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September 5, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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Pa e Eight ........................................... _.GOLDE AL E_ SENTI L--Goldend le, Washington
......................................... WOMAN'S I Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Erickson are r~ 11 . 111/'11
MLxed Seed For w~sH~ BROTHER PASSES Iback to start the school, term. renaleton Will
Mr. Weneman and friends were
__r_,_s ms. R. N. Robertson in town Sunday.
---'----- W~SHRAM--(i~pecial)--Mr. and I Lenore Paul and Clarence Fisher
Mrs. Glen C. GiLbert, of Waterloo, !were in Goldendale on business Sat-
Reversing an earlies ruling S. E.
Ganders, county AAA choArman, an-
nounced to day that farmers may
sow mixed hay strips around their
fields. I4owever the seed used must
be less than 50 per cent wheat by
Iowa, left Friday after spending
three weeks visiting Mrs. Gilbert's
aunt, Mrs. George Selph and family.
Jean Murphy, of Bend, visited
friends here over the weekend•
Mrs. Ed Ashbrenner and Mr. and
The hay must be cut green and Mrs. Leonard Wood shopped in The
the mixed hay strips can .only be Dalles Saturday afternoon
sown by prior agreement with the Mr and Mrs LaVigne'entertain-
county AA~ committee• The mixed ed Company Saturday
seeding con only be used forhay Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan and family
strips, moved into the apartment recently
"' I vacated by the gemple family. The
Let The Sentinel classified ads be tSemples moved to Vancouver.
your salesman, tf Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Lantry are
t driving a different car now.
Political Cards Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis had corn-
_______ pany Saturday.
NOTE: Political announcements l Mr. and Mrs. Tim Delaney and
list~l under this heading will be run i son Loren spent the Labor Day week-
continuously until the Primary Elec-iend in Spray, visiting Mrs De-
tion. All announcements must be paid ~ • * " .
for in advance. 'mney's parents. Leren had the mls-
urday morning.
Betty Cochran, Lenore Paul and
Bill Clark called on Nick Molitor in
Lyle Friday evening•
Helen Skar entertained company
the past week.
Have New Stands
Pendleton, Aug. 28.--(Specml--
Whe~ l~cords in bulldogging, rop-
ing, bucking and racing have been
made at the Pendleton Round-Up
grounds, another lightning event is
being staged~tt's tl~ race to com-
plete the new $35,000 concrete, fire-
proof grandstand for the coming
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Coop and son, show, Sept. 11, 12, 13, 14, to replace
of Camas, came to the Harp home the stFucture destroyed by fire Av.g-
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Coop left: ~ 16.
Monday morning for Yellowstone Victory is already ~.~ured, end
National park to spdnd a week. : Pendleton promises to its thousanJs
Mr. and Mrs. James Hayes and I of visitors ndequate, comfortable
seating, as the result of day a~d
children and Mr. and Mrs. Ageet night work by a crew of 93 men.
were in The Dalles Sunday evening. I Funds for the new grandstand c ~e
The many friends of Mr. DubsI from the people of Pendleton, who
~'ere sorry to hear of his passingI also received some assistan~- fr~-m
Sunday. He is the father of George] generous neighboring friends.
Dube, Charles Dubs and Agnos~ In addittc~ to ac ~1 cash, th~e
Stanley here In town. friends have loaned to ttr" Round-
Up pioneer vehicles including stage
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Murphy enter- coache6, buekboards, wager% phae_
[ned ( mpany M nda: tons and countless other old- ~e
Rudy Anderson and Miss Betty paraphernalia for the Wc~ward
Hol parade, to substitute for the
Thursday, September 5,
SMALL COST. All ads listed for this column must reach our office before Tuesday evening
lowing date of publication: RATES: Minimum charge of 25c per insertion; three
the price of two. 5c per line, count five words to the line. All ads cash, unless you have a
charge account at this office. Turn those unused article into cash.., sell them with a
FOR SALE--90 cords 16 inch pine l NOTICE TO PUBLIC~--Having'
and fir wood, located about nineIsolved partnership with ,
miles nort:hwest of Goldendale on] Krieg, I will not be respon
good road. $2.75 per cord. F.A. for any .of his obligations or
F~OR SALE--Clean Michel's Grass Jewell, Klickitat. 343 Signed C• B. Hutch.
Seed and B,aled Alfalfa hay. Frauk- ~. AUCTION--I will sell at Publ~
lin Miller. Inquire of Luclla Mill- old white boar. Four miles north[tion the following personal ]
er, 210 Putman St., Goldeudale. It on Bloodgood road. Half mile eastI er.ty at my place, located four I
in timber from mail box. James A• I west and .one and one half
treating lnachine, also good buys Johnson, route 2, Goldendale. 353I north and one quarter mile
in new tractors, ask about the new ~--~--R~I of Goldendale, WeLshington,
Wednesday, September 18, J
deep furrow grain drill.M~a.urer' five room house, plastered, fulli,beginning at one o'clock sharP.
Brothers Feed Store. lt-- basemen.t, in Vancouver. Trade forI cellent dairy herd as folloW~
1)--~~~i~1, Goldendale house. R. N. Neff, 318I
W. 1st. Goldendale. 343 year old cow to freshen Sept.
~Guernsey and Jersey. Also trailer 8 year old cow to freshen,
house, cheap. ~V. E. Scott, Center- ~~1
ville. 363 Mew Ford, any model. Wi~ll ~i-1
~'0"~-~ S-~|AH:-16--'-'-'''-'-~ a('l'e---~4 ,llile~-~~ f,-~O,ll rice. Inquire Sentinel. c'
John A. Sanders
Republican Candidate for
Third District
Primary Election, September 10th
C. S. McDowell
Republican Candidate for
Third District
Primary Eleetion, September 10th.
A. M. (AI) Matsen
Republican Candidate for
Sixteenth District
Primary Election, September 10t~.
F.d AllbrRton
Democratic Candidate for
Third District
Primary Else._._ tlon,__ Septenlber 10th.
Democratic Candidate For
District Three
Primary Election September 10
Ivan McCumber
Candidate for
Glenwood Precinct
"A Man of Unquestionable
Honesty !"
fortune to break his collarbone Sun-
day. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Delaney
took Loren to The Dalles to have
his collarbone set.
Mrs. Ray Lewis returned from
Pasco Thursday.
Mrs. Betty Cochran, Lenore Paul
and Fred Huber drove to Lyl Sat-
today. Mrs. Cochran remained in
Lyle and Mr. Huber and Mis~ Paul
drove on to Vancouver to visit Mr.
Huber's parents a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Skar and son
Bobble went to Tacoma Thursday to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Skar's
brother. On Mrs. Skar's return from
Tacoma she took the midnight
train for Spokane to attend the fu-
neral of Junior Whiteside.
Mrs. George Selph and cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Gilbert, of
Waterloo, Iowa, and uncle F. M.
Eastman, of Pasco, spent from Mon-
day to Thursday in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Holliday have mov-
ed into the Crane home. Crane's
moved to Lyle last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sinifield are the
proud parents of a baby !boy born on
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jensen and
her father, Mr. Abbey, Were shop-
ping in The Dalles Saturday eve-
The Warlord family have return-
ed to their home to prepare for
Bill Rose and Clarence Cro'ffutt
of Seattle, are visiting home folks
over the Labor Day weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Davis an(
family and Roy Cochran shopped in
G01dendale gaturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. John, Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Chittester and Mrs R. N.
Ro,bertson were in Goldendale Sat-i
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jensen and
Mrs. Jonson's father, Mr. Abbey,
went to The Dallos Monday morn-
ing to catch the train to his home
in Texas. The friends of Mr. Abbey
will miss him and hope he comes
iback again.
John Chittester and daughters
Lois Jean and Pa~y, of Vancouver,
visited at the home ~o~ his brother
Ray Chittester over ,Sunday and
Jim Mills drove to Vancouver
Johnny Schefchek entertained his
sister c~f Vancouver a few days the
past week.
tained company Monday. tons and countless other old- ~e
Ruc ' Anders m and para ,hen dia for the lc~ rd
-Franklin come in Sunday to start HoI pars e, to su~ ~timt~ for ~e
the school year. equipment lost in tl-¢ rece~ bla-,.;.
The parade, Friday mor~ "g fcat~'"e
Mr. and Mrs. George Schaer en- of the Round-Up, will wind
tertained her sister and family, of
Vancouver, several days• Pendleton streets at 10 ,. m., v:~h
5000 taki~~. part, including Indians
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Wilson were in tribal splendor, and whites g~.rb-
entertaining her brother and family,ed in the picturesq''- fashion of
Mr. and Mrs. Petticord of Vancou- frontier (lays. The Indi~- 3 WI
ver, over the Labor Day weekend, include the 2000 camped in t'-e
Mrs. Willis Webb and daughter Indian village at the croun~"-.
Lillian, and Mrs. Ed Johnson and In ev:rv respect, the P~v,~d-Up
daughter Donna were in Goldendale now in its thirty-first year, bigges~
on business Saturday evening, and oldest show in the Pacific
NorthwesL will be up to ~he usual
Mr. and Mrs. Moothart and fan]- standard of exc~llence, dcclare,:i tl-:.-
ily left Monday for Portland• They Round-Up Association.
will go on to California to attend Total purses are $85~9. ef v.,bi~h
the wedding of their son Harvey• $4000 wig ~ re:' the four major
Harvey has spent the past two events; bulldogoi~g,~ ste~'- ropi:,.~.
weeks in California. ca:-," ropin~ and bronc ridi~,-., for
The Gamons nmved to Portland which Rodeo Associ~ti-n cf ~er-
gunday, ica points are awarded.
There will ~e 69 he," of i '~-~:
Mr. and Mrs. Bill" Lingo enter- stock, including those s,:-p!i~d bi
rained company from Vancouver Moomaw & Bernard, of Ton~._~l~e~,
over Sunday and Monday. Wash., and McCarty &~ F?lictt. et
Mr. and Mrs. Lester John and Chugwater, Wyo. Sixty Tc::..~
Mr. and Mrs. Ardith Ray~burn spent lonshorns will be used f.c. the do~-
7 year old cow to freshen
27; two 6 year old cows to
en Ootober 10th; cow 6 years
cow 4 years old; cow 3 years
Goldendale, 60 acres in alfalfa, two cows 5 years .old; cow 3
Fair improvements, good water. ,old; heifer 2 years old, mill
60 acres summer fallow ready to heifer two years old to fre
seed. Price $3,000.00. Terms, half soon; four yearling heiferS;
cash. E. H. Lee, phone 1322. it heifer nine months old; two
~-- WANTED TO TRADE--A Guernsey el" calves; Guernsey bull 18 ~n~
b~)R SALE -- One Holstein, good heifer calf f~u' a used drag saw. R. .old; white boar, sow and nice ]
grade bull six months old. I)~u~ J. Rein, Centerville. It sow and eight pigs. Cream s~
Hartle, .l, mile west of Smithville ~ ator; circulator heater; some
store. 3631VCANTED--Old sheep for fox feed. jars. Terms of sale, oa,sh. IC
------------------ } Will pay cash and call for the arrange with bank for credit l
FOR SALE--Ferguson property, 6-j Give particulars and price to sale.--~MIRS. R. H. CP~]~VL
room house and garage, includingI wanted in first letter. J. A. Rob-Owner. HERMrA2q C. RO,I~
furnishings, lot 100xl00, $1250.! bins, 223 N. E. llth, Portland, Auotioneer; John C. Kai~
,Subject to reasonable down pay-[Oregon. 354-- ,Clerk• Follow Herman's Red
meut. A good buy. Knosher t ~ ~~--~- I rows. 3
Agency. lt-- WANTED--Fat ,hogs, cattle, and I
........ ! sheep. Highest n~arket prices l~aid RELIARIAE MAN WANTED ~"
ACI{LAGE FOR SALE--F~ve ac~es, 1 for feeder pigs.M. M. Hoctor, t nearby Watkins roue. See or
new Darn, spring water, two acresI phone 316Y5. April 19401 Roy W. Lundberg Broadwa
cultivated, bala.nce timber School l ~ ....... Columbus, Ooldendale, local
bus, electric lights, and mail route[~1 E ~VANT--Hogs, beef, lambs and} kins dealer. " 3
5 miles north of Vancouver, Wash.veal, and. feeder pigs. Also hides.
Fine investment to cash buyer see vv~ p~y,n~ghest cash ma,rket prices. ~ my el
owner H. Skelton, route 5, boxI t~otaenaam ~aea~ ~o. ~ b0t~--- flock of registered H~mP~
115A, Vancouver, Wash. or tel.]~ ewes and ewe lambs, about
22F34 inquire wt Kentucky Stables ! L" 11 It L" I| T ] head, at ~)rlvwte sale. Will s~
5 miles north of Vancouver ati ~'~ ~ l~ l~ El |~ | ' few or as many as you w~I
i ,one desires (to start a pur,
Salmon Creek. 363--t • ~ ~,
t flock, this is a rare opportt
',~-"-~'R--~ " -- " " , as they are l~rleed to sell. M~
h~ o ~ l~OR RENT Furmshed two ~ oom
Shropshire bucks 1 year old apartment newly decorated. Con-t seen wt my r~nch near Mar
Douglas Brat(on.' 35:~" venient for school teachers. No. [Wo~shingbon. H. H. H~rtley, o~
...... ' 415 East Court St. Mrs McVayI .~oldendale, Wash.
FOR SALE -- Accredited Michel's Phone 605. " 35~ ....
lflR~E! If excess acid causes
Sunday evening in The Dalles.
The Bunn family moved to Yaki-
ma Saturday. Ruth and George
Bunn moved into the front apart-
Bessie Brainard, of ChelTalie,
spent several days in to.wn visiting
her mo.ther.
B.ICKLETON-- (Special) ---Mr. and
Mrs. Lowell Shattuck have moved to
Alderdale so that their son, Stanley,
can a.~tend school there.
Reverend Vernon reports that his
son, who ho.s been seriously ill is
improving. He lives in New York.
Earl Zumwalt called on his moth-
er, Mrs. Effie Zumwalt, Sunday.
A surprise birthday party was
given Tuesday for Marybeth Crider
on her eleventh birthday. There
were about ten guests present(.
S. A. Yarnell has been visiting
with Harry Y~rnell, of Oregon, this
last week. He also has been down
to the coast. He returned home Mon-
Milner Larsen has been quite suc-
cessful with his invention of a sack
jig and is now in Oregon taking
care of sales.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Frostrup were
in Sunnyside one business Monda.y.
Mrs. Eric Frostrup and Mrs. Carl
Carter gave a bridge party Friday.
The guests were Mesdames T. Dona-
he, Martin Copenhefer, George
Paulkner, H~a~el Jonson, Alfred Jon-
son, Harry ~McCredy, Roy Hosfelt
Milner Larsen, ~Iarry Wilson, Anna
Nelson and Leonard Ingram. Mrs.
Harry McCredy received the high
score and Mrs. Nelson low-, and Mrs.
Larsen the traveling prize.
Mrs. T. Donaho a.nd Mrs. Martin
Copenhefer were luncheon guests of
Mrs. Roy VanNostern Monday.
-Jean Mason lef, t Tuesday for Selah
where she will teach sch.oo).
Glen Yarnell and Isabelle were i~
Sunnyside M~onday.
Mrs. Calvin Crider and M~rybeth
and Edith Maines were Sunday din-
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Mrs. Ed Sanders and Genevieve
left Sunday for White Salmon.
Raymond~ White and Lucille Faulk-
nor are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Mr. and ,Mrs. George Juris and
family returned home Thursday after
a week and a half vacation. They
visited both ,Mr. and Mrs. Juris's par-!
ents and spen~t several days in Port-
Herbert Matsen ts home now after
spending about ten days in Seattle.
Mrs. Chris Larsen and Irene, of
Seattle, have been visiting Mrs. Al-
fred Matsen for about a week.
Mr. ,a.nd Mrs. Claud Williams and
Richard joined the Williams family
on Me. Adams Saturday, where they
picked huckleberries.
Ruth Ganders left last weekend
for Seattle, where she spent a week!
before going to I.~ngley, where shei
will teach. !
Stanton G~nders and Velma Wil-i
ging and steer ropin~, and 2P n~a,: I grass seed 35c per lb. Inquire J.
of calves for the calf roping :'¢~:~t. R. Gately, Roosevelt, 353--
pains of Stom~c'h Ulcers, I~
As usual, the Round-Up is prose
that it is the only show in the
world today that offers to rodeo
fans the c:,~ance to z:~ two :-pvs
of bucking contests - the cF,'.~e
method and th£ snubbing- r~,~-
Chutes are used for ~he world ouck-
tng, while for ~he northwes[ o,~.-::-
ing horses are snubbed and ~z~dd,>=
In the are:,a.
Happy Canyon nieht .~hew o~ :,'~
Round-Up, stages ~ ~D ~ow~. ~:::
spent $11,000 in z:n~em:z: : ::"
year, including new s~ati~g f:ri!!-
ties in the grandst~r.d. ~nc a nw
maple dance floor, ~es~ in c,.-: rr
Oregon, in the pavil:on.
son attended the at~to races in Yaki-
ma Sunday.
Kathrine Cropley was a guest Sun-
day of Mr. and Mrs. H. Giles.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Frostrup were
guests Sunde.y of Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
ard Ingram.
Mr. and M~s. Glen S]mdgrass and
children were guests Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Ingram. Mrs.
Snodgrass is spending the week with
Mrs. E. J. Sharp, Mrs. Clarence
Mains and children and Mrs. $. ~.
Carter were dinner guests Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cm~ter.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jensen and
M~olly Lou are spending about ten
days at Seaside on .their vacation.
.Mr. and Mrs. Everett Schrantz
were in Sunnyside on business Fri-
Mrs. Sam Poossier was reported as
being seriously ill last week. Present
condition is not known.
~Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Allbri~tton
and children were Thursday din-
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed All-
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Collins and
Nellie Collins went ,to a churc'h pic-
nic in Sunnyside ~unday.
.Miss Doz~othy Thompson and Miss
Charlotte Russell, of Yakima and
Rnth -Jensen came home Sunday
from Rimrock. Miss Russell and Miss
Thompson are spending this week
with Ruth."
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Collins attend-
ed the P. U. D. meeting in White
Salmon Thursday.