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2--AuGusT 30,2017
MAX ERIKSON The museum shows a map
REPORTER of Vietnam and a chronologi-
cal overview of the conflict
The Wall that Heals--a giving a historical and cul-
travelling half-size replica of tural context of the war and
the Vietnam Veterans Memo- how it relates to the Ameri-
rial--has arrived in Golden- can experience.
dale and will be on display Opening ceremonies will
at the Klickitat County Fair- start at 2 p.m. on Aug. 31 with
grounds from Aug. 31 to Sept. the Washington State Army
3. Admission is free, and the Reserves Honor Guard, Taps
Wall will be accessible for by George Minor, and a key-
viewing 24-hours a day. note speaker from the Wash-
The Mobile Education ington State Grand Masonic
Center accompanying The Lodge will be part of the
Wall will be displaying pho- opening ceremonies.
tos of service members whose Closing ceremonies will be
names are on The Wall and held at 3 p.m. on Sept. 3 and
other Vietnam War memora- The Wall will be closed to
bilia, viewing at that time.
'Wheels' brings major funds
Max Em ON The burnout contest got
REPORTER the crowd cheering as driv-
ers revved up engines and
laid down rubber, smoking
This year's Festival of out the wheels and doing
Wheels was a huge fund-cookies.
raising success bringing in Sunday featured flat track
$2,718 for New Hope Farms, racing in Eddieville and rac-
and organization that gives ers put on a show for spec-
job training for adults with tators on the only half-mile
developmental challenges track in the Pacific North-
and provides full-life care in west.
a residential home environ- The local Rainbow Girls
merit. Chapter provided a pancake
The event ran from Aug. breakfast for the weekend
18 to Aug. 20 with a variety and the Fourth Annual Lori
of car and motorcycle shows Baranovich Poker Run took
and live music provided by bikers to John Day Dam and
local band IN'DISPUTE. ended back at the Eddieville
Ekone Park was pack with track, where winners were
classic cars and new hot rods announced and prizes given
and trophies were handed away.
out to the winners of differ- Festival of Wheels runs
ent categories for each car every year on the third week-
display, end in August.
to place your
Max EeaKSON The Goldendale Police arrived at her house around the feet of Arlee Mayer but
REPOR R Department responded to a 3:15 a.m. and started argu- the lighter went out. He
911 call around 3:30 a.m. at ing. After leaving to con- attempted to relight the
Chargers for Ryan David 801 S Schuster, the home of front his girlfriend,--who lighter as Arlee tried to close
Mayer,36,ofGoldendale, have Arlee Mayer, finding Ryan lives in the same apartment the door. Ryan pushed the
been reduced from attempted Mayer--who flagged down complex--Ryan returned to door back hitting Arlee in
murder to attempted assault police--stating that he had his mother's apartment and the head cutting her above
in the first degree, a Class A poured lighter fluid on his sprayed her and himself with the right eye. Arlee then pro-
felony, for allegedly pouring mother but did not have the lighter fluid, ceeded to call 911.
lighter fluid on his mother intent to kill her. In the statement, RyanMayer's arraignment date
and threatening to light her According to a state- Arlee began igniting his is Sept. 5 and bail is set at
on fire on Aug. 18. ment by Arlee Mayer, Ryan lighter and throwing at $250,000.
MAx EmKSON District Wildlife Biologist humans either through con- rapid or open-mouth breath-
REPORTER Stephanie Bergh said. "but tact or consumption. WDFW ing, foaming at the mouth,
we are tracking it to see if it advises that any deer meat diarrhea and emaciation.
The Washington Depart- is growing we want people should be thoroughly cooked. The WDFW is'asking the
merit of FlSll and Wildlife to know what is going on." Polo and livestock are not at public to report sightings of
(WDFW) has reported an The WDFW is asking therisk and it is recommended deer that have these symp-
outbreak of Adenovirus public not to feed or water to use rubber gloves when toms or discovered carcasses
deer, and eliminate man handling wildlife carcasses, that look otherwise healthy.
Hemorrhagic Disease (AHD) made watering sources, tb AHD was first discovered This does not include deer
in local deer populations east reduce higher concentra- in deer in Calif. in 1993 and that appear to have been
of Goldendale, confirming tions of deer and lower the a recent outbreak in The struck by a vehicle or been
the first ever cases of AHD risk of spreading the infec- Dalles, Ore. was reported
in Washington State. tion. earlier this summer. AHD subject to a predator attack.
Reports of dead fawns near AHD is a virus similar to is transmitted by direct "We want people to report
Bickleton startedin July and Btuetongue and Epizootic contact between deer and what they are finding,"
have continued into August. Hemorrhagic disease and is spreads rapidly in highly Bergh said. "it is important
The WDFW worked with terminal.Itisespeciallyfatal concentrated deer popula- to know how many we have
local landowners to find forfawns which are the most tions. Death occurs 3-5 days lost and what geographical
fresh carcasses and used tis- reported fatalities since the after exposure and cases of area it is happening in."
sue samples to confirm AHD outbreak started. AHD normally peak during To report a deer sighting
was the cause of death. There is no known cure or mid-summer and taper off in or carcass call the WDFW
"We don't know the full treatment for the virus but the fall. office in Ridgefield, Wash.
extent ofthe outbreak so far," it does not pose any risk to AHDclinicalsignsinclude 360-696-6211.
Below is a summary of 2ndDegree, RCWg.41.040(2), State of Washington obligations.
resolutions from the Supe- date of offense 3/30/2016, v. Levi C. Harriman, #17- State of Washington
rior Court criminal docket and on 8/21/17 he was sen- 1-00030-4, defendant was v. Dusty D. Herberholz,
for the week of Aug. 21, tenced to 3 months in jail found not guilty after ajury #17-1-00082-20, defendant
2017, provided by Klickitat and legal financial obliga- trialon charges of Custodial pleaded guilty to Assault
County Prosecuting Attor- tions.
ney David R. Quesnel. Supe- State of Washington v.
rior Court is in session gen- Peggy C. Knott, #17-1-00004-
erally every other week. 5, defendant was found
State of Washington v. guilty after a bench trial
James J. Brewer, Jr #16-1- of Possession of Metham-
Interference 1st Degree. 3rd Degree, RCW 9A.36.031,
State of Washington date of offense 7/27/17, and
v. Windy A. Schatz, #17-1- was sentenced to 4 months
00045-20, case dismissed in jail and legal financial
without prejudice, obligations.
State of Washington v. State of Washing-
00127-2, defendant pleaded phetamine with Intent to Skyler L. Scott, #17-1-00070- ton v. Jones W. Thomas,
guilty on 8/09/17 (after Deliver (within 1000 feet of 20, defendant pleaded guilty #17-1-00086-20, defendant
jury trial had commenced) school grounds enhance- to Assault 2ndDegree, RCW pleaded guilty to Posses-
to Theft 2nd Degree, RCW ment added), RCW 69.50.401, 9A.36.021, date of offense sion of Methamphetamine,
9A.56.540, date of offense Possession of Morphine, 7/03/17, and was sentenced RCW 69.50.4013, Possession
12/20/2016, and on 8/21/17 he 69.50.4013, Posse#sion to 60 months in prison, legal of Amphetamine, RCW
Was sentenced't 2 m tl iO codon ! wi h Intent finar cial obligations and i8. ,- . .
in' 5 i'i1"(30 3 7ff which i J' eli 6*r* (v 'fffiffl'Yff0"ff feel months DOC supervlslon.'- Hy~r6codbffe';' ' "RCW
converted to 240 hours of of school grounds enhance- State of Washington v. 69. 0 t013, date of offenses
community service) andment added), RCW 69.50.401, Ashley A. Barrett, #17-1- 8/03/17, and was sentenced
legal financial obligations, date of offenses 1/13/17, 00077-20, defendant pleaded to 6 months in jail, legal
State of Washington v. Delivery of Methampheta- guilty to Possession of a financial obligations and 12
Michael A. Hammett, #16-1- mine, (within 1000 feet of Controlled Substance by an months DOC supervision.
00128-1, defendant pleaded school grounds enhance- Inmate, RCW 9.94.041, date State of Washington v.
guilty to Possession ofMeth- ment added), RCW 69.50.401, of offense 7/22/17, and was Linda S. Eastep, #17-1-00087-
amphetamine with Intent to date of offense 12/21/16, sentenced to 12 months in 20, defendant pleaded guilty
Deliver, RCW 69.50.401, and deliverY of Methampheta- jail (concurrent with #17-1- to Assault 3rd Degree (on
Possession of Marijuana mine (within 1000 feet of 00079-20)andlegalfinancial Law Enforcement Officer),
with Intent to Deliver, RCW school grounds enhance- obligations. RCW 9A.36.031, date of
69.50.401, date of offenses mentadded),RCW69.50.401, State of Washington v. offense 8/03/17, and was
12/!6/16, and sentencing is date of offense 12/29/16, Ashley A. Barrett, #17-1- sentenced to 30 days in jail
continued to 9/18/17. Delivery of Methampheta- 00079-20, defendant pleaded (converted to 240 hours of
State of Washington v. mine (within 1000 feet of guilty to Bail Jumping, RCW community service), legal
Rodney J. McGraw, #16-1- school grounds enhance- 9A.76.170, date of offense financial obligations and 12
00129-9, defendant pleaded ment added), date of offense 7/14/17, and was sentenced months DOC supervision
guilty on 8/07/17 to Unlaw- 1/02/17, and sentencing has to 12 months and 1 day in under first time offender
ful Possession of a Firearm been continued to 9/05/17. prison and legal financial waiver.
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