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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 8, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 8, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. Page Two ~i~/i¸ ¸:¸¸I THE GOLDEN'DALE SENTINEL--Goldendale Washington DD DI All Aboard For A Big We of the West Dependable Stores are all for a big Golden- dale celebration. It fosters com- munity spirit. It advertises our community. It's fun for every- ; x body. Go and have a good time. WE'RE DOING OUR PART WITH Prices that leave Money for your fun- Centerv le Orange announce. CORRAL DUST JIIII I I • FAMILY REUNION KELD Members of the Vincent family held a reunion Sunday at the A. C. Vincent home. Guests included Roy. and Mrs. Hubert C. Vincent and ~wo daughters, Caret and Hermie, of Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kelley, and children Maida Joy and Clarence Arthur, of Roosevelt; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hall and their son Vincent, of Goldendale; Fred Vin- cent, of Goldendale; and the Misses Arcia and Ida Louise Vincent, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Vincent. ul BRIDAL SHOWER HELD FOR BETTY LUMIJARVI Miss Betty Lumijarvl, daughter of Mr. and MrsI Martin Lumijarvi, was guest of honor Wednesday afternoon PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 AND 10 Aug. 31 at a beautifully appointed bridal shower in the Frank Linden PI 'Y "I ILI 5c,, home. Mrs. Linden and Mrs. Elmer Baste were the hostesses. Several . an 1 1 | delightful entertainment features ,,P = - -: -- =... = !.1 15c formade bhe afternoon most enJoyabletho nearly 70 guests. Mrs. Mar- Durkees . • ilton poured at the attractively Salad Aid, qt. jar .33c Pork & Beans, 2/2 cans 10c decorated refreshment table. ~Miss Lumijarvi Who Is soon to be- Sunsweet Dependable come the bride of Walter F. Ham- Prunes, 2 lb. box 15c Flour, 49 lb. sack $1.39 ilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. L • • • ........... Hamilton, received many beautiful Zee Sun Gold wnd useful gif, t~ e~pressing the good Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls 15c Flour, 241/2 lb sack 59c wishes of the many friends and .... • • ..... relatives of the young couple. Jersey Our Favorite ---By The Committee--- Shoot, f olk~,~---I hmte to write bad news, but I've just got to tell you that those t~r~hma ~bulls ar~ coming again. Run for the basement, if you mu~,t, ,but don't miss the excitement. We put ,the s~hc~w off so ~het the h~r- vest would be over before ~hey start- ed ~iewing the sights of ottr valley. The new cor~Ms, ma~de of Klickitat'~ ftnest fir logs, ~re expected ¢o hold thedn, however. Mack Barber, who liv, e~ in Klamath Falls, Oregon and spends his time i chaperoning outlaw~bron~ ~r~und, ~he west cou~t, ~has already shipped ,the first of h~ bucker~ to Golden- (~a,le, and plenty more are coming. He has just finished the G~reSham show, and now is ,~ngaged in furnishing ~rouble for tired cowboys at the big show in Lakeview, Oregon. Mn~ks p~r~icul~r pride and Joy iS a mean hoes called 'StBaznbo~t,''" whom lhe cla~m,s ~has never been r~d- den. He ,lived u.p .to his ~oputation a~ C~resham, piling riders in short time. He will be on h~nd this week ~aere. C,o~t~cte~ ~t C~r'eaham l~t we~k, by loOM comm~;t~teea~en, the top hand riders and .Topers all declared ~h, ey would enter ~t Goldenld~ale thle year. The cowboys all like the looal Tildes, emd :will !have a good word for tt, the town, people ~r~d ~w~ys end up by ways one of ,the specm~ar pe~s of che show, and one that demands ~ team~work of th~ ~hazer and =hoxaes, aa :well as stea)d~y nerve and v. quick eye on ~he bulldogger. An old timer in local rodeo, is one who ct~.n ,remember ~tihe first bulldog- ging event, when two soaxed and di- minutive local steers w~lt'h imitation 'horns, trotted down the track. We ,have advanced a long way in the quality of livestock ~lnce those early dh~s, when the riders could knock the sbe~r~ down v~hen they landed. ADJd, w~hen Ihigh heel boots end the Brahmas are ready, ,we-'ll be seeing you. Obituary I Evelyn Ina Wedgwood was born March 4, 1938, and passed away Sept. 3, 1938 at the age of five months and 30 days. She is survived ! by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wedgwood and her twin sister, Edna Marie; also her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klo- ker, Mrs. Maude Wedgwood and Wedgwood, besides a host of other relatives.. "Like an angel she came to blem our home Till Jesus said "My dear lamb come' Now she dwells in her home above Where all is Joy and peace and love." r Funeral services Were held Mon- day afternoon, Sept. 5 at 2:00 p. Thursday, September DIES D. Edward Lynch committed | the Eastern Washington state pital at Medical Lake died early week, according to informatio~ ceived today by R. M. Spoon, perior court clerk. ~tlLL BUSH Painting, Paperhanging Sign Work Free l~stimates Phone BEST QUALTY IALS, plus prompt, nest workmanship At Reasonable Prices Modern Shoe Sho Bill ~r I ......... S--Bones oi mound build~ exhumed in Minne$0~a" 4--Morqan killed at Ba~_fl¢ of Greenville. Tenneef~" 1954. ~-Siqn treaty with Alq~ to ma'u~om Am~ P~ Pork & Beans, I lb. cans .6c Catsup, Ig. bottle 10c RES TS ........ STAOZ Bm REm0 Members of the Wylie family held a reunion at Waucella park, near 1 North Bonneville last Tuesday. "Dhose present for t~h~ a'eunion in- = esse eluded: ~i ~liance Fresh Kermd D rt, 3 pkg... 10c Wylie)Mr' andandMrS.daughterEUgene KentThelma,(GraCeof Egg Nooles, 1 lb. cello .. 15c Corn Meal, 10 lb. sack ... 29c ~attlo Creek, Michigan. Eight chin White King Granulated drew of the late A. M. Wylie were Soap, large pkg. ....... 29c Play Fai present with their families which " DwogtFootd, 6 cans ........29c 'nclud°d Frank F" wylie and J" wll- beT Wylie, of Seattle; Mrs. S. E. White King tSo ; Hornibrook and Mrs. Nannie J. ..... Toile ap, bar ........ . 5c C flee, lb .............. 25c tump, of Sunn Ido, Wash; and Mrs. Jeff Smith, of North Ben- Bailey s Big Value neville; Mrs. J. M. Tuttle, of Port- Oyster Soup, tall cans, 3 25c rP land; Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Wylie, Co ee, lb. ............. 19c of Walls w alia, Wash.; Mrs.. How- : ~; ard Jakey and daughter, JOy, of :: Quaker Oats, lg. pkg... 19c rai way Val Vita Yak~ma; Mrs. Fran~ Aynes and Tomato Sauce, 3 cam.. 10c Coffee, lb. .............. 15c two daughters from Monmouth, • Peanut,,, Vutter'" Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Huff and 1/2 lb. jar 19c son, of Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. ~; (For Syrup) _ Harry E. Smith and son, AI, of Maple Mix, 5c pkg., 3 for 10c Soda Crackers, 2 lb. box. 19c Steve~on; M. S. L. Smith and son, Ls 3 Harry Lee, of Lyle; Mr. and MrS.Miss ++'+++++ MIL , . C,hesterBrack+r+dchild+ren, H~oI~I, +~:;+ + and Mildred, of Goldendale; mrs. ~+~+ , ~ Cos Ella Meyer, Gloria Smith I~i and Paul Hager, of Portland; and ~: :: the honorees Mr. and Mrs. Kent and Solid Heads Pacific--Giant daughter, Thelma. This was the first Lettuce, each .......... ,..5c Oysters, No. 1 can, 2 for .29c time the family had all been to- No. 1 Jerseys Sweet Potatoes, lb. ...... 5c 344 Size Sunkist !i Oranges, 2 doz. ......... 29c Puritan Marshmallows, 1 lb. cello 10c Rip Rap Wax Paper, 40 ft. roll .... 5c Phone 272- Goldendale ORDERS OF $2.00 AND OVER DELIVERED FREE IN CITY LIMITS SOCIAL ACTIVITIES .-. Marcege Montgomery Weds Wilbur Man Here Sunday In a quiet wedding ceremony per- formed at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Montgomery, Miss Marcelle Montgomery Sunday, September 4, became the bride of I~ster Anderson, of Wilbur, Wash. The marriage ceremony was read I I uncle and aunt of the bride. Guests present for the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shipp, of Portland, uncle and aunt of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dents, of Pendleton, uncle and aunt of .the Summer Beauty ... Are you ready for a gloriously active summer with a coiffure that'S appropriate for both day and evening ? Shipp's will design a lovely one for you... one that becomes you 24 hours adayl bride; Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Shipp, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Story, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Darnelle, of The Dalles; by Rev. C, J. Hall, pastor of the Mrs Fred Davenport, Miss Kathryn Goldendale Methodist church. Allison ,and Miss Dorothy Allison. For her wedding the bride wore The bride is a graduate of Gold- russet brown and autumn yellow endale high school in the class of silk and carried fall flowers. Her 1929 and an alumnus of Washing- mother, Mrs. Montgomery, wore a ton State college. For the past three formal of deep wine silk crepe and years she has been an instructor in Wilbur high school. Mr. Anderson carried a corsage of autumn flowers, is a graduate of Wilbur high school Mrs. Clyde Story played the wed- and is a prominent stockman of the ding march. Mr. Anderson is the son of Mrs. Wilbur area. M .......... , The couple left on a brief wedding ary Anaerson, o~ Wl|nur. YOIIOW- ...... [trip through Northeastern Washing- lug ~ne we~ltlmg ceremony a wee- .... ~t~n after w, hlch they will be at home dlng luncheon wna servea at tne~ + . . hi |on a stocg ranch near Wilbur. home of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. S PP'I l EASTERN STAR MEETING Stated communication of Ever- green chapter number one of the Order of Eastern Star will be held Wednesday evening, Sept. 14 begin- ning at 8:00 p. m. By order of the Worthy Matron, Mrs. Ruth Ledbet- ter, secretary announced this Week. ..... i,,n ,,,,n ,, , [ Shipp's Barber Beauty Shop i l KENSINGTON TO MF, ET Members of the O. E. S. Kensing- ton will meet at the home of Mrs. Ed Pike Friday. Sept. 9 at 2:30 p. m. for their regular meeting. CAFETERIA LUNCH Centerville Grange will sponsor a cafeteria lung: at the Centervtlie Or~nge hall, Tuesday, September 13. The lunch will be served at 12:00 o'clock noon ~ will continue as long as the ea~ last, t0~e of the gether in eleven years. Hood Promises Square Deal To All If Elected A ¢.andidat~ for puLblic office should not o~ly be qualified for that office, but should .have p~vformed soane ser- vice contributing to ~he welfwre of his community, from w~hich he is soliciting conftdenoe ~nd su:p~.tvt. ~h~i~ is fihe fi,rst time that I hay, I entered the politiOaJ field in Klieki-I I ,t~t coun~ty, .but I thaws served in the} coun,ty treasurer's office at Hamil-[ ton, Ohio. I came here 28 year~ ago,/ bougl~t a :tract of land, cleared and set it 'to orchard. Twenty-one erol~S of ~rui,t exported h~ve brought $130,- 000 ,to this county to help in building ,rounds an~ schools. A few yearn in thin oEflce will ~help to continue ~hls v~ ork- If elected, your tax problems ~hall be my ,tax prObleme, your confide~nee will be ne~t wlt'h a square deal to all. C. H+ ~IOOD A Sentinel Wane Ad will sell these unused articles you may have. ELECT L. G. TALCOTT County Commissioner FIRST DISTRICT DEMOcRATIC TICKET A 'property' Tax Payer in Klickitat county since 1912. Maintained a Payroll in Box Factory and Sawmill Business since 1922. Capable of conducting the bus- iness of the County Commis- sioners office, and if elected, promises an equal distribution of County Funds, with no favors. remembering the prompt pay off, I m. from the Chapman chapel, with which ~fter ~11 count~ v,4~h them. ~a~r~, 1795. Ray Atkins officiating. Interment followed in the Goldendale I 0 O. S--lane Addams:~oclal Local 'fans will be glad to know ~. . " " J. t . reforms, born. ~. t,. cemetery, _~l[.,t,24, ,~/~ , that ,the announ(~ing ~his year will be ~~--First Conoress o ltb~ in ~he han~l~ of Ym,rlon Se~ct~n, who .......... ~ UnltodStat~apea~w~ ~t~ l-~l'l'l~'A'Jfi ~ ptt~t~', 1774. expects to .te~e +his vacation in t~he Goldendale and The Dalles Eagles -g~7~ &-St. Au~sth~, Ht~, dust of .the ~trt~e~s, ~l~odging Bxah- joined Tuesday evening In a special ~ brate~1367thanaiv~ff, mat, and ~t;rying t~o outguess the rid- initiation ceremony here for a cl~ ~ 1932. era in ~llltng ~e ~hu~te t~hey are to of six new Eagles. Thirty-five Eagl~ ~'~:$Lz~--$---Compromi~ bill ad~it" come (YU~ from, (but seldom do). front The Dalles were in Goldendale ~ ttnq C~lifornla as h~ state passed 1850 ~w~ An),way, M~rion keeps us well in- for the initiation. On September 20 ~ ' "e ; formOdt and can do .t~he job the the state president of the Eagles ..... best of them. A $riend +f the hands Lodge is expeced tO visit Goldendale, Island Service ~n+d a t~iend of the gains, any ~how Walt Townsend, secretary, announe- - ........... would be fortunate to ~hav~ |hlm on ed. Ralph Niekerson, o,~p_ the baseness e~d of ~heir "mike." Cvrou~nd crews ~re busy getting ~he ,+++.+ o~ou~.+ ,o ,.~+. oo~ Be_nardo Pollard many md~lltions are being made for ~l~ tlhe conventsnoe ~f visitors this year, ere. p~ Rules? Of course. Every rod+ is County Sch-- ol S rintendent judg~di stri~ly by a set of rules as definite and univer~ml as tha~of b~ebali or ~ootban. @--GRADUATE STANFORD UNIVERSITY @--ONE YEAR ~T-GRADUATE~ And another thing, qn~ny people University of Southern California seem ~.o belireve ~hat the .rodeo is an {}--EX'PRESIDENT KLICKITAT EDUCATION exhibition, ,v¢i:t~h the par.tteipan.ts ASSOCIATION hired. Pax ~rom that, for each con- tes~smt says his own enf~r~nce fee in @--PRESENT VICE-PRESIDENT KLICKITAT EDUCA" eaoh event, ~nd takes lh~s eh~noes on TION ASSOCIATION one of t~he three winnem. Each e---LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEEHEN, WASHINGTON event is a oon~eet for prize money, ~--EDITOR KLICKITAT TEACHER ~nd none of +the riders or ropers are EDUCATION ASSOCIATION ~h~rocl, In any way. ~--DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES Long, horn st~rs will be plen.tifut for ~he bulldogg~tng event. Thie is ~1- AG veptlseme n t ) from your local Oregonian agent Peeked wttli amazing true ~tortm ~ than fiction--True Life ~~ Science -- Hktory-- Fietim. Portland's Largest Newspaper scores another big scoop for mmi~m~l