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September 8, 1938 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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September 8, 1938 |
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September 8, 1938
about $100 for the t~thletic:
¢~o be caxried on in camp
r[]he mo,nezy will he spent
!".buy athletic equipment. Camp
o,t:hle.tic p¢ogr,am f(~r
will be footh,all, b askettx~,ll,
and wrestling.
yea~ ago the merohen,ts of
sponso~r~d a similar finan-
THE GOLDENDALE SENTI,NEL-.Croldendah, Washington
To Richfield"Station - .... Court- News Given.lWith The Churches
Aid CCC Camp Dons Show Regalia For Week's Period -- --
)rchant~ o:f G o~endale haveI in I tt:e o:deredof ad~::gewd' a;did::r=d C.E. H anes, M. A.; B. D., Pastor
10:00 a. m Bible school.
L for Et~e CCC camp.i
have always been 100 per cent/
b~:cking of the camp.
the V~mcouver Barracks
Goldendale has the best reputa-I
in R'B suppo,r¢ of Lhe CCC oa~mps.
communities have lost camps
they did not have a favor-
attitude toward the man and
work, but here the attitude
)eratlon is 100 per cent in
of the CCC.
a oomple~ l~st of the men
businesse~ suppol~ing the ath-
I~rogr~m will 'be e~nnounced.
can't buy a finer exterior
paint than Fuller Pure
d. I¢/a~ --- made by the
large~ paint manufacturers.
One of Goldendale's newest busi-
ness firms, the Central Service
"Richfield Station" under its new
proprietors .lack Jackson and Chuck
Green, is right in the midst of a
Jamboree advertising campaign.
Their station, located on the cor-
ner of Broadway and Columbus is
already decked out in flags with
!colored balloons hanging all around.
Chuck Green and Jack Jackson
are live wire advertisers and are do-
ing their besL to make the 1938
show a success. Boosters from the
i word go they ~vill be working over
time during Jamboree week to give
their customers expert service.
Take a tip from them, see the
Goldendale Jamboree, all three days
of it if possible, and while In town
stop in at the Central Service sta-
Norman Bennett
Leaves For Yale
Noman Bennett, 20-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bennett, left
Sept. 1, for New Haven, Connecti-
cut, where he is a Junior in mechan-
ical engineeering at Yale university.
Bennett graduated trom Golden-
dale high school in 1935. He is the
only Klickitat county boy ever to
enter Yale.
A Sentinel Want Ad will sell
those unused articles you may have.
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Phone 914
wife vs. A. W. McIntire, et al, that
the title in and to lands in Sec. 4,
Tp. 4 N. R. 16, described in the
complaint be, and the same is quiet-
ed in the plaintiffs, and the de-
fendants are permanently and for-
ever enjoined from claiming any
right, title, interest, lien or estate in
and to the same.
The inventory and appraisement
filed in the matter of t:he estate of
James M. Lovell, deceased, shows
the valuation of the property of the
estate to be $1000.00. It is ordered
by the Court that all of the property
of the estate be, and the same is
set aside to the surviving spouse in
lieu of homestead and exemptions.
In the matter of the estate of
i Mattte M. Metier, deceased, it is or-
dered that the executrices sell all
of the wheat coming to th estate as
rental for the year, on the market
for cash, without notice.
In the matter of the Joint estates
of John E. and Savannah B. Strahl,
both deceased, it is ordered that the
administrator sell at for
cash in hand, without notice, appro-
ximately four tons of hay.
The sherrff's report under Order
i of Sale in the case of B. W. Emer-
son vs. T. E. Turtle, as administra-
tor, et al, shows the sale of the SW~
of Sec. 13, Tp, 4 N. H. 17, to the
plaintiff for the sum of $450.00,
which said amount is the sum of
$132.12 more than the judgment to-
gether with accrued cost&
In complaint filed by ~. S. Surface
and wife vs. Bertha Coehran Bunion
et al, the plaintiffs pray Judgment
against the defendants that they be
decreed to be the owners of certain
real property in Glenwood and its
Vicinity, and for other and further
relief that may .be proper in the
The executrix of the estate of
Jacob Schmidt, deceased, has filed
Republican Candidate for
;HERIt ]!
ir And Efficient Administration
?'ve Kno7 Him For a Long Time
will apprecmte your support at the
coming election
11:00 a. m. preaching service.
7:00 p. m. The B Y. P U. devo-
tional meeting.
S:00 p. m. Evangelistic service in
song and sermon.
7:30 p. m. Thursday mtd-~'eek
chnrch night service.
Dedication services of the new ad-
dition to the church are to be held
at 3 p. m. Sunday, Sept. 18. The
complete program for the lay should
be in next week's issue of The Sen-
The Central Baptist Association
will convene this year with the
First Baptist church of Cashmere on
Sept. 22 and 23. Delegates to the
association meeting are to be elected
on Thursday evening of this week.
All members of all committees for
the special dedication day services
are requested to meet at the church
on Thursday evening, Sept. 8 at
7:30 P. m.
Come worship and serve with us.
There is a Welcome Here.
!Monday, September 12, the Sec-
tional Fellowship meeting of the
Assemblies of God will be held in
Goldendale. Ministers from the Yak-
i ima Valley District and surrounding
towns will be present. Quite an at-
tendance of visitors from the
churches of this section of the
Northwest District Council is ex-
Three inspiring services will be
held. The morning service will begin
at 10:30, afternoon at 2:30, and the
evening service at 7:30. The morn-
ing and afternoon services will be
conducted in the Gospel Assembly
church, the evening service in the
First Baptist church.
The Gospel Assembly expresses its
sincere appreciation for the courtesy
of the Baptist church and for the
;her final account and petitions the use of their building.
court to make distribution of the An enjoyable time of Christian
residue of the estate in accordance fellowship and spiritual refreshing
with the terms of the will. The ac-
count and petition will be heard on l
Sept. 27.
In° the matter of the estate of
James Myles, deceased, and t~e part-
nership estate of Myles Brothers, it
Is ord~rd by the court that the value
of the personal property belonging
to the estate of James Myles, deceas-
ed, is fixed at the sum of $2,533.33.
It is further ordered that the sur-
viving partners may purchase all of
the said" interest at any time on or
before Feb. 1st, 1939 for the said
sum of $2,533.33, payment to be
made to the administrator of tl~e
estate of James Myles, deceased.
By order of court, the administra-
tor with will annexed of the estate
of L. T. Olllett, deceased, is dis-
i charged and his bond is exonerated.
Order is entered which approves
the final account of the admlni~
tratrix of the estate of Kate Mats
deceased, and makes distribution of
the residue of the property of the
estate ~o those entitled thereto,
to The Sentinel)---Sheriff House'~
two sons have been house guests at
the Cimmiyotti home the past week.
The ladies had a very enjoyable
time at their meeting at Mrs. Delia
Bradford's last Thursday and the
delicious potluck dinner was the
outstanding feature of the day.
Verne and Vesta Cimmtyotti were
at White Salmon Saturday evening.
Mrs. Elmer Larwood spent Friday
visiting at Mrs. George Bradfords.
Mr. Petersen drove the Vintoms
and their guest, Mrs. Sawyer, to
White Salmon Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doyle of
Portland were the "weekend guests!
welcome to attend all of these serv-
ices. It is hoped that many Golden-
dale friends will be present.
Sunday school 10:00 o'clock.
Sunday morning worship 11:00
Sunday evening evangelistic serv-
ice 8:00 o'clock.
Wednesday evening mid-~,eek serv-
lca 8:00 o'clock.
C. J. Hall, Minister
SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a. m.
church school. There will be a serv-
ice for the christening of infants fol-
lowing. 11:00 a. m. sermon by the
Pastor; "Just Who Are You, Any-
how?" There will be no meeting of
the college group this weeek, but
the following week.
day 7:30 p. m., choir proctice.
"Why is the Drinking Driver Dan-
Professor Walter R. Miles, at one
time Professor of Psychology at
Yale University and "who was re-
search psychologist for eight years
in the nutrition laboratory of the
Carnegie Institute, outlines the fol-
lowing results on human behavior
from the ingestion of very moderate
doses of alcohol:
1. Reaction time decreases 5 to
10 per cent.
2. Less uniformity in response;
general effect is to produce clumsi-
3. Power of attention is lowered
and the field of attention is nar-
4. The subject gains a self-assur-
ance which is deleterious to safe
5. Other emotional changes may
vary with di'fferent individuals.
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry MeGowan. It is estimated that alcohol figures
Mrs. Sterling of Hood River spent in from seven to ten times as many
a few days visiting her sister, Mrs.
Chas. Briggs.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Macey of
Portland accompanied by some
friends were weekend guests at the
Arch Russell home.
Mrs. Dorothy DannelLs of Califor-
nia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Briggs.
Mr. and Mrs. Vinton made a loop
trip Sunday afternoon over the
Fisher hill to Lyle and" return by
Snowden road for the pleasure of
their house guest, Mrs. L. P. Saw-
yer of Faulkton, South Dakota, who
was delighted with the scenic beauty
en route.
Thee Elarth of Appleton visited
at the Proper home Sunday.
Mrs. Gus Myhr has returned to
her home where she Is resting as
well as can be expected.
S~O *uhe New Royal an~ Underwood
i Por~ble~ at 'Phe Sentinel office.
Priced ~ low as $42.50 ~und up. Low
~l:o~wn i~yment and smell monthly
accidents as is made apParent by
obvious drunkenness.
T~e listing below of driving er-
rors shows the characteristic be-
havior of drivers involved in accl-
dents and is directly in line with
psychological attitudes produced by
Exceeding speed limit; Passing on
wrong side; On wrong side ot road;
Failed to signal and imprope~
signaling; Did not have rig~at-of-
way; Cutting in; Car ran away~
no driver; Passing standing street
ear; Drove off roadway; Passing on
curve or hill; Reckless driving,
(The Voice, p. 4, August, 1938)
Centerville, Was~.
0pal I. Benedict, Minister
Lord's Day Services
lg:00,B4ble, school lesson, "Moral
Failure. Mrs. F. Garner, adult su-
perintendent; Opal Benedict, chil-
dren's superintendent.
11:00 Lord's Supper and sermon
A4vet eme )
CCC Fire Patrol
Receive Praise
• he following letter, written by A.
W. M~ddleton. regional administra-
tor for ,the Civilian Con~servation
Corps, was received this week by V.
F. Lares, oump Goldend,a~le super-
intendent in ~recognition of the fine
~:ork d~one by the local unit in fire
con~tr{~l work in Oregon this summer.
Mr. V. F. Lares
Camp Superint~ndBnt
(~mp SCS-8
G(~ldendale Washington
"Mr. C. J. Buck. Regional F(~restev
~t Portiand, .t~e~s repo~ted ,to My.
Christ that tihe CCC boys from your
company proved invaluable in the
suppression of the fire on ~hich they
were xecen,tly ~d~tailed, and m~e an
ottt~tandingly fine record all the ~ay
thorough in conduct, output, depend-
whll~ty, and cooperation w~th the
Forv~ Service.
"I wish to convey to you our ~p-
preciation for ~he way t~h~,t you~ fore-
men and en~roqleos conducted them-
selves in effe~ti¢~ly supprees,ing this
fire in co~pe~ration wi,th the Fore~
Service. Su