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SEPTEMBER 13,2017 -- 3
Bruce Alan Edwards
Bruce Alan Edwards was devastating, especially for
born Oct. 12, 1944 in Rich- Bruce. He recently relocated
land, Washington, to Earle to Ocean Park, Washington,
and Dorothy Edwards. On to be closer to their daughter
Aug. 28, 2017, Bruce died sud- and her family.
denly at his home in Ocean Bruce was a lifelong active
Park, Washington, at the age member of his community.
of 72. He was President of Rich-
Bruce was born and raised land Little League for years,
in Richland. He attended
Columbia Basin College fol- a Rural 7 volunteer fire
lowed by Eastern Washing- fighter in Goldendale, and he
ton University. While attend- regularly supported Trout
ing Eastern, Bruce met the Unlimited, just to name a
love of his life, Susan Smith. few. He enjoyed photography
They married on June 10, and fishing, and he could not
1967 in Cheney, Washington, resist a good debate.
while he was serving in the Bruce is preceded in death
US Army, and they had two by his wife of 47 years, Susan
children. After an Honorable Edwards. He is survived
Discharge from his service in by their daughter Devonna
Vietnam, Bruce andhis bride (Edwards) Rowlette and
moved back to Richland. her husband Dave Rowlette
Bruce had a successful of Ocean Park; son Brian
career at the Benton County Edwards and his wife Tracy
PUD and ultimately retired of Fredericksburg, Vir-
as Treasurer in 2003. They ginia; five grandchildren,
later settled in Goldendale, Derek Chartrand, Danielle
where they made wonderful Chartrand, Alana McCord,
friends in Ponderosa Park.
He and Susan spent several Trevin Edwards and Brycen
magical years exploring the Edwards; sister Earlene Sul-
USA in .their motorhome, livan; and numerous nieces
They especially enjoyed vis- and nephews.
Ring their grandsons in Vir- The family will hold a Cel-
ginia and watching them play ebration of Life at the Golden-
football, dale Grange, 228 E Darland,
Susan lost her battle with Goldendale, on Sunday, Oct.
cancer in 2014, which was 1 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Hannah Christeen engagedto be married on
Grigsby and Brandon Sept. 23, 2017 at 3 p.m. at
James Walter are pleased the Klickitat County fair-
to announce they aregrounds.
Patrick Rutledge
Goldendale resident Pat- Pat loved "pushing dirt"
rick Thomas Rutledge, 73, with his heavy equipment.
passed away in Yakima,
Washington on Aug. 24, 2017.
He was born Sept. 13, 1943
in The Dalles,
Oregon to Law-
rence Robert
and June May
Pat moved
with his fam-
ily to Port-
land, Oregon
in 1955, and he
graduated from
Madison High
School. He enlisted in the
United States Navy on Aug.
30, 1961 and served honor-
ably until his discharge
from the military on July 30,
1964. He married Sharon Sue
Jasperson in The Dalles on
June 27, 1962. Mr. Rutledge
worked for the railroad as
a brakeman and conductor.
Later, he owned and operated
Pat's Ranch Mart near the
junction of Highway 14 and
Highway 97.
He and Sharon
traveling in their
he loved his store.
R.V. and
is sur-
by his
sons Michael
Rutledge of
and Anthony
Rutledge of
Washington; brothers Philip
Rutledge of Marysville,
Washington and Terry Rut-
ledge of Yuma, Arizona; four
grandchildren and two great
A graveside service was
held at Mountain View IOOF
Cemetery in Goldendale on
Friday, Sept. 1, 2017. Please
send condolences to the
Rutledge family by visiting
Kenneth ugene
Kenneth Eugene Adcock, country.
87, passed away in Portland, He is survived by his
Oregon on Sept. 5, 2017. daughters Kerry Adcock of
He was born to Elizabeth Goldendale and Jann Hoe-
(Miller) and Ernest Adcock chlin of Burney, California;
in Fort Meade, South brother Alvin Adcock of
Dakota on Mar 2, 1930. Kenn Kent, Washington; grand-
married Linda Huckfeldt on
July23, 1960. Together, they children Aubrey Wehrly
worked at their own busi- (Vancouver, Washington),
ness Crown Label Company. Mr. and Mrs Brendan and
After retiring in the early Kimberly Wehrly; and his
1980s, they started the first great granddaughter Brook-
winery in the Gorge, Colum- lyn Wehrly (all from south-
bia Cliffs Winery (now Cas- ern California). He was pre-
cade Cliffs Winery). ceded in death by his wife,
Mr. Adcock was an avid Linda and his brother Don-
entrepreneur. He started aldAdcock.
several businesses and His internment will
developed many products, take place at the Tahoma
some of which he patented.
He served as commissioner National Cemetery, with
on the Columbia River military honors. A Celebra-
Gorge Commission from tion of Life service will be
1997- 2007. He truly felt held Saturday, Oct. 14, at
the Columbia River Gorge Cascade Cliffs Winery on
was one of the most beauti- the Columbia Gorge, the
ful and scenic areas in the exact time to be determined.
C hutch D
Columbus Avenue Baptist, S.B.C.
815 IN. Columbus, Goldendale. 773-4471.
Pastor Michael Block, Sunday School
9:45am, Morning Worship II am, Sunday
Evening Study and Worship 6pro, Wednesday
Eveni,ag Prayer and Youth Group 7pro
Holy Trinity Catholic
307 Schuster, Goldendale. Father William
Byron, 773-4516. Sat. Eve. Mass 5:30pm;
Sun. Mass 9am; Spanish Mass Sat. evening
6:30pro Eve of Holy Days 7pro; ltoly Days
7:30am and Daily Mass Mon - Fri 7:30am
CCD Classes. Wed. afternoons 2:15~ito .
3:30pro Kinde~arten through 6th grade. %ed.
evenings 7:30 to 8:30, 7th - 12th grade. Con-
fessions befbre Mass Sat. noon - 1 pin
Community Grace Brethren
1180 S Roosevelt, Goldendale, Gregory M.
Howell, pastor. 773-3388. Sunday School for
kids & Adults 9:00am; Sun. Service 10:30am;
Sat. Service 6:30pm; Wednesday Activities:
Awana 2-3:45pm; Youth Group & Prayer
Meeting 6:30pro;
"The Bible, the whole Bible, and
notbhlg but the Bible."
Christ the King Lutheran
S Columbus & Simcoe Dr, Goldendale; 773-
5750. Sun. school, 9am, worship services
10am Everyone welcome.
United Methodist
Columbus & Broadway; Pastor Kathy Neary;
773-4461. Service times: Worship 9:30am;
Adult classes 10:45am; Fall & Winter Chil-
dren's Church available during worship. All ,are
welcome. Call the church for regularly sched-
uled events.
Church of the Nazarene
124 W AII~L Goldendale; Pastor Victor tlunt,
773 -42 l 6; Sunday
School 9:30am; Worship 10:45am
1602 S Columbus, Goldendale. Pastor Kevin
Gerchak, 773-4650; Sun. School 9:30am;
Morning Worship Service 10:30am; Evening
Service 6pm; Family Night on Wed. 7pro with
progrmns for ages 3 years through adult.
1/2 mite East on Bickleton llwy~ Sabbath
School Sat. 9:30am; Worship Service 1 lam;
Pastor Tim Gray; 773-4381
Centerville Community. Church
508 Dalles Mountain Road, Centerville,
WA 98613; 208-792 -7108; Pastor Ken
Akins; palerider;
Sunday Worship Celebration 10am.
"Where friends invite friends and
Everyone is Welcome"
Father's House Fellowship
207 S Klickitat Ave, 773 -4719. Basic Bible
Fellowship 9:30am; Worship 10:30am; Wed.
Prayer 6pro "A Gospel-Centered Church."
Praise Barn
2021 Pipeline Rd, Pastors Rod and Cathy
Smith, 773-3185, Sunday Worship 1030am;
Wednesday Bible Study 7pm
Let the community know about your church
by listing your services & offerings here for
only $19 per month. Contact The Sentinel
at 773-3777 to find out how. Blessings!
Leona M.
Leona M. Flowers, a
long-time resident of Car-
son, Washington, passed
away Sept. 10, 2017 at
Columbian Basin Care of
The Dailes, Oregon. Ser-
vices are pending at this
time with arrangements
under the direction of
Anderson's Tribute Center,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Memorial service for
Michael Schmith, Sept.
23, 2017, at the American
Legion, 2 to 5 p.m.