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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 8, 1938     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 8, 1938
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. September 8, 1938 @ I i |-- I Sales Manager, Fr6d Langford i tJ~i~ ~ and R. E. Early, Clerks. 324 a. fear old Co-op] leigh Route. G.ood opportunity for I _,__.30 elIA)ST Ons green Parker fo nt in of Goldendalo. 15 acres in a~ud other tillable land. t~a~l .,ble. Make a go~d dairy Lckez ~ranoh wit:h town priv- Will be sold at a bargain ~oed]e t~rms• C. ~. CrookS, W h: 63--_I 25 toils b tled alfalfa1 HAPPY HOME-- (Special to The ~:n, phone 705. Btl B~ Sentinel)--Mr. and Mrs. Aug Niva ...... /and son who have been visiting with mm74~enunel-hea'd °f ~r~Vdo ew~ ] Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wooldridge and .~_~__ " .~__~_ family returned home Wednesday. ~--Two good lots with city I Bill ~rooldridge accompanied them an~ about tBn ~housand .feet theme to visit a week or so ~ed lttmb~r Priced reeAson-( ........ " ~" 14 Lee " 851--- Alwn t~an~an urove to Battle ~~~[ Ground Friday to visit with his sis- L~---7-room dwelling, pantry, I. .. "~ b ..... tar lvirs~o er~ l~augnlln ,c dry w~ter, electric lights, 41 , • I~ge poultry house g~rage. !Mr. and Mrs. Aug Niva were busi- ~800 Small down payment, 'hess c"l'~-s 'n "~ 1 ......... • ' ~ .~ ~ • 'a ,v, ~ ~o uenuale Frlaay. ~rms. Edward Abeling, ~om- -- ......... L 353~- ~lwn r~anaali was a caner witn ~~IMr. and Mrs. Zachary Niemola one &~--280 acr~ 3 runes ~rom .... ~u~, 40 acre cultivated, 30tnay last weeK. ~lfa, 200 mor~ tillable, 5-1 Mr. and Mrs. Webster Ahola and bungalow, plmstered, old f~mil-- -- re ............. • ....... ; y we l%tlCKltaL VlSltors ~aeor O~tbull, dings, well .~.~uv, .-. , Edward Abeling, Golden- ~)ay. 353~ Leroy Whitehill of GDldendale, ~16 head purbx~d* )~ar- was visiting ~'ith Mr. and Mrs. Web- ~ampSh~re bucks. Gem eel- ster Ahola and family last week ;Wis~ram. 353-- ~ ~I4aznpshire buck~. B~ J. Ce_ttt~rvi,lle, l~hono 327X2. Watkins falnoiL,~ 11 oz. Vanilla 35~ $1.2.5 and },our choice of Cocoa~ ---Six he~d cows, beef ~type, Baking Powder, lb. can 5c or ~ lb. calves £rom weU-bred I-~olI- ~. - cows and l=tegie~ered Poll- ~epper ca. 'bull. S. R. Beat Lie, Lyle, 353--- ~Want ,r e~ponsi- li~ing near Goldendale to small ~bung~iow piano out contract on most any as ~tJa~s must be moved WrLte l-l~rry Bryan, c-o distributors, Box Wa~,h. 353 OR TRADE---for cattle, Ann &rbor 35-17-22 hay A-1 condition. WxRe P. 254, Sunnyeide, W~hing- 343~ 5 purebred hampshire Shropshtre bucks and tared hampshire ewes. ¢ and Sons, Goldendal.e. shelled almonds, pick now, bring gtLUny per sack. C~I1 Musa Gear, klills, 316~3, 343--- 50 cents e@ple containers. Stonehenge Maryhill. 34 3 I~)Y. W. LUNDBERG "~Valt for ~ratkin.,~--.-IT PAYS" Hi-Way Service Is Expert Service CompleteShell Lubrication service. Expert workmanship plus the latest lubricating equipment in Goldnedale. Try Hi-Way Service just once and you will be convinced. Hi-Way Service Phone 482 H~mpshire bucks, all lelria l~anch, Center- , c~ll 327X2. 34~ ine and fir .ood 100i Maryl ll Ferry inelL 50 ton of baled all-[ F. A. Jowett, Klickitat, 33a, Connecting Link for U. S. 97 and Columbia River ~' Highway ~Gi~rl to care for child,, eni --- New Low Truck Rates -- week, ZSc per hour, 1275. 36i-- GOLDENDALE LODGE F & A. M NO. igheet market prices pard ¢ pigs. M. M. Hector, /I~_ STATED COMMUNICATIONS 6Y5. Aug. ~0-38 ~" ~" EVERY F~SL ASO THIRD /~f\ TeuSSOAYS ;, be, at, lames and C.H. KN¢SHER. SECRETARY feeder pigs. Also kide~. market prices• Meet Co. 50tf-- KAREUL KIJ~L~- 10Z. Suim made to Tailors and Oregon, Mill lines. Popular j ot Ford G~rage, O~Id- or Rent l --h rose, p rtly furnishsd. I ~tl~r~. M.e Yay. 361 house, 7 rooms, M~s. Veda E. Roush, 34~ THANKS---We wish to ex- ottr ~hanks to friends for of sympathy; ,the floral offerings, in the ~1 d~ugl~ter. Mr. and Wedgw~d,. 361 ;. 0 0. Loot one 'h~y in 5ae~e, 4 years old, 120 ~. Gentle. ~ seen at •anoh. Gee. Coffleld, Wish- 353--- Glllenwaters fill your roo~- fxom his large stock of red cedar ehlngies and 351--- HERMAN C. ROLOFF LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER USED FURNITURE AND FARM MACH- BOUGHT AND INERYAND EXCHANGEDSOLD GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON MC EWEN & BROOKS ATTORNEYS-AT.LAW ONE DOOR NORTH Of POe]OFFICE GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON J. R. MCEWEN Z. O. BRO@K~ F. A. SMITH ATTORNEY .AT-LAW ONE DOOR NORTH OF POSTOFFICE GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON E. C. WARD THURMAN E. WARD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW DARCH BUILDING GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON C. W. RAMSEY ATTQRNEY-AT-I.~W DARCH BUILDING GOLDE.~ DALJE, WASI'~I NGTON i ,i. t _ DR. WILLIAM H. DENTIST GOLDENDALE, WA~HINIrrOS OFFICE PHONE 7~ . ~ 1SOl Turley, 325 S~xeet, Goldendale, 343-- e client that in ~ Prairie, Klick- th~ desires to trade 2n Umattll~ Dounty, Crooks, GoMendale, 333 to fit your pumping Gillen~w~ters. 341--- DR. GEORGE HARVEY VETERINARIAN $14 Hour [Service Goklendale, Wash. Phone 1512 For Ambulance Service or Car Hire COMMUNITY AU(YrION Elmer Walker place, 3 1 mile South of Wap- every We@needay, a. m. CATTLE: head, including de4ry cattle. Bulls, young HOGS. From 75 to ranging from weanling sows. A good place ,buy or sell. G. R. Gouch- Elmer Walker, PHONE 1605 L. E. LAYMAN, Goldendale PIONEER STATE BANK INSURANCE DEPARTMENT ~LDENDALE, WASHINGTON PHONS ?1 # OFFICE IN PIONEER STALE IAN~ THE GOLDEN'DALE SENTINEL--C~Idendale SCHOOLS START AGAIN FOR WISHRAM CHILDREN WISHRAM--(Special to The Sen- ttnel)--Again the school bells are with us, and all the children are on their way back to classes. And an- other school year has begun. We are glad to welcome back our teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Frick- son, Miss Helen Sacks, John Wuhr- man, and R. J. Anderson. Mrs. Sue MorehBad, county super- intendent of schools, was in town last "week• Mrs. Eugenla Clark was in Goldendale last week arranging for transportation for the Beeks family who llve on the hill above town. Mrs. C. W. Clark, Mrs. Stella Webb and son, Howard were in White Salmon on business last Wednesday. Contractor Bob Yeaman and Bob Taw of Yakima were in town Sun- day. Mrs. J. K. Henderson and Mrs. Bill Wheaten were Portland shop- pers last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Gone Crum was in Portland over the weekend. Mrs. Win. Wheaten spent the past several days visiting her husband in Bend, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Newman of Gilmer, were guests of Mrs. New.- man's daughter Mrs. Frances Hayes the past Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Woods mov- ed from Miss Helen Sachs house te Bunn's Duplex the last week. Sam Marlowe had as his guests, his son and two daughters, Betty and Bernice of Portland for a few days. Betty Ramey and Bernice Mar- lowe bicycled to Goldendale last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. CAns. Rayburn .were at The Dalles on business last Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rayburn are the proud parents ~f a baby son born at The Dallas hostipal Aug. 23. The young man weighed six pounds and 10 ounces and was named Robet Harold. Miss Helen Sachs, primary teach- er, who spent the summer at Coulee Dam, returned to Wishram last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bond were in Portland'on bustnees the past week. Frank Egan and Michael Coyle, two young brakemen, were cut off the board-and left for their respec. ttve homes immediately, Michael go- ing to Portland and Frank .to Con- don, Oregon. Mrs. Willis Webb and daughter Lillian, returned last week from two weeks spent in Casper, Wyoming. Mrs. E. Chrlstean and Mrs. Win. Rose were the hostesses for a fare- well party for Mrs. Wm. Segraves, Who will be leaving here soon to make her future home in Minnesota. The party was held at the Union church and out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Sam Yoder Mrs. Brewster and daughter Geraldine, Mrs. Bob Myles and daughter Alta June ,Mrs. Hast- ings and Mrs. Mortarity, all of Port- land, Mrs. Ortis Clean and Mrs. Gene l Wheaten of Goldendale, Mrs. L. Jackson of Lyle, and the Wishram- ttes who attended were, besides the hostesses, Mesdames C. W. Clark, Edith Co'ffield, George Coffteld, Ray Coffield, Willis Webb and Lillian Webb, Ed Warlord, W. Coleman, Egashira, Oarrott, Stalls Webb, Ed Schultz, Ell Hopkins, H. M. John- son, Putman, Skar, Paul Williams, Hutchinson, George Btmn and Eltsha Davis. Mrs. Segraves was pre- sented wth an aeroplane traveliug case and purse as a going away gift. The F. G. Bunn family plan to move back to Yakima for the school rear, this week. The Oeorge Coffleld family are vacationing at the beach this week. They left Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Segraves went to Goldendale to spend a few days with their daughter and sen- in-la~, Mr. and Mrs. 0rtis Olsen and SOILS. Mrs. Roy Cochrane was taken to St. Vtncent's hospital in Portland Monday. ~r daughter, Mrs. Nick Mollltor, took her down and is with hBr now. Mrs. Cliff Nelson of Spokane wM the guest of Mrs. P. J. McCulloch for a few days last week. She had her sister,~ Miss Genevieve Heuel of Home Valley with her. Mrs. McCul- loch entertained them with a de- lightful chicken dinner Wednesday evening. Later in the evening Mrs. Chlrstean entertained for Mrs. Nelson, Miss Hemal and ~rs. Mc- Culloch at cards. Mrs. Cecil Allen and Mrs. George Goldy went to Bend, Friday eve- ning to visit with their husbands who are working there. Charles Rayburn went te North Junction Monday night for a few days fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Severns who were married about two weeks ago, were given a large charlvari last Wednesday night In Wishram. The )arty ended with a few black eyes. Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Charlee Washington BICKLETON SPENDS BUSY LABOR DAY BICKLETON-- ( Special to The Sentlnel)--Mr. and Mrs. C. R. McCredy and their house guest, Mrs. M. P. Volin, and Mrs. G. W. Mc Credy, and Junior and Aileen motor- ed to Toppenish to the final game of the Northwest polo tournament Labor Day. They took Miss Aileen to White Swan where she will teach second grade in the school system there this year. Miss Joyce Ferguson left Saturday for Port Orchard where she has ac- cepted a position in the Junior High school department. Miss Aileen McCredy entertained her classmates at Ellensburg normal with a dinner party, Thursday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cassell left Sat- three weeks vacationing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zumwalt and Mrs. Larsen left Saturday for Port- land and returned Monday evening. Miss Wilma Donaho left Friday for Sprague where she will teach the coming school year. Mrs. M. P. Volin of Seattle ar- rived Saturday far a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Clarence McCredy. Mrs. Anna Brown and children returned home Tuesday from a vaca- tion on the coast. Walter remained in Seattle and took an art course from Ida Matsen. George Larsen arrived Saturday to spend a week with his mother, Mrs. Karen Laraen. Mrs. R. M. Ferguscn spent several days visiting her sister Mrs. Al Dove in Yakima last week. urday for Ellensburg and spent over Max Sister and his sister, Marine, Labor Day with Mrs Cassell's par- .... ~ who have been spending the summer ents, Mr. anu ~rs. MountjoY. They at the R. M. Fergusen home, left for attended the roe eo there also. their home in Foster, Oregon, Wed- ,Miss Lucille ~'aulkner left Wed- nesday of last .week nesday for Tacoma where she will . " . resume her teaching pso ition at a~rs. Clarence Jansen anu sons, American Lake Mr and Mrs W G Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carter and chil- Faulkner drove her over and vlstted dren' Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Mateen and at the James Fowler - fe Phyllis 'Mrs. Nelson, Elmer and home a w da-s Thomas, Mark I~och, Mr. and Mrs. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes of Nebraska Chris Jansen and children, Mr. and arrived Saturday to spend some time Mrs. M. E. Larsen and their guest visiting their daughter, Mrs. Harris• Miss Burdett, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nau~'-t$a, Jansen and daughters and Mr. and who recently moved to 0mak, arrlv- Mrs. Alfred Jansen and children ed last week and spent until after were among those who attended Labor Day at the home of Mrs. States Day in Presser, Monday Naught's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hooker. Miss Hazel Burdett, 'who teach. [ THE FORUM I in the Kennewick schools, was a I | guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Lar~en " '- ......... .-' ~,-. -~- --" ~rK~P.Ae~ appearl~.._~ m ~mLl~ ¢OlUnlt~ over the weekend holiday. . do not neeeb~rtly ~e_flect the opin. Durland Lund, who has spent the i~ or sentiment of tbls newspaper. " -h .... z~r~cJe~ mm~ be limited to ~0 wor~. summer at t e AnnaNelson Dome, returned to Seattle, Tuesday. Ooldendale, S~pt~n.bor 5, 1938 Gay Bybee and Mrs. Binns of I feel ~t my duty ~ County Sulk- Portland, sister of Mrs. Eric Fros- erin,te~,dm~t of Schools to answer ~u trup, spent last week at the Fros- trup home. Frank Brodine and Charles Cun- ningham of Ellensburg spent a few !days with Creel Walling last week. Mr. and Mrs. Porter moved last week to Alderdale where Mr. Porter i will drive the school bus the coming year. Miss Zulleka Bromley is teaching in North Bonneville this school year• Misses June Jansen and Marion Jensen were hostesses at a surprle party for Miss Genevieve Sanders on her fourteenth; birthday at Gene- vieve's home. Guests were: Ethel Rae Shattuck, Vera Mac Chambers, Roma tester, Gwendyln Harris and Margaret Reilly. Mrs. Kenneth Leevers arrived Tuesday and spent the ~ema'tnder of the week with her parents, Mr. ant Mrs. Gaines. She accompanied her parents to Portland, Sunday where they spent over Labor Day with the Leevers and returned home Tuesday. Misses Audrey and Orpha Jansen were hostesses at a luncheon, Wed- nesday. Covers were placed for four- teen of their friends. The afternoon was spent in playing games. Mr. and Mrs. George Juris and sons Tommy and Bobby spent last week at the home of Mrs. Jurls' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Snarl. Miss Viola Saart, sister of Mrs. Juris returned to her home after spending several months here. Rev. Venon of Neppel, arrived here Tuesday where he will be pas- tor of the Presbyterian church the coming year. A. D. Mason, who is in the St. Elizabeth hospital, is improving and hopes to be able to leave the hospital within a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sanders and daughter, Genevieve left Thursday for Wenatchee where he will meet his brother from Canada. G. W. Yarnell and Mrs. Gladys Crider and daughter Mar~beth, va- eatlonedaat Ne.wport beach, Oregon and were overnight guests Of Mrs. Link Yarnell at Monmouth, Oregon, on their return home Friday. Mrs. H. Shattuck and daughters, Corinne and Ethel Rae left Thurs- day for Portland and returned Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. McCredy and son, Junior, spent a few days vaca- tioning at Long Beach. They return- ed home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Matsen and Phyllis returned home Thursday from Oearhart where they spent Rayburn and daughter Lorraine and Kathleen Stout, took in a show in Ooldendale. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Crane were White Salmon shoppers Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnard were Goldendale shoppers Thursday. We do thank our genial commis- sioner Mr. Dressel, for having seal coated our Wishram road. It was a spleudid lob and we are all very grateful to all the county commis- sioners for repairing our road. It did so need repairs. The work .was com~ pleted in one day. The Ralph Fenton family moved back to the Bunn esldence .wher~ they will live for the winter. article £u the WIMte ~a~mon E~,t~r- prise of ~eptember 2, and a~o sent out i~ ~, circular letter the same week, where a writer stated this coUnty x~nks 36~h oducationa$1y. ~e sta~emeut is erroneous. The writer, doubtless, w~m mistnfm~ned as he would not knowingly m~ke a state- men~ of ~at kind. No r~tings or rankings ~d~uc~tlcmaDy l~ve ever been made of the counties of W~Mng¢on. Exee~p'ts *~-,om a .letter from the, efface of S. F. Atwood, S~te Super- l~tendent of public tn~tvuoHon, date~E September 1, 1938 ~e~axding ~.he m~.~ter roads a~ f~Uowe: '"1~ ~ Department c~ Ed- uo~tlo~ does not make such eom- pa~isons .between counties. I ]~nsw of ,no way in which such c~npaxisons c~u 1)e malde. Def- isdgely, no eueh~ ~nk (36) h~ san.t out by ~he State De- imx, tmen,t slnee January, 1937, ('Dhat ~ ,t'he da~e the present ,Sta~e Su~rtn~mdent ,took of. fl~), aud I am quite peeRlve .t~h~t ~one wa~ so~t out previous to ~ ct~te." q~he lettm' v~s signed by W. B. S~tte~h~ette, Director of ResearCh Statistl~ fay the State Depart- me~t Of F, ducat~on, Olym~yl~, Wash- In~ton. 2ue Morehea~ Super4~tendent. US? BERNARD POLLARD, I)emooratic C~z~dld~te for County Superintendent. H~ TO bhe Vo~ere of Klickitat oCunty: We agree whole heartedly with the folJowing statement ~et fort)h by one of the Democratic candidates for coun.ty school superintendewt. "A good sdhool must have e good supee. lfitendent one who ie thoroughly trained.~' The training must be in g~ade sdhol as well as high school but where is bhe can,d~date's r~ttng in grade school work? His qualifica- tions do not include any elementary school t~Lining. At the present time approximately seventy five percent of our boys and girls of ~c~ool a,ge in Kttckitat court- ty are enrolled in the g~ade and rttra~ schools. This re~presente a stupen- dous ,problem which req uices the gui'dance of a well ~ralned person who has devoted yeax~ in prepara- tion and actual ,teaching experience. Oar present superintendent ca~ fulfill ~he ~bove requirements satis- factorily eo why make a e.hange and conduct a ~c,hool to educate an un- tralne~ m~n a~ ~he expense of ou¢ taxpayers. A Klickitat Coun,ty Tea~er, EMILE CONBOY " Keep in line with coming sports events by reading The Ooldendale Sentinel elmrt p~ge. The Service Garage Goldeudah, Washington Page Nine WIRING ] LICENSED ELECTP~CIANS I E~TIMATI~ GIVEN ! Joe Linden & Sons Call bleKenzie Hand, ware / / / i Phone 117~ I John Marshall CONTRACTOR & BUILDER REMODELING And REPAIRS HARDWOOD FLOORS Installed Complete Old Floors Resurfaeed and Refinished Windows and Doors Weather Stripped. Prices Reasonable Let Me Estimate Your Job! ADDRESS P. O. BOX 555 C. L. Holcomb -FOR-.---- Judge of Supreme Court Position No. 3 Nonpartisan Ticket PRIMARY ELECTION Sept. 13, 1938 Nov. 8, 1938 (l~id Advertisement PLUMBING & HEATING i Kohler of Kohler Fixtures GEORGE E. WASSON "will go any place any time" Acre, s a~eet from Holter's Blacksmith Shop Judge C. G. ~n yHm ~m~d~r CoW Judge in CANDIDATE FOR Estimates Fm, nished A. J. LENOIR Painting - Paperha.g g I corating SEE FRANK EDGAR 'i f~r Carpenter and ~t work Free estimates given Box 211 GoMendak relieves COLDS, Fever and I.Aquid, Tablets Headaches Salve, Nose Drops due to (~1~ [Anfment VOTE FOR • @ DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS FOURTH DISTRICT WHO HE IS --A wheat farmer in Garfield County. ---Owns and farms the land where he was born. --Member of the Grange and Past Master Garfield County Pomona Graltge No. 55 @---Chairman of first allotment committee of Garfield Co. @--Past president of Washington State Taxpayers' Ass'n. ~--Member of the state legislature for six terms, repres- enting the 10th District, Asotin, ~rfield and Columbia Counties. WHAT HE BELIEVES • . Has been a ~ supporte~ of the g~ve~m~em, famn program. Does not believe It is perfect ~ud will work l~, lt~ hnpro~ememt, Govenunent spending alone c~n never ~ prosperity. We can ~aever Mve prosperity without peaa~e between labo~ and Ind~__,,tr~. Th_.a~eforo will work for legislation for the fair and hn~ merit of labor disputes. Initiative No, 130 is a step in the r~ht diree. and ehouid be supported by the voteaw of Washington. Believes in eeonom), in government, knowing that n~oney boM~w- ed by government or individual must be repaid with interest. * HaS bee~m strive in the support of alI tax Liml~ measm, es in the state and urges t~ voters to support Initiative No. 129, the 40- Mill Bill. ~- ~e government must take care of those ~ho ~nnot take of themselves. It should support no others. ( Paid ~d~ment) | t