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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 29, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 29, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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August 29, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Five ,n 7, Dates Masons To Set For BoardsI Meeting_ s meeting dates for school of all third class districts in are the first Saturdays of of February, May, Au- Sad November, Mrs. Sue More- county superintendent said. class school districts such White Salmon, Klick- others must have board on the first Friday of each according to state law, Mrs. said. Hold Again After the usual summer vacation period, the Goldendale Masonic Lodge will re~ume stated communi- cations commencing Thursday eve- ning, Septem'ber 5. With several candidates already initiated in the first degree there will be degree work from the start whioh Will con- tinue through until the month of November. Sell it through the Want Ads. Tractor-Tank School Planned For Local Camp As part of a proposed non-com- batant training p~ogram in the CCC, Goldendale may soon become head- quarters for a tractor-tank sohool. This information was released as a semi-official statement in the Camp Goldendale paper ~his week. According to the camp publiea- ti,on preliminary conferences rela- tive to the establishment of this school have already been held by officers of the Vancouver district. Ask For a Of Reliance ice Under tentative plans for the tractor-tank uchool, 12 enrollees i from etcher parts of the district would be sent to Goldendale f,or three months training in tractor o~eratlion, repa~r, maLnten~nce welding and other mechanical sub- jechs. The work would in no way interfere with the regular routine at Camp Goldendale, officers said. Sell it through the Want Ads. Whether it's an ice cream cone, a milk shake or a sundae it's always better made with that rich, wholesome Reliance Ice Cream. SERVE RELIANCE ICE CREAM in your home--it's ideal for any occasion. 0 STORAGE, PLANT MARK M. MOULTON Republican Candidate for Legislature 16th Legislative District Subject to Sel)tcmber Primaries QUESTION "Is it true that the best otis come from the East?" ANSWER Nol You can't use geog- raphy to pick the best oil now-a- days. Today it's all in how it's made --and that's an artt Thanks to a special new and costly refining proc- ess, you can't beat "RPM"I STA~m^RD OIL CO.ANY OF CALWOaNL~ AMERICA'S PREMIER MOTOR OIL" 25¢ A QUART @ k@ ? "You will not be urged to buy." Court News Given For Week's Period Petition is filed which: asks the court to appoint Laura Jussila as administratrix of the estate af Alma -C. Jusaila, deceased. The estate con- sists of community property in the State of W'a~hington of the approxi- mate value io,f $4000.00 and prop- erty in the State of Oregon of the value cf approximately $2000.00. The surviving spouse is the sole .de- vlsee of the estate. Action for divorce is filed by Pearl J. Proper against her husband Perry. Proper. The partie,~ were married near Lyle on May 23, 1937. N~. children have tbeen ,born cf the marriage. TIhe complaint alleges that ~the defendant ,abandoned the plain- tiff on July 20th, 1938 and has con- Liued to abandon her a.t all times dnce. Plaintiff asks the court to re- store to her, her former name of Pearl J. J~o~hnson. The State Tax Commission files its Satisfaction of Warrant which shows that t,he judgment held against Clyde Rake of Bingen, Wash., has been fully paid and sat- is fled. William McCorkhill is brought before the Court to answer to an indictment by the Grand Jury ~,vlhich charges t,he defendant with the crime of Forgery in the First De- gree, c~o~mmitted in White Sahnon on Nov. 16th, 1938. Upon being ar- raA:~r~ed, the defendant plead not guilty, whereupon he is remanded to the custody .of *t'he sheriff to await trial. The administratrix of the estate of Ann C. Castle, deceased, has filed her final account and petition for distributi0~n, which will be heard by the Court on September 17-th. The executor of the estate of DiantJha Harding, deceased, has filed his final account and petitions for: distribution, which will be heard by the court on September 17. In the case of Ruth Huber vs. Fred Humber, it is ordered by the Court that th~ defendant ~be and ap- pear ibefJo,re the court on August 20, to t~hen and there show cause, if any he has, why he should not be ad- judged in contempt of Court for his failure to make payment of alimony ss in the interlocutory decree re- ~quired, and be punished therefor. Ul~opn petition .duly filed in the matter of the estate of Dwiglht J. and Adla L. Nugent, both deceas- ed, it is ordered by .the court ,that the administrator sell the 1940 wheat and barley crop on the open market for cas,h. In the matter of the estate of Lena J. "l~hon~pson, deceased, ,order is entered which sets aside to the surviving spouse all of the property of the estate in lieu of homestead and exemptions. In the consolidated estates of Artimus D. and Cora E. Maso,n, .both deceased, order is entered which directs the clerk of ,fihe court to is- sue commission to. ~. O. Wilson of Bickleton, to take the testimony of the subscribing witnessest~o, the ~vill of Artimus D. Mason. I Reports are filed by the Board of Prison Terms and Paroles which show that William Monroe Strick- land is ordered confined 'in the State Reformatory i~o,r a period of five years, and t,hat E. L. W]hitehill is ordered confined in the State Re- fcrmatory for a period of two. years. In an action instituted by Joseph Ward, against Gilbert Ward, et el, the plaintiff asks the court to enter a judgn~ent and de~ree declaring him to be the owner in fee simple and entitled ,to the possession of the N~L of Sec. 8, Tp. 4 N., R. 12, and that the defendants be barred from claiming any right or interest to the same. Seeking to~ foreclose a mortgage he holds against the WbNE~, Tax LET Goldendale's EXPERT PAINTER and PAPER HANGER YoU Can Do It Economically AT OLTMANNS • SEE THE NEW 1940 WALLPAPER PATTERNS Guaranteed FULLER PAINTS Rodeo Queen Evelyn Menergaard, 19-year-old girl raised on Kittitas Valley stock ranch, who has been elect- ed Queen of the 18th annual El° lensburg Rodeo to be held Sat- urday, Sunday and Labor day. Ellensburg Rodeo Names Real Ranch Girl Show Queen ELLE!NSBURQa Aug. 22, (:Special) Former Glenwood Principal 0 Funeral services ~for Arnold H. Nieveen, former Glenwood principal and president of the Klickitat Edu- cation Association, wer~ held in Portland, Monday, August 26, at the Finley Rose Chapel. Mr. Nieveen died in Portland on Friday, after a long illness. His home was at 2128 N. W. Irving ~treet. Hie was born F~bru.ary 1, 1910, at N~rth Jay, Maine, and came to Portland when a Day. He attended Jefferson high school in Portland, gra