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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 9, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 9, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 10 PUBLIC from page 8 time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to depdve the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their right, title and interest in the above-described proper- ty. IX. Anyone having any objec- tion to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportuni- ty to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invali- dating the Trustee's sale, X. NOTICE TO OCCU- PANTS OR TENANTS- The purchaser at the Trustee's Sale is entitled to possession of the prop- erty on the 20th day fol- lowing the sale, as against the Grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone hav- ing an interest junior to the deed of trust, includ- ing occupants and ten- ants. After the 20th day following the sale the pur- chaser has the right to evict occupants and ten- ants by summary pro- ceedings under the NOTICES unlawful detainer act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. The trustee's rules of auc- tion may be accessed at m and are incorporated by this reference. You have also access sale status at www.northwest- trustee.corn Effective: July 4, 2004 Northwest Trustee Services, PLLC, Trustee Vonnie Nave P.O. Box 4143 Bellevue, WA 98009-4143 Contact: Vonnie Nave (425) 586-1900. (3703, 4001) REQUEST FOR BIDDERS (RFB) The Tri-County Workforce Council is interested in obtaining a bidders list of qualified training providers to deliver cus- tomized training to incum- bent apprentices and jour- neymen in the Construction Industry throughout Yakima, Kittitas, and Klickitat Counties. A Construction Advisory Committee, comprised of the Building Trades Unions, Yakama Nation, Associated General Contractors, Yakima Valley Community College, employers and other workforce partners, serves as the oversight body for all training activi- ties. The training will be scheduled from November 2004 through March 2006. The following training needs have been identi- 120 S. 3rd Street, Suite 200A, Yakima, WA 98902 (509) 574-1950 kathy.thomas@co.yaki- Written notification is to include name of organiza- tion, contact name, mail- fled; however, training is ing address, phone num- not limited to these topics, ber and e-mail address, if Confined Space Safety, Trenching Safety, Electrical Safety, Utilities Construction, Fall Protection, Trenching & Shoring, Lockout/Tagout, Personal Protective Equipment, Ladders & Scaffolds, Hazard Communication, Construction Math, Blue Print Reading, Hazardous Materials Remediation, English as a Second Language, Spanish as a Second Language, Supervisor Training, How to implement a Mentoring Program. Interested parties should provide wntten notification by September 30, 2004 to the address below of their interest to be placed on the bidders list. Kathy Thomas, Program Manager, Tri-County Workforce Council, available. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be mailed to all interested parties. The Tri-County Workforce Council is an equal oppor- tunity program. (3704) PUBLIC NOTICE The Tri-County Workforoe Council is holding its monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 13, 2004 at 4:00 P.M.atthe Department of Employment and Training, 120 S.3rd Street, Suite 200-A, Yakima, WA. The General Public is encouraged to attend and participate. (3706) NOTICE OF SMALL WORKS ROSTER Public Hospital District No. 1 of Klickitat County, dba/ Ktickitat Valley Health Services will accept applications from qualified contractors for inclusion in the District's Small Works Roster. Anticipated future needs of the~ District may include, but are not limit- ed to the following trades: General Construction Electrical, including emer- gency power systems Plumbing Asphalt Paving Roofing Concrete Work HVAC Systems Applicants must possess license or registration required to provide ser- vices in the State of Washington and be willing to comply with laws and regulations governing public works projects in this State. Individuals or companies wishing to be included on this Small Works Roster may indi- cate their interest by let- ter, including a brief sum- mary of qualifications, copies of current license, certification, registration, bonding and insurance to: Ramona Reynolds, Administrative Assistant Klickitat Valley Health Services PO Box 5 Goldendale, WA 98620 Responses will be accept- ed until 3:00 p.m. on September 17, 2004 (3708, 3803) PUBLIC NOTICE Approval of Closure Plan and Post-Closure Plan for the West Surface Impoundment, RCRA Part B Amendments, and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Determinationof Nonsignificance The Washington State Department of Ecology will collect public com- ment on the RCRA Part B amendments, a SEPA DNS, and the proposed closure and post-closure plans for a Dangerous Waste Surface Impoundment (lagoon) at the Goldendale Aluminum smelter in Goldendale, WA. The lagoon is located at the west end of the smelter, just north of the John Day Dam. Background Information The West Surface Impoundment was con- structed in 1981 to dis- pose of waste collected by air and water pollution control equipment. Facility operators dis- posed three major types of waste in the lagoon: (1) sludges and (2) filter press cake from the ter- tiary water treatment plant, and (3) sludges from the sulfur dioxide air scrubbers. In addition, the lagoon received mis- cellaneous solid waste such as basement sweepings, dormer dust, and paste plant sludges• The lagoon currently con- tains approximately 89,000 cubic yards of waste. Those wastes have high levels of salts. Groundwater monitoring down-gradient of the lagoon shows sulfate contamination concentra- tions greater than allowed by Washington State Groundwater Standards. The facility operators first submitted its closure and post-closure plans to Ecology in April 1992. The operators submitted revised plans in February of 1995. Goldendale Aluminum Corporation submitted this final revised Closure and Post-Closure Plans for the West Surface Impoundment area, and its complete State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist, in August, 2004. Tentative Determination Ecology evaluated this recent closure plan and found it acceptable. The closure plan calls for placement of a double- lined dangerous waste cover on the unit (lagoon), and requires long-term groundwater (sub-surface water flow) monitoring to verify that the waste is safely con- tained. Ecology deter- mined that the proposed action does not "have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment". Ecology therefore intends to approve Goldendale's latest plan for closing the West Surface Impoundment• Public Comment Ecology invites interest- ed persons to submit written comments about these proposed actions. The Department of Ecology will accept public comments until 5:00 o'clock Friday afternoon, on October 8, 2004 -- thirty days after publica- tion of this notice. Ecology will host a public hearing on September 15, 2004 to discuss the proposed actions and receive spoken com- ments into the legal record. This event will convene at 6:00pro at Columbia River Bank, 202 West Main Street, Goldendale, WA. All comments --whether written, or recorded dur- ing the meeting-- must reach Ecology prior to the close of business on October 8, 2004. each written 0~ comment beige a final decis~ proposed written Paul Industrial Washington Department d P.O. BoX Olympia, WA 7706. sheet, the post-closure the Checklist and on file with librarian Goldendale Library, Burgen, Industrial Desmond After all the RCRA son may the Ecology's them by Industrial Offices. mation, 6949. (360) 407 Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in : Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dallas Chronicle; and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record or toll free at 1 Rentals ....................... 329-415 ~ ............. ,419452 ............ 454.540 Service OVe=ory ............... Z~qOS Wrap up eays .............. .ma42 Anr, ou un Happy Ads! .... 2 Card of Thanks ------""'5 Notices ........ 10 Events' 15 Personals ........... 20 Support Groups .... 25 Lost & Found ..... "--'--30 Support ¸,Groups Women's Cancer Support group. Open to all women with cancer. Come join us the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Celilo Cancer Center. For more info con- tact: Lyn at 296-7205. FOUND Aug. 24: Yellow Canary, Mill St. area. 773-4531, , ,, , , Preschools .......... 35 Schools/Training ........ 40 Tutonng .............. 45 Instruction '50 Health & Fitness .... 55 BUSINESS/ Business Opportunities"'60 Investments & Loans ..... 65 Insurance ..... """'""'70 Mortgages & Contracts ""72 BOYS RUN GIRLS RUN Let's all run for lots of fun, begins 9/16, 509-773-3379 ~A-Buddy Walk Sat, Oct. 16 at the Por~and Rose Quarter. Can you help? Ema'~: Sue at NWDSA Mlm~on: Create and nurture a loving and inclusive community celebrating every person with Down Syndrome. SO Buslnus Opportuni s AIR Duct Cleaning business. Res.lComm, $6500. 509-773- 3290 or 509-250.0927. Mtn Man Nut & Fruit Co. Established territory. Call Tom 877-393-3136 days. MAJESTIC Mortgage Services Private money loans• Any . property type, Any credit situation. Call nowl Becky ABORDON?WNY? Johnson. 503-525-3571 or CONSIDER ~ 503-752-3441. Warm, secure, loving home available for newborn baby. " ~tMD/~Vla~MI" Please call attorney at i i , i i 1..800-606-4411, A-977 Help Wanted 75 PREGNANT? Need help? Positions Wanted .... 80 Call Pregnancy Resource Volunteers ...... 82 Center at 773-5501. Free JobOpportunitles .... 85 pregnancy testing. • In Home Services""'""89 Child Care Provldere .... '90 ------rr--" Child Care Wanted ......... 95 Diaper Services~100 , ~ I~1-- IjL ...4_.1 ACOA (Adult Children of lg~nwpI~IIrRIu Alcoholics) Support Group- Goldendale; meet Men- , ......... days, 6:30 p.m., 124 W. AI- *The Ticket to a dream job lyn Street. For more info might really be a seam.* call 773-4428. Government Wildlife Jobsl AL-ANON- 115 E. Main, Great Payand Ben~ Gcldend~la Senior Center No Experience Nec~ Thursdays. 6 p.m. To protect yourself, call the 773..6420. Federal Trade Commission ............................ toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, ALCOHOLICS Anonymous or visit www.ftc,gov Wamic Group, Tues.(open) A Public Senf~e 7pro @ Wamic Church. from The Dallas Chronicle and ALCOHOLICS Anon. Gold- theFTC. endale meetings at the AmorlGas is the nations United Methodist Church; Men., 8 p.m.; Wed., 8 p.m.; largest propane gas com- Frt., 8 p.m., 109 E. Broad- pany, looking for an ex- way. 1-800-999-9210. tremely competent, ener- ............................ getic and team-oriented Crystal Meth Anonymous driver, who demonstrates "Survivors". Fd 8-9pm, 401 strong sales and customer E. 10th, Unit Recovery service experience. Indi- Foundation, The Dallas. v/dual must be able to work DEMEMTIA SUPPORT GROUP independently and also Friends, family & caregiv- demonstrate an excellent ers of people affected with working relationship with Dementias. 2nd Wed, of his or her co-workers. Must every month, lO-11am, have COL w/Class B, Haz- Oregon Veteran's Home. mat endorsement, DMV Public is welcome. For info printout. Competitive salary call 541-298-7190. and benefits package in- T--C).-p.s~--(~ak~-~-Pou--nd-s cluding 401(k) and tuition Sensibly). Tuesdays 8:30 assistance, Please forward a.m. to 10 at Riverview your resume, qualifications Comm. Bank. 773-0456. or apply in person to: Am- eriGas Propane #5233, T.O.P.S. (Take off Pounds Hood River/The Dalles, Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 747 W, 2rid St., The Dalles, p,m. at Riverview Comm. OR. 541-298-2111. Sank. 773-5,.~1. Genera/ ¢ t ral Asesrnbisr/Mechanic Concrete form setter/fin- Humanities Software, Local manufacturing corn- isher. Wage DOE. 541-a Division of Renaissance pany has an opening for an 386-4166 leave msg. Learning, Inc. is seeking Assembly Mechanic. Must have knowledge and ex- British, female voice talent. perience in heavy equip- For audition info call 541- ment assembling, hydraul- 386-7819 EXT 201. ics, truck type brakes and 12-volt electrical systems. Great benefit package, must pi~a physical and drug screen, Apply in per- son at Hogg & Davis, Inc. 3800 Eagle Loop Odell, OR g7044 Men - Fn, 8:30am- 4:00pro. Salary DOE AUTO SALES CONSULTANT Apply in parson to: Gary Grifflth Cliff Smith Motors 3100 W. Cascade Avenue, Hood River, OR AUTO ~MCE ATTENDANT Reliable person required for busy Hood River deal- ership. Requires valid driv- ers license and clean record. Start immediately. Apply in person to Pennie Cosens at Cliff Smith Motors, 3100 W. Cascade St, Hood River, OR BUSINESS SERVICES SPECIALIST I Mid-Columbia Center for Living is seeking a full-time Business Services Spe- cialist for our office in Hood River. The successful can- didate will also be a key player in a busy reception area, Must be a person who enjoys public contact and is able to handle multi- pie tasks, including heavy phones, reception, sched- uling, medical records and transcription. Requires 2 years office expariance. Must be computer literate and have the ability to uti- lize word processing soft- ware. Must be able to type 60-65 wpm. Transcription experience preferred. Bi- lingual (Spanish/English) is preferred. Salary range; $1,908-2,319/mo. + bene- fits. For application and job description, contact Sha- teen at 541-296;5452. C/as- as 9/22/04. Drugfree Work- place/EOE. C~ F.~.~r. EIT/PE preferred. Applicant must demonstrate expad- ence in municipal & resi- dential infrastructure de- sign. Well established Mid- Columbia based firm. Com- petitive salary & benefit pkg. Fax resume to 541- 296-6657 or mall to: Engi- neer, PO Box 1132, The Dallas, OR. 97058 No phone cells. FT Accounting Specialist I, Columbia Gorge Community Colisge Buslneu Office. Responsible to the Busi- ness Manager for accounts payable, cashiering and accounting support activ- ities. HS diploma required, ,AA degree in Accounting or Business preferred• Two years experience working with computenzedac- counting systems pre- ferred. Governmental ac- counting experience pre- ferred. Must pass cdminal background check and credit check and be bond- able. Non-smoking envi- ronment. $10.59 per hour. Position closes September 17, 2004 at 5:00 pro. Re- quest complete job de- scription and application packet from Office of the President, 400 E. Scenic Drive, The Dalles, OR. 97058. 541-506-2405 I~1"~eagher@q~3c. CC.Or.L~ EOE COOK. FT/PT position in Hood River• Exp. necessary. Fax resume to 541-386-1203. DEPUTY PROSECUTING AI"rORNEY I or II .... Klickitat County Prosecut' ing Attorney's office, Gold- endale is accepting appli- cations for a full-time ra- placement position. Duties: performs prosecutorial du- ties in District, Juvenile, Superior, and courts as as- signed, Presides over docket, makes court ap- pearances, tries disputed cases, performs legal ra- search, and prepares doc- uments to provide assis- tance in civil/criminal mat- ters. Requirements: Juds Doctorate or equivalent de- gree and preference for ex- perience with District Court criminal matters. Excellent benefit package. Annual Starting Salary: $39,884 - $45,897 DOQ. Applications at or e-mail lynnc,@cc Klickitat County Personnel Department, 509-773- 7171, 205 S. Columbus, MS-CH 15, Goldendale, WA 98620. An EOE. Posi- tion Open Until Filled. FT CONTRACT AND GRANTS ACCOUNTANT, Columbia Gorge Community College Business Office. Oversees expenditures, tracking and procedures related to fed- eral, state and foundation grants and contracts for the college. Performs complex accounting activities re- quiring the selection and broad use of generally ac- cepted accounting princi- ples and standards, finan- cial analysis and proce- dures relation to major pro- gram areas. May act as lead worker over assigned staff in major program are- as. Requirements: B.S. in Accounting, Finance, Busi- ness Administration or re- lated field. Minimum three years experience working in governmental, municipal or fund accounting and one year experience specific to federal grants or federal contracts acco0nting/men- agement. Master's degree a plus. CPA desired. Must pass criminal background and credit check, and be bondable. Request appli- cation packet from Presi- dent's Office, Columbia Gorge Community College, 400 East Scenic Drive, The Dallas, OR. 97058, 541- 506-2405, smeagher@ EOE GOOD cook, can wait on peo- ple, multi.task; non-smoker. Bluebird Inn, Bicklaton. PR, Wed.-Bun. 509-896-2424. Hair stylist needed for en- ergetic, busy salon. Needs enthusiastic hair stylist. We offer competitive commis- sions, paid vacation, ben- efit packages, in salon training. Monthly contests & more. If this sounds like what you are looking for, call Dianne at 541-386- 9449 or on my cell at 541-490-4994. HAIRSTYLIST/Cosmatol- ogist needed in White Sal- mon ASAP. Connie at 509- 493-2706. twt~~.¢onl 75 Help Wan i General HYDRO PLANT OPERATOR/ TRAINEE- Northern Wasco County PUO is seeking ap- pli~ati~'m f~' a Hydro,,~o,- eratorltrainee position at its hydro plants, to be consid- ered, candidate must meet the minimum job standards as listed on the operator/ trainee position description. Qualified candidates are required to have the equiv- alent of formal post secon- dary education in electrical/ mechanical theory. Prefer- ence will be given to those candidates with a high school diploma and post- secondary technical train- ing in related fields. Prefer- ence will be given to those candidate with experience in construction and main- tenance of hydro plant systems or equivalent job experience. Applications and job descriptions are available at NWCPUD's of- rice, 2345 River Road, The Datles, OR. Candidates must submit a completed application packet and in- clude a resume and at least two job references. To re- ceive an application packet by email or mail, please contact Jan Yates at 541- 298-3301; or Applications will be taken until the pos'~on Is filled. Mid Columbia Asphalt Co. is taking applications for the position of heavy truck mechanic. Experience with air brakes, wiring, etc. Must have own tools. Competi- tive wages. Apply in per- son, off Hwy 197 in Dallas- port, WA. EOE, Open your heart. Op~ your hums. Bea Foslar Parent. We have openings in Klick- It~I, Wuco, Hood River and Sherman Counties. If you like working with teens, you could make a difference as a Foster Parent. The Next Door provides free training, certification, 24 hour on-call support, time off, and $1200-$2000 per month tax free. Call Heidl Seymour today at 541-386-5520 x414 for more In- foe~lon. Our organization repre- sents major Fortune 500 Companies and requires shoppers in Goldendale and Bingen to evaluate Restaurants and Retail Tenor & Bass for Aceppella Christmas Quartet. Must read music. Paid position, For audition cell 541-993-5535: The ticket to a dream job might be a seam High-Paying Postal Jobsl O~/~¢~ .~.; Information '~ about jObs With the Posta Service or federal govern- ment. Call the Federal Trade Commission toll free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit to learn more. A public service messsge from The Daties Chronicle and theFT(:. THERAPIST/CDMHP Central Washington Com- prehensive Mental Health in Goldendale, WA is able to offer the following new position: Therapist/CDMHP (County Designated Mental Health Professional) This position is responsible for assess- ing clients' needs, devel- oping sarvice/traatment plans, and providing thera- py and County designated Mental Health Professional Services. Must be able to work the on-call schedule, Three days will ba at our White Salmon site and two days will be at our Golden- dale site, this is flexible on which days will be spent at each site. Master's degree in psychology, social work or closely related clinical field required, experience preferred. Relocation as- sistance available. Please call 509-575-3894 to request an application. Please include resume when returning your appli- cation. ADNEOE. Wdder RN'S: Seeking E. Skama- niaAN. Klickitat Co. area RN for flexible pert-time job. If you are interested in getting back to the bedside, please contact Hospice of the Gorge. 541-387-6449. MENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST Local manufacturing com- pany has an opening for an experienced structural steel welder. Experience with automatic burning equipment also helpful. Great benefit package, must pass physical and drug screen. Apply in per- son at Hogg & Davis, Inc. 3800 Eagle Loop Odell, OR 97044. Mon-Fd 8:30am- 4:00pm. Salary DOE A Passion For Healing? If helping others heal is your passion, we have a place for you1 In addition to competitive compensation, we offer comprehensive benefits and an environ- ment of excellence. We have the following positions open: Stores NO FEES TO PAYI Apply online at ~ ERR~ Nurse www.secretshopnet.ccm /~ OB I~l~ersd Nume A ICU Registered Nurse Maedlc~ A~heant ~ Ce~ Scrub Tech For more Information, www.mcmc.nat, emil at, or call us at 541-296-75t0. Mid.Columbia MIdicel Center 1700 E. 19th Street The Da~, On,on PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE needed for busy outpatient clinic. P/T. Professional & strong people skills req. Medical experience a plus, but not required. Please send resume to 2690 May St. Hood River, OR 97031, fax 541-386-5869, or small hrptstaff@gorge•net Attn: Laura. Self directed person who is good with numbers and able to lift 50 Ibs. to help run fruit stand in Parkdale. $10 HR. 541-806-0693. Local company has an opening for a full time, ex- perienced shipping and re- ceiving clerk, with some maintenance. Forklift and computer skills helpful, must be accurate and neat. Mechanical abilities nec- essary. Great benefit pack- age, must pass physical and drug screen. Apply in person at Hogg & Davla, Inc. 3800 Eagle Loop Odell, OR 97044 Mon-Ffl S:50am.4:OOpm. s=ia,~0os Gill/am County Mid-Columbia Center for Living is seeking a full-time Mental Health Specialist to provide services to a wide range of clients with mental illness and substance abuse problems at a rural Medical Clinic in Gilliam County, OR, Will provide outpatient counseling and cdsis services. Requires a Master's degree in social work, psychology, or relat- ed fields, and two years ex- perience in mental health counseling. Must have Oregon State licansure as an LCSW or LPC, or have the ability to work towards licensure. Must be com- puter literate. Travel re- quired. Applicants must be willing to relocate to Gilliam County. Position is eligible for NHSC Loan Repayment Program. Salary range: $3,335 to 4,054/mo• with benefits. For application materials, contact Shaleen at 541-296-5452. Closes: 9/16/04. Drugfree work- place/EOE. PHYSICAL THERAPY AIOE needed for busy outpatient clinic. P/T. Professionbl & strong people skills req. Medical experience a plus, but not required. Please send resume to 2690 May St. Hood River, OR 97031, fax 541-386-5869, or email Attn: Laura. RN'S: Seeking E. Skama- nia/W. Klickitat Co. area RN for flexible part-time job. If you are interested in getting back to the bedside, please contact Hospice of the C-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~ge. 54%387-6449. HIGH SCHOOL Student Job Klickitet PUD is currently accepting applications for a Clerical Assistant in the WaterANastewater De- partment. Salary, $7.16/hr., 11 hours per week. Job in- etudes various office du- ties. The ability to lift heavy boxes of records and stand on stepladders is required. A self-motivated person with the ability to follow di- rections and knowledge of Excel and Word computer programs is required. Deadline for applications: 5 p.m. on Sept. f0, 2004. Contact Kathy Loveland, Executive Assistant, at 1313 S. Columbus Avenue in Goldendale. 509-773- 7606 or email tdovetand@klickpud.eom • for an application. EOE PT Teller/The Dales Branch. Min. 1 yr cash handling exp. Basic office skills. Good communication skills. 9alary depends upon exp. Range begins at $9./hr. Closes Sept 15th. Send re- sumea to: Oregon Territory Federal Credit Union, 205 Chemeketa NE, Salem, OR. 97301; Attn: Personnel Department. EOE. 79 He//) Wanted Sa /Serv e TELEMARKETER N. Bonneville, business to business, exp. preferred, P/T to start, refs required, pay DOE. Kristi 509-427- 7232 OR 866-261-7609. 82 Votunleem "Born to Fish" Fourth-grade boy: Looking ~. for someone to spend qual- ity time with, Loves the out- doors and fishing. Looking for a "Big Brother" who is stable, but can be a lot of fun. Lives in Wasco County. If you are interest- ed in a fellow nature lover that will keep you young call 541-298-2173, in Hood River call Teri at 541-386- 6665, ext 200. B~ Broth~m ofthe Columbia Gorge "Handyman Waned" 6 year old boy: Looking for a "Big Brother" who will teach me how to fix things just like my Pappy. Colorful personality; not afraid to ask questions; will make you laughl Looking for someone who is stable, but loves to have fun. Can't wait any longer for a "Big Brother." Please ,c~l} 541- 298-2173 Big BmOlerI/Slm of the Columbia Gorge f05 Adult & Are you the primary care- giver for a loved one? Don't forget to take care of your- self, too! Evergreen The Dalles has immediate Timbe~ short-stay and respite Hand & opening on our new Adult Day Care Wing. For more information or to schedule a tour, contact Ertn, 541-993-0030. Arts CAROLYN'S Adult Cam Carolyn's Adult Care $I000 Savings on first month's care rates avail- able until Dec. 1st. 24 hour care, 4 locations to serve you. Call today for info & tour. 541-298-2556. www. carolynsadultcara.Com Trays & /'ran eon Car Pools .......... 110 T~kats "-""''--" 115 Travel ......... 120 Free-for-all .......... 122 LOOKING FOR A NEW PLACE TO PERCH? Check out the Real Estate Section, #437, )fthe Gorge Classifieds! For the ~ will be '~