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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 29, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 29, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Two THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington , , '"""'" '1 , , 1, ,,T,, ' - , , ' ' county. Fifty-four were in attend-I'qtJ'_L_*____ I SOCIAL /If"TlfZlTIE"C . ance. Those going from here inclnd-]|al~l.msa Valley J"~ ~ J[ ~[ V I I J[/ "~l~ "" ed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fenton; Mr. Cities Visited GOLF BREAKFAST MDs. Z. O. Brooks and Mrs. F. J. Sleeper will be hostesses at the W'omen's golf club breakfast this Friday. Breakfast ~,ill be served at the clubhouse at 8:30 Friday morn- ing. Persons planning to attend are asked to notify the hostesses. MEET AT MUSEUM Members of the Dakota States Society, of Portland, met at the Maryhill Museum last Sunday for their annual gathering. Officers of .the group who attendedwere: Her- man Holland, president; Mrs. Signa Bishop, secretary; F. A. Vod- den, treasurer; and Jay E. Myers, past president. W,hile there the group inspected the Maryhlll Mu scum. i,i I AUXILIARY GROUP TO MEET AT Auxiliary number 62 met at the DON'T LET THE HEAT home of Mrs. Helena Danielson, Fri- day, August 16, 1940. Mrs. Mabel Cooper, the newly elected president, presided over the meeting. All Auxiliary meetings hereafter ~will be held at the Parish hall. The next meeeting is soheduled for Sep- tember 6 at 8:00 p. m. Refresh- monte were served following the meeting. NEWL HONORED AT RECEPTION HERE Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klatt en-i tertained a group of friends and relatives Sunday evening, Aug. 18 in honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Brazelton. The important feature of the evening was the cutting of a large angel food cake which was decorated with a ~mall bride ant groom. Mr. and Mrs. Brazelton were married a~t the Methodist parson- age the evening of August 17. The Rev. C. J. Hall officiated. Mrs. Henry Klatt, daughter of Che bride, and Alva Brazelton, son of the groom, acted as matron of honor and best man. Other friends and relatives present to witness t~he ceremony were: Mrs. Earl Seitzin- ger, Dannie Seitzinger, Angle War- GET YOU DOWN can be level- all summer ren, Henry Klatt, Charles Klatt You y iici,ty Marshal W. W. Lear and Night • lt Marshal, Frank Hamllik. long by getting a smart |[ Mrs. Brazelton is the former Maidie Walker and is well kno~vn permanent that defies heat Phone 1413 in Goldendale and vicinity. Mr. Brazelton is Croldendale's city water st~perintendent. ATT] rl} DAY REUNION Several families from Goldendale attended bhe eighth annual reunion c~f the pioneer Day family, held Sunday at Louisville park in Clark Shipp's Barber and Beauty Shop RECAPS Your Tires Can Passenger Car And Truck Tires Up to 10.50 truck size A NEW SERVICING SYSTEM THAT MENDS RUBBER BY WELDING An O. K. Weld repair is stronger than the rest of the tube or tire. It is Absolutely Dependable and Permanent and will stand any wear or abuse that the tire or tube itself will stand IT COSTS LESS than ¢ he old style, slip shod way of patch- ing or vulcanizing, and proves much more satisfactory. IT IS SPEEDY, any TUBE repair can be made within 20 minutes. Tires within 21/2 hour . The tire is protected by means of a flexible copper hood, which feeds off excess heat from tire and carcass. This is a great advantage, since the heat is not great enough in- jure the fabric or shape of the tire as is being done under the old vulcanizing mthod which presses Vhe tires into molds, which nine times out of ten do nat fit the tire properly. THE O. K. AUTOMATIC The O. K. Automatic l ubber Welder is conceded to be the most satisfactory invention which has ever been perfected for the reconditioning of rubber articles. DO NOT FORGET!---The O. K. Reeape are not to be con- fused with other caps or re-treads, Recal in time saves your tire .O R. E. MINER, Goldendale, Washington Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Your Money Back and Mrs. Martin Van Aelst and daughter Martina; Mrs. Thurman Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown and their family. Going from Wish- ram were Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Fen- ton and from Btngen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Faulkner. D&N'CE POSTPONED Owing to illness the regularly s~heduled dance at Blockhouse this Saturday evening has been postpon- ed. The next regular Saturday night dance at Blockhouse will be on Sep- te~ber 7. A special Labor Day dance sponsored by the Goldendale local 9-58 of the Plywood and Box Shook Workers Union will b~ held M(mday evening, Sept. 2. The Goldendale union has invited all mem~bers of other union organizations in the county to attend. By Rodeo Queen A hard riding band of Klickitat cowboys led by Queen Virginia VanHoy and her five Jam~boree princesses took Yakima by storm last Thursday as they paraded up and down the business street of the valley city advertising the rodeo to be held here Sept. 6-8. Twelve men~bers of t~he Gohien- dale group were mounted on horses and the balance rode in automobiles down the streets of Yakima. George Klein with the G~ldendale Meat company sound car accompanied the 3arade and told Yakima people of the thrills in store for persons at- tendi~.g the big rodeo here. While in Yakima Queen Virginia called on Mayor Ed Riley, presented day at the Troutdale, Oregon A. C. camp meeting. Miss Edith Gunkel has a position in the post office at Yakima. Mrs. Goes, and Richard and Mary Goes drove to Newberg Saturday for a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Robison at- tended the show in Goldendale Mon- day night. The Minifred Geer family moved away last week. Mrs. Asher ,has her grandson, Billy Farr at her home this ~veek. Mrs. Clair Blanchard visited her Thursday, August 29, CROFTON PRAIRIE SEWING CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Sewing club members enjoy- ed a pleasant Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sue Morehead in Goldendale. The afternoon was spent sowing and visiting. Refreshments were served to Mesd~anes R. Densley, Thee Franz, Gee. Kraus, Glen Cur- tis, Mary Ritzschke, J. Clary, A. ~uhrman, E. Counts, L. Freer, J. Doughty, H. Freer and Miss Ethel Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Darland and daugtvter returned home M.onday ev- ening after spending a weeks tion at the coast. Miss Judith Wedar and Arthur Brock, of Great Falls, Montana, were visitors at the Glen Curtis home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Densley and son spent Wednesday in Ya.kima. Mr. and Mrs. E. Coun~ts and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Groves, of Gold- endale, spent Sunday huckleberrying and fishing near Mr. Adams. N,o~ 5 1 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Klickitat County. (In Probate t In the matter of the Consolidated ,l,X~:ates of Artimus D. Mason and Cora E. M~Lson, formerly husband and wife, and Both Deceased. cPublic notice is hereby given that the undersigned has heretofore been nominated and appointed Executor of the estate of Ai'timus D. Mason, deceased, and Administrator of the estate of C,o~*a E. Mason, deceased, and has duly quail, fled. and is now acting as such; and notice is hereby further given requiring all persons having claims against Artimus D. Mason and Celia E. Mason, formerly husband and wife, and now both decea.sed, or either of them, or against t,heir estates, to serve the same on the undersigned Executor and Administrator, or his attorney of record, at the place herein specified, to-wit, at the law offices of O. L. Boose, Central Building, in the City of Sunnyside, Yakima County, Washington, the same being the place for the trans- action of business pertaining to said decedewts a.nd their said estate,s by said Executor and Administrator, and file said claims with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six mont.hs after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit, the 29th day of August, 1940, .or the same will be forever barred. ~htm ~vith a rodeo shirt and extend- ed him a personal invitation to at- tend the Jaxaboree in Goldendale. The Goldendale delegation also attended the meeting o~ the Opti- mists elu~b in t.he Donnelly hotel. Queen Virginia VanH~,y, the five princesses, Mrs. Wayne Eddy, Ruth Schuster, Helen Willis, Noreen Van- deVanter and Ida Louise Vincent, and George Klein all spoke over radio station KIT. Queen Virginia also sang two songs during the Jam- boree program at the station. While in Yakima Valley the Jam- boree ,cavalcade visited T,o,ppenish, Wapato and Sunnyside t~. advertise the show. Those making the trip in addition to the queen and five princess included: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kaiser, E. C. A1Hson, jr., J. S. Hoagland, Klein, Jim Hall, Mrs. A. L. Hall, Miss Grace Ritter, Mrs. Harry Hall, Pat McEwen, Harry sister, Mrs. Lester Robison Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald drove to Berrian Monday for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Tsuboti have a couple of grandchildren visiting them from Seattle. Bert Gear, who was injured by a fall sometime ago, i,s improving slowly. His sister, Miss Musa Geer, on business Sunday. See MeKenzie*Hardware for Sher- win-Williams Basul wheat treating powder, better and cheaper than copper carbonate. It- S. F. Wnuk, county commissioner from White Salmon, was in Golden- dale on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bradford, of Lyle, were in Goldendale on busi- ness Tuesday. Virginia Lee, proprietor of the Ginnie Lee Style shope, drove to Yakima on business Monday. Miss Helen Brondt, county home demon,~tration agent, was in Wish- ram Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Clark, of Dalles,port, were in Goldendale on business Monday. Raymond Knight, of Lyle, was in Goldendale on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gay and two sons are vacationing at t~he of Go.odnoe Hills. visited him last lbeach this week. week. l Frank Clark, of the Vancouver office of the state highway depart- !ment, was in Goldendale on busi- ~ hess Tuesday. i C.S. Halon, associate pathologist i from the extension deparment at i Pullman ~rill be in Goldepdale the Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crooks and daughter Harriet drove to Portland "latter part of this week to investi- gate smut conditions in the Num~ber Four and Number gix areas. Edgar H. Canfield, county cuter, was in Spokane this weel~ o'fficial business. Mrs. Canfield baby son are visiting in at the home of her parents. Mrs. John McEwen Seattle Monday with her M~i~s Mary McEwen who is now # valescing from a recent major ation she underwent at a hospital. Mr. McEwen drove to land to meet them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor in Goldendale this week from tle where he has been summer school at the Washington. They will live at Dudley apartments ~his year. Miss Helen May Bryan, of tle, spent the past weekend i,n enda~e visiting with friendS. year she will teach at Wash., high school. While hero was a guest at bhe Alden home. .See McKenzie Hardware win-Williams Basul wheat powder, better and cheaper copper carbonate. L. E. McKee returned from St. Martin's springs spent two weeks vacationing. ing his absence Melvin G. pharmacist from Pullman, at t,he drug sto,ro. Dunn, Tom Richardson, Clark Cain, Btll Morehead, Joe Abshier, jr., Frank Riley, Paul Davenport, Jim McKenzle, Clarence l~hillips, and Gll Ol~on. BIRTHDAY DINNER You profit on your work only in the amount that you save Mrs. Frank Stevens Monday en- from your pay. Our low, low prices increase your profit tertained with a birthday dinner because they cut down your food bill --- the largest single honoring her sister-in-law. Mrs. item of expense in the family budget. Shop here for all Orrin E. Lee, of Coeur d 'hlene, your food needs for the Labor Day weekend and get con- Idaho. vincing proof of the BIG SAVINGS that make YOUR DEPENDABLE STORE the working man'§ friend. Y.AStYKILL GOODWILL 0s. 1 MARY,,ILL -- (Special) -- Mrs. Helen Barrett spent the weekend at Oak Brook visiting her ,~on Harold Barrett and family. Mary and Catherine Plassas gave a club dinner Friday evening. Miss : Brondt wins a guest. ' Mr. and Mrs. McDonald spent ...... WHOLE ORHALF theMr.weekendand inMrs.POrtland.Lester Robtson O * BACON SQUARE . , good quality, lb ............ droVeMrs.toAsherWishramandFridaYMrs. R.evening'L. Mc- •,, BEEF ROAST, choice heifer, blade cuts, lb ....... Donald entertained the Good,Will • • James Henry • • CHOICE VEAL club last Thursday afternoon. The club gave a kitchen shower for Mrs. Loyd McDonald ~ho will keep house in Pullman this fall. Out of town guests were Mrs. D. M. Layman, Mrs. B~ooks, Mrs. I. C. Robiso.n, Dated at Sunnyside, W,~shlngton, Mrs. Frank Bowman and Mrs. Cecil this 291th day of Au,gust, 1940. I Ward, all of Goldendale. RALPH MASON, Executor of theI Mrs. Goes and children and Mrs. Estate of Artimus D. Mason, de-] Asher attended the show in Gold- ceased. RALPH MASON, Administrator of endale Thursday night. CRACKER JACK, 3 packages ......... 10c the Estate of Cora E. Mason, de- ceased. O. L. BOOSE, Attorney for Executor and Admlntstra~tor of said Estates• P. O,. Address: Sunnyside, Ya.kima County, Washington. A29-812-- The 4-H climb hamburger beaoh )arty last Friday night was well attended and enjoyed by all. They made $6.85 to help with their work at the 4-H fair. Byron and Haxriet Babcock, Junior and O~ma Jones, Nita Buer- attaz and .Stanley .&sher attended the show in Croldendale Wednesday night, and also Monday nivht. Mrs Asher and Stanley drove to Vancouver Saturday and spent Sun- FOR..... AL Democratic Candidate for Representative 16th District Primary Election, Sept. 10th Libbys Deep BROWN BEANS, 2 cans .. 19c LIBBYS CANNED MEATS: CORNED BEEF HASH, No. 1 can, 2.. 21c CORNED BEEF, No. 1 can ......... 19c DEVILED MEAT, 4 cans .......... 15c VEAL LOAF, large can ........... 14c POST TOASTIES, gt. pkg., 2 for . .13¢ Kerr APPLE BUTTER, tall cans ...... lOc FLAVOR AIDE, Asstd flavors, 3 for.., lOc Orange MARMALADE, 2 lb. jar ....... 25c ReL GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 46 oz. can .. 19c HY PRO BLEACH, quart lOc; Vz gal. 19c VINEGAR, pure cider, gallon ......... 15c White King TOILET SOAP, 3 bars .... 14c White King SOAP, large ............. 27c White King SOAP, giant pkg .......... 44c Large Danish lb. pail ................. pound ............... No. 21/2 tins Dep. TEA, black or green, Vz lb. pkg... Supreme SALAD DRESSING, qt ...... Supreme SANDWICH SPREAD, qt ..... Snowdrift SHORTENING, 3 lb. can... Olympic Tiny Sifted PEAS, No. 2, 2 for CUDAHY TANG, 2 cans ............ Cudahy Breakfast SAUSAGES, 2 for . SODA CRACKERS, 2 lb. box DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR, 49 lb. bag. Dep. FLOUUR, free Gyro Plane, 49 lbs. f CHEESE, Kraft American, Brick Pimento, Velveeta, etc. ½ lb .......... West Best COFFEE, free Auto Gyro, lb. Big Value COFFEE, pound .......... Fairway COFFEE, 2 pounds ........ Seaport COFFEE, 1 lb. vacuum can... HILLS, M. J. B. COFFEE, 1 lb. can .... WHEATIES, KORN KIX, lge. pkg ..... Full Cream Cascade SQUASH, 2 for ....... .... 5c Large Solid Fresh Coast CORN, dozen .. Large Sunkist LEMONS, dozen ....... NOrJi~ICE OF SHERII~'F'S SALE OF RE.~L, ESTATE Under Execution Cause No. 5163 I.n the Superior Court of the State of ashiugton, for Kli,okitat County. Arthur I. Kruger, Plaintiff. LETTUCE, 3 for ........ 10c vs H. O. Barnes ~=tnd'hora L. Barnes, Husband.and wife, Defendants. Under and by virtue of an execu- tion issued ,out of and under ~he seal of the Superior Cou~t of the State of Washington, in and for said County, on the 23rd day of August, 1940, up- on a judgment rendered in said Court on the 5th de.), of August, 1936, in fay.or of Arthur I. Kruger and against H. O. Barnes and ].~ora L. Barnes, Husband and wife, judgment debtors f.or ,the sum of One Hundred Eighty- one and 66-1(~0 Dollars, together with attorney's fees, interest, costs and in- creased costs, emd to me directed and delivered, I did on the 2:4th day of August, 1940, levy ~pon all ~he right, title and interest of said judg- ment debtors in and to the following described p~operty to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: The South Half of Lots Four and Five in Block Seven of the Town of Bingen, according to the recorded plat thereof, located in the County of Klickitat and St~te of Washington. I~OW ~HII~,R:EFOP~E, NOTIC~E IS t~EREBY CrI~IiIN, That on Saturday, t~he 28th day of September, 1940, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judg- men,t, together with e.ttorney's fees, interest, costs and increased costs, in all amounting to the sum of Three Hundred Twenty-nine and 34-100 Dollars. Said sale will take place at the front d.oor of the Court House at C~oldendale in said County and St~Lte, and will be at public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder. Dated at Goldendale, Wash., this 24th day of August, 1940. C. R. HOUSE~, Sheriff of said County. By E~DWARiD K-~RG~, Deputy. Aug. 29-$26t5--