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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 8, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 8, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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INC. ALL CONTENT COPYRIGHTED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. i: Page Ramtey Points To Past Record As Prmecutor TO THE VOTERS: I regret that on account of heavy official duties that it will not be possible for me to see and talk witch as many of the voters of the coun- ty as I would like. The files In my office show that during my term of office that I have handl~ a great number of criminal and Juvenile cases, also many coun- ty and school district matters. I have written many opinions for the county and school district o'fficers. You have not read of but very few criminal trials in the papers of the county. Pleas of guilty have been obtained In nearly all of the crimi- nal eases. These did not just hap- pen. They were obtained by apply- ing the proper methods. This neces- sitated study and preparation. I repent much time preparing for this kind of work. As a result the tax- payers of the county have been sav- ed many thousands of dollars, and expensive criminal trials ~have been almost nil. THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale B. M. Huntington Backs Production Cost Wheat Plan During my term of office I have B. M. Huntington, business and earnestly tried to render pr°mpt civic leader of Walls Walla, w~o i~ services to the people of the county, and have done my utmost to be fair a Republican candidate for Congress from ~he fou~th congressional ~,lef~- and impartial in all official duties. rlct of W~shingt~n, has e~Iopted a If the voters will again be good sh~r,t but oamprehenslve platform. enough to repose their confidence in Th.e ~mmod~ate past president of me by nominating and electing me the V~.hington State Good Roads prosecuting attorney for a second ~oci~tion, Huntington's fwrm pl~vt- term I will do my utmost to serve fetch includes: Keeping ~he American marke¢ fox Americ~n a~rtculture et prices in exce~s of production ; Decreasing to ~ min'lmum Smpovts of competitive farvm product~; Reducing to a minimum regula- you promptly, efficiently with fair- ness and impartiality to all and will fully carrry out my oath of offce In fearlessly enforcing the laws. C. W. RAMSEY, Prosecuting Attorney. ,, ~ H _ ,tion an~dl ,interference by governmen~t Royal and Underwood typewriters agencies; for sale at The Goldendale Senti- nel. Low down payment and small Making a sound economic ap~roaeh at all times to ~he solution of f~rm monthly payment. tt problems of the nation; ~nd (Pald Poli.t4~el Advec~tlsement) I~ec~pturlng foreign markets and to improve transportation handicaps T'~.~.~TT'~,~.--.--O-~'C~'T~T-.~,- ...... -~,--~-,-,~, .... "~'.'T~¢~'~¢~ restricting market~ng in domestic If You Work For A Living INITIATIVE NO. Lumber & Sawmill Workers Union NUMBER 58 MAKE Tuesday, Thirteenth For You Nominate and Elect "Fischer" and worl~d murk~ts. In addition ~o ~Ms good roa~d$ ad- vocacy, Huntington Ihn~ been chair- m~n ~f ~'he executi,ve ~o~rd of th~ Inland F~np~re W~torways a~s~ocia- ,tlo~ since 1934; a me~aber of the regional and nationeJ board of di- rectors of ~the B~y Scouts of America; director of ,~he W~hRe Pass-White Bluffs H~ghway as~o~lation; a past pre~fldent of ~he Lewl~-Cl~trk High- way ttssoeiation ; Sad a 9eat president, 1934-1935, ~he Walls Walls Oh~m- ber of Commerce, Huntington in private life is a petroleum dt~ri~u~to~ and ~d~ir~cto¢ of ~he Wa~lla Walls, Canning Co. "I believe fihe most tin,portent que~don before ~he American people t~d~y is ,to find em~ployment for the unem,ployed~ and ¢o secure ~the jobs of many who are now employed but v~hose Jobs are n~t sectors," ~Im eta.tes. "As long as ,the present si~tuatlon continues, it is t~he duty of govern- metrt to extend hel,p to th~se needing i~t. "I ~dll eomba£ vei,t~h every ounce of energy fihe pre~ant tendency to promote class hatred, I will uphold t~he l~r,esen~ repulbllean form of gov- ernment. I veill uphold~ ~t ~ll oo~te the rights of men to own property so long as ~the rtgh~t does n~t infringe upon t~he liberty of others. '~I will strive against the presen~ ,ntajor d, rive to concen,trate govern- meat agencies, and wou~d return to the cou~ti,~ bhos~, ri~h~s ~hat have been takers a,~e~y ~rom t/l~em. "I will strive to pass such laws as will tend ,to make for an even bal- ance of influence between emoloyer and employs and presewe the right to all ou~r people to make a living Vh!rough the medium of ~ fair profit. "I believe in t~he righ,ts and privd- leges ~ c~nceived in Lhe decl~ra~io~ of ind~ependence, and that t~he duties and as w,ri, tten in the REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR constitution make up the principles of ,~merican ci~zenship. Around tihe co~aceptio~n and~ defense of thee~ prin- ciples is written ~the development of -----DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR----.-- ot~r nation; Upon th,eir maintenance ~d~pond ot~r rlgh~s of property e,nd our liberty under law. "To p¢omote prosperity for the v,~h~)le people we must first pl~e ~g- vicuture on a ,seou:re foundation. I would endeavor ~o preserve the home market~ f~r farm crops on a profit- Wble bas~s." Ferry at The Dalhs @---Graduate Cornell College --Many year's experience in accounting -- Banking and public. 50c per trip NIGHT AND DAY SERVICE Connects Oregon and Wash- ington Highways C. T. SMITH, Manager Phone 520 The Dalles @--Twenty.five years a heavy taxpayer in Klickitat county ~---Offieer Centerville Grange and Kliekitat County Pomona Grange @--Director and Secretary Goldendale Grange Supply Co. @--Three years a member County Review Board @--Ex.~tor ~ckitat Valley Farm Loan Association. ~---Ex-President Klickitat County Taxpayer's League. A Klickitat County Pioneer --FOR-- County Superin. tendent of Schools Six Years Postgraduate In Three Universities... Twen. ty-Eight Years Teacher and Administrator Chet Enderby Wears Big Hat Chet Enderby, Goldendale auto repair shop proprietor and mechan- ic, likes a good show just as well as the next fellow. That's why he's boosting the Goldendale Jamboree. "Tbere may be bigger rodeos," declares Enderby, "but there are none better than the Goldendale Jamboree." Enderby's Repair shop is located on Lower Main street and features all types of auto repairing and parts servicing. When ever your car fal- ters call Enderby, he'll be glad to help you locate your trouble. And if you ask him about enter- tainment while you're in Golden- dale, he'll say, "attend the Golden- dale Jamboree at the fair grounds, September 9, 10 and 11." ORCHARD H. TEACHER BEGINS SIXTH TERM ORCHARD HE]~GHTS- (Special to The Sentlnel)--Mrs. Dorothy Warren and family spent a few days with Mrs. C. R. Hayden and family this week. Mrs. W. J. Copley and daughter Phyllis, accompanied Ethyl Mac Mc- Connell to Maryhill Wednesday. Mrs. E. N. Haupert, Mr. and Mrs. Arie VanAelst and sons, and Dilly Yates made a trip to Soda Springs Sunday. Ethyl Mac McConnell began her sixth term of school in the Orchard Heights district Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Just of Brem- erton, and Mr. and Mrs. Harrington of Yaktma, visited the Orchard Heights community and called on Mrs. C. R. Hayden .Sunday. Mr. Just and his parents formerly lived on the W. E. Davis place and moved from there 20 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haupert of Portland a:~lved Saturday to spend the Labor Day vacation with Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Haupert. Mrs. Albert White and daughter Mable moved to Goldendale Wed- nesday where Mable will attend school this term. Ethyl Mae McConnell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Beeks at Spring Creek Saturday. Ethyl Mae McConnell and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Copley and daughter were In the Goodnoe Hills vicinity Friday. SUMMONS BY pUBLICATION Washington No. 5919 In the Supe~rior Court of the State of Washington for I~lickitat County. Milton R. I~vies and Mart, ha E. Davies, husban~d and wife, Plain- tiffs, VS. JOhn W. S~one, Mary A. Stone, J. W, Stone, M~ry C. Stone, Cyn~t, hia S0ammon, the u nkno~wn fheirs of Cyn,thia Seammon, d eeems,e~l, George C. Roe the unknown 'het~rs of Henry T. Bold, deceased, Frank H. Bold, also known as l~rank Hen'ry Bold, the unknow~ ,heirs of Cleutd W. Bold, deceased; tihe un- known heir,s of Rena Blanche Bold, dece,a,sed;; t~he unknown heirs of; tSunice Hanna, Bodd, decea~sed; al-, so aH other persons or p~rties un-l in the above named Court, end serve a copy of your answer or etcher pleading ~n the undersigned, a ttor~ neys for plaintiffs, at t~hedr address hereina£ter set forth; and in case o.f your failure so to do, judgment will .be xendered eg~a,inst you according to the demands of ~ch,e: complaint which ha~ been filed, witlh the clerk o,f the above named Court. The object of said action is to ob- tai~n a Judgmen~ and decree of the a#bove named couxt, decreeing ~he Honest, Economic Administration Is Pledged By Binns As I am a candidate for the office of assessor of Klickitat county at the coming election and as I have not been able to contact each individual voter in thc county I wish to bring to you the following message througl~ the pages of The Golden- dale Sentinel. I was born in Eastern Klickitat county 44 years ago and have been a resident and taxpayer ever since. During the World War I served in the air service and spent a year overseas. I am a member of the American Legion; I have had ex.- perience as an assessor having been a dept~ty for two years, I attended business college in Portland and am a member of the Eagles lodge• If elected to this office I promise the taxpayers an ~nonest, e'fficient and economical administration and at all times will give courteous at- tention to any question that will come before me. A. H. BINNS. SCHOOL BELLS RING OUT AGAIN AT LYLE LYLE--(Special to The Sentinel) --Mr. and Mrs. Lester Omeg return- ed Tuesday from a week's visit with friends andrelatives at Toledo, Washington. Mrs. Rodgers of Klamath Falls, who has been visiting several days with Mrs. Chas. Fuhrman here, ~s visiting this week with friends in Goldendale. School bells once again this (Tuesday) morning. Miss Elsie Al- brecht, of Seattle, the new teacher arrived in Lyle Sunday night. She will teach English, music and girls' physical education. Miss Virginia Scott of Spokane and Miss Ernestine Miller of Goldendale arrived in Lyle Monday and Will take up their duties the same as last year. E. An- derton is principal and Mr. Ktl- bourne teaches seventh and eighth grades again. Miss Naomi Johnson who visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Johnson for two weeks returned to Portland Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rater are theI proud parents of a son born at the Seaton hospital in White Salmon Aug. 31. The young man weighed elgl~t pounds and has been named Thomas Allen. Tom Thornburg has been quite sick and is doctoring with Dr. Baker in White Salmon. A large crowd from here went to Klickitat Heights school house Mon- day night where a reception was given to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs honoring their fiftieth wed'riding an- niversary. James Niblock played several pieces on iris violin which were greatly enjoyed by all. Hildor Kure returned home Wed- nesday after a week's vacation spent at the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamberlain and son Gerald and Billy Cody re- turned Tuesday from Soap Lake Lake where they spent several days. ,Mrs. Homer James was in The Dalles Wednesday on business. Chas. Garner who was ill in The Dalles hospital for a week returned home Thursday, much improved. Mrs. Lois Clark and children were in The Dalles Saturday. Lore Omeg of ttartland visited her aunt Mrs. Sidney Johnson a few (lays last week. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Sorensen visit- known claiming any xight, title ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. interos,t, lien or estate In 6he reai: ,propenty,d, esoribed in Vhc complaint R. Beattie at Hartland Sunday herein, Defend~a.nts. Miss Rose Garner who underwent THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, a major operation in The Dalles to all of .the above Defend- hospital last Saturday morning is a~ts: You, and e~h of you, are herBby/getting along as well as could bB summoned to app.ear within 60 days t expected Mrs ClaraGarner and after the date of first phblication o~ .... " ' to wit within 60 days/~urs, orion were with Miss Garner a! @h~is summons, " September, 1938, ] the hospital Saturday. from t,he 8th d~y of *~r~d defenldi ~t~he abo~e entitled a