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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 12, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 12, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Two THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington Thursday, September t2, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES TO HOLD INSTALLATION nesday evening, The American Legion Auxiliary ! Legion hall. will hold tbs installation next Wed-I Sept. 18, at the With Our Coleman Oil Heater" FJ."ALLOVER" CIRCULATING NEAT ] .o !" /* It New tIEATFLOW design moves warm air 57% faster--clear out to WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION PLANS CANDY SCHOOL The Goldenrlale V¢oman's Associa- iLion Friday, Sept. 27, will sponsor a class in profe~ional candy making. The classes ~-ill be held at the club- house Friday afternoon and evening and will be under the direction of E. R. Davenport. Davenport has been l highly recomnlended by Mts~ Janet Cramer, of Meier & Frank company, i the supervisor of the home eco-] vomics department of the Portland schools and many other experts. Davenport makes the candies be- fore the cla~s and explains each step in detail and answers all questions pertaining to any k:nd of candies. All admission charge of 25c will be made. Classes will begin at 3:00 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. i i|l,i PUBLIC II93TALLATION The Order of Rainbow for girls earners and down to floor! Even uniform heat from ceiling to floors! will hold public lnstallat'on at the Masonic temple Monday evening, [ 2. FAST WARM 1Sept. 16. The tn,~tallatton will begin L~ [at 7:30 p. m. Refreshments will be served. " LADIES AID TO SERVE Grace Bratton, chairman of the September Ladies A!d committee, with her assistants will serve at the MethdL~t church parlors, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 18. Anna Broka~ with her Augugt committee will have charge of the program. There will be a grab bag and those who would like to share the fun are ask-: ed to bring a gift valued at not less than 10c. All the lad!es of the community are invited to attend. DON'T LET THE HEAT GET YOU DOWN You can be lovely all summer long by getting a smart permanent that defies heat Phone 1413 Shipp's Barber and Beauty Shop Open doors--and stand in focused r~ne of "fireplace heat". Bathe baby here!-dress here on cold morningsl ---warm up after being chilled! &°f il DESIGN M/ a r m . A ke Tli~lib Rooms Faster- flow- ing, healthy heat; dean and work-free; no fire-tending or uh aurying to do, See thi Ask For A Free oomp/~te heater ou ore. Dem0nstrati0n! Gillenwaters Hardware Surface Grip ALL the Timel yi HIDE* FOR FACTORY--SHOP-- GARAG E I A rough, gripping tread from the day you first wear them to the day yau buy your next pair of Ox I'fldesl Add to that the comfort of soft glove uppers, flexible plain toes and drill lined vampl Result. extra dividends in shoes tough as. your lob demands and at the saving YOU demandl "Exclusive with Penney's B. P. W. CLUB TO MEET Members of Goldondalc's Business and Professional Women's club will meet at the home of Miss Virginia Lee next Monday evening at S:00 1- hi. for their postponed business session..Miss Lee r~idcs in tim Lay- nlan apartnlenls Oil Colulni)nL~ ave- P.ue. GRANGE MEETING Goldendale Grange number 49 will meet in regular session Friday evening, Sept. 14 at 8:00 p. m. All officers and members are asked to J. @. PKNNEY O0.~ INO., be prompt, so that those who wiMl to attend the Centerville Grange l:rogra,m may leave early. The reg- ular Grange lecture imur will be d'spenced w:th and no refreshments will be served. DISTRICT BOARD MEETS "White Salmon will he host to the board of tile Mid-Oolunlbia district of the state federation of Wowen's elulbs for a tlotluuck luncheon and nleeeting Friday, Sept. 13. The meeting has been set for 12 noon al the White Sahnon clubhouse, Mrs. E. C. Tro~t, district president, announced. ~ervices. Roy. E. H. ])avis. the pre,~byter of ihe Yakima Valley sectiou of the Assemblies of God, will preside at l lie meeting. Everybody welcome ! THE METHODIST CHURCH C. ,1. H~lll, minister MORNIN(~ SERVICES: 10:00 a. m., Church school. 11:00 a. nI., Ser- mon, by tile pastor: 7:00 p. m., Youth meet for election of o'ffi.cers. WEEKDAY ACTIVITIES: Choir, Wea., 7:30 p. nl., Sept. 20, Friday, \vonlell Of lhe church meeet for elec- tion of officers and organization of united Work. TEM PEI~.ANCE INFORMATION: The following was pre, sented by Edward C. I)elavan of Albany, N. Y. ~,o ihe presidents of the UniteL. Slates and received their signatures: "Being satisfied from observation ana experience, as well as from Inedi,al testimony, that ardent ~pirils, as it drink, i,~ not only need- less and hurtful; that lhe entire dis- l,Se of it would tend to promote the healtll, the virtue and the happiness of tile (,OUllnuuity, we hereby ex- i t)l'eSS ()ill' conviction, that should REBEKAH ANNIVEliS.XIIY i the citizens of the United States, Leah Rebekah Lodge No. '>') will ana especially all young nien. dis- celehrate the eighty-ninth anniver-(>onliuue the u,se of it, they would sary of the founding of the Rebekah bet only promote their own personal Order at its next meeting ell Tues-benefit. bul /lie good of the coun- day, September 17. There will be an'~iry and the world." Janies Madison. o.ppropriate l)rograni and refresh_l.b)hn Quincy Adams, Andrew Jack- ments. All members are ur;:ed ioiscn, Martin VanBuren, ,John Tyler, come ouL and make this meeting a lJames K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, great success. With The Churches IIOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Patrick S. Lyons, Pastor Schedule of M~sses First, Third and Fifth Sundays 9 3,. m. St. Mary's Church, Wishrem, First, Third ~nd Fifth Sundays, 11 a. m. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Kllckitat, W'ashington Eugene R. Schramm, pastor Sunday school ....................... 9:30 a. m. Regular service ..................... 10:30 a. m. "We preach Christ and Him Cru- elfied." LATTER DAY SAINTS R. R. Harem, Superintendent Klickltat, Washington Sr.nday school" 10:00a. m. in club rooms at Klickltat. ,Hi: CHURCH OF CHRIST V. T. Snlith, minister Bible study ....................................... 10:00 Preaching ........................................... 11 : 00 i Breaking Bread ............................ 11:50 Evening Service ................................ 8 : 00 Wednesday evening service ........ S :00 Bible ,;study Friday ....................... '2:30 "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly diviaing the w~ord of truth." 2 Tim. 2:15. CHURCH 0F CHRIST Centerville, VCash. Opal B. ~Viidanen, pastor Lord's Day Service 10:00 Bible school for all ages. 11:90 Lord's Supper and ~ermon. 7:00 C. E. lead by Rachel Mc- Causland. 8:00 Song service and sermon. Week Day Services 7:30 Wednesday Bible study in the church. "Study to show thyself approved unto God." Evangeli,~tie meetings with Med- ford Jones a(ld Harry Baird closed last Sunday leaving the church strengthened and encouraged to go cn in the great task of the chm'eh. A total of 11 resposes 'was made to the invitation. Our prayer and be,~t wishes go with the evangelists to their next nleeting in Camas, Wash. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH v. J. Gardner, pastor Sunday ~zchool ..................... 10:00 a. m. Morning worship ................. 11:00 a. m. Evangelistic service ............ 7:45 p. m. Special revival services continu- ing every night this week except Saturday. Friday night will be a special service dewoted to the study of prophecy. The cuhjec.t will be "The Last Bloody Sunset." This will ,be the last week of these special meet- Millara Filhnore, Franklin Pierce, James lluchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Allarc%v ,] O h 11,': on. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH C E. Hanes. pastor I ti:i)(i a. m. Bible school. This Sunday ana next are to be given to the regular work ,of this growing Bible school. Thell on Sept. 29 pro- lnoti~:li exercises are to be held and lhe enlire schonl i,~ to be adjusted lor tile coming 12 months. On Oct. 6 Rally Day is t~) be observed when (very o](l lnenlber and niany ne'w ones are expectea to be ill attend- {?liCe, Collie give US a hOG,St aud re- ceive a blessing ill return. 11:00 a. m. Sernlon tllPlUe: "The Challenge of tile Task Before Us." Spe('ial music. 7:01) p. In. Our School of Missions in tllr(~e cla~,,ues: Adult class, is to be taught by Miss Nora Grady on recent developnlcnts iu China. This i,- a grit)l)ing subjecl, for aaults. ]tart~la (Irovcs will teach the B. Y. P. U. gr(mp using as a text "Move On, Youth." which is sure to be fascinating to young people facing the necessily of the "Forward 5!arch" in America today. Tile Junior-Internleaiate clam will li~ led by Mrs. Hanes in a study of the story book "Across the Fruited I:lain" which is like a continued