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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 18, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 18, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. ESTABLISHED 1879 The Largest Paid Circulation In Klickitat County Of Any Paper On Earth Goldendale, Washington, Thursday, August 18, 1938 Vol. 59. No. 33. .%mboree?.... .... .Why Yes FORMER KLICKITAT MAN IK}ODRS DOUG CORRIGAN'S CHEST w-- Listen! people one and all "------ Once again that welcome call you just can't ~m ,to keep Plan your work so ~ou'll be free lrisll Douglas Corrigan, the wrong-way flyer, ou.t of the i To attend the Goldendale Jamboree. papere. ~] I It will be a restful change iiere's how ,ha l~ates this . ~. Just to hear that old song "Home On The Range" .~ ..... i week's Sentinel. When thou~smds "- -- rrecmct tioards Listed By Coun- [ of hero loving Irish jammed B.T. Mc~uley, Department of Game Director, Says Project Sehed- t~amed e or Com- See the colors fly ty Auditor" For Primary" Elec-I m~w~ two weeks ~o to wel- uled ~or Completmn~ " Next August; WPA unds To Be Used Rodeo Event; Big Meet- And watch the horses racing by ......... - r " " Held At Legion Hall tmn, September 13 I come Corrigan home, a few ~aun- Whe e Possible; Dam Already Under Constructmn ~ermiued~e the 1938~ It won't cost you but a few cents . --'-'--- dred burly fellows jammed the ' "--'---"------ ,> ElecUou board pexsonnels for each l .... u h that h Const'ruotlon work wee started here Vhis week on e $_5,000 stat~ fish ~ ' To sit in the Grandstand look over the fence . , famous flyer so m c e {L~o~le~ tide m.o~.t successful event There is always lots to see of. Klickg~t county e 37 voting pre-Ijpuuea ....... some cne~t muscles moss. h~tohery ~o be. located at the source of Spring Creek on the C. H. Prid3aam anna ever nelu in uo~aenuale, v... 'II feel as ...... as can be clncts to serve for the primaxy else- I . farm four miles northwest of GoklendMe. Plans for the ~te fish hatchery . ~uu l-,cpp~ 3 w that evemng, after the wet n officials Monday night ou~ "~ "lan -our work so -ou'll be free tion, Sept. 1", "ere named this week " - were dioclosed by F. H. Dad:crick, construction engineer for the stets Ju~v F ~ ~ -J*" ~-~'h'~ ,.,...rd, h ....... of ~,,,,,,~j- ...... ,~v~.~ooio,,- ~oo ., I coming was over, ~e ~hoase phy- ~ . department of game. a publi~ty o-~apeJgn f0a" hhe! To attend the Goldendale Jamboree. er~. j At the present tlme a crew of game • Alpin was io to look Toppenish Picmc ~_thre~ weeks and named onto- eiclan at N.vw York's Hotel Me.- * • * I to function for 1~he show T~he complete ol~ectlon board hat ....~ .... !, *~ , / 0 11 I depe~tanent men are ~nstructing ~,. " i There is sandwich Odor at the stand ~aday morning a caxaven oi Onion flavor won't that be grand ~s announce~ by George M. Beker, Iwrong w y uyer.ovor, l~ ~l~t~{l ~}tll~{l~.y lateel and cament dam aroun~ the clerk fell "Ihe house physician wee none , f county owe: , &, It~ s r~ |I spring rein vChi~h Spring Cl, ee4g ~oed~, b~Ight ahlvted Oolden- See the cowboys bulldog steers Legionnaires and business men IWatch the clown then laugh till you feel tears Ald~dale Board oth~r than Dr. Willerd Ells- lvleJ orlal r-arK!flow, s. The dam, which will be c~m- ~R sound car will leeve here forI Plan your work So you II be free Alder Creek- Ins,,ector Stantoni worth, former Goldendale boy, --------- }pleted within 30 d~.ys, wlll be 185 ~r of the Vaklm~ Valley. The] To attend the Goldendale Jamboree. Gan~lers; Judges, J ; Coleman, E t sonand aofbrotherthis c~ty°f MrS.Dr EarlEllswol~thJaCk- [ Brooks Memorial paxk will beIfeet long end will raise the water ~tp plarm to leave early Monday H. Hooker. I ' * " ". . I the meeting place for hundred oflslx fee~ above the pre~nt level of examined Corrige.n an~l tapes up the s in ~ng and arrive in Yakima In Even if your Com-bine-ing Alderdale: Inspeotor, J. B. Kuhn;I ~th fl r's iu'm~ed chest /Klickitat anA Ye~ima valley people l pa: g. ~ for ~hhe goon luncheon meetlngI Picking fruit or stacking hay Judgges, Ma~. Evelyn C. Lowell, Fxed] ,~e ye ..... j1 ......... • ISunday, August 21, In the first re~ITo S~ In Aprll ~e Yakima Chnmber ofCom-] Just plan your work so you'll be free Billington. ] ------a~et;~cr ..... ------ ~ i .... T. | Actual construction on the hatch- Appleton: hlspeotor, Roy Cottrell; lit"~ .... &,, | I .... , / lerywill not begin until next April, ~,~s. To attend the Goldendale Jamboree. , . sumpt on oI ~ne once annuea op- Don Big Hats Ruth M. Weltzin Judges, Mrs. Lulu A. Negel, Olaf/ %=,IN~|~" %MIIA~|I~ penlsn_ Goldendale picnic. IDederick said, air'hough the state ~s c~rav~n will ,drive ~ltrough ' ..... ~.%~--.~ ~a,ker. I[.2~l~zw~t ~I#T Pttr~rtltrTM I S~hedul~d to begin at 11:00 a. m. lg~me department lhas already placed x~eua': ~u~p~r, wnuam zt,vn- " __ i ~ v~5,000 In i b dg Wapa~ V?iloy Full Prnnary {Louncll Approves .......................... ' ~t~l~ --.~*"~u~Sundey morning ,the picnic will fea-I ,o " ts u at for the ~'ork. ardson; Judges E E Mor-~-, S R It2A.. I .~[.A,~ i'~--..[ture a full program of softballi ................ Y~ten~atcatlly distributing Jam- Pa~. s , I%~ 1 ~ 11~ I* • I CtcM~ , • • re~a• • r ~lll[" LM~,II~J~K IL~vi a " f .... h i t.~a~e uel~artmen~ o~iclms hope ¢o ~' -I-=------ i ...... i nave un~ ~p~lng ureeK ,na,~cnery in • ~.dvertiglng. Persons plgnning llCKets uixerea f r'renmmary Winto elo .,g rues. [,g o war. nora=nee pl,c ............ ~. William NIv& Inspector Plans fen" a county-wide Klickitat I ,~.., a,o,t.o l operation by next August or ~Igem- ~i~ ~the caravan are asked to con- n ll~ --~ ~=~ • * n ~ = I"I #'~_~L__ ~ng conte~Ls anu otner gaanes. z. o Brook . otn rarues uaget for lzy .i • n ......... ngen. i specter, Mrs. Rose CoG labor nlcnlc to be held in Klickitat ............. I bor, "Dhe hatchery will be con~tructe~ • .~ ~- ~pea~Ing wul oe nela *to a mln~ 'along *the lines Open meeting was held at the -------- . . ---------- field, Judges, I¢. E. Harris, H.O. of the new state hetll Mouday nlgh,t at which hast mlnu~e filings Satttruay swell- mum wi~a John Mcl~wen, of Gold- Javnboree plans were discussed, ed Kllckitat county's llst of candi- officially donned its Jam-d~tes for/the eiffh¢ oouvt house post- Showing an tnorease of only $20 over last year's figure, Oolde~dale's ci, ty council Monday night offichally approved ~ltalr preliminary 1939 budget. The preliminary budget carries a total expendi.tuxe figt~re of $11,453. Goldendale's estimated tax income Barnes. on Labor Day, Sept. 5, wore announc- oct here this week by union of Hcials. Burdoin Helgh:us: Inspector, Chas. Baker; Judges, Clms. A. Peaxce, The picnic will be sponsored joint- Maude O. Bell. ly bY Klickiba~t locx~l 2805 and Gold- l enctale local 58 of the Lumber and Centerville: Inspector, Win. Niva; Judges, Ernest Basse, Marie Graham• &twmlll Workers union. Clevel,~nd~: Inspe~or, George V~.r- Union offiolals plan to secure two nor; Judges, Mrs. John Dodson, Mrs. otttside speakor~ for ,bh~ event, el- eud,~le, giving the Itddvess of wel- come and Williem McGowan, of Top- pealed, slated ~o reply. 'ioppenish Chamber of C~mmerce will furnisa ice c~.~m, co~oe and sugar ~or t~e picnic crowd People hatchery Vncouver, Dederick said. P~ovisions will be made in the plans for enlargement ~f the hatch- ery at any Hme. When ever pos~ble t'ae state will use WPA labor for th~ oonatructlon in o~der that the io ga~b Mcnday mourning with tlonstoan even 32. gallon ,h~ts, loud shirts end ban-[ I~te en~r~nt~ in the Frimery elec- 'r~quired for all business inanition gi~rby included Clint Paull and ~gion members. }Ez IGa~er, Rept~blican candidates for Name Committees l.sheriff; Archle Binns and Harold Oomplote itst of committee ~9- | II'6od, Democratic candidates for as- from the 20 mill levy on its $572,789 Grace Baxber. forts are being made ,be contact a~S -nn,ounc~d M~ndnv sessor; Bernexd Pollard, Democratic ~,ssemsed valuation is $11,455.78. Cliffs: Inspector, Campbell Brown; Knute Hill, Unitedi St,~tes represent- follow'- Tickeis- Ho~re~ candidate for school superlmteudBnt; Of ~this sum $9,820 Is included in Judges, Mrs. Dudley Shol~t, G. M. ative. A labor dance will be !held C~hairman Lyman Ward, Joe and Jumes Skinner; Democracdc can- %he current .expense fund, $3 683 f~r Jetc:iumbla Ins eotor Luella B in KlickRat the evening following Kennet,h McoI~ee and Cliff Pike; dtd~te for west e~d~ commissioner. 'the city street fund, $8,900 for the • : p , . ~he picnic. Leathers Judges, J S Courtney, jr, ~Is, Ez Kaiser, Chairman Orb Given Ten Da~s water fund, $3,683 for ~he city sU'eet ; . . . A begbecued beef and picnic lunch , i hila B~rtholomew. will be featttred~ at the all d~y affair• l, ttarold ~M,riello, Paul Daven- A tempotrary filing deadhne oriels, $8,900 for the wo#t,er fund, . ........ T l~oDer~ weHennrock Ju(i~e $~rchte lb~,d~cliffe, Elmer Hail-.occurred ~turde~y nooll when bh~ $3,100 for ~he ,bond edemptien and - Further information regarding the ~{ll " Columbus" Inspector, Nellie Mc union picnic L~b(~r Day will be ~n- Lloyd Hanson filing of Bernar~ Pollard White llbrea'y funds. • " [VSrtlsin.- Z " .... ' ........ ~aLmon high .school instructor, was! To offset this .to~al estimated ex- Cann; Judges, Gee. G. Goss, Ralph nounc~ct next week. • tempoxerUy refused be.,c~use he was l~ndituve of $.25,503 the rCi~ty h a~. a M --ltoglstcr Now----- H'~rol, d F~r~ll: :n7 G:?oTg: CDDo°tnal~nspeetor, J I Wherry, t, r~o~._w, ..~ ..... .....~ --...~.,r'°"" c,,.,,..-~-'- unable r'tO 'tile a t~c~l, er ~ certificate t~Otai, estimates income r om otaer • " Wheat Loan Data ~. - -..,..,~- ~.^.~ ~~r D ..... ~,th.~ ,tav -~vonues of ~14 850 Thi~Judges, E. J. McPheruon, Alma Glass. I ......... , ............. ~ ...... , . . WrUlt Valley" Inspector Mary I~d~Ward Abelin~'. o, ._...w...r-a'a".q, L~,,, ..... cottnty prosect~tmg et~orney, however.lnon tax 'revenue raceme will %e rats- Hun kor Sisson,' ~ Given For County eh~irm~n, ambulance Wllliam gave Pollaa'd ,ten cla.y in vChloh ¢o ed; from ~ater retrials, licenses, beck • ' i , , l~almger ----------- '~an chairman Dr P ~ ~,-- tile a ,tvaoher'e certificate,i taxes, sta,te motor vehicle fund and " " i ' ~" ' " " ~' ~'~'"" ' venu fr Glenwooct: Inspector, L~ura Po~r-I Though no federal wheat loans [~ean~th ~m Eight ooun'ty offiee~ arB ~t stake in the city s sh~re in the re e om ...... , ....... - ............ the .... t- "i-uor -t~ore ro~t; Juuges, Mrs. JO,Sle 'lToh, Robt will be made in Kltckitat county for 1~1~s. ......... erie coming eleol~lons. Tee ~I~.S¢ ena ~La U I tt~ • .-- .... " '' ~anu, Arcme Ave~rill, oaalr- " .... , A -ublic hearln" on the 1939 clt- We*lennrocz six weeks, definite information re- Jo~, ........... ~., oonlml~lon~r~ pO~t is no~ up :[or P ~ .v ~. . ~ .... -u ~atn, Fat ~acmwen, Tom .......... bud-st will bB held at the next re~" uooanoe tillIS" Inspector, J H garding loan prices was released try,o ........ e~e~tAon, in euah~lon utter sever~ g ' e- _ • • • " tt~ a, ..... r~orman lvlar~in~en..~. , ena years oI" commn~t,-" :ton D-hs assessor ul~r meotin~s of t~he Golden~dele cry -celt; Judges, Mary M. Riley, Doris bore today by R. E. Burrows, Walls aad-~av~s; stuns ~.'m~er r~am- end treesurer offices a~l~ the clerk council, SeptBm~ber 6. A¢ ,that time ~'u~rman. VCalia director of the loan program ~rto ~ene vannoy;, d~n~e H. E. ar~" au.d~tors ' el[ices ..... are to ~e so@- any intereste