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September 12, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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September 12, 1940 |
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September 12, 1940 THE ,C OLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Three
Dean I~yman, of T.oppentsh, spent
Sunday at the L. E. Layman home.
Erma and AJice Stackhouse, of
~rs. George Lyle and son and l Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Matsen and Klickitat, visi.ted at the L. E. ayman
l~l, Ed Snipes, of Laurel, were in lson, of Bickleton, were in Golden- home last weekend.
~leadale Thursday /dale for the Jambot'ee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Henderson
I)Olph Hackett of the Hackett Mr and Mrs. Dec Rainey, of Wish-returned early this week fram a
vacation trip to .Logan, Utah where
rlllture oompany of Hood River ram were in Goldendale on busi- they visited with relatives. *
:~ll¢led the Goldendale rodeo Sun- hess Monday.
V. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Churchill, of Mrs. C. Schultz and Mrs. Ruth
r. and Mrs E. Fridell and t~voVancouver, were in Goldendale for Huber and son, of Wishram, were
'kben, of Portland were guests the Jamboree Sunday. He is a Wash-Goldendale visitors last Thursday.
the Einar Andersen home Labor ington State highway department Mr. and Mrs. Claud Edwards and
employee.. Mrs. Sarah Edwards, all of Condon, I NEWr~~FALL COATSi ~
~'e and Mrs. J. E. Stone, of . Mr. and Mrs. Heber Moore, of spent Saturday and Sunday in Gold-
"were in Goldendale for theHood River, were in Goldendale for endale visiting friends and relatives. ~ Luxurious I ur Collars in Beautiful
Surtday. the Jamboree Sunday. While here Mr. and Mrs. Homer Spencer, of
0 Atwn~a +~f .q,~,++~ ,..~+~ they visited Ms. Moore'smother Tryout Lake, spent the weekend in ~. t I New We'aves in Ml-Wool Fabrics
• ~ "~" I~..~ ~ ~ ~-~.^- Go dendale. While here they were
~a¢ Kli.ckitat Pine Box company, ~ ................ . .......... ~ 1 I
ta f'~a~,..a..,.. +,. ~..^~ ^~ ~...o~ I Eric Benson drove 50 Portland on guests or lvnss v~rgmm ~ee. ~ +
, ........................... tbusiness Monday Mrs. Eugene Wheaten, left Men- t , I ~ 9~ ~f~
]~Phen' __ ........... 17 (~h,a~,o~- ,~_~e _mo.~tt~o ....... I Mr. and Mrs. Frank" RobinSOnm s landl~orldday sf°r'f .airher hOmes Wyersin Vancouver,af White 2: -" /~ ] ~i~F • 0J ~,~+"
~ld)lican cnndia~.t~ f,r th~ ,ffia~ [ Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Robinson of after v,s,ting for several days with , ,,, [ f4~ U
...................... r ' i
I~, S ~,~n-+ ....... +.. r,^+~^..~.+^ i Klickitat spent Sunday at the L E M ss Mabel Whitney. ~# ._ :
2~h;rsda;~' ......... ~' ......... ~' Layman he,me in Goldendale. " " Vie H, ays, of Stevenson, was in /? I o