for Personal Rep- resentative: June Wiyrick Flores, WA Bar # 30452 Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP 111 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 3400 Portland, Oregon 97204 Telephone: 503.205.2408 Facsimile: 503.224.5858 ju ne.wiyrickflores@ miller- (3005,3102,3201 ) This Just In.,.. , Summary of Ordinance 1472. CRy of Goldendale • Summary of Ordinance 1473 - City of Goldendale • Notice to Creditors/Walter Goik, Deceased- Wyers & Wyers, Attorneys SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KLICKITAT JUVENILE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Klickitat and State of DIVISION OF THE Washington, described as NOTICE AND SUMMONS STATE OF WASHINGTON follows: BY PUBLICATION INAND Beginning at a point which THE STATE OF WASHING- FOR THE COUNTY OF is 1,267.51 feet South of TON TO: WHOM IT MAY KLICKITAT. the Northeast corner of Sec- CONCERN And TO: SHERIFF'S PUBLIC NO- lion 28, said Township and Unknown Biological Father TICE OF Range; and/or anyone else claiming SALE OF REAL PROPER- thence South 38° 48' West a paternal interest in ADRY- TY. 1,163.00 feet; thence South AN JAMES SCHWlNGE, NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE 59° 30'West 483.45 dob 11/13/12, dependency LLC D/B/A feet, to the true point of be- petition #17-7-00010-1 filed CHAMPION MORTGAGE ginning; thence South 30° 03/17/17 (natural mother COMPANY, a 30' East, to the Northerly line Anna Nichols Chapman). limited liability company,of the Burlington Northern A Dependency Petition was Plaintiff vs. Railway Company right of filed; A Fact Finding hearing ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS way; thence Easterly, along will be held onthis matteron: AND DEVISEES said right of way, to the August 22, 2017 at 1:30 p.m. OF FRANKLIN FINK, a de- Southerly line of State High- at Klickitat County Supe- ceased individual; way No. 142 right of way; rior Court, Juvenile Division, Julian Castro, solely in his thence Westerly, along said 205 South Columbus, Gel- capacity as Secretary for right of way to the true point dendale, WA 98620. YOU UNITED STATES of beginning. SHOULD BE PRESENT AT EXCEPTING THEREFROM THIS HEARING. DEPARTMENT OF HOUS- any portion lying within State THE HEARING WILL ING AND URBAN DEVEL- Highway DETERMINE IF YOUR OPMENT; DOES 1 throughNo. 142 right of way. CHILD IS DEPENDENT 10, inclusive, and ROES 1 Tax Parcel No. 04-13-2814- AS DEFINED IN RCW through 10, Inclusive., De- 13.34.030(6). THIS BEGINS fendants. 0013100 And commonly A JUDICIAL PROCESS Court Cause No. 16-2- known as 1142 Highway WHICH COULD RESULT 00200-1TO: 142, Lyle, WA 98628 IN PERMANENT LOSS OF ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS The sale of the above de- YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS. AND DEVISEES scribed property is to take IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR OF FRANKLIN FINK, a de- place:TIME: AT THE HEARING THE ceased individual 10:00 A.M. DATE: Septem- COURT MAY ENTER A 1142 Highway 142 Lyle, WA ber 8th, 2017 PLACE: Klicki- DEPENDENCY ORDER IN 98628 tat County YOUR ABSENCE. ALLUNKNOWN HEIRSAND Courthouse. The Judgment To request a copy of the DEVlSEES OF FRANKLIN Debtor can avoidthe sale by Notice, Summons, and FINK, a deceased individual paying the judgment amount Dependency Petition, call 2500 W 10th Street Theof.$260,086.69, DSHS at (509) 773-7475. To Dalles, OR 97058 together with interest, costs view information about your The Superior Court of Klicki- and feeS, before the sale rights in this proceeding, go tat County has directed the date. For the exact to, undersigned Sheriff of Klicki- amount, contact the Sheriff's aspx. tat County to sell the prop- office at the address stated DATED this 11th day of July, erty legally described as tel- below. 2017. lows to satisfy a judgment in KLICKITAT COUNTY SHER- Renea Campbell, Klickitat the above entitled action: IFF, County Clerk A tract of land located in 205 s Columbus, MS-CH-7 By: Connie McEwen the East half of Section 28, Goldendale, WA 98620, Deputy Clerk Township 4 North, Range 509-773-4455. (3006,3103,3202) 13 East, of the Willamette (3007,3104,3203,3301) Meridian, in the County of CITY OF GOLDENDALE SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 1472 On August 7, 2017 the City Council of the City of Gold- endale, Washington passed Ordinance No. 1472. A summary of the content o1 said ordinance provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON REPEAL- ING CHAPTER 17.46 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 17.46 AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. The full text of this ordinance is on file at City Hall and the full text of the ordinance will be mailed up request. Connie Byers Connie Byers, Clerk-Treas- urer (3204) CITY OF GOLDENDALE SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 1473 On August 7, 2017 the City Council of the City of Gold- endale, Washington passed Ordinance No. 1473. A summary of the content of said ordinance provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON REPEAL- ING CHAPTER !7.28 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND ENACTING A NEW CHAPTER 17.28 AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. The full text of this ordinance is on file at City Hall and the full text of the ordinance will be mailed up request. Connie Byers Connie Byers, Clerk-Treas- urer (3205) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLICKITAT In Re the Estate of WALTER GOIK, Deceased No. 17-4-051-20 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 The personal representa- tive named below has been appointed as personal rep- resentative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any oth- erwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serv- ing on or mailing to the per- sonal representative or the personal representative's at- torney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1) (c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and nonprobate assets. Date of First Publication: Au- gust 9, 2017 Personal Representative: Lore Ann Sterr Attorney for the Personal Representative: Teunis J. Wyers, WSBA #23771 Address for Mailing or Ser- vice: 218 E. Steuben P. O. Box 421 Bingen, WA 98605 (509) 493-2772 Klickitat County Superior Court Cause No. 17-4-051-20 (3206,3302,3401) CLASSIFIEDS EAGLETS Announcements PRESCHOOL Personals Instruction Financial we are now open for Fall registration for ages 3-5. GOLDENnALE PREGNANCY *Space is Limited* RESOURCE CENTER Announcements Social and emotional Free pregnancy serf-tests, & Notices development is a priority in pregnancy and parenting our preschool. Through education and supplies, play, stories, social post-abortion support. LOOKING FOR A interactions, games, Center Hours: Monday and VENUE science, art, music, pre- Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.- FOR INDOOR OR writing skills, outdoor fun, 3:30 p.m. OUTDOOR EVENTS IN problem-solving and Tuesday noon - 5:00 p.m. 120 W. Allyn, 509-773- THE COLUMBIA RIVERteacher instruction our goal 5501. GORGE? is to have your child ready The Underwood for kindergarten. Director Community Center and Suzanne brings 9 years Public Notices Park is just 5 minutes teaching experience and a from the Hood River unique educational focus MODEL RAILROADERS Bridge in Underwood, on Nature to the Eaglets MID COLUMBIA Washington. The Preschool. HO scale. Call for meeting historic Underwood times and location. School gymnasium Affordable Quality Early 541-420-0369 building is located on Schoolhouse Road in Education Underwood. The facility Support offers the gym with a Call Community Education Groups stage, restrooms, and a today 541-374-8469 separate meeting room (View classroom photos on with kitchen. For the online ad) outdoor events, you'll AA MEETINGS find a covered picnic D'dycsre " area with barbecue, playground, tennis Preschool TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS: 12 Noon, St. Joseph's court, horseshoe pits, Catholic Church, 240 basketball court, PUDDLE JUMPERS NW Washington Street, baseball/soccer field, gazebo and horse PRESCHOOL White Salmon, WA arena. The facility is is now enrolling for the handicap accessible summer and fall programs. THURSDAYS: 7 p.m. with ample parking. For We are located in Steven- SUNDAYS: 0 p.m, information onrenting son, WA. down by the Umpqua Bank, 73 NE visit the website:waterfront! We offer morn- Estes Avenue, White underwoodcommunitying preschool Monday- Salmon, WA .org. Additional Into: Thursday 8:30am-ll :30am 509-972-6400/ to bathroom independent AL ANON FAMILY GROUPS children from age 2.5 to 5 (support for family and years old. For more into friends of alcoholics) Oregon Solar and to schedule a tour call meets Mondays at noon Eclipse Campsites Kristen and Amanda New location: Still Available at 541-399-2928 or emall Riverside We still have campsites puddlejumparspreechool Community Church available to experience the You can also 317 State St. Total Solar Eclipse in our flnd us on Facabook or check Ruth WeUs Room beautiful Organic Orchard out our webslte, in Kimberty, OR. Come join www,puddlejumpersTuesdays at 7pm us for this once in a lifetime preschool.corn St. Mark's event! We offer shade, riv- 11th & Eugene Call 541-387-6404 or email er access, organic meals, Lessons Hood River anna.williams3@providen bathrooms, shower trailer to learn more. and beautiful scenery! Instruction ALCOHOLICS Check out our flyer online. CAM-ANON MEETING www.thescllpsscamplng.oom BEGINNER PIANO LESSONS ANONYMOUS Family & Friends For questions contact Let's start a musical adven- 24 Hour Hot Line Support Group Bethany Stelzer atlure together: Make music, In- 1-800-999-9210 St. Mark's Episcopal Church 541-705-5170. spire creativity, have fun. 30 Mid Columbia Mtg. Into 11th & Eugene, Hood rain. lessons $12 ea. Call 500- www.district14- River Childcare 250.1692. Mondays 6:30pm-7:30pm Providers Lost&Found Come join us for meetings - GRIEF and Loss Group meets monthly at Klickitat BZ CORNER AREA " - Alcoholics Anon. Golden- Valley Hospital. Come and QUALITY NANNY LOST KEYS: Hood River dale meetings at the United learn ways to heal and help Seeking part time position, between 4th and Cascade Methodist Church; Men., 8 others heal from loss. Many local references, up to Footwise Store. Sub- p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; Fri., 8 Sponsored by Klickitat Val- Call Barbara aru keys. Please call 541- p.m., 109 E. Broadway. 1- ley Hospice. Call 773-0380 541-806-2869 386-4749. 800-344-2666. for further information. DO YOU HAVE GRIEFSHARE OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS HURTS, a special help seminar and Meets every Tuesday habits, hang-ups? support group for people 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm Attend Celebrate Recovery experiencing grief and Immanuel Lutheran a faith-based 12 step loss, Church program, every Tuesday will be held on 9th & State St. (305 9th) night at Hood River Alliance Saturday mornings Hood River, OR. Church at 2650 W. Montello 10am - 12:00pm at Contact Liz 541-385-7160 (off Rand Rd). Tucker Road Baptist Church PARKINSON'S Support Dinner provided at 6:15 pm 1455 Tucker Rd. Group: I st Wednesday of and large group meeting Hood River, OR. every month, 2pm @ Wa- at 7:00 pm. Beginning MAY 20th. ter's Edge, 551 Lone Pine Childcare is provided. For more information call Blvd., 2nd floor. For more For more info. call the church at information, please contact 541-436-0852 541-386-1049Chad @ 541-340-0142. www, FAMILY Alzheimer's/De- Providence Hospice mentia Support Group: NAMEETINGS family members and Goldendale of the Gorge Children friends caring for individu- Father's House Fellowship and Teens Grief als with Alzhsimer's dis- 207S. Klickitat Groups Monday: 6-7pm for families that have ease or a related dementia Wednesday: 6-7pro experienced the death of a are invited to participate in Friday: 6-7pm parent or sibling, our Dementia Support Open to non-addicts. First and Third Thursdays Group. Come and gain For more into, 6-7 PM in Hood River. support and insight from call Kathy S.@ 360-850- Pizza dinner and gas cards others who are going thru 8832 or provided. or have gone thru this jour- Matt S. @ 360-850-8840. Contact Colleen aallinger ney. Join us monthly in a caring environment to dis- NA Meetings every 541-296-3228 to register. cuss your challenges and Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 at RECOVERING COUPLES questions. Meeting held the the Case Guadalupe ANONYMOUS third Wednesday, every House, 1603 Belmont, Meets 2nd & 4th month, at 3:00 pm at Flag- Hood River, OR. Sundays at 10 am. Stone Senior Living at 3325 NAMPOregon 216 Cascade St. Ste. 26 Columbia View Drive. For Hood River more information about our National Alliance on group, contact Karen Wil- Mental Illness SOARING EAGLES son at 541-298-5656. All Daily Support Groups Welcome! NAMI is the largest Money Management: 6pm education, support and Alcohol: 7pro Family Caregiver advocacy organization on Abortion: 8pro Support Group mental health in the nation. Narcotics: 9pm, The Mission of NAMI 323 W. Dadand, Golden- Are you caring for a Oregon is to improve the dale. quality of life of persons Bring your own beverage. parent, with mental illness and of T.O.P.S. (Take Off Pounds spouse, or adult child? their families through Sensibly). Tuesdays 9 a.m. Who is caring for you? support, education and at Riverview Comm. Bank. advocacy.. 509 -773 -5301. This peer support group will help you learn about The Dalles. T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds caregiving, how it impacts 1st Thursday of every Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 you, and how to cope with month from 6 to 7:30 pm p.m. at Riverview Comm. the challenges of caring for at One Community Health Bank, 773-5411. another adult. Center, 1040 Webber Street. Volunteers 3rd Thursday of the month 10:30am - 12:00noon Hood River Adult Center 2010 Sterling Place Hood River FIVE gallon Gerry can with MARKETPLACE spout, brand new, green in color, $10. 541-490-8075 FLEXIBLE Roof Coating, $500orLess Snow Roof, 10 gallons, white, roll or brush on, $80. 12 THOMAS Kincede 1998 541-352-3523 Simpler "13mes collector FOUR wheel walker, with plates, pristine condition seat, excellent condition, with plate holders. $100. blue in color, rubber tires, Dan, 541-490-8075. $50. 541-490-8075. 6 BOSSONS Character FRANKLIN MINT cat col- Heads, slight blemishes, lection, and more. Resales $250. Smugger, Paddy, has no room in the retire- Karim, Tyrolean, Pierre, ment home. Asking $100 Old Salt. 541-490-8075. for all 509-365-3607. AIR CONDITIONER, LG, FRONT & REAR chrome 10,000 BTU, window unit, bumpers off '68 Chew Ca- runs, $100. 360-910-5447. mare. Good condition, $50 ANTIQUE Drafting Table each. 541-490-4391 . Frames (2). W/out tops, GMbel-II~0usingl-a~ hardwood w/ cast metal 350. $75. 541-705-7489. handles, support brackets. $75 each. 360-518-7282. GREEN 4" x 4" posts, hal- low plastic, 91" long. Ap- Beautiful, brand new, tan, proximately 40. $200 takes leather armchair, never all. 541-386-6035. Leave a used, paid $1000/seJl for $500. Elegant and perfect message. for any room. KENMORE small upright 609-892-8115 freezer, 5 cubic feet, good condition $50. Goldendale BEDROOM FURNITURE, 360-903-6002. French Provincial style. Dresser w/mirror, 2 night KIDS canopy swing, (steel stands, chest, headboard, frame only), good shape, bed rails, $200 OBO. 509- sturdy, $30. 541-387-4752 773-3366. LARGE ARMOIRE/TV BRIGHT Start baby cabinet, 2doors, 3 bouncer seat, freshly drawers, dark wood, $350 washed. Battery powered OBO. Call 509-773-3366. vibrator. $7. 541-399-2107 MAGIC Seal pressure CHEVY truck 3" body lift, cooker, with instruction new, in box, $100. 503- book, $35. 541-296,7047. 799-2806 MINN KOTA trolling motor, CHRISTMAS VILLAGE, 13 3 hp, transom mount, used lighted assorted buildings, little, $80. 540-980-4744 lots of extras! $150. Text for pics. 541-490-8075 MINNKOTA 12V trolling motor, foot controlled, CRAFTSMAN $225. In Goldendale, 509- Scroll Saw, $30. Call 439-2013. 509-773-3366. MOTOR for 1996 Acura In- DINING Table, cherry tegra, 4 cyL not V-Tech, wood, seats 8, but has two 139K miles, AT, $450. 541- Hood River. MENTORS removable leaves. Very 380-1166 4th Saturday of every month from 10 to 11:30 am Big Brothers Big Sisters of good condition. $225. at Hood River Public the Columbia Gorge, a pro- OBO. 503-997-7739.NOSTALGIA Electric Lazy Susan Buffet. 4 stations w/ Library, 502 State St. gram of The Next Door, is DOUBLE bed, paid $603. lids. Stainless steel, can be looking for volunteer Will sell for $375. Never used cordless. Only used Working to establish a mentorsl Youth in the pro- slept in. Cash only. once. $30. 503-351-6785. NAil Oregon affiliate gram come from every 541-993-1527. £)iL--pa~ in the community in Hood River, ~ frame, 56" x 32", very good Gorge. We welcome you to Klickitat, and Wasco DC-25. All Floors-ball type. condition, $85 obo. 503- join us for education and to Counties. These youth are 2 on-board attachments. 997-7739 share your thoughts and between the ages of 6 and Get your Spring Cleaning ideas. 14 and would benefit from done rightl Great deal at PICKLE BALL SET; net, 4 Any local questions call 541-340-9431 NAMI Oregon Support Line: 800-343-6264 NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meeting-Tuesdays & Thursdays, from 7-8pm at Father's House Fellow- ship, 207 S. Klickitat. having a consistent, posi- $225. Call Jim 541-296- paddles, balls & carry bag. live adult role model. If you 2141 x111, M-F, tO a.m. to Excellent condition, used would enjoy spending 5 p.m. once. $125. 541-386-6942 about 8 hours a month be- FIFTH wheel tailgate off '07 ROLLING CART, plastic, ing a friend to a child, you Chew PU. Excellent con- with 4 wheels, nice condi- can be a mentor! For more dition. $250. 541-490-4391 lion, $20 OBO. 503-997- information contact Kateel 7739. in Wasco County at FISH TANKS, 3 tanks, (541)399-0259 or Emily in lights, plants, air pump. SAT TIRE 26" Mongoose Hood River and Klickitat Valued at $500, asking $30 hitchman, 7 speed, with 4" Countiesat (541)490- all three. 541-296-3440 or Tufty liners, $200. 509- 541-993-3418. 637-0568. 9979.