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September 8, 1938 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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September 8, 1938 |
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September 8, 1938
Red frys. Arie VanAelst. It
Cox, of Lyle, was a business
Goldendale, Friday.
Gray, county trOa~'u,rer, was
eleetioneering Saturday.
Curry,the old Reliable
of Seattle, who
professional visits
ale for years will
be at the--
Sept. 12
For one day
Mrs. Albert Jaekel, of M~r~hill,
~*3s a business visitor in Golidiendale
Art' Strenn was in Portland on bus-
ine,ss l~riday and Saturday of last
Mrs. Rene MeGowan, of Lyle, was
o ,business visitor in Croldendale
John Fai, rman, new Center.ilia
school princi1~a,1, was in Goldendale
on business Friday.
Eric robert, Glenwood school
tea0her, ,was a business visLtor In
Goldendale l~riday.
Ward Holloway, of Glenwood, was
in ~ol~den,dale on business l~ridJay.
He l~ the princ41~J at t,he G1enwood
school for ,the coming year.
N. H. Red frys. Aria VanAelst. It
Dr. William H. West and Sterling
Ledbet~ter attended the Sunday show
~t ~the Ellensburg Rodeo.
Try Jumbo Mtlksha~es at Mac's
Cafe. A Good Place, too. tf---
Mrs. Drnest Behram, formerly
F'ler~nce Johnson, of Maryhill, is
Examined, Glasses Fit-visiting friends in Goldendale t~a4,s
itted to relieve eyestrain week.
Leonard McKee epent several days
and headaches ~he la,tter part .of last week visiting
frien@s in Portland, and at Will Hoy¢
Charges Reasonable • Springs, Oregon.
Miss Mary M oEwen, dauglhter of
Mr. and Mrs. J(>hn R. McEwen, left
Monday for Easton, Whsh., where
she lhas a position as high school tn-
structo~ for ,the coming tepm.
For durable, a{tractive inside fin-
ishing use Sheetrock Wall board.
See Trumbo Building Materials for
t" and FRIDAY
September 8 and 9
a, demonstration. It
Mrs. Mary Vano~da, who lived in
GoMendale n e~ly 50 years ago,
passed th.rougq~ town an a vacation
tri,p Monday. She n~w lives in Ore-
George Chri~a.onsen, candidate for
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington
N. H. Red frys. Arle VanAolst. Xt Power-- v Jt'om"an'"
For hire taxi service---night or
day. Service Garage call 902. Night ROOS~';I~¢It Show
phone 1524. 7tf---
mjw IiA~m*~
R. M. Spoon attended the Labor
Day picnic at Klickitat Monday.
Mx. ~nd M~r~. Was D~Weese, of AP-
pleton, ,returned here Sunday from a
~trLp to Seattle.
Mrs. Elmer Wilson and baby son
returned to Goldendale last week
from Yakima.
Lloyd Moore, of Hermiston, was
in Goldendale several days last week.
He is the owner of the Star T~heatre.
John R. McEwen drove to Port-
land and Seattle on business early
this week.
Gee. M. Baker attended the Labor
Day picnic at Klickltat Monday.
Mrs. Eula Spalding and daughter John Nath, resident agent for the
Allene attended the Labor Day pic- Pacific Power and Light company is
in Kllckltat ~Monday. one of the committee members work-
Joe Nesbitt returned to Golden- tng to make the 1938 Goldendale
dale Monday from Toledo, Wash., Jamboree the best rodeo ever held
where he had been visiting for the in this section of Washington.
past three weeks. The Pacific Po'wer & Light corn-
Earl P~ce, manager of Golden- pony, through its offices in Wash-
dale's West Dependable grocery, ington and Oregon is advertising the
spent the Labor Day weekendin1938 Jamboree "with special posters
Sunnystde visiting his family, this week and next. Not only is the
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pike drove toP. P. & L. advertising the Golden-
Portland Sunday and returned Men- dale show but the office staffs in the
day. - .... lawn s ant various cities are equipped to furnish
Mr. and Mrs. ~Tv~= ,.qpp information about the show and are
the Labor Day weekend visiting even making reservation for out of
relatives in Lylo. town people.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dlckersen of
Bend, Oregon visited over the week- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Layman are the
end 'with Mrs. Dlckerson's brothers, parents of a daughter, Delores
Dick, Joe and Bob Divers and their Carrie born August 29. The baby
families, weighed seven and three-fourths
Mr. amd l~rs. Walb~r Cl~tmsen, of pounds at birth.
"Dhe Dalle~, were in Goldendwle over Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Pengra, of
~he Labor l:~y weekend visiting rel- Eugene, Oregon, sl)ent the Labor
atives. She is t, he idattgM;er of W. F. Day weekend in Goldendale
Byars. "l~hey visited at the home of guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ab-
W~lter Claussen's father, Los Clatm- shier. Mr, Pengra is a brother of
sen. ~frs. Abshier.
Dtr. H. C. Curry, ~0he Seattle Op- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Charman an~l
tometrist, who has made professional Guy Shellady drove to Oregon City,
visLts to Goldendale for five years Oregon, over the double holiday to
~m~m,auvmm tJhe reI>u~blio~n ,nominatlan for rep- a,nd is known ,for good olrtl0a~ work visit relatives.
~U|t ~ktl~SS.tlVe~lNl'tS resentative of the sixteenth di~briet, at reasonable l~4css, will again be at Paul Sanstrum is back in Golden-
;~S~*= and Walter G. Huffol~d. both of Stew-the Hall Hotel, M~onday, September 12 dale tht~i week after spending the
enson, wepe in Gold,gndale Frcid~a,y. for one day. Eyes Examine& and Glas- past week in Arlington, Oregon,
------ C.H. Hood of Husum, candidate for sos fitted, lt-- managing the Safeway store there
)ISNEY CARTOON ,, ~he domooratic no,ruination for county , Charles P. ~Stineon, stla.te ~onator during the regular manager's vaca-
an, Blynken and Nod assessor, was Jn Goldendale on bus- f~om D~aco, ~,ecompanied 'by Russell tion.
iuess Friday. W~rd, returned ~o Goldend~le Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Otis Wallace and
$~'TU~'DAY~ tt ONLY Support the Now Deal. Roy Adams day ~rom (~atl:tfornia, ~here they had daughter Nelda, and a nephew, vis-
September 10 for County Clerk. 334 been on l>usdne~. While in Calif(~r~ Red at the C. J. Hall home Monday
, L.O. 'Daacott, of Wahkiacus, can- nia they were tn'ter~tOd; observers of night. They are from Comas, Wash-
;ANE GREY S dtde~te for ,~he Democratic nomtna- thB hottly cont~ted primaries where ington.
tton for west end, comm4ssioner, was Senator Wtlllam G. MeAdoo was de- Misses Gone and June Bowman of
*AINTED in Goldendalo on business l~rrlday, feabed for the nomhaatton. Silverton, Oregon, ~'ere weekend
The Misses Elsie Seibol/d a~nd Hiax- Miss -Lillian Spoon and Mrs. visitors with Beth Hall. They were
-~ riot Crooks ep~nt several days last Miriam Riley returned to White former classmates.
l~W~tithi~.~li~l~lERW'' week vtsetlng let Arlington, Oro~n, Salmon Tuesday for the first day of Mr. and Mrs. William Layman
~g~hsre they wore ,0he guests of Mr. school. They spent the past summer and family drove to Toppentsh Tues-
*a~ud Mrs. Henry Culver a,nd Mr. and in Goldendale. day to the polo tournament.
~r~. Mel DavMson. Mrs., Merle Hurd attended the Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, of
(~EOR-GE O'B'RIEN Miss Jessie May Howfleld, of Yak- State's Day celebration in ProBer White Salmon were business visitors
ima, was in Go~diondale visltt~ag with:M°nday" She also spent some time in Goldendale Wednesday.
friends Thursday. Sh,e Is a sister of
In The Spring"
10 and 11
~ePtember 13 and 14
Mrs. Peter Troth, of Glen~vood.
Learn to play popular music. For
lesson in The Miracle Series see Mrs.
F. J. Sleeper or phone 1203. 2t--
Mrs. H. 0. Allyn l~ft l~st week for
Kl~math Frills, Oregon, ~co spend the
fall and ~tnter ,with her daughteev,
Mrs. Da3~ton Van Vactor. She ~t~
rented ,her ~house to Mr. and Mxs.