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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
August 29, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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August 29, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:Page Te , Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gillenwater~ drove to Portland on business Sun- day and returned Tuesday. While they were away Charles Dudley worked at the hardware store. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanson and son, Ivin and daughter, Shirley, r~ turned from Portland Tuesday eve- ning from a four day vacation trip. They were accompanied on the trip to Portland by Mrs. Hansen's moth- er, Mrs. J. W. Schuld, of Milwaukie, Ore.; Mrs. tuna Hoover and daugh- ter Martha and two sons, Joseph and James, all of Liberty, Misouri. Mrs. Lily Culver and daughter Viola Culver left Monday for Che- halls to spend a week vacationing ~¢ith Mrs. Culver's daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Saund- ere. Allene Spalding left this week for Ephrata to spend a week visiting With Betty Hill. Miss Hill has ,been in Goldendale visiting at the Blinn home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank gtevens re- turned recently from Longview where he attended the annual Smith- Hughe~ convention for agriculture teachers of the state. Earlier in the -summer he attended the agriculture THE GOLDENDALE SENTINE ldendale, Washington .................. ......... ._.._ ................................. . Thursda,y August 29, Store specter; illiam Anderson daughter Catherine left Sunday for CENTERVILLE YOUTH ]Tha---- re.L____ v tyXlarm'-- Chehalts vchere he will teach during LEAVES FOR SEATTLE/ .... illct 1" UIIfIil LII Emma Short, Judge~. the coming year. While here they ------- i Di --" "' " NOW Enlaruedi Roosevelt: Walter Kelley, ins, were guests at the l~o,me of .his sis- CENTERVIiLLE -- (Special) --1 - es wapam ~- --tar; Grace Mattson and Mrs. J. / ~'i~I i!~ :fill! ? ~:i! ! Mr. and Mrs. Orrln E. Lee and daughter, Deanna, were three day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens. They were en route to their home in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, from Stanford University where they at- tended school during the summer. Mr. Lee is a brother of Mrs. Stevens. A new ultra violet ray lamp com- bining all the most modern features ~was installed at the office of DiS. Gerald Turley and'Thomas Meade this week. Henry Scheel and son Marion re- turned Tuesday from Colville, Wash., where they spent the past ter, Mrs. Zale Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall drove to Yakhna last Saturday. Mrs. Hall's sister, Miss Grace Ritter, who .has been visiting here f~r the past two weeks took a Northwest airlines plane from Yakima for Chicago. The trip by air from Yakima to Chicago requires, 13 hours. Mrs. Fred Walters, formerly of VVhite galmon, is now living in {our day~ visiting with Mr. Scheet'sG°Idendale and .has taken over the mn John. i active managership of the Triplex Mr. and Mrs. Walt Klatt and Mr. Cleaners. Mr. and Mrs. Walters have s"ent ~ owned the Triplex establishment nd Mrs. Henry Klat.t and son ,~,, !since its organization here Leonard from Thursday to Sunday at Tw .... " Buttes, out near Mr. Adams. They!D°kken' until he left for Portland i a week ago, managed the business report huckleberries only in a few for Mr. and Mrs. Walters. The Tri- place~ but when you do find berries they are better than usual. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Trowbrldge left for Forks, Wash., Sunday after spending several days in Goldendale visiting with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Tro~bridge. tie ~vill be a member of the Forks high school faculty this year. plex Cleaners is located in the Mort building across from the city park. James I~ouse. oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. House was rushed to t,he Hood River hospital Tuesday following an attack of appendicitis. At the time he was stricken he was at the Boy Scout camp at Bird Lake Eugene Walman left Wednesday of last week on the bus for Seattle where he will visit with his sister, Miss Maxine Walman and look for work. Mr. and Mrs. McCormic, of Yaki- ma and Mr. and Mrs. ~illip Miller i spent the day last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M¢- Killip. Mrs. Merriott is visiting her de.ugh- ter and family at Battle G~ound. She expects to be gone abowt two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Weston Niemela re- turned last week from a visit with relatives in Idaho and Washington. They also took in such points of in- terest as Coulee I~m, etc. Mrs. Wil- liam Niemela remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Austin, of Port- land, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Garner Friday. They also called on other friends. They were on their way to White Bluffs to visit with Mr. Austin's brother and look ester their farm. Friday evening, after churc~h, the two weeks short course at W. S.C. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Byars and near Mt. Adams. young people with the usual musical ............................. instrumeuts of a charivari crowd, gathered at the home of Mr. and TOMATO JUICE 2 35c Dawn cans Heinz Ketchup 14-oz. bottle 1~© Cherub Milk, Toil 4 cons 26c Edgemont Smacks Lge Pkg. 14~ Scottlssue Paper 3 roils 20c Waldorf Tissue4 rolls 17c Oxydol Gron. Soap 24-oz. 18c Lux Toilet Soap 3 cokes 17e Wax Paper, Zee or Dio., 1 2~-ft. 12¢ No. 2½ Libby's or Stokely's Sliced Salted Sodas No. ½ can Kitchen Craft I.'IA~UR, 49 lb. sack ...... $1.29 Campbells SOU|*S, .Assorted, 10~ oz., 8 for ~c Town House Grapefruit JUICE, No. 2's, 2 for 15c Pineal,pie JUICE, Lib. or Doles, No. 2's, 2 for 19c Royal Satin SIIOBTENING, 8 lb. can ......89c IVORY FLAKES~ 12~ oz. pkg ............ ~0c Sugar I]k*lle PEAS, No. 2 can ............ 11c GREEN BEANS, Blue Lake, 08 can, 2 for 15c Emerald Bay SPINACH, No. 2~ can, 2 for . . FRUIT COCKTAIL, Sutter Gold, No. I can IOc FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Green Peppers, 6 for Just Right for Stuffing Celery, bunch ......... 5c Utah Green, Fresh and Crisp Danish Squash, 3 for .. 10c Large Size Piedmont MAYONNAISE, quart jar ....... 33c SPAM, Hormel's, 12 oz. cans, 2 for ....... 49c sc4glvr ~OWELS, 2 for ........... : .... 19c JEIzLO, Six Delicious Flavors, 3 pkgs ..... .14c GILt, PC NUTS, '2 packages .............. ~25c POST ~K)ASTIES, regular pkgs.t 2 for ..... 15c SHINOLA, Liquid VChite, 10c bottle ....... 9c KOOL-AID, Assorta,d Flavors, 2 for ........ 9c Zee DINNER NAPKINS, 17"x17", pkg. of 40 CANDY BAILS & (3~ewing Gum, 5c size, 3 for lOc Lettuce, 2 for .......... 9c Large Size Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs... 25c Watermelon, lb. ........ lc U. S. No. 1 Peaches, box .......... 69c Maryhill, Extra Fine Guaranteed Ripe • LEGS, lb ................ 15c oSHOULDER, lb ..... .. 121/~c CHOPS, lb .............. 19c BACON, lb. ......... l@/~c FRANKS, lb. ......... 15c Cottage CHEESE, pt... 10c Dutch Boy SPARE RIBS, lb. ...... 15c Fresh B Mrs. W. D. Pierce to render a few of their choice selections for the newly weds. Martin Lumijarvi and Willi~xa Ntva left Friday for Seat~tle, where they attended a :sportsmen meeting and went fishing. They returned M,onday. Earl Yeackel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yeackel, made the trip with them os far as Bremevton. Mr. and ~Mrs. Weston Niemela will visit in Vancouver and Kelso this week before leaving for Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marquiss, Mrs. Ted Carratt and son, Teddy, left last week on a weeks vacation trip to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Marquiss will visit Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mar- quiss at Midway, also Mr. and Mrs. William Grease and Douglass Holm- wood at Seattle. Mrs. Carratt will visit her sister and brother-in-l~w, Mr. and Mrs. ~arry Woolridge, in Seat~tle. The Marquise brothers are spending the week with their grand- mother, Mrs. ~Marie Graham, during their parents absence. The Thim,ble club of the Neighbors of Woodcraft enjoyed a picnic ~t Blockhouse Sunday. A large crowd attended the Gold- endale Jam~boree boosters danes held in the Centerville Grange hall Sat- urday evening: The Grange ladies served refreshments during inter- mission. Sund~y, after church, the church goers and Grangers had a joint basket dinner at the Grange hall. The crowd was not as large as was expected, owing ~to conflicting dates. Mrs. Pierce, who has been a guest in the home of her son, went to Yakima Sunday for a visit. She plans to visit in the west end of Kltckitat county with rel~tives and a son in Portland before returning to Califor- nia. Mr. Geschwint left Saturday to visit releLtives in the Pine Forest communtty. Mrs. J. A. Miller and son, Jerry, returned from Seattle last week. Mrs. Miller's father, Mr. ~ollingsworth, returned with them. The ladies of the Warwick club, with their families, picnicked at Blockhouse Salt u rday~ A few friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linden Monday! evening of last week to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. J. L. Burke. 'Pwo t~bles of ~Plnochle were played .throughout the evening, after which: refreshmen~ts of ice cream, angel food cake and punch were served. GRAND JURY (From First Page) were made. Should Consult Authorities "We do feel, however, and we wish to be emphatic on this point, that many of the difficulties of the district lie within the school dis- trict itself and can be remedied if the taxpayers and school patrons will attend school hoard meetings and fully acquaint themselve~ with the affairs of the district." The grand jury furthler recom- mened that administrative officials of schools ask the advice of proper county officials ,before proceeding with matters ~bout which they are not completely familiar. ( u ty l achinery Rental The grand jury report reviewed the county's rights to lease road machinery and sell crushed rock. In ~he opinion of the Jury rental o~ county equipment to private indi-i viduahs at a rate high enough to properly compensate the c~unty and in eases where such action is not in competition with private industry is legal. Providing proper charges are made to cover cost of production, and hauling is made the grand Jury Sugar Cured SALMON, lb. ....... 121/zc Fresh Ocean Caught. By the Piece PORK SAUSAGE, lb.. Country Style Funeral services Jar Thomas G. Fuhrm~Ln, 64, pioneer Klickitat I county resideut who died following a heart attack at Wapato August 24, were held at Toppenish Tuesday. Burial was in ',the Topl)eni~h ceme- tery. Mr. Fuhrman came to Kliekitat county with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fuhrman in 1S77 and spenthis early life in the Goodnoe Hills area. Ite was born iu Iowa iu 1876. tle was ma.rried in 1917 to Thora Harbaugh. His wife died in 1920. One daughter, Mary Ahueda Fuhr- man, of Spokane, survives. Other survivors include four brothers.Fred, of Oak Harbor, Wash.; Mwt, of Um- nak, Ala.ska; James, of Goldendale; and Charles, of Hood River, Oregon; and two sisters, Mrs. \Viuifred Cun- ningham, of Per[land, and Mrs. J. L. Jacob, of Malin. Ore. Witch its building nearly doubled in size and a greatly enlarged stock the Goldendale Variety store this Saturday will open its annual school sale. The Variety st~re building has been enlarged and extended to the alley line in the rear of the prop- erty. This enlurgement has nearly doubled the st,ore space. In addttion new display racks similar to ~ho,se l used in variety stores in the metro- I politan areas have been installed. The Variety Store building now I has a ~basement, a modern heating i system and a skylight has been add- ed to give better lighting to the store's interior. Bert H. Knox, p~o-. }prietor of the business, has been in l oharge of the. variety store for the past seven years. He has been a Goldendale busine~s man since 1917. ELECTION OFFICIALS From First Page the report. The grand jury report was sign-iand Carl Kloker, judge~. ed by F. M. Martin, foreman, and[ Pine Forest: Frank Camp,bell, in- aocordtng to the words of the report ! specter; Earl Baker and Win. M. was concurred in unanimously by i Goodrich, judges. the members o,f the jury. I Pleasant: Mrs. Andrew Swan, in- Gately, judges. Spring Creek: Mrs. Earl inspe(~to,r; T, homas Este~ and Dtvers, judges. Trout Lake: Josephine inspector; W. A. Peterson anndf E. Good, judges. Wahkiacus: Guy Long, Julia Bergland and E. J, judges. Wishram: James Delaney, tar; Mrs. Ralph Fenton and lotto John, judges. Woodland: Stanley Stram, tar; P. S. Miller and Mrs. VanAelst, judges. ........ Colu~n~bia : Mrs. Florence tholomew, inspector; Mae son and g. J. Retther, JudgeS. Bingen : Thomas Hamllik, specter; Mrs. Jack L. Harvey O. Barnes, Judges. Burdein Heights: Chas. inspector; Herry Swanson and vin Walker, judges. Alderdale: J. B. Kuhn, Lauretta Read and Evel.Y~ Lowell, judges. White Salmon: Mrs. M. C. Dermott, inspector; Harry and Mrs. G. W. I~reps, North Goldendale: Charley ley, inspector; Mabel Whitney Edna Mulford, judges. South Goldendale: J. E. inspector; Hattie Tebbs and Brock, judges. ' ~ East Goldendale: Mrs. GraCe ton, inspedtor; Mrs. W. D. and Mrs. Esta Guy, judges. Yes .... At Star Market You Will Find Every- thingFor a Picnic Phone 1152 We Deliver FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AND MONDAY Edgemont Snaps, 3 for.. 25c Shoe String Potatoes . .. l Oc Candy Bars, 2 for ........ 5c No. 2 can Paper Plates, pkg ........ 9c "Fru-Zert", 6 for ....... Something New Napkins, all kinds, pkg... 9c S & W Coffee, 4 lb. tin ... 96c Paper Cups, pkg .........9c Kleenex Tissues, pkg. .... 9c Rippled Wheat, pkg..-.... 5c Sunshine Cookies, reg. 25c pkgs... 22c Coco Cola, 6 bottles ..... 22c Pepsicola, 6 bottles ..... 22c Ripe Olives, Ige. size .... 15c Century Chopped Olives .........9c Lyon Mixer, 8 oz ........ 20c Minced Ham, lb ...... 13c Pork Steak, lb ....... 15c Pork Shoulders, lb... 12c Smoked Pork Hams, lb ............ 16c To Bake or Boil Lard, lb ......... 7c FREE DELIVERY PHONE 1152 SERVICE GOLDENDALI THE BEST IN GROCERIES AND FINEST QUALITY INSPECTED MEATS Guaranteed Meats, Lower Finest Quality. We Always Sell For Less... Goldendale Meat • • Young Mutton Chops, lb.. 8c Veal Steak, lb .......... 15c FILET OF SOLE, lb. .... 14c CALF BRAINS, lb. ...... 4c TONGUES, lb... 10c BACK BACON, lb ...... 17c Sugar Cured STEAK, lb .... 22c Steer Beef. Finest Quality or vea FRUITS and VEGETABLES LEMONS, dozen ................... WATERMELONS, pound . .......... LETTUCE, head ..................... 5@ ONIONS, 10 lbs' for ................. CANNING PEACHES, PEARS, PRUNES, FRUITS OF ALL KINDS "Home of Klickitat Valley" s Finest Inspected Meats" { {: