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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 29, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 29, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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August 29, 1940 GOLDENDALE BOY SCOUTS NOW AT BIRD LAKE CAMP Along with Scou{s from Trout Lake, The Da]le~ and ~rhite Sahnon 11 Goldendale youths are now enjoying a week's stay at the B.ird Lake Boy Scout camp. The Scouts, more than 40 in numSber, arrived at the B,.4 ~o,: camp Sunday. Ray Bahnford, of Portland, s n charge of the camp. He Is assisted by ,~ix expert Scout leaders. Special instruction in life saving, first aid and nature study will aid the Scouts in t&eir work at the camp. Those from Goldendale ~vho left Sunday were : Donald Sleeper, Jim Brooks. Bob Hoffe- di tz, Jinl Tro~bridge, Jim House, Fritz House, Tom H:ouse, Ray Baggarley, Verbert Crawl- ing, John Crevling, and Lewis Sourer. Cthers who left for the camp later were Dean Rigby, George Crevling, and Doug Bratton. ERIC JOHNSTON'S SCHEDULE Eric Jo,hnston's radio speaking THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Nine ,li' and disconcerting noises that develop in metal ~Ovarad springs . . . Locates ~ a u I t y ~eck absorbers Locates all loose • bo,t, an, oo,. u bolts o. • '~'Sl~rlngs . . . Ra-arches ~'lPrlng leaves back ¢o ~ po,i io. ( ""adds NEW SPRIN$ /~((-~,r LII~ Thoroughly Ci~l//"k~ lllmlnetas Che uss el~:" ~-~ ~.~bsoleCe pry bar .. tas annoying and hidden body ~aaks while your car is in motion . . . brlcant appliad while car is swaying. (YOu CAN'T OIL A HINGE P~ROP- ELy WITHOUT MOVING THE DOOR) R. K. Nickerson Authorized Distributor S~ANDARD STATIONS, INC. Station will be open while O~l" New Modern Super-Service is under construction. strLicken witch infantile paralysis last INov. l l--'White Sahnon here. July is now well on the road ~1~/ R "-----'~- l recovery. It is nc,t believed he w" I ~y \V. Lundt)er~, local Watkins ,suffer any serious permanent effect [man, will be in t,i]e Trout Lake area from the disease, next week, sohedule between no~v and electionS~_luster, James Buhner and Bob! AT ALDERDALE follow~: Tuesday, ,Sept. 3, 9:15- Hoffeditz, ends: Chet Btlggerely, '( 9:30 p. m. over stations KeMP and eel[tel'; Doll tt:>acian(1, tackle; V. T. i ALI)NRDA:LE-- (Special) --T,he KHQ; Friday, Sept. 6, 9-30 to 9:45 Smith, ful]l)ack; lhnmett ttoctor and!Alderdale children could hardly be- p. m., KeMP and KHQ. Jim Zevely, halfi)acks; ,~nd Jack lieve their ears Monday morning ~i" ,t ~ Wondor, tackle. In addition a num-iwhen the old school bell rang call- ss Verna Culver returned Sun ber of second string men inciuding!ing them all back to another term day from a two weeks' vacation Bob Groves, Bud Bradstreet, Don!of school, Mrs. Artz is the primary spent at Cottage Grove, Ore., andHoctor and others are returning, teacher; Mrs. Rake bile intermedi- Chehalis visiting with relatives. ' Goldendale's high's football scl]e- ate teacher, and Mr. Parker the Get your copper carbonate at Me-dule follows: l)ro.fes,~-or. Kenzie Hardware S[ore. lt-- Sept• 20--Dufur here. Lvle Kuhn is home recuperating Mr. and Mr,:-. Homer Beale and Sep;t. 27---~Grandview there, t•rom an anklebroken on an escala- Rodney and Deniece, of Pendleton, Oct. 4--Klickilat there, tor in Yakima where he has been spent several days in Goldendale~lOct. 11--O9en date• working the past months. early this week• "While here they I Oct. 18--Marquette here. Roy Glasco and Mrs. Robert were guests at the Elmer Hansen Oct. 25--Granger there. GI~c~ spent two days visiting at home. Rodney Beale who was Nov. 4--M~a,bton there, the Glasco sheep camp in t,he high nlountains. They returned horme Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. T,om Miller visited Mrs. Wilhehn Vergin Friday after- noon. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Car el Ever- ett and Mr. and Mrs. WilheLm Ver- gin visited at the Lige Hig, hfill home, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wood~ and Lila, Leonard Goodnight, Mrs. Jess Bradstreet, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ~Vil- business callers in Yakima Friday. Mrs. Lenore Eakman and sons returned heine from Ellensburg for a short visit in Alderdale. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marvel and ~" Lencra Seely metered to Sunnysicle 1.~.'*" Thur,~(lay, where the girls had some dental work done. Mrs. Win. Warner was taken back to The Dallas ,hospital last week, but she is ,recovering andli,t. they intend to bring her home soon. During the pa,~t warm spell the town folks have enjoyed a refresh- iing swim and a potluck supper on .to the river. ,~, oo DON'T MISS IT • • • IT'S : scK! LAUGHS.... HOWLS... RULES OF THE GAME ~AII players are mounted with the exception of the pitcher, catcher and batter. The ball is pitched to ~the batter until he gets a hit, as there are no h, Mls or strikes counted on the batter. When the hatter ge'~s a fair hit, he mounts the donkey and tries to get t.o first base. A mounted player must~get the ball and throw to the pitcher who must throw for the 'out. A player is safe on base if donkey has one or more feet on base. The pitcher a.nd catcher are not allowed to get out of their boxes t~o get the bail. Should a fielder or baseman get off h~s donkey Co make the catch, it is not counted as an out. The runner Is all.ow- ed to keep .on going until the one getting the ball gets back upon his mount and throws the ball to the pitcher. Fielders going after the ball must ride to the ball, then they are allowed to get off and pick up the ball, but must get back on th~ donkey before making the throw. When [here is more than one run.ner on base, the one geVting the ball may use fielder's' choice In throwing for an out: F'ielder'~ choice may only be used when there is more than one on b~ae. Iw all other cases, the ball must be thrown t,o the pt~tcher who throwSl for the out. OO00 iv DIAMOND DEWEY AND HIS TRICK BUFFALO AND MULES . . . NEW AND UNIQUE The Klickitat Valley offers for the eighth annum time a really fast, thrilling and outstanding entertainment. Many new and novel features... Nationally known rodeo performers in a complete program of western events in actual competition... Mac Barbours rodeo livestock from Klamath Falls... None Bet- ter... Many New Features That Will Appeal To All! ? 14 BRAHMA BULLS FROM MEXICO WILD . . . SPECTULAR. . . SEE FELIX COOPER AND DIAMOND DEWEY, FAMOUS BULL FIGHTERS TANGLE WITH THEM "A thrill.., a Chill... Every Minute!"~: SEE THE DOG RACES CARL HAMMOND, AN ALASKAN, OF MANY • SEASONS PRESENTS HIS MARVELOUS ALAS- KAN DOG TEAM I ACES, WITH AN OUTSTAND- ING EXHIBITION DALLY ON THE TRACK AND UNIQUE EXHIBIT ON THE STREETS DAILY. FREE DOG SLED RIDE FOR THE KIDDIES FOL- LOWING RODEO PERFORMANCE Something Different Exciting Make it a weekend for the entire family... You will enjoy it... They ... and you will see none better!" ,.tony New and Unique Acts.... See • Chester Roy and His Trained Horses... Something I I New and Different! ooCARNIVAL DALLY O • JAMBOREE , DANCES