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August 18, 1938 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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August 18, 1938 |
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Kerr Pints, dozen .......... 69c
b Kerr Quarts, dozen ....... 85c
Kerr Half-Gallon ........ $1.29
Special ('ream Flake
Rolled Oats, 9 lb ........ 39c
Sardine, 3 cans for ..... 25c
Bran Dandies, lg. pkg.., llc
Flour, 49 lb. sack ...... $1.39
Swift Sliced
Dried Beef, jar ......... 10c
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington
Van Dyke
Stuffed Olives, lg. bottle. 29c
Fig Bar Cookies, 1 lb .... 10c
11]'*,| "l~| ~/ ]--IREiss GIVEN TRYouT Montana, formerly of Cass Lake,
WIIII lne t, nurcnes BY PORTLAND BEAVERS Minnesota, was drowned. He was a
younger brother of Mrs. Gus Stein-
CHURCH OF CHRIST l KLICI~ITAT--(SpeclR1 to The dorf.
V. T. Smith, mtnttser i Senttnel)--Michael Thomas weigh- "Scottie," Wendell and Clem have
--..--,-.-- ed seven pounds and fouteen ounces moved from Cottage Court to the
Bible study ...... 10"00when he was born, August 11. His Hill apartments.
Preaching and Communion .. 11:00parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mc- Saturday Elnar Westlund caught
PreacAltng ............. '. 8:00 Curie. "Mlckey" is doing fine. a nine pound steelhead. Monday
hHdweek meettng, Wednesday..8:00 Friday Mrs. D. O. Thomas drove young James Apperson caught a
Ladies Bible study Thursday 3"00 to Klamath Falls where she will nine pound steethead. Either fishing
Song practice in the Beubcock visit one week with her sister, Mrs. i:; good or they are good fishermen.
.... ev i ~ ^. :Richard Calder She was accompa- Sunday the Howlands, Jeffreys,
home r'rmay . en ng ...... ~:uv i ~" " "
.......... n ea oy nor childreu, Patty Lou and Raboins, Ludlums, Larsons and
~ut now ~xe t.aey many memuer~,. . Wards went to Bird Creek ford
2 ~v~aynaru.
yet but one body." I Gor. 12: 0.. . .~ .
t~ lvirs ~tke 14elss and Mrs Phlllip where they enjoyed the best picnic
"Come now. and let us reason - "
............. Reissentertained seventeen guests of the season. Two young guests
g~vne:r, ~,altn jehovah," ll~a. f:ls. . ......
..... at a newer given rot Nlr. Jonnwere Jean Tobin and Gordon Dun-
------~eg~ster Now------ Dt ....
GOSPEL ASSF_3d:BLY nger weunesaay evening, can.
When Representative Knute Hill
was in town Tuesday afternoon he
Sunday School, 10:00 o'clock, viewed "with approval the site select-
ed for the swimming pool and prom-
ised his support to the project.
Frank Tanner is keeping house in
Sunday morning worship, 11:00
Sunday evening evangelistic serv-
ice, 8:00 o'clock, one of Hoag's cottages.
Wednesday night mid-week sere- Mrs. Phillip Reiss has gone to
ice, 8 : 00 o'clock. Corvallis where she will have
A sincere invitation to attend charge of the Red and White store
these services is extended to all. for two weeks.
------Register Now------ Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming
l'eet's Granulated FIRST BAPTIST CKffRCH
Soap, large pkg ......... 25c Roy c Hones, Pastor
Crystal White .Sunday school, 10:00 o'clock.
Laundry Soap, 10bars . .29c Morntn~ worship at 11:00 a. m.
Ray. Sempey of Los Angeles will
Beans, 5 lb. bags, lb .......5c fill the pulpit at this service..
7:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. devotional
8:00 p. m. ~vangellstic service in
charge of Rev. Sempey. Splendid
services were held last Sunday with
Rev. Sempey in charge. The Sempeys
are here visiting With Mrs. SemImy-'s
brother, A. M. Copenhefer a~d fam-
Karo Syrup, 5 lb. pail ... 29c WesSOnTarget Oil, qt. can ..... 49c ilyi: 0 p. m. Thureday, prayer meet-
Dependable her of the Baptist church has an
Panc e Flour, 8 lb. sack 39c Corned Beef, No. 1 can .. 17c ind. Rev. Sempey says Every morn-
Matched Sliced--No. 2 cans appointment with the Lord, at the
Nally's Tang, qt. jar .... 29c Pineapple, 2 for ........ 25c church on Thursday night."
8:30 p. m. Thursday, choir prae-
Nally's • q Silvan~a Favorite tice.
Potato Chips, 3 pkgs. .... -- 5c Catsup, . "m ............. 10C --Register Now
French A~rted Sum er c.J. Hall, Minister
10C SUNDAY SERVICES------'---.
11:00 a. m., Sermon: "How to
Overcome Fear."
5:00 p. m. The College group and
friends meet near the Court house
= :: ........ : ...... to go to .bh,e4r Forum in the ou¢-of-
Frmts and Vegetables M caroni, 5 lb. bags, lb... 5c doors.
Pure Thursday, : p. m., Choir
Potatoes, 50 lb. bag ..... 39c Vinegar, gallon ........ 19c practice. "
Honey, 5 lb. pail ........ 49c 'II,nois State Normal University
_ .Tomatoes, ......... 49c "Thrifty" Apricot, Prune, Peach, Orange has put up the bars against fresh-
Maryhill Marmalade, quart jar...29c men with flasks. In the catalogue
for thls year, entering students are
Cabbage, und ......... 3c (Plus 10C Jar Deposit) warned: 'The University does not
Solid Heads Reliance hesitate to express itself on the
students who use tntbxicating ll-
Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs..... 25c Pectin, 2 bottles for ..... 25c matter of admitting or continuing
No, I Jerseys Miller's---Giant Packages quors... The use of such intoxicants
on or o'ff the campus will not be
Lemons, dozen ......... 25c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. for . 25c permitted and the deviation from
.60 Size Sunkist Candy Bars & Gum, 3 for 10c this regulation calls for the sever-
ance of connections with the
Phone 272- 6oldendale
A VlVIES -.-1
ST~ DEiceR ~cated on the corner of Columbus and
Apt)rex ma~ely 20 youlig people, Broadway. Final details of the pur-
meml~ers o[ tile n~wiy termed Moth-(hase will be announced next week.
odist Young Pe~)pb/s group, m~t at JlThe club plans to remodel the house
~he VanAelst place on Three Creeks lizzie a club house for use by their
l~t Sur~day nigh~ for a steak fry. i organization.
IO,gister Notv------! ------l{eg~s~ Now
Goldendale (;rangers will sponsor l ~0~ AUXILIARY CONTEST
a harvest bail at the Grange hall
Sat~lrday even ~g, August 27. Music
will be furai~hed by Carroll Blan-
chard'~ orehe,~tra~ Everyone is in-
vited to attend
~ICeg~tor Now~
Offt(lal~ of the Goidendale Wo-
~r~n's A~soctal o~ this week an-
Regarded as one of the two lead-
ng candidates for Washington State
Legion Auxiliary presidency for the
coming year, Mrs. C. F. Breneman,
of White Salmon, last week an-
~ounced her withdrawal from the
Auxiliary presidential race.
Mrs. Breneman's request to be re-
le~ed from the campaign, was re-
noanc~d the purchase of the Pacific leased to a 1 Auxiliary posts in the
Power and Light company houma It>- fifth district.
Summer E auty...
Are you ready for a gloriously
active summer with a coiffure
that's appropriate for both
day and evening ? Shipp's will
design a lovely one for you...
one that becomes you 24 hours
a day !
Shipp's Barber and Beauty Shop
Phone 1413 for Appointment
The monthly dance given by
members of Company 945 CCC last
Friday night was a great success.
Lieut. William Woodford, command-
ing officer of the company, stated
that the company `would sponsor a
similar affair eacsh month as long
as they were as successful as the
last one. ~ Thompsons orchestra
furnished fine music. Bonnie Riddle
and Garland Dungan sang several
specialties, and received a big ap-
plause.for their performance.
-----l{eg~s~r Now-----
Honoring MI~ Doris Baker,
daughter of Mrs. F. B. Baker, "who
will be married thla fall to R~oort
Bales, of Portland, Mrs. C. H,
Knosher entertained with a miscel-
laneous shower last Wednesday.
Mrs. Knosher and Mrs. A. L. Mac-
Blaine were hostesses for the event.
Miss Baker' engagement was an-
nounced recently.
-----Register Now--
Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Durward
Youngquist seven couples of Gold-
endale young people held a picnic
luncheon at Brooks Memorial park
last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Youngquist, of Mc-
Mlnnvtlle, Oregon, are visiting here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Youngquist. Those attending the
picnic included: Mr. and Mrs. Stan-
ley Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Oren
Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nick-
erson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Woodward,
Miss Mary McEwen, Miss Elizabeth
I Kayser, Lloyd Duncan and Roy
"Supt. John C. Evans of the Ore-
gon State Hospital for the Insane
tells us that from a low of three or
six-tenths per cent of men commit-
ted for alcoholic pshyhosis in 1926,
the percentage has jumped to nine-
teen and nine-tenths per cent in
1937. W" (Christian tterald, P. 8,
Aug. 1938)
-----.--Register Now--------
Ccnterville, Washington
Opal I. Benedict, Minister
Lord's Day Servnces
10:00 a. m. Bible school lesson,
"Godly Motherhood.'" Adult Su~t.,
Mrs. Fra'nk Garner; Children's Supt.
Mrs. L. W. West.
11:00 a. m. Lord's Supper and
sermon, "The Second Coming."
2:30 p. m. Junior C. E.
7:00 p. m. Young People's C. E.
Topic, "My Attitude Toward God,"
Lander, Oayle Garner.
8:00 p. m. Song service and ser-
mon, "Voices."
Week Day Services
Tuesday 8:00 P. m. Young Peo-
ple's Bible studY.
Thursday, 8:00 P. m. Bible study
for everyone. The book of Exodus
will be studied in this meeting.
Bring your Bibles and enjoy an hour
Friday afternoon 2:00 to 4:00
Junior C. E. party. Meet at the par-
so n age !
B~ginn~ing a~bout the middle of
September the church plans to hold
a four or five week meeting. ,G. B.
Schmid who has been evangelizing
in the Northwest and especially In
Oregon will hold the meeting for
the church. He has had outstanding
success in this field of work and
brings messages of inspiration and
intruction. WatCh for further no-
tices concerning the coming meet-
------Register Now-----
The Seattle P-I delivered to your
home or at Allison's Pharmacy or
cell Joel Abshler, agent,tf
-----Register Now-----
Sell them and pocket the co~h.
Sunday evening Dr. D. V. Ogie-
vsky, Miss Alice Howland, Mrs.
Cecil McConkey, Mr. and Mrs. R. P.
Je'ffrey, Jean Tobin, Phi|lip Raboin,
Gordon Duncan, Joanna and Mrs. H.
C. Larson were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. G. F. Neils at a prevue of the
movies made at the Flower Show.
'[he pictures are in full color, per-
feet, life-like images of the children
and pets that were in the parade.
We hope that everyone will be soon
had as their guests over the week-
end Mrs. Wilson of San Francisco;
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and Mr. and
Mar. Nelson of Portland. Mrs. WiN
son is Mr. Fleming's mother.
The Hugo Schmidt family left
Sunday for a week's visit at Nels-
cott beach.
Roger Powell was a patient in the
Klickitat hospital Saturday. He had
his tonsils removed.
Mrs. Ray Kyte returned Thurs-
day evening from Portland where
she has been convalescing many
weks after an operation.
Mrs. Vernor Modin returned Sun-
day evening from White Salmon
with her very young son. Miss Ruby
Saunders is helping her take care of
the child.
Wednesday evening Mrs. Joseph
Pecker returned to her home in
Libby, Montana. She has been living
several months with her daughter,
Mrs. Gus Stelndorf.
Walter Reiss `went to Portland
this week to tryout for pitcher with
the Beavers. lie was one of the six
chosen from one hunderd candi-
dates. , ,
"Bill" Green and 'Lea' Hills were
In Portland a few days taking navy
entrance examinations.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis McCoy spent
the weekend in Portland.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mar-
lowe moved into the house which
was formerly occupied by Ernest
Ireland and his family.
Union Local 2805 has purchased
an oxygen tent which will be used
at the discretion of the union hos-
pital committee. John Tobin, J. W.
Millsap and Earl Wark are members
of that committee. It is expected
that the "tent" will be kept in the
Klickitat hospital.
Robert Harem is a guest in the
borne of his brother, Roscoe Harem.
Coming from Globe, Arizona, where
he has been working in the mines he
arrived here Wednesday night. This
is the first time in five years that
the brothers have been together.
Mrs. R. C. Ward left Saturday for
a `week's vacation on the coast. Part
of the time will be spent at Lake
August 15 five swimmers and nine
beginners took tests at the Schmidt
pool. Every9ne passed. Pins will be
awarded Friday afternoon by Miss
given the opportunity to see them.
We are sure everyone will be amus-
ed and some parents may burst with
pride over the beauty of their chin
dren on the screen.
Thursday, August 18~
:e~, Mrs, Birdie Allle who has I~t i~
seriously 111. . 15
Mr. and Mrs. James PowelL 0[ |~
H~rtland, were bus4ne~s vlsltore ill ii
Lvle F~lday. |~
M r,~. Hazel Grey is ~pondlng S|~
~l,i,e in Ool4endale w'-th friendS, |~
:qr. and Mrs. Vernon Scrensea ar.$ Ii
~.~ o children of Appleton, and Jtl~s. |~
i, l! and Mildred Shurtz, of Kh=k~" I;
ta,. (, nd Alfred and Dorothy StOV'~'rs |~
.,o:~ of Toledo, Oregon were vi'~Ire l~
a the V. Sorensen home SundaY. h
M~ss Naomi Johnson who hO~ ,~pe~ It
the past several mon~hs in portlsa II
returned ~ome Mo~day night. |~
A ]argo cro.wd~ extend the ice or0~'~ ~
~ec~l in the club house Fr~d'~Y ave ~
nine. Everyone enjoyed the Ixrogr# Ii
home of her el~tor, Mrs. Frank OO~
LYLE--(Special to The Sentinel) Delbert Garner returned ,home
--Mr. W'herry, of Yakima, was tt bu~- day afte¢ spending the past
incus viMtor in Lyl~ l~riday, weeks in Ala~ke.
Mr. and Mrs. LelLvoy Hylton and l~d.y McNalbb took a loa~ of csttl¢
son, Donald, of Appleton, wore visit- to Po~tl~R@ Sunday nig~h¢ for gll"
ors at ,~he home of Mr. ~nd MTS. Ulie dor Kure.
Hylton We~l,nesday. -----Registe~ Now----- _~
Melvin G~rn~r who went to Chic- Read and mm the elmmifl~ ~"
?~)ne~it*hho,~n~o ~ra~idl:ydS of sheep, re-,n The ~,tlnal. ~
llns, of IW)rtl~nd, visited at the home l[ !~ ~ g~ ~ ~'~ V l| ~[~
of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Johnson] r ax~ o a • [l~.~
S~ttur@ay night and Sunday. [ _ [ |
Miss Elna ~orensen, of ~t,lem, ll MORNING5 [~..~
visited at ~he home of her parents, [ ............[ i[
Mr. M s. v. c. Soren n s tnr-tl "WILL BE HERE SOON! Ill 0,
da, y nlEht ar~d~ SundRy, returning to'I [|l ~f¢]~|
Sa,]em Sunday night. II BOX WOOD .......... $ .o0llI ULGI
Mv~. D. Hewet't Leonard Hewot~ [ ~'~'~ ,,vv ........... .~[|~
and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Paterson [ ~,~-~,~'~'~'~'T, "''"'- ~ ~0[|]l DRY SLAB........... sa.~lII
returned Friday night from a ten day .......... 0 ~URsRS
days-spent in Yellowstone National I FORF~T WOOD ...... $5"fi0[|[ ~" "'~'
Park on a slght~eeing tour. All ................ I!1 Uoul
woz~d'erful trip was enjoyed by all. [ • • ~ ~ w-q¢ ~t"~ #"~f~ [ [~
M,r. and Mrs. Peterson returned toil V~f~r~ P U~sl.~ ~=~J. [|I
~heir home in Portland, Satu.av. II Out of town deliveries 10~ 1/11 (17
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor visited er mile xtra "
~ ~
,hcek. 'Ph'ey vi~sdted Mr. 'l~yl:~r's sia-'~|] ~d..~a]~"
Itere is a Bodily Injury and Property Damage Imliey that
will provide some protection to those that do not feel likO
• .-$ , . pol'cy on ace
they could carry the usual 5000 10 000 l ou~t
of the larger premium:
B-I Prop Damage COST B.I. p. I~.
1000-5000 .................... $1000 $ 6.80 $4.00
2500-2500 .................... 1000 ..10.50 4.00
2500-2500 ........ ............ 1000 i2.00 4.00
and up
with your
old stove
Goldendale, Washington
Elsie Dinger.
Reverend Kemp,, formerly pastor ~llll~llllllllll[l~lllllllilllll|~l
of the Grace Luthertm church, was
here over the weekend, the guest of ~[~[ ~
the Nells and Schmldt families.
Among those who went to the
huckleberry fields in spite of the
cold and rain Were George and
Donald Scoffield, Harold Moon, A.
J. Berglund, Adam Dinger, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Hoag and Einar Westlund.
Accompanied by Bernard Pollard,
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stratton with
their children, Doris Ann and Rich-
ard, were in town Sunday.
Mrs. era Cooper gave birth to a
six and one-half pound boy Sunday.
Mrs. Cooper, who now lives in Gold-
endale, "was before her marriage
Miss Helen Cox of Klickitat.
Ray Ward and John Vincent, of-
ricers of the 2fi-30 club drove to
Goldendale Monday evening to take
care of advertising the dance which
the club will give Saturday night
tn the gym.
J. Edwin Hall stopped in Kltcki-
tat Saturday en route to Edwall
from Los Angeles where he has been
attending Art Center school.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marlowe and
Mrs. Vestus England were business
visitors in Goldendalo Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Langdon, for-
mer residents of Klickitat, will have
a grand opening of their new tavern
"The Langdons," in The Dalles
about September first. Their tavern
is located near the auto park on the
new piece of highway entering The
Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Langdon expect
to have Tex Rickard and his plane
do a bit of fancy flying over "The
Langdons" the day of the opening.
August 14 Leo Becker of Ltbby,
D,aao., D U T C H OV E N C=~a
Foods baked in the "Dutch Oven" Range cook in their own na_tar~
juices; retain the health-giving vitamins; do not dry out or ove~-v~-"
~'inkage is lesa because juices are not cooked away.