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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 18, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 18, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT• REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED• August 18, 1938 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington Page Three Star Theatre and FRIDAY 18 and 19 Feature ! ""'°' S • McLAGLEN -----ALSO----- STUART ERWIN A 2Orb P,cture SATURDAY ONLY August 20 ~RAILING ALONG" "AMATEUR PARADE" and MONDAY August 21 and 22 OF THE WEST" NEWS and CARTOON - WEDNESDAY August 23 and 24 PssII, CONgLII~ l.ulllle SALt, kI* IOWMAN. ~ed; "Edgar's Goliath" Abe Musical "NO S.4~LE" Don Bohosky, of Portland, was in New fall dresses and hats at the Goldendale early this week buying Dresswell Shop. lt-- hay for the Bohosky feeding yards. Fred Oltmanns completed a paint- m@ Z.O. Brooks ~vas a business vis- ing contract on the Mike Jonson itor in White Salmon Monday. residence last week. Abeling ins. Agency offers you ~ Robert B~rker, of Lyle, was a busi- Safe Drivers' Reward Plan--15% ne~ visitor in Got&eaadale Thursday. after the first year, and 20% there- Car for hire or taxi service, day after. It--or night, call L. E. Layman, phone Alice Griffen filed suit for divorce 1605. It from Paul J. Griffen in Klickitat J.E. Peterhans, of Appleton, was Q county superior court last week. She a business visitor in Goldendale charged cruelty. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stollson, of Mrs. C. J. Hall is spending a week Wasco, spent the weeekend in Gold- with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Otis endale visiting at the home of Mr. Wallace, in Camas, Washington. and Mrs. O. O. Cleman. Kenneth Jensen ea~ct A. D. Mason, Benefit Gingham and Overall both~ of Blck~eevon, were in Golden- dance at Pleasant Valley school dale on business S~tttrday. %WAR 8RAN0 S~ house, Saturday night, Sop. 3. Given Money to Loan on Goldendale by PleasantValleyGrange and improved farms. Ed- 146. 333tward Abeling. 323-- M4es Jo~n Hamilton, who for the Mr. ~rvd~ M,r~. A. L. MaeBlaine las~ p~t week ~ beesn in Ooldend~le weeek moved into t~e apartment on visLting relatives, left F~day for her Broadway formerly occupied by Mr. home in Wal4sburg. She Is the d6ugh- and Mrs. Phil Hlngaton. ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hamilton. Mi~s Virginia Montgomery, dough- Take advantage of Abellng Insur- te.r of Mr. und Mrs. Wl~lllam Mont- ance Agency Safe Drivers' Reward gomery, last week ~ds appointed to Plan and save on your auto insur-serve as conductorotte for ,the Wash- ance premiums. It--- ington Motor C~ach comp~any with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Powelb are the headquarters at Spokane. parents of an eight and one-quarter Fern Cbambertin w~ts grated a l;OUnd girl born here Saturday eve- final decree of divorce from H. G. nlng. Olramborlin ~by Judge Howar@ Atwell R. E. Burrows, of Walla Walla in Klicki, t~t county Superior oou~t supervisor of the state wheat loan last week. plan, was a business visitor in Gold- James Skinner, of Husum, former endale Tueday. Kliekltat cou.nty commissioner was Support the NeW Deal. Roy Adams in Golden@ale on [business last Thurs- for County Clerk. 334d'ay. Mrs. Jol~n R. McEwen and MIami Mr. and Mrs. Wexren O. Heyden- Mary M~Ewen d~ove to Ea~ton, berk an@ daugthteT left Goldendale W~h4n~Tt~n Thursday on business, lest week for Ohio on a t~hree week's MJlss McEwen w~ll /be an instructor vac~tlon trii~. During his absence at E~ton ,high school htls year. F~red Hocbor ~s serving as mail oar- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Swan and rler on Goldend~e route two. sons Leo and Charles and Mrs. W. Mrs. Z. O. Brooks and son J4mmy R. Schuster drove to Seattle Friday returnecl to Goldend~le 'l~h.,ursdey on a brief visit. While there they from Spokane and Priest Lake, Idaho are visiting at the home of Mrs. w~here they spent ~helr summer vaca- 'George Paulson and other relatives. {ion ea guests of Mrs. Rr~oks' f~ther. Try Jumbo Milkshaxes at Mac's Miss J~ine Brooks Is now ~tend- Cafe. A Good Place, too. It ing a Girl Scout oamp at Coeur Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wipent, of d' Alene, Idaho and will not return Libby, Montana, were overnight to GoldendRle until September. guests at the Hotel Hall last Sun- Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ~eltzin, of day. Mrs. Wipent is a daughter of Cliffs, were .business visitors in Gold- Roy Harper, former Klickitat coun- endale Thursday. ty resident. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. l~ridgefarmer For hire taxi service---night or ~nd B@bby ~eft F'riday on a two Elmer Wilson was in Glenwood day. Service Garage call 902. Night week's wm~tton ~dp. They plan to on business Monday. phone 1524. 7tf--- drive to Long Beach, We~h. and then Harvest Ball, given by Golden- Fred Oltmanns this week is work- noah along ,the Weshtng~tOn coast dale Grange, Saturday, Aug. 27. lng on the new Doug Layman build-around bhe Olympic Peninsula to Everyone invited, music by Carroll ing on Court street. When completed Hood Canal and noah to Everett Blanchard's orchestra. 332 the house will be occupied by Mr. where they will vi~t at the E. E. Mfss Katherine Cropsey, of Bick- and Mrs. George Baker. H4nshaw home. leton, was a businesswlsitor In Gold- Mrs. Elmer J. Erkkila, of Wax- Miss Kate Nye returned to her e~udale Monday. wick, was in Golden,dale on .business home tn Seattle last week after Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kelley and S~turday. She vial, ted ~t the homes spending her vacation in Goldendale daughter Wilton ~'ere G'oldendale of ,her two ,'d~ughters Mrs. ])el visiting her mother, Mrs. Emma business visitors Monday. M~s. Dick Hamllik. Nye and other relatives. Mrs. Merle Hurd, Goldendale can- L.H. TTtplett, Harold Hood, M.C. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Barnes, of R. V. Blinn, local contractor, is working on the Lynn Kelley resi- dence this week. Mrs. Carroll Blanchard and Mrs. Russell Woodward motored to Port- land Tuesday and returned Wednes- day. Jimmy Hicks, foreman of CCC camp, is spnding a few days leave of absence visiting friends and rela- tives at Port Townsend. Dr. Belsheim, CCC camp, spent the weekend at his home in Trout Lake, Washington. Buy your gas at the Island Service where s-e-r-v-i-e-e means SER~- ICE. It--- Carter L. Hilsabeck, educational adviser CCC camp, spent the week- end with his family in Portland. Colonel McKeller, district surgeon CCC at Vancouver Barracks, inspect- ed Company 945 CCC Monday eve- ning. Colonel McKeller rated the camp superior. Mr. Hughes, WPA instructor for the CCC camp, Will attend a two weeks conference of adult teachers at Olympia beginning the 22nd of August. William Stevenson, Raymond Kautz, Rod Neely, John Peasley and Sylvester Peasley took a two weeks leave from the CCC camp to make a visit to Yellowstone National park and San Francisco. The Island Service station is equipped for all types of battery work. It-- Victor Larse, project superintend- ent of the Soil Conservation camp, will attend the Legion convention this Thursday. A record sized, five foot yellow pine log, brought in to the Klickitat Pine Box company mill is proving a problem to local sawyers. The log is so large it may have to be drilled and blasted open with powder before it can be sawed by the local mill. W. H. Ward, pioneer Goldendale harness maker, is still confined to his home this week following a re- cent illness. His condition is report- ed as much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bleiler, of Glenwood, were business visitors in Goldendale Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Surface, of Glenwood, were business visitors in Goldendale Tuesday. H. A. Rude, of Maryhill, was a business visitor in Goldendale Tues- SEPTMBER 9-10-11 OU'LL Want to Be Ready In Gay Attire From Bot- tom Up LETUS RIDING BOOTS RIDING SHOES FIELD BOOTS $7.50 to $9.90 Gay Shirts $1 50.s l9S-$29s SATINS AND RAYONS BOYS ...................... $1.0 0 Silk Handerchiefs PLAINS OR FANCIES dtdate for representative for the M~Dermott end Bernard Pollard, all Portland, were in Goldendale visit- ~ixteenth district WaB in Pasco and of White Salmon, were business vie- ins friends and relatives several Kennewick early this week cam- itors in Golde~dvJe ~tttrday. days last week and early this week. paigning. . Bill Trowbridge, son of Dr. and Lee Brundage and George Pierce, James Hall and George Nickerson ~rs. W. C. Trowlbridge left for Seat- of Wishram, and Bob Myles, of Van- were Yaklma visitors Sunday. tie Saturday to v~s~t Srtends. He Plans couver, were In Goldendale Monday New fall dresses and hats at the to return there lets this week. doing some repair work on the Gold- Dresswell Shop. lt-- Mrs. Betty Monnaster spent see- endale engine. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gray drove oral deys last week arc the 'home of Support the New Deal. Roy Adams to Portland for the weekend. They her sister Mrs. Peter Wiidanen, of for County Clerk. 334 returned to Goldendale Tuesda£. Centerville. Sh.e also visits@ at the Fred Dipple is taking leave of ab- The advantages of insuring with I. C. Robison home in G-oldendale. senco from his work at the Soil a state owned company are obvious. Mrs. Monnaster will be remembered Conservation camp. He will he gone Place your insurance with the Sun- as Betty Andrev,~, former Klickitat for a couple of weeks. set Underwriters of Olympia, thru hivh school teecher. Miss Clare Hartnatt, nutritionist the Abeling Agency. lt--- Why pey 23c an;d 24c per gallon from the state del~rtment of ~he~th Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wright, of for g~s w,hen you can buy it at the in Seattle, was in Goldendale last Portland, were in Goldendale Sun- Wayside Inn for 21c and 22bc? 333 week confewrlng with local health day visiting relatives. Wright re- Rev. and Mrs. P. M. Hammond, authorities. She announced that her Mr. and Mrs. Wesley DeWeese cently was appointed as an execu- M. E. pastor of Sunnyside, Wash., services ere vellable ~t any time aa~d suffered a fractured right arm Men- left this week for their home In Ap- tlve of the Bonneville Power Auth- had luncheon with the C. J. Hall trne.t she may be contacted at the day when he fell down a flight of orlty, family Monday as they passed Seattle office, stairs in a grain elevator at his piston. Ready to saw orders in rough through on their way to points in Mrs. Jim TyreU and two daugh- ranch. Bill Morehead left Tuesday morn- [umber. Hub Freer ~t old Cerveny Oregon where they are spending tore, Mrs. Don Be~t~y and Miss Betty Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill re- ing for Walla Walla where he will mill site, Bickleton. 352--- their vacation. Coati, of Wen~t~eo, visited several turned last Sunday from a week's undergo treatment at the Veterans Mr. and Mrs. Irving S. Bath and Harvest Ball, given by Golden- days ~ast week with Mrs. Tyrell's vacation trip around the Olympic hospital. daughter Mary Lea, were Golden- dale Grange, Saturday, Aug. 27. m,other, M~. W. H. McKilltp.Peninsula. While on their trip they Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hudson and dale business visitors Tuesday, from Everyone invited, music by Carroll .Oars .driven by Melvin Crawford, did some fishing at Lake Crescent. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ternahan drove Portland. Blanchard's orchestra. 332 dBpaxtment of e@rtcul, ture employs Loren Hamilton returned late to The Dalles Saturday where they Paul Sanstrum, Safeway assistant, Allen Imutcson, brother of Mrs. from Yakima, and John W. Park, of last week from a trip to Puget met friends from Portland. They returned Saturday from a two AI Henry returned to Goldendale Lyle, collided near Ooklendale last Sound. While, on his vacation he spent the aftenoon playing golf on week's vacation trip. He drove to the from Seattle last week after corn- Friday. l~o one was injured. Craw- made the trip from Seattle to Port- The Dalles links. f~rd repo~ted deranges to ,his car at Oregon beaches, north to Seattle pleting his term of enlistment in the ' ~land by plane, Mrs. C. H. Wierman returned to and British Columbia and back to United States Navy. He made the $25. ] Miss Sylvia Miller and Mrs. Aud- her home in Goldendale last week Goldendale by way of Grand Coulee return trip to Goldendale with Mr. Mr. awd~ Ma~. Walter Wright and[roy Eldrldge, both of Seattle, ~'ere after undergoing surgical treatment dam, Spokane and Walla Walls. and Mrs. Henry who had been via- two ~h41dren, of Vancouver, B. C., business visitors in Goldendale at St. Elizabeth's hospital in Yakt- The Portland Oregoman available iting in Seattle for several days. were here several days last week Tuesday. Miss Milller, an attorney, ma. from Frederick Oltmanns. Call Mr. and Mrs. John R. McEwen v~itingwtth Mrs. Wrlght's eunt, Mrs. represented Mrs. Eldridge, in a Sterling L~dbotter returned last phons 914 for daily delivery to your spent the weekend at Yakima park W. H. MCKlllip and ~mily.~he i heartng on quetlon of teacher's con- weekend from a vacation trip to own home in town or at Confection- on Mt. Rainier. They were Joined ~Arrighis left fo~ their homeleaf tract held here Tuesday. The hear- Seattle and other Puget Sound cry stores, ttthere by Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Chap- Friday. ling involved the Snowden school points. man and daughter Betty, of Yaki- Earl Henry, son of Mrs. E. H. Lee, district. The district wa~s upheld. Misses Sarah and Cora Tool, Mrs. ms; Miss Margaret McEwen, of of Gold~md~e, recen,tly was ews~rded Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Freer, form- May McQulvey and Roy. and Mrs. IALS, plus prompt, neat Seattle; Mrs. V. M. Attken and honorable mention in w~lting nd ~- erly of this city, moved to Grand- R. N. Smith, all of Wendell, Idaho BEST QUALTY MATER- daughter Miss Janice Altken, of lumtnatlon at .~be final exhibitlon of view recently where they will re- arrived tn Goldendale last week. The workmanship Belltngham; and Mr. and Mrs. E. student work at the summer eohool side during the coming year. ,He Misses Tool remained in Goldendale At Reasonable Prices W. Campbell and children of Seat- of t~he A~t Inetltu~on of Chicago, recently moved his sawmill from to visit with Miss Josephine Foster Modern Shoe Shop tle. Campbell, former Goldendale held Augnst 4. Henry has been at- Goldendale to Bickleton. while the rest of the party motored Bill Plummer high school principal, is assistant tending .0he Chicago A~t ~hool for Samuel Robert Newman, 64, of to Rldgefield, Wash., to visit with superintendent of schools in Seattle the pe~t yeer. Yakima, died August 6 in Yakima friends. Mr. and Mrs. l~L.~nk Copenhefer, of following an extended illness. He Portland, who recently ce~ebra~e~ was known by many people in their fiftieth wedding anniversary, Kliekitat county. " "ueauty Rules The Waves gues~ ~vt .the ,home of Mr. end Mr. and Mira. Fred Mantz, and b~rs. A. M. Copenhefer here this Mrs. Ethel McCrow, of Myrtle Point, Lovely, soft, natural waves that keep your week. A. M. Copenhef~r is the ~on Oregon, were ~eekend visitors at hair looking its best are beauty's dictates.., or ,t?ne elderly Portland couple. Mr. the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Be satisfied with nothing but the finest work- and Mrs. W. K. Sompey, of Los Ward. Mrs. Mantz will be remem- manship. , Angeles, are also visiting a£ the bored as ~rkleys McCrow who 24 Copenhefer farm. Mrs. Sempoy 9s ~ years ago lived with the Robert Me- G ld d 1 B tySh ,~ of A. M. Copen~efer. Crow family in Goldendale. At that o ell a e eau op Afternoon edition of ~he Oregon time she started school in Golden- EVELYN BAXTER---PHONE 1312 Jourmt on male at Mac~ Otfe and dale under Mrs. Ruth Ledbetter. Allison's Pharmacy after ~ o'clock. While in Goldendale she visited at Oeor~ I~ym~, ~--- the home of Mrs, Ledbetter. da~lss Arlene Alne spent several BELTS t. $1 days visiting relatives in Selah last ~d~ week. JEWELED OR PLAIN Mrs. E. E. Swanson, of Seaside, Oregon, is spending the week visit- ng at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Grow. Bll Layman was a business vis- itor in Yakima Tuesday. Carlsbad--Tom MLx--San.Ann--Black--~hites.--Tans Edgar H. Canfield, of White Samlon, was abuslness visitors In $ TO $5 00 Goldendale Tuesday. • Have your lubrication work done by experts the Standard way at the Ledbe allac Island Service Station. It-- George Dubs and Frank Egan, , of Wlshram, ~ere business visitors t in Goldendale Monday. Den Douglas, Conservationist at the CCC camp, has been away for the past two weeks at Crescent Lake doing some of his favorite pasttime, fishing. Douglas is noted for return- ing with stories of "You should see the one that got-away." His real catch was one dog fish. Mrs. Doug- trip.las accompanied Mr. Douglas on the e::aLl::ePD:~ner 6, the day follow ii:!ii~ln P;t: tah° o:~hte:[r?:n hc~li~- Mike Hector, Number Six farmer, Sell it tbroug'.h the Want Ada. We soil have a limited stock of LADIES TIIIN LEATHKR HEEL LIFTS AT 25c WlERMAN'S RELIABLE SHOE SERVICE COMING DR. C. W. YOUNG OPTOMETRIST Who has been making regular trips to your city, will again be in Goldendale Thursday, Aug. 25 At CENTRAL HOTEL Office hours, 10:00 to 3:00 for examination of your eyes the itting of glasstm. See him he wit1 save YOU money. An Artistic Hair Does Give You New Personality Special Viteen Treatment Before Each Prmanent Wave DUART PERMANENTS--NU RAY MACHINELESS SHAMPOO TINTS--EYE LASH AND BROW DYES NANCY'S BEAUTY SHOP AND OLSON'S BARBER SHOP PHONE 752 Across F~eom Ledb~ter & Wallace 4.