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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 22, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 22, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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August 22, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendaie, Washington Page Three Egan, of Bingen, was a Gold- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown have visitor last Friday• moved from their residence on East listen Gaines, of Bickleton¢ was a Court street to the Watson home ddendale business visitor Thurs-on East D. street. Y" Farmers! Order" your Mountain ~r~. j W Bowden of Walla Copper Carbonate now from Gillen- ills, visited with her father, W. E. waters Hardware. lt-- )rnibrook and other relatives, last Mrs. Ronald Faulkner, of Bingen, is visiting in Goldendale at the home ~r. Brown, of Bingen, proprietor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ¢¢ Browns Cafe, was in Goldendale ~'enton. bUSiness last Friday Frank Smith of Wishram, was l~011ow the crowds~'o BLockhouse fined $10 and costs in A. T. Byars' tf--police court last Saturday after ~ew Milhollin, state sales tax of- pleading guilty to a charge of being elal from Vancouver, was in Gold- intoxicated in a public place. ldale on business Thursday. Raymond Knight, who has been in ~r. and Mrs. E. C. Kaiser, Mr. and Walla Walla county for the past Harry Dunn, and Waldo Klein seven months, is visiting at his home the state convention of the in Lyle this week• Legion held in Aberdeen • " Marshe.ll Duffield and Bette Briggs week. They returned to Golden- were among the swimmers who en- Saturday. , joyed the c.ool waters o£ the Colum- ms Eileen Bradford and Miss bin at Lyle Sunda- [ae Wel~ter spent the past week-[ ~, ~,,t ~,~ Y',.n ..... p ...... ill Seattle. On the way over theyI fatally left T"hursd'a;-for--Po'rtlan'd: Ped in Portland where Miss WeN Salem and the Oregon beaches where transacted business Friday. they spent the weekend [~Pt. and Mrs J E. Youngquist Mr and Mrs. N. B. Matsen, daugh- for their home m Sterling Cole - " " " ' " ter Betty ~nd son Bud, left last Thursday They spent two weeks Thursday for Gearhart, Oregon to visiting with his broth " " " " spend two or three weeks vacation- and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ing. Youngquist. Millie Sutton and daughter visited in Goldendale recently her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. Sutton left last for Chehalls to visit rela- and friends. Portland Ore~onian available l~rederlck Oltmanns. Call phone dail.y delivery to your own in town or at Cenfectionary tt PHONE 52 Aug.23-24 Feature ! TAIL.SPIN THRILLS! BRUCE • DENNIS MORGAN BELLAMY-JAHE WYIMN Downs-Peggy Moran in Can't Anything Love, Baby You Aug. 25-26 News Reel ~lUsical---Honolulu Bound August 27 Outstanding production about town and its people Holden - Martha Scott Frank Craven in Stranger Than Fiction ~lnedy--Naughty Nineties Aug. 28-29 who have celebrated theh' wedding anniversaries or are united to this program of the managemeut. SCOTT LEO McCAREY Production Oire~d ~ GARSON KANIN Cartoon and Musical Mrs. Morton Bunnell and d6ughter Donna Jean, of Los Angeles, were in Goldendale last week visiting with relatives. Mrs. Bunnell is a sister of Mrs. h'a Brokaw and Mrs. Charles Brokaw. Earl S. Coe, of Bingen, Loren T~'ip- lett, of White Salmon, and A1 Henry, of Klickitat, were in Goldendale Sat- urday evening en route to Bickleton where they attended a Young Demo- cratic club meeetlng. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dokken formerly proprietors of the Triplex Cleaners have moved to Spokane. The Triplex 1Cleaners establishment is now under the operation of Mr. and Mrs. Walters, of White Salmon• Senator Charles F. Stinson, of Pasco, oandidate for re-election to the sixteenth district legislative post he now holds, was in Goldendale campaigning last Friday. He was ac- companied here by Sam English, also of Pasco. Mrs. Lilly Eddy received word to- day that her son Frank Eddy has been advanced to the rank of junior lieutenant in the United States Navy. Lieutenant Eddy recently was trans- ferred from Brooklyn .to Norfolk Virginia• He is now serving on the U.S.S. Ooldsburough, an airplane tender. Rev. and Mrs. Velmer J. Gardner and son of the Assembly of G"od church returned be Goldendale Tues- day after spending several weeks in Wenatchee vacationing. During their ~bsence W'alter Daggett, of Granger, was in charge of the Goldendale church. He left for his home in Granger this week. F. ~I~. Jermaine, of Trout Lake candidate for county commissioner on the Republican ticket in 'the first district, was in Gotdendale last Fri- day, and F. H. Fergen, formerly~ of Auburn, Wash., accompanied him. Fergen is the new principal eLt the Trout Lake school. E. G. Wentland, principal at Trout Lake last year, has signed a contract ~vo teach at Dixie, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fahe, of St. Louis, Missouri, spent several days last week visiting with .Mrs. Fahe's cousin, Mrs. Eva Bruner. Mrs. F~he is a sister of Will and Cecil Smith, former Goldendale residents. From here Mr. and Mrs. Fahe went to Port- land where they will spend some time visiting Will ~anibh and other relatives. From there they will go south and visit Cecil Smith and wife at San !Francisco. The Seattle P-I deliveeed to your home or at McKees'- Pharmacy or call Harold Weir, agen.t, tf rhe I. Championiip BIO Events SHOW etono RHIne Brahma l|ll Rldins Bait Ropldl |ulldo||ln| 3, HIgM Showt **Oup-H.we-a-hut" (EndTrall)qd Faster Than Ever by 40 Militia Bi.--~"---tl J Fenoo Sopureteu Arena trem Race Truk ! FAMILY BARGAIN (SATURDAY ONLY) Two Adults lad Ohlldrenl In Unoeverod Stands SI.TB In eoverod Stands (Noi R~o'~o4) i S2.60 Itnol hrldou Soturduy and Labor Ouy son of Portland are visiting with]in Goldendale on business Saturday i¢ ' " ~6" ~ -- " friends and rel~tives in Goldendale~ tGerald Fenton returned l~st Fri ,I. ~r.~-~-~"-~_--_ _-._ --'--"-_~,~v'~": Isis weeK. day from Portland where he spent/~ ~~i::~-~:!i-"""-W:-'iiiiii~i~i~ ........... i:::i:i': ......................... i::i:::::T?~i'~[~i~ii~i~i~i~:~-i:~..-i:i~:~ ............. ::'-'"':~~ Follow the crowds bo Blockhouse. several days visiting friends. Mrs. R. ]¢. ~!~!iii::iiiiiiii~'i!liii~i~ii!i'!ii~ii~ii~ii~~~ Mr. and Mrs. James Brazelton W. Fenton accompanied him. /$ ~ii!~i!ilili!i~~!ii!~iiiHii!~iiiiii~~ spent the weekend in Yakima on • @ ~!iiiiiiiiiiii .iiiiii!i i!iiiiiili* iiiiiiii :ii]ii!il ' • • S~anley ,R. Wright, of Walla l* ~i~~:_ ~~ll[~i|II::~~~J~,,~~ii~:~~ their wedding trip. They returned ~o Walls Renublican can,~ida+~ for/*~ "~'=~ii~i~iiiiiiii':~~~i!ii~J..~iiiiiii!i~ii~J.:ii~l~ @°~:;d;~iM:::,dan: Sundale rancher, :::,:p~gYni:fgS:::: :::k:n G°ldendalel~ !i!i!ii! ii!!'!!:!! i!!!i!!ii !' purchased a new Case seeder from New Betty Baxley dresses and . :iiiii,iL. Maurer Brothers (Feed store last Esenada Slacksutts $1 95 each, ~ --" week. Dres~well Shop. lt-- : Goldendale' 8th Annual Rodeo... You Can See lfl) ____ But Mrs. Etta H,a,rdin and Miss Clara Beverly and Nancy West, of Tie- , S Digger, Avery left Sunday for Colville, Wash. ton, Wash., arrived in Goldendale ~ ...... where" they. will spend' two weeks Wednesday. evening to visit" with ~* None Better..... ieptember 6,- 7, 8 visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wes then" father, Dr. Wilham H. West..~ Davis. Roy W. Lundberg, Watkins ]nan, Cooked food sale, Sat. Sept 7, by will be in G,lenwoood terri,tory next Klickitat Valley Pioneers at Gil- week. ienwaters Hardware. lt-- Miss Helen Brondt, county home Mr. and Mrs. Peter Troh, Fred demonstpation agent, was in Bickle- Feller, Mrs. Emma Gregory and Ivan ton ou business Monday of this week. MoCunlber, all of Glenwood, were in Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pike and WATCH FOR THE RED TAB o, D c. ,oc,,... HATS It ldenEfies Genuine LevF Goldendale late last week to testify daughter Pamela were in Yakima ~' before the county grand jury. over the weekend visiting with P. It. Akeriil, D. A. Cress, Albin friends• .•. Bergluud and V~ard Holloway, all of George Klein was in ,Seattle las~ Glenwood, were in Goldendale Fri- week on business. IIe returned to day to testify before the county Goldendale Friday. ~.,. grand jury. Miss Gladys Lee, of Vancouver,1@~@ Frank Alvau, manager of the is in Goldendale this week visiting ,,u Tokay ranch at Maryhill, was in with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Golde dale on lnTsiness Thursday. He Homer Lee. reports grape crop prospec'ts are ex- Mrs. R. L. IC~off, of Portland, was cellent at Maryhill this year. a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bertha Brazelton, T1~elma Ed Root last week. ,.:. Yoho and two ci~ildren and Evard Gunderson are vacationing a.t the Oregon beaches this week. They left for the coast last Saturday. Follow the crowds to B leckihouse if-- John D. Pearce, Mrs. Charles Pearce ,of White Sahnon, ancl Ray Bolt, of Glenwood, signed the regis- ter at the San Francisco world's last week according to the state pro- gress commission. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Poweil, MTs. Ida Barlow and Miss Fern Barlow returned Friday from a vacation trip to Seaside, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Splawn and family returned last week from a ~wo weeks' vacation trip to the Ore- gon coast. While in Seaside they vis- ited at the home of his brother. V. L. Layton and Earl Tesmer both .of Seattle, were weekend vis- itors at the Frank Alvau home in Maryhill. `Mr. and Mrs. Jim (Bullock, of Pen- dleton, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bates Hunter in the Spring Creek district• New Betty Baxley dresses and Esenada Slacksuits, $1•95 each, Dresswell .Shop• lt-- Mrs. Theopa Bringazi returned to Goldendale last weekend after at- tending summer school at Cheney. With her two sons she is visiting this week at the ',home of her par- enSs, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lee. b-~ylvester Briggs who is stationed with the U. S. Navy in San Diego, left this week after spending 10 days .furlough at his home in Klickitat. Mi~s LaDiene Beeks and Mrs. Fanny Briggs accompanied him as far as Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Byars and daughter Catherine, of Chehalis, are in Goldendale this week visiting with his father, W. F. Byars and other relatives. They plan to return to Che- hal is later this week• He is a mem~ber of the junior high school faculty there. Joe Kloker, of Custer, Washington is in Goldendale visit.lag with his d~ughter, Mrs. Everett Wedgwood and family, and his son, Carl Kloker and family. Mr. Kloker made the trip to Goldendale with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and_ Mrs. Oscar EIbe who were on their way to S~.n Francisco to the world's fair. 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mort, of Chicago,/Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Goldendale Mrs. Collins plans to go of Champagne, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. ~o Vancouver where she will visit Loren Mort, of Independence, Ore., with her daughter, Miss Alma Col- were in Goldendale Wednesday and lins. q'hursd~y last week visiting with Miss Elsie Seibold accompanied their father, lI-L W. Mort. From here Mr. and Mrs. (Berry and Miss HelenI they drove on to Oregon to visit with Berry, Ephruta, Wash., on a vaca- other relatives• ~-~.oward Mort is a lion trip to the beaches this week• member of the faculty of the Uni- After returning from the beach Missi versity of Chicago, and Kenneth Seibold plans to visit at the Berry!i Mort is in business at Champagne, home in Ephrata for a few days• Miss i the home of the University of Illinois. Berry and ,Miss 8eibold were room- Loren Mort is director of athletics mates at Washington State College at Independence, Ore., high school, last year. • he Ore4~on Journal delivered to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ferry left your home or at (~onfectionar¥ stores Sunday on a month's vacation trip to and Allison's Pharmacy. Oeorge Lay- i the Atlantic coast. They plan to visit man, agent, tf--, ~hi.s parents in Hershey, Penn. From Pennsylvania they will drive on to "A Good Place To Eeat" Banquet Room Available FLY SPRA SEASON IS HERE*. Insnre yourself with the B]SST protection possible by Using WAT- KINS N]/~tr IMPROVED 1940 FL YSPRAY. A Spray which will really kill the flies. Quarts 4Oc; Half Gallons 75c; Gallons $1.35 ROY W. LUNDBERG, Goldendale Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Lande spent Friday in Yakima on business. On their way home they stopped i n Wapato to visit Mrs. Lande's broth- ed, J. E. Hobbs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Laudenbaoh re- turned to their home in Centralla Tuesday after spending two weeks in Goldendale visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coffield. Edgar H. Canfield spent the week- end in Portland visiting with rela- tives. Mrs. Canfield and baby son Russell Who had been visiting in Portland with her parents for Vhe past two weeks, returned to Gold- endale with him. Harry L. Derby, former restau- rant proprieVor of White Salmon, was in Goldendale Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B(~b Maillte, of Hood River, were in Goldendale Sunday visiting at the home of his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Matllie. Mrs. C. J. Schultz, of Wishram, was in Goldendale Tuesday on busi- ness and visiting• Mrs. Frank Lainhart and Mri. Alfred White spent Friday of last week in Buena vistting ~ith Mrs. atnhart's parents. Clark Cain left Monday for The Dalles, where he will spend three days visiting with his mother, Mrs. Laura Collins and sister, Miss Mary Cain. George A. Re~d, of White Sal- mon, candidate for county auditor on the Democratic ticket, was in Goldendale on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Tre~bridge are visiting in Goldendale this week at ~he home ,of his parents Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Trow~idge. T~ey plan to leave this weekend for Forks, Wash., where he will teach in the high scho.ol during the coming year. Forks is located on the Olympic peninsula and fine ~lgh school has an enrollment of nearly 200. He will have charge of the coaching in the high school. Farmers! Order your `Mountain Copper Carbonate now from Gillen- waters Hardware. lt-- Mrs. Arthur Collins, of Woodland, Wash., was in Croldendale Sunday and `Monday of this week visiting with friends• She spent the past week in Yakima visiting with her son Mar- tin Collins and family• Mr. and Mrs. Martin Collins accompanied Mrs. Collins to Goldendale Sunday• From New York City, Washington, D. C., and other places of interest in the East and Middle West. Ferry is the manager of the Safeway meat mar- ket in C~ldendale. Mrs. Homer Silver who has been attending summer school at the Uni- versity of Washington returned Fri- day evening from Seattle. Homer Sil- ver drove over after her Friday morning. Miss Isabel Trantum ac- compe~nied them to Goldendale. Miss Trantum plans to spend the weekend here before returning to her home in Seattle. She will teach in a high school near Tacoma this year. Levi's Rider Style Overalls-- they outlast two ordinary ov- eralls. Made the way top- hands like 'em. A new pair free if they rip. $1.79 pair Jamboree Dress Up Begins Thursday AUGUST 22 FANCY BELTS Genuine Steerhide, hand tool- ed and hand decorated. Wide or narrow styles. Priced from $1.00 to $3.95 - o:elW Neckerchief Slides 15c to 50c MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND BOYS ! As wild as they come. Plain and fancy styles. Every shape and style to choose from. Priced from $1.95 to $4.95 Colored Neckerchiefs Round-up colors and pic- tures. Large sizes. 25c to 50c MILLER and BUCK-HECT Make Two po )ular brands among the best riders. Best grade leather soles, heels and om ters, built-up steel wood pegged sSanks. Square toes fancy s itched and colored inlay. All sizes. $9.95 and $10.95 | Gaberdines, Satins and Spun Rayons. Here you will find a large assortment of the West's most popular Cowboy Shirts. Priced from .... $1.95 to $3.95 Boys Jamboree Bright Colored Rayon Taf- feta, with all the fancy trim- mings. All sizes. 98c to $1.49 Womens Jamboree Baronet Satin, hand stitched collars and cuffs. White and- bright colors. $2.95 Jamboree K] .TS ! Bright Colored Silk, Sleeve- less. Wild West Pictures on back. 98c Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Golefon and two sons, of Seattle, were w'eekend :uests at the Homer Gimlin home. They returned to Seattle Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wilson accom- panied by Mrs. Wilson's sister, Mrs. Lawrence Norrie ,drove to Portland Saturday w,here t~aey met Mr. Nor- rio ~vho arrived at Swan Island air- port by plane from San Francisco. After spending a few days in Geld- endale Mr. and Mrs. Norrle left Tuesday for California• They plan to make their home in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Benny Bunsen and family left Thursday for Portland. Fvo,m Portland they will leave by train for Washington, D. C., where Mr. Benson expects to receive an appointment from the War Depart- ment for a po~t in the Canal Zone. He will work under a Civil Service appointment in the tecennical de- partment. Miss Beth Hall returned to Gold- en.dale last weekend from Ellens- burg where she completed her three year course at the Central.Washing- ton College of Education. Miss Hall has signed a contract to teach at Elma, Wash., this year. :She will have ~harge of art and music. Mrs. A. M. Haeen, of Los Angeels, accompanied by her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Linden ,Haven and baby daughter, of Wasco, and Miss Alma Jean Watkins, of Arlington, Ore., were In G~ldendale Monday visiting friends. Mrs. Haven, who is a cousin !of Carl and Roy Crooks worked on The Sentinel 55 years ago. At that i tlme ehe was c~)mpesttor on the paper whi0h was under the man- agement of C. S. l~hfnehart and Ore- gon Dunbar. All type in the paper was handset. Mrs. Lettie Berry accompanied by her niece, Miss Margaret Flick, of The Dalles, returned from Sunny- side last weekend where they at- tended the annual High Prairie pic- nic. Mrs. Berry's daughter lives in Sunnystde. Mrs. Wesley DeWeese, of Lyle,' arrived in Goldendale Vhis week to ,~pend several days visiting with her fahher, W. F. Byars and other rela- tives. Mrs. DeWeese will teach at Lyle this year. Farmers! Order your M~untaiu Copper Carbonate now from Gillen- waters Hardware. lt--- F. A. Jewell, of Klickitat, was In Goldendale on business Tuesd'ay. Judge Howard J. Atwell was in Goldendale this week for the regu- lar term of superior Court. Anna B. Nelson and son, Elmer Nelson, of Bickleton, were in Goldo endale on business Tuesday. Miss Helen May Bryan, for the past two years home economies in- structor at Goldendale high school, will n~ot be back thte year. Miss Bryan ~hls week announced Chat she has accepted a similar post in the Monroe, Wash., high school. Her successor has not been named at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank SarsfteId and family returned M,onday from Spo- kane Where they visited his brother James Sarsfield and family. While in the Inland Empire they made a trip to the Coulee Dam now nearing completion. Read and Use the Want Ads. tf !! !. CASH and While They Last .......................... 75c Cleaned and Pressed .............. 75c Cleaned and Pressed TWO Cleaned and Pressed PAIR for ................................ TRIPLEX CLEANERS & TAILORS SUITS MADE-TO-ORDER GOLDENDALE Located Across From City Park