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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 19, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 19, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 10 Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in • Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dalles Chronicle; and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record or toll free at 315 t 3,10 Ap.renent p/eep, + Four A 365House 420 Acruge 420Acreage MEADOWS Mr. VIEW FARMS Hate Haven & Donut peaches, nectarines, huck- leberries, fresh veggies, & gift items. Located 8 min. from Hood River bridge, 509-493-23-58. Call for directions & info, RO~E3 FRUIT Elberta Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Nectarines. Daily 10am-6pm, 4410 Mill Creek Rd, T.D. 541-298-1153 HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. HOOD RIVER. Brand new Retail/office space, 1500 Irg 1 bdrm. Furnished, in- sq. It, Off street parking, dudes utils. Wklylmo., or Frank @ 541-386-1000. lease. 541-386-9123. HOOD RIVER. 2835 sq ff Office lease. 9 offices, conference, reception, lobby. $2700 + NNN. 54% 380-0558/503-281-8495 HOOD RIVER. 1200 sq. ft. Groudn floor. AC, ample parking. Avail 10/1. $1100 mo. 541-386-8907. Ught Industrial property, 1820= W, 2nd St, The Oalles, 5500 sq It MI-ZlS-5544. ON BROADWAY, FREE Manum. stomfront/office space for U-Haul. lease. Easy access from 541-490-4882.Hwy. 97, .suites starting at only $300/mo. Contact 41d~;~= Brenda at Columbia Crest Property Management, 541-296-5267. SOUTH GARDEN APARTMENTS & RENTALS 2 TON GRAIN BIN. Opens on both sides, $175. 541-478-3477. MASSEY FERGUSON 245 D~se $42OO. 541-354-1536. Semi flatbed. Set up for fruit bins, plastic. $3200. 541-490-1273. Business Rentals""~'330 Apartment Rentals/Oregon .... 335 Apartment Rentats/WA "~--340 Condo Rentals ...... 3-50 Duplexes, 4-P/axes/OR ..... 355 Duplexes, 4-plexesNVA '----"--"'360 House Rentals/OR""'365 House Rentais/WA ""'370 Senior Housing "''"372 Mobile Homes/OR """'375 Mobile Home&NVA""""380 Mobile Home Spaces ""382 Rentals Wanted "''"--385 Rentals to Share "'"--390 Room Rentals """"""""395 RV Site Rentals"""397 Vacation Rentals "'''"'400 Bed & Breakfast""""405 Storage Space~410 Misc. Rentals~415 509-773-6695 i; / 'ii CARSON. 2500 sqft office, 8000 sqft manufacturing. $.25/sqft Dividable. John at 509-427-5484 COtItERCIAL PROPERW E, 2., S" Retail space, 2500 to 10,000sq & Also small office space avail. 54 1-296-5944 HAVE A HOME FOR SALE? Get results fast by placing your ad in the Gorge Clas- sifieds, your ad wilt appear in every paper in the gorge area, reaching over 115,000 madem each week. Call us at the Gold- endale Sentinel, 773-3777 or toll-free at 1-686-287- 3777. Head of downturn The Datl= 5000 sq ft pnme commer- cial space. Basmt. Terrific dnve by traffic. Best corner in town. Also, 1100 sq fl, 1250 sq ft. avail. 503.S02.822& HOOD RIVER Heights Retail/office 2380 sq fL Parking. 541-386-2864. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to ad- vertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, relig- ion, sex, handicap, familial status or national odgin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal cus- todians, pregnant women and people securing cus- tody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any ad- vertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hem- by informed that all dwell- ings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of dtscdmina- tion call HUD toll-free at 1- 800-669-9777, The toll-free telephone number for the headng impaired is 1-800- 927-9275. The Daltss hlstodc+dow~own ~.KI ft. $9001mo. 541-993- space, Storefront, office or retail space. Central White Salmon. Approx. 1,200sf. Mt. Hood view. $600/mo. 509-493-2857 WORK WHERE YOU PLAYI 4518 sq. ft. of mfg/office flex space tocated in the tmert of the beautlfl.d c~- lumbia River Gorge at a business park in Bingen, WA; 3 mL to Hood River, OR and 1-84. Tdple-net lease. All util. & 3-phase elect. Contact D/anne Sherwood, Exec. Director, (509}493-1655 Carousel Apts, The Dallas. 1 Bdrm, W/S/G pd. $360, $150 non-tel dep. Fdg, stove, PC. 805 Court St. 541-298-1882. HOOD RIVER. Must see to appreciate river view apt. in Histonc building. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Newly refurbished. No smoking/pets. $995/mo. incls. W/S/G. 541-386- 3964/503-810-2884. HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Great location, river view. $585 plus deposit. 541-386-2080. HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm. w/ Mt. Adams view. $450. Call for appt. 541-386-1617. HOOD RIVER. Affordable rent, Hud Accepted. In- come restrictions apply. If no units am available, qual- ified applicants will be add- ed to our waiting list. Please call 541-386-6607 or 541-386-6788. HOOD RIVER, 2 bdrm, W/ G pd. Available 8/15. lsV last + $250 dep. 1 yr lease. $540 rno. 509..493-1507. Nut &tidy 2 Bdrm w/most utils pd. 54 1-980-3039. POMONA TERRACE APARTMENTS 2 Bdn'n, 1~ BA. AC, wesher/dryer, W/S/G pd. All units have full or partial upgrades enhancements. Sm pets & Seotion 8 welcome+ 1019 Pomona St, The Dallas, OR. 541-296-4114. T.D. 2 Bdrm, W/S/G, beau- tiful view, quiet country set- ting. $425. No pets. Avail now. 541-296-1451, 980- O8O5 The Oatisa 2 Bdrm town- house. $495/mo. $300 dep. No pets. 541-295-7015. The De,el Ig 1 Bdrm, newer carpet & paint, gas heat, laun- dry area. Off-St perking. 1010 Union St. $425. 541.490-6012, LYLE. 2 & 3 bdrm. Nice neighborhood. $35015450 mo + dep. 509-355-6863. Wlshram Heights, WA 1 Bdrm apt for rent. $295. 509-748-2333 2 BEDROOM, 1.5 bth., dishwasher, carport. $460/ roD., $300 dep. 773-2218. Mr. ADAMS Apts,, units avail. WHITE SALMON. Large for $465/mo., GIS Inc., W/D, remodeled 1 bdrm, 1 bath. nsw paint & carpel Sect/on 81 Includes W/D & WIS/G. HUD ok. For Info or tour, call $550. 541-386-2645. 50~T/3-4~1. N. BONNEVILLE 1 bdrm. 3~'~ apt. Water/sewer pd. HUD ok. $355. 360-903-7601 ........ i ,, , WHITE SALMON, 1 bdrm. 3 bdrm, 2 be, on large wooded Clean, quiet, carport, yard. IoL541-296.1152.TheDalias $400 + dep. 509..493-1352. CASCADE LOCKS. 2 bdrm 1 bath. W/S pd. River view. No smoking/pets. $550 mo. $300 dep. 541-374-8750. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS DOWNTOWNI Spacious 2 bdrm. apartment. App., 750 sq. ft., all elec- tnc. New condition, economical and quiet. W/SIG paid. $4001mo., $300 dep. Sun Castle Properties 2 bdrm. A/C, on-site laundry, W/S/G pal. Quiet, clean, spac,ous. 773-3816 or 773-3209 The Dalln 1 Bdrm. W/S/G IX/. HUD OK, no pets.$395. 541-2, 7015 i ..... : .... :: : :+ 2bdrm, 1 ba, w/new carpet & paint. 541-296-1152. The 2 BDRM: WlS/G paid.No Dallas. pets. Clean, great view. 509-767-1449. Hood Rlvsr 3 bdrm, furn., river/mt, view. 1011 L/n- 2 BEDROOM apt., W/BIG coin. No smoking/pets. pd., $400/mo. 509-773- $750 mo. lst/lasUdep. 3816. Avail Sept. 2(~>-714-9826. BINGEN Sweet studio fully HOOD RIVER. Avail 9/15. furnished, all inclusive. Lrg New 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, AC, patio, dyer views. No W/D/DWWWWWWWWWWWWWWV~P/2car.g,~age. smov, ld~,~'~ dep. $~O'30+ut,+$5OOdep: ' Sept-Apdl 30th. $300 mo. 1/4 utils. 604-868-3788. 503-492-6176/319-6517. CRESTVIEW Apts. is now HOOD RIVER Heights 2 taking applications for 1, 2, bdrm. Private, view, patio. & 3 bdrm. apts. Energy el- $635. 503-704-2522. flclent, excellent place to Hood River, Xlarge bdrm, live! Starting at $335/mo. dining/kitchen, 1 bath, Must meet income eligibility clean, quiet, nver view, pat- requirements. Please call io, storage: no pets, first/ 773-5436 between noon-6 last deposit. $500 per mo p.m. w/yr/ease. 541-386-1495 I~ ~ T.D: 2 bdrm, clean, quiet, appl, deck, river view, W/S/G pal, no pets/smoke. GOLDEN ARMS $525 + dep. Call for appt. 3 bdrm., Sectton 8 Housing 509-427-7527. Rent based on income. W/ THE DALLES. 3 bdrm, SIG pd. Laundry, play- 1200 sq ft. Clean w/extras. ground, close to schools & $575 + dep. 541-352-3535. shopping. GOLDEN SANDS The Dallas Spacious 1 or 2 1 bdrm., $280/mo., $250 Bdrm in hictoric duplex, dep. 418 E. 4th. $450/$500. Laundry, Extra Storage, 541-2984502,950-0131 HUDaccepted THE DALLES. 2 bdrm 1 Close to Shopping bath. New carpet, paint. 1st full month rent free with River/dam view. $575/mo 6 roD. lease. 541-40043012. Ask about Spedalsl The Dallas 2 Bdrm triplex. Inquimat: $40(~/mo $300 dep. HUD 509B E. Main ok. No pets. 541-298-7015. Goldendaie, WA 98620 Phone:509-773-5828 THE DALLES. 2 bdrm, Fax: 509-773-3153 storage, deck. Nice. TTY : 1-800-833-6388 $525. 541-993.0059. for headng impaired" THE DALLIES Clean 2 bdrm, 1 ba. $525/mo. W/S/G GK~ paid. W/D, 541-298-6262. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT O DEPOSITS, O FEES on 2 & 3 bdrm townhousee GOLDENDALE: 325 E. located in nice quiet area. Main; 1 bdrm. apt., The Dallas. 541-298-1076. $265/mo. 773-4550. Hood River. Furn, 3 bdrm/la bath, Columbia St. $T/5. No imloking. 541-386-7297. Hood River. 3 bdrm home on golf course and 1 & 2 bdrm apts. 541-386-1310/6476. HOOD RIVER. 3 bdrm, 1