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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 18, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 18, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I©SMALLTOWNPAPERS INC. ALL CONTENT COPYRIGHTED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. Page Eight THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Thursday, =:4: i! i~¸ !i PRICES EFFEC~VE FRIDAY TO TUESDAY, AUG. 19-23/ Baby Foods, Stokelys, 3 for ... 25c Stokelys Tomato -'Juice, 46 oz. can ....... 19c Stokelys Tomato ---Juice, 10 oz. can. ..... 5c Stokelys No. 2, 2 for ........ 25c Stokelys Catsup, 14 oz., 2 for ........... 25c Stokelys Fruits for Salads, No. I can ..... 15c Stokelys--No. 2 Corn, Golden Bantam, 2 for ... 27c Stokelys Party Peas, No. 2, 2 for ........ 29c Battle Ground Pine - apple Sliced 1 ¼ Flats Tin ... 10c Corn Stokelys Whole Grain 2 for .. 29c Beans Stokelys No. 2 Cut 3 for..39c Tomatoes Stokelys No. 2!/2 tin 3 for .. 39c Alaska Red Salmon Libby or Del Monte 16 oz. tin 2 for..45c Recovered Near The Dalles Sheriff C. R. House continued an investigation into the identity of Herman Rittev, whose nt~de body wa~ believed, found floa~ting in the Co- lumbia river near Thee l)alles last Frida.y. Sheriff House said he believed, the body recov~red was tha~t of the man who Maryhill fer.ry operators ~e- FLOUR DRIFTED SNOW 49 lb. sack ....... $1.59 KITCHEN CRAFT 49 lb. sack ....... $1.39 HARVEST BLO~OM 49 lb. ~ck ....... $1.29 AIRLITE 49 lb. sack ....... $1.00 ported i~,axing seen on the ~h.ore the Columbia the preceding Sunday evening. Earlier last week a man's clothing was found on the b~uks of: the Colu~nbla near the Maryhill ferry landing. In the c|othe~ was t,he URine Iter~n~n Rittc~r, and ~bh~e ad- dress Slmkane. AuHmri.ttes believ~ the marx may have gone in swimming *3~l~d been drowned o.r possibly committed sui- cide. The body ~voa.s recovored near The Dalles by Fred Miller, ~ fleh- er~nan. ltegist~w Now------- ASK SAFETY LANE Cl~arle~, Shew, Goldend@le ser- vice station operator, requested the city council to provide a safety lane between his service station and the high school building. Shew holds the present highway crossing is a menace to the lives of school child- ren. No action was taken by the council pending a discussion with local school authorities. -----Register Now------ BICKLETON GIRL C. W. C. E. GRADUATE BIC KLE'LO N--- (Special to The Sentinel)---Mrs. Wm. Duryee of! 1 I sm ms --, Goldendale arrived Tuesday of last week for a visit at the A. D. Mason COFFEE AIRWAY Pound ............. 15¢ 3 pounds ........... 43¢ NOB HILL Pound ............. 20¢ 2 Pounds ........... 39¢ CORNED BEEF Libbys, Can ........ 15~ FELS NAPTHA SOAP 5 for .............. 23e DEVILED MEAT Libbys, 3 for ....... 10~ TOMATO SAUCE 3 for .............. 10¢ DEPENDABLE Pound Tin ......... 23@ 2 Pound Tin ........ 45¢ Top Quality Meats Prices Effective Saturday Only MUTTON CHOPS, pound ........... 10¢ Young Tender Mu~tton MUIq'ON STEW, pound .............. 6¢ Good Qua~i~cy MUTTON ROAST, pound ............ 8@ Meaty Shoulder Cuts PORK SAUSAGE, pound ............ 150 Delicious Flavor SLICED BACON, pound ............ 25¢ Morrell's Sugar Cured BEEF ROAST, pound .............. 15 ! Top Quality Young Steer Beef Fruits & Vegetables Lemons, dozen ......... 25c Cabbage, pound ......... 3c Cucumbers, 6 for ....... 10c White Celery, bunch .... 10c Lettuce, 3 for ........... 14c Tomatoes, box ......... 49c Blackberries, box ........ 5c Fresh Peas, 2 lbs. ....... 15c GROUND BEEF, pound ............. 15¢ Nice For Meat Loaf Satisfaction Guaranted On Every Purchase, ALWAYS[ TENTATIVE BUDdET FOR 1939 Adopted by the City Council August 15, 1938 (K~RR~NT EXPENSE FUND Street lighting ........... 2,000.00 Maintenance and bet~rment Sewers ............ ~ ..... 2,400.00 Fire Del~art~ent ......... 1,000.00 Deputy Marshals ......... 1,300.00 City Clerk .............. 720.00 City A~torney ............ 200.00 CRy Engineer ........... 225.00 ~i~tatio~aaxy & Prin:ting ..... 350.00 Health Office ............ 150.00 Auditing Books .......... 140.00 Council room, buildings .... 260.00 Summer Concerts ........ 150.00 Paxks ................. , 500.00 Side,talks ................ 200.00 home. Mrs. George Matsen was hostess at a delightful one o'clock luncheon Wednesday. Her guests were: Mrs. Alfred Matsen, Mrs. C. J. Jensen, Mrs. H. 0. Wilson, Mrs. Carl Carter and Mrs. Clarence McCredy. ~C~0N 0~C~B~ ~P0]~I-'~ I Judges, fe re4% (¥~m First Page~ ~ond; Judges. Ch~. Markgraf, A~y V. Paten. Lyle: Inapeotor, W. H. Thompson; Judge, M~riel West, W. A. ~eks. Meier Creek: Inspector, Will IAn- dell; Judges, ~sy Blank, Alice E. No, 4: Ins~tor, M. M. Hector Judges, ~ra Hawxts, J. E. Riley. H~rrT Lefever Jud~ North Daily: inserter, Ida M. Robl~on; Judges, Edr.a Smith, Mrs. Ma~ Crawford. No. 6: Inspector, ~rry Ferguson; Ju~, C. F. Mc~well, Edna Trum- be. ~ne ~rest: Inspector, F. D. Mrs. Nellie Roe, R. C. Le- WhRe Salmon: Inspector, Win. Miller; Judgss, C1~ra ,Putney, Roy E. Andrews, ~t Goldendale: InSl:motor, John Anderson; Judges, Dolly Madden, ~ Elizabeth Kayser. Nort~h Gol~bendele: Inspecto~, Gee. Hause; Judges, Mabel WhRney, Adria Sleeper. Sou,th Gotdend~le: Inspector, Ch~a. McEwen; Judges, M,m. Lilly Culver, Maude Shelton. ----Reg/~ter Now-- HOUSE CONDKI~iT.~ At their regular meeting Monday evening the Goldendale city council ordered that the Bob Nowell house located in South ~Goldendale across the railroad tracks be torn down immediately, The ruling was made becatme the house, now vacant, Is regarded as a serious hazard. GRANGE NEWS Centervtlle Grange number 81 will hold a regular meeting at their shall; Judges, Alice Harder, Jet4Ae WIMon. Pleasant: Inspirer, C. B. Hatch Judges, Mayme Swan, Evelyn ~ton. ~vel,t: Inspector: Ruth Lugin- ~l; Judges, K~thryn ~er, ~y ~tely, Spring Creek: Inspector, Henry WMk~r; Jttd~, Mrs. John Clary, ~, Hu~r. ~ C~ff|eld On Board ~ut I~ke: Insp~o~, D. H. Alle~ Pound~ .................. 50.00 Alfred Matsen left Assn. We~h. Cities ........ 175.00 Total ...............9,820.00 Olympia, on business. City Street Fund ......... 3,683.00 WATER FUND W~¢er Superintemtent .... 1,300.00 City Treasurer .......... 1,000.00 Maintena~nee & Better't ...6,600.00 Total ................8,900.00 Bond---l%edemptlon ....... 2,100.00 Liibrary Fund ............ 1,000.00 Total ............... 3,100.00 Total .... ~ .......... 25,503.00 ESTIMATED R~VENUES Water Re~vt~ls .......... 10,500.00 Licenses ............... 300.00 Beck Taxes ............ 250.00 Motor Vehicle Fund ...... 2,000.00 Liquor Revenue ......... 1,000.00 To be raised by taxation . .11,453.00 Estimating 20 mills on valu_ ~.tion 572,789 ....... 11,455.78 L~st yeast ~o~tnt .to be r~sed by ~taxation was ........ 11,433.00 A public hearing will be ~eld at the ttme of the regular meeting of .the City Council Sepbember 6 at 8 p. m., at v/hich time any interested voters may be ,h~ard in ~l~seussion of ~beve ,budget. 832 ------Register Now------ VISITS GOLDF.~DALE Irving Bath, Jr., was in Golden- dale over the iweekend visiting Donald VanHoy and other friends. He returned to Corvallls this week where he is employed. Mrs. Anna Brown and children, Miss Leona, Walter, Norman and El- wood left Thursday on their vaca- tion, which includes visits to the Timberline lodge on Mt. Hood, Port- land, Seattle and Mt. Vernon. They will be gone two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Matsen and Phyllis and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Mat- sen and Betty and Miles left the first of the week for Gearhart, on their vacation. Miss Katherine Frostrup returned home Monday, from a week's visit at tim home of her aunt Mrs. Gay Bybee, In Portland. J. F. Coleman and Hershal mo- tored to Toppenlsh, Thursday. Mrs. Coleman and Rutherne accompanied them home Friday for the weekend on the ranch. Mrs. Carl Carter and children and her house guest Mrs. E. J. Sharps were guests of Mrs. C. J. Jensen, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chambers and children motored tG Kennewlck Sunday and spent thB day at the Ronald Hatch home. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hooker and T. H. Hooker motored to Seattle to see Mrs. T. H. Hooker, who is con- valescing at the home of her sister Mrs. Ben Plowman. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCredy attended the graduation of their daughter Aillen from Ellensburg normal Monday evening. There were about one hundred graduates. Mrs. Kenneth Leevers of Portland arrived Thursday to spend the re- mainder of the week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Esten Gaines. Mr Leevers Joined her Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hooker ar~ driving a new Ford V8 coupe, a wed- ding gift from their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hooker. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nygaard enter- tained at dinner Friday evening. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seeley of Alderdale, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hooker and Mrs. Earl Lasley. Friday for Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Faulkner met Miss Lucille in Sunnyslde, Saturday, who was returning from a ten day visit tn Wenatchee. Mrs. George McCredy entertained Mrs. C. J. Jensen at dinner, Friday evening. John Harris returned home Frl. day eveJaing from Pullman, Where he has been attending summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hooker and Mrs. Edward Hooker shopped in Sunnyside Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zumwalt visit- ed his brother Doran Zumwalt in Yaktma Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cassel had as week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Montjoy and Mr. and Mrs. Jack CaN dwell all of Ellensburg. Mr, Mont|oy is a brother of Mrs. Cassell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry chambers, daughter Ona and small sons Bobbte and Dickie, accompanied Claire Miller to Kennewtck Sunday whe~re they visited Mr. Chambers sister Mrs. R, E. Hatch and family. Grange hall Friday night at 8:00 p. m. INCREASES POWER Yaktma's radio station KIT next Sunday is increasing its power to 1000 watts. Of interest to Golden- dale people will be the Sunday morning organ recital from 8:30 l W hram School- IOlson Transferred Building Given Additional Funs way; Judges, W. A. Taggar% Clara to 9:30 a. m., from the chapel organ Wang. of Chapman and Poulin funeral W~hki~us: Inspector, W. F. Lud- home. lure; Judge, Mrs. L. E. Omeg, A. J. f ------~r Now Definite assurance that Wishram's new school building will be com- pleted this year In accordance with the district's original plans was given this week by Don Abel, state WPA administrator. The final details of the Wishram o~ school project were ironed out last week in Olympia where Mrs. Eu- genia Clark, of the school board, and Mrs. Sue Horehead, Klickitat county school superintendent, met with state officials and Abel. The building which was started this summer with disirtct and state funds, will be a $40,000 structure. Work was halted on the building re- cently when funds for its construc- tion Were exhausted. According to ~lrs. Morehead a WPA crew will start work imme- diately on the building. Present plans call for the building being completed before January 1. School will be held, in the old building until the new structure is completed. --Register Now------ Ask Main Street Carnival Setup A petl.tton bearing ,the of a number of iGoldend,~le business men was presented the city council to al- low the Jamboree street carnivel to i be held on Main ~treet between Grant and Columbus avenues. The petition w)ae approved by ~he council and a motion passed that the cc~rnlval be ellowed to l oca,te on thet section of Main sbreet, provided~ t~at the carnival pay ~he cost of policing and cleaning up he street during the show. -------~glster Now-.---. 1 Truck Driver Is Killed In Crash Crushed ~vhen the State highway truck he was driving backed off a grade near Husum, E. W. Scott, 50, Vancouver, Wash. state highway employe, was killed instantly Mon- day. The accident occurred shortly after noon Mcmday, C. W. Ramsey county coroner announced. Scott was driving the truck when it crash- ed over the grade. Local officials of the state highway office said they had no details as to the cause of the crash. The truck overturned three times as it rolled down the bank. Scott is survived by his widow who resides in Va~ncouver. --~--Itegistcr Now-------- Hood River Man Held On Forgery Chwrged with first degree forgery ~)y C. W. Ramsey, Klickita~ coun- ty ~)rosecutor, Kenneth D. Fisher, 25-year-,old Hood River men last ~bur~d~y we~ committed ~to Superior court by A. T. Byars, Goldendale Justice of the peace. Fisher is being held in the county jeJ1 pen~d,ing a Superior court hear- lug. He is charged wit~a having forg- ed % check on Joe Hotter of the Mt. Adams Inn dr~wn on the First Na- lionel Bank of Pettish,d, Hood River brunch. ------Register Now Truck drivers get your Bill of Lading blanlm at The Sentln~! of- rice. All reaay made up into books with original, duplicate, au~l tripli- cate. tt-- ------Register Now-- Bound for Yellowstone park on a two ~'eek's vacation trip C. S. Mc- Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. William Hec- tor and sons Charles and Emmett Hector left Goldendale Sunday. Dur- ing their absence Mr. and Mrs. Fre.i Hector are looking after the Will Hector farm. ,One inc~ roug~h, pine eheathlng, ~twn pitch fence posts, pRch sills, ,t~vo inch dressed pitch plunk, noth- ing better for su~bfloors, barn floors, culverts, 6to. 2X4 end 2X6 dimen- sion. Stock up now on your needs he- fore lumbe~ advances. Get these e,t the Klickitat Pine Box Co. 33tf By Consolidated Bob Olson, for more than et year manager of the Consolidated Freight Lines in Goldendale, announced .this week ,he had been transferred~ to the SunnysidB office of hi~ company. Mr. and ~rs. Olson and son plan to leave l~riday for Sunnyside. Gee. 'D~.ylor, of Presser, h,as been named to take over the Consolidated office here. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor 'will re- sid,e in bhe Dudley apartmen,ts on Broadwa~y. --Register Now----- M~r. ,a~d Mrs. Hilmer Eriekson we're dn Goldendalc Tuesd~y from Ellensburg where Mr. E rickson hc*s been attending Normal school. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Eri.ckson ~s'lll m,]ke their lmme in Wishram ~here Mr. Erick- non will have charge of the Wishram school. Mrs. Glen VanHoy returned from Spokane after spending a month there visiting her brother, Floyd Webster. --Register Now-------- Marriage Licenses E. M. Severin, Denver, Colorado and Megnon Higgs, Portland, Ore- gon, at Goldendale, August 13. J. M. Braskett, of Ridgefield and Elnora Mayer, of Vancouver, at Goldendale August 11. Leonard Jordan and Arden Stran- ahan, both of Miller, Oregon, at Goldendale, August 16. John R. Kinney, Gresham, Ore- gon, and Myrtle R. Patterson, Yaki- ma, at Goldendale, August 17. REGISTER AND VOTE SEND Bert M. Huntington TO CONGRESS Republican Primaries, Sept. 13, 1938 Mr. and Mrs. Jess Allyn and Mrs. Cecil Allyn and drove to Vancouver SunaaY they attended the annual Alexander picnic. The held on Dr. Goddard's \aneouver. Too Late to FARMERS lowered rthe price of ber $2 per thouse,nd feet form with the low price Orders eo~wed to your tions. Also th,ave shingles, ply'board and reduced prices. W,e solicit quiries. Walter Klat,t phone 1S52, Gold,endalc. ' 1~()!¢ SALE--Pe~ches. ready now. Prices right. a~,:i Muirs. Also Bartlett 31~6 o:" c)~me to TokaY M,aryhill. by ERNEST 1109 Phone ETHICAL SERVICE Those who perform duties in a faithful recognize higher ethic~ e business than those barter... Ours is maximum service Merle W. Funeral Director WM. CHAPMAN, Ambulance Office 1503 Night Anywhere Eat more meat for health; and remember, The Meat Co. sells only Klickitat Vailey's finest meat, and passed by the State Department of Agriculture, at a real saving to you. Come see for yourself and buY best for less. A Few Of Our Weekend Specials John Marshall CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Young Mutton Chops, 3 lbs. ..... CALF BRAINS, pound ........... PORK ROAST, pound ......... Young, Grain Fed BEEF BOIL, pound .............. Steer Beef PORK SPARE RIBS, pound ..... BEEF TONGUES or HEARTS, lb. 1 BEEF or PORK LIVER, pound ... BACON SQUARES, pound ...... Sugar Cured BEEF STEW, pound ............. Delicious with Vegetables SKINNED HAMS, pound ....... PREMIUM CURED--Whole or haft REMODELING Also fresh dressed fryers and hem And REPAIRS fresh fish.., and a large supply HARDWOOD FLOORS prouuce... Installed Complete Old Floors Resurfaced and Come in before you buy. inspect our large fresh stOCk, Refinished remember, we always sell for less. Windows and Doors Weather Stripped. Prices Reasonable Let Me Estimate Your Job! ADDRESS P. O. BOX 555 Or Call Frank Fenton Res. O G01dendah Meat Company "Home of Kliekitat Valley's Finest Inspected MeatS" ! , at the for stu( Will : thi : BI!