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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 8, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 8, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. 8, 1938 NO2]CES ~O CREDITORS No~ ~. 1-978 of the, State of for Kltcki,tat County. of the joint estates of Perkins and William Perkins, Deceased. is hereby given, t%at t~he has been appointBd and as administratrix of estate of Core Christine and William Richard Per- sBd, and that all persons against said deceased to servB the same on Gregory, administratrix, at Glenwood, Wash., or G~rmire, ,her attorney of estate, at Goldendale, file with the clerk of the Court, together with such service, within six thB dante of the first Washington. HENRY L. CHILD, Register. Aug 18-Sept 15-5t-- NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. P. 2028 In the Superior Court of the State of W+~shington for Klickib~.t County. In the ma,tter of hhe est,ate of Mae Throop, Deceased. Notice is given, tlh~ the und~u'signed has b.:en appointed and has qualified es administrator of the as,tats of M,:le Throop, deceased, and~ that all pe,rsons having claims against ] ~:aid deceased are required to serve the same on the administrat(~r Q¢~ hIB office or residence in GeM,s•dale, W*~sh., or upon F. A. Smith, a.ttorney of record for slid estate at Golden- ,dlale, Wash., and file with t~he clerk of the above named Court, together wiflh p,roof of such service, 'wit!t~dn six mon~ths afte,r the do.te of the fi~rst pub- lication of this notice, or the will be forever borred. real eBt~te described herein, Defendemts. HEREBY SUMMONED wi~)hin 60 days after the puiblic~tlon of ,this sum- within 60 days after of August, 1938, and above en,titled action in named court and serve a answer or etcher plead- undersignBd, attorney for at his address hereinafter and in case of your failure Judgment will be rendered according to thB demands which has been filed Clerk of the above named of this notice, or the Date of first publication: Sevtem- forever barrod~, bar 1st. 1938. first publication: August F. A. SMITH, Administm,tor of t'he estate of Mae Throop, deceased. GREGORY, Administra-j F. A. SMITH, attorney for estate. ', join,t estates at Coral Post,~ffice, address, Goldendale, Perkins and William I Washington. Sept 1-22-4,t-- kins, deceased. [ Notic-~o-f Hearh, g Fi--~------~al Accoun-~---tfan-~d E, Attorney for estate. I Report and Petition for l)istrilm- address, Goldendale,I tion and Petition to Set Aside Aug 18-SeptS-4t--i Prol~rty in Lieu of Home- ~~t ]Exemption BY No. 5907 )r Cour~ of the State of No. P. 1803 for Klickitat County, In the Superior (>Curt of t~he State of , Plaintiff, -I ~Vashtngton f~r Klickitn,t County ] in Probate. vs lawn heirs of NANCy,IIn the Mw~ter of the Estate of Leon ~ ,~o,~aa~d. ~l~n ell W Curtis.s !V)ecoa~(~d. sonsor parties unknown NOTICE ]s hereby given Vhat Anna any right, title, estate, F. Cu,r~iss the Admintstratrix of the tere~t in thB real estate estate of Leon W. Curttss, deceased, in @he eomulaint herein ha~ ,rendered end press,•ted for set - 'Clement to. and filed wi'th t~he clerk OF WASHINGTON of the Superior oCurt of s~td County ~n heirs of NANCY and State her fima~l account and re- deceased, also all oth- port and petition for distribution and parties unknown claim- petition to award certain prDp~r~y to ~title, estate, lien or~he surviving wid(~w as su0h Admin-; stratrix; an~d Tuesday, the 27th day of September, 1938, at 2 o'clock P. M., ~vt l~te cou~rt room of our said Superior Cou,rt ~ Goldendale, in s~d County, ~has been duly appointed by our Superi~,r Court for t,he Settle- ment of the Finial Account, at w~hich tim,e the Court is asked to settle s,ueh report, distribute the property to the ,heirs or persons entitled to ~he ~me and discharge the Admini~tratrix. of said action is to ob- and decree of the court decreeing the be the (~wner of thB here- .real property in and sb~te, and quieting in plaintiff and forever and each of you, from title, interest, lien or as- to said. real property, or adverse to plain- property being situated ;at County, Washington, as follows: quarter of the quarter of section 23, north, range 15 east, Wil- except a rig~irt-~L private road 30 feet wide entire north side thereof. Attorney for Plaintiff. and Post0ffiCB Address, ,le, Klickltwt County, Augl 8-Sept.22 t6 FOR PUBLICATION of the Interior, U. S. at Spoknne, Wash- 10, 1938. hereby given that Wil- of Centerville, ~Vaeh-! on October 7, 1935,1 Stock Raising Home- No. 017637, for the and Lots 6 and 7, Sec- ~hip 5 N., Range 14 E., has filed notice to makB finol three-year establish cloim to ¢he land before R. M. Spoon, Clerk, at G~ldBndale, on ,~he 15th day of names as witnBsse~: re•ca, and Chester Good- dendalB, Washington; of Centerville, Wesh- M. JaPer, of Cliffs WITNESS, THE HeN. HOWARD J. AT'WELL, Judge of the said Super- io.r Court, end the seal of sa,id Court affixed this 1st day of Sept- ember, 1938. GEe. M. BAKER, Country Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Oourt. By R. M. Sp~on, Deputy. 354t-- WARD & WAB.D, Attorneys for Es- tate, oGldendale, Wash. S[~IMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 5916 In :the Superior Court of the Sta~o of Washington, for Klicktt~,t County. S. S. SURFACE and ROSA F. SUR- FACE, husband and wife, P~ain- ~tiffs. VS. I~c,r,tha Cochran Bunton, Ma's. Hom- er Ross, .the unknown ~heirs of J~ar~. ~b S. Pr~hl, deceased, J. S. Pra~hl, A. O. Brewer ~nd E,lizabeth B,few- er, husiband e~nd wife, Burnace I. Collnmn, Mwrion Livingston, O. C. C, ollmn a~d' Phebu Collman, ~hu~- ben