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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 13, 2017     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 13, 2017
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6-- SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 GOLDENDALE, WASHINGTON CALENDAR OF EVENTS Ongoing Events Fellows Lodge, 301NW Second Every Wednesday Street, 7:30 p.m. Sorting Practice at BC Mello Second Tuesday arena--by reservation only. 176 First Kids Stuff Klickitat Republicans meet at Horseshoe Bend Road, Golden- First & Third Mondays 6 p.m. Rotating meeting loca- dale. (509) 250-0726 Rainbow Girls meeting at 210 tions. September 12 will be at First Thursday S. Columbus. Dinner at 6:30 the Community Grace Breth- Columbia Basin Goat Guild p.m. open to the public with ren Church in Goldendale. meeting at 2 p.m. Open to any- meeting following. (509) 773- Second and Fourth Tuesdays one interested in or has goats 4567 International Order of Odd- (509)261-1991. Every Wednesday fellows meeting at 8 p.m. at the Community Grace Brethren Goldendale Oddfellows Lodge. Church has an AWANA pro- Every Wednesday Learning gram for children 4th to 6th Kiwanis meets at 7 a.m. at the Tuesday and Thursdays grade from 2-3:45 p.m. ~Simcoe Care in Goldendale. Family History Center, located Third Wednesday Every First Wednesday at the corner of N. Columbus Learn and Play preschool age Coffee and Conversation and McKinleyis open Tuesday oldersiblingswelcome2:00p.m. 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Golden- and Thursday from l0 a.m. to2 at Goldendale Primary School dale Senior Center. Topics of p.m Wednesday from 1-4 p.m. First and Third Fridays conversation include aging, and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Ancestry. Goldendale moms group/play travel, fraud, health issues, com plus more. Appointments group from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at and activities. For more infor- available outside these hours. Goldendale Community Grace mation please call Virginia at Open to the public. (509) 250- Brethren Church. For more 509-773-3757. 3095 information, call Jennifer at First Thursday Second and Fourth Tuesdays (503) 703-1330. Masonic Lodge, 210 S. Colum- "Simcoe Chapter of Toastmas- bus. Dinner at 6:30 p.m. open ters meets at noon at Christ the to the public with meeting fol- King Lutheran Chnroh Support Groups lowing. For more information, Every Monday visit For the Guys Narcotics Anonymous meet- or call (509) 773-5785. First Saturday ing in Wishram from 3-4 p.m. Mid-Columbia Public safety Men's breakfast at Columbus at 425 Main St across from Activity League (MCPAL) Avenue Baptist Church, located the post office. Newcomers meeting at various locations, at 815 N. Columbus, at 8 a.m. welcome. For more information, call (509)773-5075. Mondays thru Fridays LeAndra (509) 250-0539. Men's breakfast at Commu- Narcotics Anonymous, 7 p.m Second Thursday nlty Grace Brethren Church, Monday thru Friday at Father's .GoldendaleMotorsportsAsso- located at1180 S. Roosevelt at 8 House Fellowship, 207 S. Klicki- ciation meeting at the Ameri- a.m. (509) 773-3388. tat in Goldendale. canLegion, at 6 p.m. for dinner, Second and Fourth Satur- Every Tuesday meeting at 7 p.m. days Take Off Pounds Sensibly Trout Lake hosts Senior Meals . Men's Breakfast at Goldendale (T.O.P.S.) meets in the River- at noon at the Jerry Lunch Nazarene Church, located at view Bank meeting room at 9 Community center. Come and 124 W. Allyn at 8 a.m. a.m. For more information, call have a great meal with events (509) 261-0330. featuring music, entertain- . Domestic Violence Victim's ment or guest speaker. For For the Ladies Support Group 10:30 a.m. at more information please call Second Monday Programs for Peaceful Living 509-369-0031. Delta kappa Gamma Interna- for more information please Second and Fourth Thurs- tional Society "dinner" busi- call 509-773-6100. day hess meeting from 5-6 p.m. The Second Wednesday Columbia Center of the Arts vision of DKG is to have Lead- Alzheimer's Association Care- presents: The Gorge Expres- ing Women Educators Impact- giver Support Group at the Gol- sion Session Music Jam Second ing Education Worldwide. New dendale Senior Center, located & Fourth Thursdays of each members and guest welcome. at 115 E. Main, from 10:30 a.m. Month6:30-Spm Improvised Location varies each month, to noon. Jam Session Instructed by please callLindaatS09.773.5667 Every Thursday Ryan Murtfeldt $5-10 Suggested for more information. T.O.P.S. (Taking Off Pounds Donation. First Wednesday Sensibly) meets from 6-7 p.m. Every Thursday Soroptimist International of at the Riverview Bank in Gol- . Goldendale American Legion Goldendale business meeting dendale. Phone (509) 261-0330. Bingo 6:30 p.m. Call Gary for 6 p.m. Dedicated to helping GriefSupport Group 815 North more info: (509)250-0993 women and youth in our corn- Columbus from 6:30-8:30. For First and Third Friday munity and worldwide. Guests more information please call Sodbusters and new members welcome. 509-773-1959. Groups run each Restaurant. Location varies. Call Naomi at week until November 30, 2017. Every Friday and Saturday ' 773-6091for information. Second Thursday Petroglyphs Walking Tour Second Wednesday . Goldendale Community Sup- Now through the end of Sep- Order of Eastern Star No. 1 port Group for School Food. tember. Journey on the trail of Evergreen meeting at 7:30 at Anyone interested in the qual- The Lewis and Clark Expedi- the Goldendale Masonic Lodge ityoffoodourpublicschoolstu- tion. Well known petroglyph 210 S. Columbus dents get. Meet at the Golden- "She Who Watches" and other Fourth Wednesday dale United Methodist Church significant Native American Order of Eastern Star No. 1 at 6:30 p.m. cultural resources are located Evergreen Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Coalition for Preventing at HorsethiefLake State Park. open to the public with meet- Abuse in Klickitat County (for- To set up your tour call 509-439- ing following at 7:30 at the Gol- merly Klickitat County Drug 9032,youwillreachthe Golden- dendale Masonic Lodge 210 S. Awareness Team and Rela- dale Observatory who will set Columbus. tionship Abuse Prevention Pro- up your tour. Bring your walk- Third Thursday gram) meeting at Pete's Pizza ing shoes as you will walk the Girl's Night Out: Women's from noon to I p.m. Everyone same paths the Native Ameri- Dinner Party from 6-9 p.m. is invited, cans walked, at the Historic Balch Hotel in Weight Loss Support Group- Every Saturday Dufur, OR. Our monthly din- Free-at the Water's Edgein The Goldendale Farmer's Market ner is a new social space for Dalles. Please call Jennifer at from 9-2 at Ekone Park. women to connect, laugh and 541-993-4853. Every other Sunday have inspiring conversations. Goldendale Women's Hud- Come for dinner, and be nour- Community die 11 a.m. at the Goldendale ished by delicious food and Every Monday Chamber of Commerce 903 drink as well as nurturing con- . Yoga at the United Methodist E Broadway. Come join us in versation with other women. Church 109 E Broadway, Gold- being pro-active in your com- Join a big table, order dinner, endale from 6-7:30 p.m. Please munity and local government, drink wine, savor dessert as call Jill Kieffer RN Instructor You don't have to be a woman you meet new women or get to to pre-register (541) 490-3704 to join, all is welcome, no dues know girlfriends better. Pure First Monday or fees femme fun. Bring a friend or American Legion meeting, 7 come alone and meet new ones. Please call 541.467.2277 for more p.m. at the Legion building, 108 Hobbies and Crafts information. N. Grant. Second Tuesday First Saturday First and Third Monday Goldendale Photo Club meets Goldendale Aglow meets at Goldendale City Councilmeet- at 6 p.m. at Golden Photo, 105 W. 10 a.m. for fellowship meeting ings 7:00 p.m. at 1103 S Colum- Main. Anyone with a passion at the Goldendale Grange (509) bus. for photography welcome. (509) 773-0496. Lyle Lions Club Meeting. Pot~ 772-2717. luck at 6:00 pro. meeting at 6:30 Every Thursday pm. Contact (509) 365-2921 for . Bowman Creek Fiber Arts Goldendale Library more information. Guild meeting from 10 a.m. to This Week Second Monday 2 p.m. in the basement of the Sept. 14 Book Talk book discussion Goldendale Grange. Spinners Song Circle 2 p.m. groups for adults at 11 a.m. and weavers welcome. Sept. 20 and 6:30 p.m. at the Goldendale Every Friday Family Storytime 11 a.m. Community Library, 131 W Yarn Benders meets from 10 Art Time for Kids 2:30 p.m. Burgen. (509)773-4487. a.m. to noon at Sodbusters. A.B.A.T.E. Legislative motor- Open to all who knit or cro- Book Mobile Fall cycle rights organization 6:30 chet--from beginners to Schedule p.m. social, meeting at 7 p.m. experts. at the Goldendale American Sept. 14 Legion. Open to public. No run-staff day First Wednesday AniIIlals and Outdoor sept. 19 Soroptimist International of Second Tuesday Wishram School 9:30-10:20 Goldendale business meeting Klickitat County Search and a.m. at 6 p.m. Dedicated to helping Rescue general meeting and West Wishram Tennis Courts women and youth in our com- training at 6:30 p.m. at the 10:25-10:45 a.m. munity and worldwide. Guests KPUD meeting room. (509) Pitt 12:45-1p.m. and new members welcome. 773-4455. Klickitat School 1:15-2 p.m. Location varies. Call Naomi at Columbia Basin Goat Guild Wahkiacus School 2:30-3 p.m. 773-6091 for information, class. Contact Mary to register Sept. 20 First and Third Tuesdays for more information, (509)261- Centerville School 9:30-11:30 Leah Rebekah Lodge 22 at Odd 1991. a.m. Simcoe Manor 12:30-1:20 p.m. Sept. 17 Willis Road 1:40-2:15 p.m. Maryhill Museum of Art Georgeviile 2:45-3:30 p.m. presents: The Art of Books: Pre- serving Your Story Through Upcolning Handmade Books - During this two-day workshop, writer, Aug. 1-Sept. 15 artist and bookmaker Maureen Goldendale Adventist Chris- Lauran will show you how to tian School enrollment. Please craft a beautiful handmade cal1509.773.3120formoreinfor- book to hold your treasured marion, ideas, art, and artifacts for Sept. 13 years to come. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Water's Edge Mindfulness . Live Nation Presents - Goo Meditation 7-8:30 p.m. 551 NE Goo Dolls: Long Way Home Lone Pine, The Dalles, OR for Tour with Phillip Phillips, Sun- more information please call day, September 17, 2017, Doors: 541-506-5788 5:00 pm / Show: 7:00 pm, $50.00 Sept. 14 - $1,500.00 "Drinking Democratically" Sept. 18 Klickitat County Democrats Lions Club meeting. Potluck share views on issues and poli- at 6 p.m. and meeting starts at tics over drinks. 5 p.m. at Pete's 6 p.m. at the Lyle Lions Com- Pizza 340 E Collins in Golden- munity Center, corner of Hwy dale. Welcomed to the public. 14 and 5th Street. Everyone Sept. 16 welcome! , Join us for one of the most Sept. 19 anticipated occasions of the . Lyle Lions Community Center s "~-, ='=-" s x.ill'o *trtnual ben presents Senior meals at noon, efit auction. Bid on some of corner ofHwy14 and 5th Street. the region's most celebrated Everyone welcome! wines, and enjoy a fabulous Sept. 22-24 array of hors d'oeuvres with Ranch Trail Challenge Series select wines and brews. Nab #3 - Trail Courses, reining, amazing auction lots, such as cattle plus great awards! For exclusive dinners, trips, wine division all-around awards we and more. Join us overlooking will take your best score from the Columbia and under the each daily course! There will stars for a night you won't soon be 3 courses. This is the final forget. All proceeds support the competition of the Bonina / museum's annual exhibitions B-C Mello Ranch Trail Chal- and programs. Cost: Tickets lenge Buckle & Saddle Series! are $100 per person. $50 is tax- We will present buckles and deductible. Purchase tickets the saddle during the Sunday online using PayPal here; or awards ceremony! Entries due call 509.773.3733 ext. 20. one week prior to competition. Dog Days weekend at Mary- Call Cindy Mello with ques- hill Winery. Bring your best tions at (509) 250-0726. four-legged friend to Maryhill Sept. 23 Winery and receive a compli- Military Road Tour for more mentary tasting. (Just bring information and to make a res- yourleashDThrowafrisbeefor ervation please call 509-773- Fido and romp and play. Top off 4303 the day with a glass of wine on " Smithsonian Museum Day our beautiful terrace. Home At Live! In the spirit of the Smith- Last Humane Society will be sonian Institution, whose on:site, starting at noon, with museums offer free admission dogs who are looking for a for- every day, Museum Day Liye! ever home and available for is an annual event created by Smithsonian magazine. Par- adoption! The Soroptimists will hold ticipating museums, includ- ing Maryhill, give free admis- their fall plant sale from sion to anyone presenting a 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m. It willbe held Museum Day Live! at 103 w Main St, in front of Dr. .MaryhillMuseum of Artpres- Ogden's office. There will be a ents: The Written image: Blend- variety of fall bulbs, perenni- ing Poetry with the Visual Arts als, and house plants. We are Discover the fascinating work looking for plant donations that can result when visual arts for this sale. Call us for pick and poetry collide. Poet Shin up at (509) 772-2625, or drop off Yu Pal discusses the history of at 301 W Broadway. Proceeds artist-poet collaborations and of this sale support our local creative innovation in Ameri- programs to improve the lives can literature, while sharing of women and girls through her work as a writer, commis- education, sions for both art and cultural museums, and her collabora- tions with painters, photogra- phers, installation artists, com- posers, and video artists, She'Ll also discuss developing hybrid works that bring together her creative practices as a writer, photographer, and museologist. Sept. 23-24 Maryhill Ratz 2017 Fall Free- 4-all! Winter is just around the corner, so it is time for the last free-ride of 2017. Maryhill Ratz presents the Fall Free-4- All ride on the Historic Mary- hill Loops Road. A Free-4-All is just as it sounds, anything goes! Thus, this event is open to all skill levels, and any gravity powered vehicle is welcome. Do you like riding in large packs? Then the Free-4-All's are for you! Sept. 26 Lyle Lions Community Center presents Senior meals at noon, corner of Hwy 14 and 5th Street. Everyone welcome! Primary/Middle School Lunches Wed: Hot Dogs Thurs: Teriyaki Dippers Fri: Chickenburger Mon: Dell Sandwich Tues: Spagetti High School Lunches Wed: Soup & Sandwich or Beef Nachos Thurs: Chili Cheese Dog w/ baked fries or French Toast & Sausage Fri: Chicken Wrap or Baked Potato Bar Mon: Chicken Stir-fry or Burrito Tues: Taco or Enchilada SENIOR MEALS Senior Meals for Thursday Noon September 14 Swedish Meatballs Senior Meals for Monday Noon September 18 Macaroni & Cheese/Ham Senior Meals for Tuesday Noon September 19 Macaroni & Cheese/Ham Bake Call Mt. Adams Transportation Service for Transportation to meal sites: Goldendale, 509-773-3060; White Salmon, 509-493-4662 WEATHER THIS WEEK ~6~ Wednesday: September 13 t EDay Time: Sunny, High 73 ~ Saturday: September 16 ,~ Tuesday: September 19 Day Time: Partly sunny, High 71 ~ Day Time: Mostly cloudy, Evening: Partly cloudy, Low 47 Evening: Partly cloudy, Low 49 sun and rain, High 69 Sunrise: 6:39 AM Sunrise: 6:43 AM Evening: Clear, Low 32 Sunset: 7:19 PM Sunset: 7:13 PM Sunrise: 6:46 AM Sunset: 7:07 PM ~t.~t. Thursday: September 14 "sY~Day Time: Sunny, High 70 Evening: Clear, Low 49 Sunrise: 6:40 AM Sunset: 7:17 PM . .~: Friday: September 15 Day Time: Sunny, High 72 Evening: Clear, Low 48 Sundse: 6:41 AM Sunset: 7:15 PM ~. Sunday: September 17 Day Time: Partly sunny, High 80 Evening: Mostly Cloudy, Low 37 Sunrise: 6:44 AM Sunset: 7:11 PM ~ Monday: September 18 Day Time: Mostly cloudy, High 76 Evening: Partly cloudy, Low 39 Sunrise: 6:45 AM Sunset: 7:09 PM Movies at The Dalles Now Playing: Logan Lucky (PG-13) 119 Minutes SHOWTIMES: September 13-14; 1:10.4:10, 7:20. September 15-17; 4:00, 8:30. September 18; 1:15. September 19; 1:15, 8:30 It (R) 135 Minutes SHOWTIMES: September 13-14; 1:00, 4:00, 7:00. September 15-17; September 18; 1:00, 3:45, 6:45. September 19; 1:00, 3:45, 6:45, 9:30. Wind River (R) 112 Minutes SHOWTIMES: September 13-14; 1:20, 4:20, 7:30. September 15-17; September 18; 1:15, 4:00, 7:00. September 19; 1:15, 4:00, 7:00, 9:30. Cars 3 (G) 109 Minutes SHOWTIMES: September 13-14; 4:30 The Hitman's Bodyguard (R) 101 Minutes SHOWTIMES: September 13; 1:30, 7:10. September 14; 1:30. 1:00, 3:45, 6:45, 9:30. 1:15, 4:00, 7:00, 9:30. Coming Soon: American Assassin (R) 111 Minutes SHOWTIMES: September 14; 7:15. September 15-17; 1:30, 4:15, 7:10, 9:45. September 18; 1:30, 4:15, 7:10. September 19; 1:30, 4:15, 7:10, 9:45. Leap! (PG) 89 Minutes SHOWTIMES: September 15-17; 1:45, 6:30. September 18-20; 4:30, 6:30.