National Sponsors
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10 -- SEPTEMBER 13, 2017
Washington State
University Extension
Goldendale, Washing-
ton. Both are full-time
positions, 4-H Program
Assistant is a non-ex-
empt position. Salary
$16.62 to $18.70/hour.
DOQ. 4-H Program
Manager is an exempt
position. Salary $24.85
to $27.96/hour. DOQ.
Both have a generous
benefit package.
First review: September
22, 2017. Open until
A Klickitat County appli-
cation must be on file to
be considered for em-
ployment. Visit klickitat- for details and
Klickitat County Clerk
Goldendale, Washing-
ton Full-time, exempt
Salary $24 45 to
$26.37/hour. Generous
benefit package.
First review: September
25, 201y. Open until
A Klickitat County appli-
cation must be on file to
be considered for em-
ployment. Visit klickitat- for details and
application or call the Per-
sonnel Department, 509-
Sagetech is looking for a
Document Control/Records
Manage-Tent Specialist
For a chance to join our
team, please apply at: or
email resume to
who will be responsible for The City of Hood River,
control, issuance, mainte- Oregon is accepting appli-
nance and retention of all cations for a GIS Analyst.
documents and records The GIS Analyst will man-
that directly or indirectly af- age and operate the City's
fect or provide direction for GIS program. Salaryrange
the conformance of prod- to be determined, starting
ucts or services provided at $50,000. Application and
by Sagetech. Additionally, a full position description
the Document Control/ may be obtained on the
Records' Management City website: ci.hood-riv-
Special-ist is responsible For questions
for controlling all docu- contact Hate Bell 541-387-
ments and records re-
Child Care quired to support the man- 5204. Open until filled, first
Hood River Sports Club is agement of the business, review for interviews
seeing a highly energetic, such as templates, letter- 09/08/17.
imaginative, reliable, team head, HR documents, HARDWARE
player for Child Care. Pc- records, etc. The Docu-
Looking for independent
contractor(s) to deliver
the Hood River News
and free classifieds
Tuesdays and Fridays
on motor route in the
Hood River Valley.
Please call 541-386-1234 or
stop by the Hood River
News office at 419 State
St. between 8 a.m. and 5
p.m. Monday through
Friday. Must have
reliable vehicle, valid
driver's license and
motor vehicle insurance
and pass drug test.
Wasco' County is currently
hiring for an Information
Services Technician I.
application or callthe Per- sition requires weekends, ment Control/RecordsENGINEER $3,121.69-$3620.20/month
sonnel Department, 509- evenings, and mornings. Management Specialist es- Sagetech is looking for a plus excellent benefits. Job
773-7171. Must provide references, tablishes Hardware Engineer who description and application
--- Applications are available and maintains processes will be responsible for the packets are available on-
at the front desk. 1330 and systems for all docu- design, implemen-tation, line or
Brookside Dr. ments and records provid- andtestof hardwarein new may be picked up at the
Wasco County Human Re-
-Civii Engineering ed to or created by Sage- products for the Aerospace
source Dept, 511 Wash-
tech. market. This engineer par- ington St. #206, The
Specialist 1 - ticipates in initial product Dalles, OR 97058. Position
Senior Inspector Send resume to conception, formulation of remains open until filled,
CLOSING DATE/TIME: functionaland performance apply now.
09/27/17 11:59 PM require-merits, software/
SALARY: $3,803-$5,618 An Equal Opportunity hardware integration, and IT MANAGER
AZURE FARM MILL Monthly Employer testing: bench; environ-KlickitatCounty
Shop Mechanic
Purpose: Maintain tools
and equipment for irriga-
tion, landscape construc-
tion and maintenance. Re-
sponsibilities: Small engine
repair, two cycle engine re-
pair, routine maintenance
of fleet vehicles or com-
mercial equipment, diag-
nostic troubleshooting and
repair, effective communi-
cate shop n~eds/concerns
with Owner and Office
Manager. Driver's license
is required. Wage: DOE
To apply
(Si Habla Espanol)
email resume to:
Bus Driver (Hood River Office Specialist l
OR) - 32 hrs per week~8.76 DEC is recruiting for an Of-
months per year rice Specialist I (32 hrs/wk),
Benefits including: Medical, salary range $1,808.80-
Dental, vision, Life, Sick $2,468/mo. The Office
leave, Vacation, PTO, and
401(k) Specialist I provides re-
Family Health Advocate ception & office coordina-
(The Dalles OR) - 40 hrs tion support to The Dalles
per week/12 months per office.Visit https://ae-
Benefits including: Medical, j o b p o s t i n g /
Dental, vision, Life, Sick detailed job
leave, Vacation, PTO, and m?joblD=1826015 to view the
401 (k)
Teacher Assistant (The job posting & apply online.
Dalles OR) - 24 hrs per
weeld9.25 months per year
Substitute Associate Paralegal
Teacher (The Dalles OR) - Seeking an experienced
Hours: Approximately 20- paralegal to support a fast-
28 per week for up to 4 paced regional litigation
months, practice. Must possess Family Health Advocate proficiency in Word Perfect
orfill out an (Carson WA) - 40 hrs per (Corel) and Microsoft Of-
application at: week/g.25 months per year
Benefits including: Medical, rice Suite. Position requires
710 East 2nd St. Dental, vision, Life, Sick exemplary organizational
The Dalles leave, Vacation, PTO, and case management skills,
White Salmon Valley
School District
Position is open until
3:00 p.m, September
22, 2017. FOE.
More information and ap-
plications are available on-
line at or at the
District office, 171 NW
Washington Street, PC
Box 157, White Salmon,
401(k) legal writing and the ability
to handle multiple assign-
Applications and job de- ment deadlines. Salary
scriptions may be picked range $16 to $21 per hour
up at Mid-Columbia Chil- depending on experience.
dren's Council or visit Flexible hours and sched-, ule are possible Benefits
Inquiries: call 541-386-
2010. Mail, fax or hand de- may include retirement and
liver completed applica- medical insurance. Quali-
tions with transcripts and fled applicants should sub-
cover letter to: Tit their resume with a cov-
MCCC, 1100 E. Marina er letter to:
Way, Suite 215, Hood Box E
River, OR 97031. Fax: c/o The Dalles Chronicle
541-386-4597 PC Box 1910
is seeking candidates to LOCATION: The Dalles, DOMINO'S PIZZA mental; and flight. WA 98672, 509-493-1500. The Dalles, OR 97058.
join our team. Motivated, Oregon Hood River & The Dalles, Serves multiple depart- I ]
now hiring all positions To apply send resume to Tents with their corn- NATIONAL SCENIC
dependable individuals The senior inspector is a including management, all puter, network, phone, MAINTENANCE IAREA PLANNER |
interested in a career in member of a field engi- shifts. Applyin store or database and projectMECHANIC and IColumbia River I
grain milling and food pro- neering crew prefo, rming online at An Equal Opportunity I I
management needs. COOKS Gorge Commission
cessing are encouraged to contract administration, de- Experience with Win- Full Sail Brewing in Hood
apply. Skilled mill work me- sign and inspection engi- Employer. dows Server and MS River is hiring a I Seeking experienced,Prestige Care, Inc.
chine operators, or those neering work, and con- ~ ~ Office environment es- Maintenance Mechanic I and dynamic National |
sential. Salary starting and Prep/Line Cooks. I Scenic Planner. Posi-,Join our Prestige
with food processing main- struction and maintenance Operations Manager Various Postions. $26.34 to $34.37/hour. For the full job postings I tion will assist with the,Care Team
tenance experience are en- projects. Mid-Columbia Economic Generous benefit pack- I 10-year review and re-,Hood River Care Center
couraged to contact us for Development District and
immediate consideration. This is a limited duration Hotel Front Desk Agents, age. toapply, please go to our I vision of the Gorge I HoodRiver, OR
appointment that is ex- Regional economic devel- Houeekeepers, Housepersons, websiteat: I 2020 National Scenic I
Azure Farm Mill is a state pected to end on or before opment organization in the Banquet Servers & Position open until filled. I Area Management Plan, |Looking for:
https://fullsailbrewing.coml I conduct development |
September 30, 2019. Lim- Columbia River Gorge is Barlenders, Riverside AM A KIIckitat County appli- employment/ I reviews, and support,CNTA
of the art milling and re- ited duration appointments seeking a Finance and Op- Buseers& PM Hosts, Marina cation must be on file to
packaging facility. Our are benefits eligible and erati0ns Manager. Duties Shell swingshiffCashier, be considered for em- MAN-A -RS I therstaff' [
team based approach to have a designated Taxi- include managing ployment. Visit klickitat- Tall Winds Motel in Moro, I Bachelor degree or |Charge Nurse (RN/LPN)
work provides opportunity mum length of service. MCEDD's finance and ac- Enjoygas, food, and hotel for details and OR, 12 units, looking for I equivalent. $40,000 - |
for growth in all areas of discounts, application or call the Per- TO join our team, visit:
Mill work and operations. Apply online at counting activities and ad- friendly, hard working, de- I $55,000. I
ministering benefit and era- NO PHONE CALLS, sonnel Department, 509-
The ideal candidate will andployee compensation pro- PLEASE. 773-7171. tail oriented managers. Liv- I Deadline: 11:59 p.m careers
ing quarters included and I Pacific, September 15,EOE/Minoirities/Females/
have basic computer and search job code ODOT17- grams, salary. No pets/no stuck- Veteran/Disabled
mathematics skills, atten-0355OC. EmaUresume: --~ i ng'Als needmanageras- I 2017 I
Salary DoQ, approx. $56K Hood River Sports Club is sistants for both Moro and I For more information, In- |
tion to detail and the ability For questions about the job to $62K. Position open until Secure Storage
to work with others to safe- or send to: seeking a reliable, detail Biggs. 541-980-9794.| cludlng how tO apply, see |
announcement or applica- filled. Send resumes by Beet Western Plus oriented, PT Janitorial ~tor~h~-- I www.gorgecommisslon.o I ASSlSTANTMANAGER
ly and efficiently fulfill daily tion process, call (503) September 29, 2017 forHood River Inn Worker. Position requires I position description at,Hood River
work. 378-81 39 or email first-round consideration.
odotrecruitmentjb@odot.s See job description at 1108 E, MarinaWay day shifts, and weekends. On Special Assignment to I rg/about-crgc/jobs/. On-,Saturday position
Starting wage is $12 per, www,mcedd,org Hood River, OR97031 Janitorial experience re- provide assistance to new- I line applications only. I and additional hours as
quired. Applications avail- ly hired elementary and needed. 30-45 hours estimated
basedh Ur" onC mpensati nexperience andiS ODOT is an EEO/AA EOE ~ ableatthe front desk. 1330 secondary educators with 1 AA/EOE J permonth.
merit based performance. Employer. DISTILLERS - Brookside Dr. 541-386- zero to two-years teaching
Experienced Plant 3230. experience. Required: N-ee~e~- - Compensation BOE.
Benefits include: insurance Director ~ Master's Degree in educe-
Follow us on Twitter! Mechanic Please hand deliver
employee discounts on @OregonDOTJobs Columbia Gorge Commu- Hood River Distillers, Inc Westside Elementary tion and valid Oregon and Front DeskAgents
Azure Standard products, --- -- nity College is seeking a Fi- located in the heart of theSchool teaching license. Salary Available weekends resume, cover letter and
personal time off, and paid nancial Aid Director to ad- beautiful Columbia River 6.5 hours/day; depends on experience, and weekdays reference sheet to this
vacation. Location is Dufur ~ minister and manage Title Open until filled. FOE Generous benefits. Starts Good pay-Apply at hotel location. 1400 Tucker
OR. 40 hours per week, IV, and state grant and in- Gorge, is the Northwest's Road Hood River, OR
largest and oldest producer To apply go to: as soon as possible. Sub- Comfort Inn, The Dalles-
6:30 am to 3:00 pm and LEARNING stitutional aid programs, of distilled spirits since mit completed application, 351 Lone Pine Drive 97031. 541-386-4104
290 pro'to 11:00 pm shifts. CENTER FAMILY This position ensures com-; L=iilaschpe cover letter, and current re-
ADVOCATE pliance with federal, state, i934. W6' ~ re' &'vibrantl sume. Applications re-
' White Salmon Valley and institutional policies family owned company, ~, ~ Construction viewed upon receipt. Visit SEEKING
The ideal candidate will School District ,and regulations and will continually growing and Perform the operation, in- for INDIVIDUAL cil '
have an awesome attitude,
attention to detail, basic
computer skills and me-
chanical aptitude. Lifting
objects up to 70 pounds,
reaching up, bending over,
standing, climbing stairs
and ladders, and squatting
is routinely required.
Azure Standard is an Equal
Opportunity Employer and
a drug free workplace. Ap-
plicants considered for hir-
ing are required to pass a
pre-employment drug
screening. Benefits are
available to full-time em-
ployees after 90 days.
for an application, or
download one at our
website: https://
Position is open until
3:00 p.m September
22, 2017. FOE.
More information and ap-
plications are available on-
line at or at the
District office, 171 NW
Washington Street, PO
Box 157, White Salmon,
WA 98672~ 509-493-1500,
foster an environment that evolving and the key to our stallation, of different land- application and more infor-
is seeking
Order Fulfillment Associates
in our distribution center
located in Moro, Oregon.
Motivated, dependable
individuals interested in a
career are encouraged to
promotes an effective and success is our commitment scapes. This includes but
responsive financial aid to excellence HRD is is not limited to paver walk
program that meets insti- seeking a bottling line plant ways, paver stairs, retain-
tutional goals, student's mechanic. The individual ing walls, patios. Knowl-
edge in operating small
needs, and federal re- filling this position must tractors, bobcats, tillers,
quirements. Bachelor's de- have the abilityto work col- rollers, mulch spreaders,
gree from an accredited in- laboratively, troubleshoot, lawn mowers, power equip-
stitution req. A Master'sde- diagnose, and repair multi- Tent such as shears,
gree is pref. Candidates pie types of equipment, saws, picking knives, sod ClinicaISupervisor
must have a minimum 5 yrs understand line control cutters, line trimmers and (Child & Family)
of exp.directly related to fi- systems, maintain and sup- edger's, aerators, plant au- Hood River
nancial aid, with 2 yrs of re- port our preventative main- gers, drills, etc. Valid driv- I/DD Service Coordinator
luted management exp. tenance system and must er's license - Required.
Physical Labor in varying Mental Health Specialist 1
DEPENDABLE CAREGIVERS Exp.shall include extensive be computer literate. This weather conditions- Re-3 Positions
needed to assist adults w/ knowledge on the adminis- position requires a detail quired. Wage: DOE
developmental disabilities, tration of federal financial
No exper, needed. F/T w/ oriented person with expe- Psychiatric Nurse
benefits. AlysonB@forccLorg aid programs, processes, rience working as a bottling Landscape
and regulations. Salary line mechanic. PLC and Maintenance Supported Employment
DIAMOND FRUIT $49,549 to $64,650 DOE. fabrication experience a Responsible for the culti- Specialist
GROWERS Closes 9/20/17. Please vis- plus. The successful can- vation and care of the land-
currently has openings for it for didate will have the aptitude scaping and grounds sur- For details and to apply:
Seasonal Lift Truck Operators more information,
Qualifications include: Abil- and initiative to perform du- rounding a business or
ties and responsibilities on building. Plants flowers, employment.htm
ity to work in team-oriented (3%%%%~O~p&,~ EEO/ADAANDrug-free
environment, able to multi- his/her own without direct mows, pulls weeds, repairs
task, able to keep accurate (5 "~ supervision and motivation, structures, and maintainsWorkplace
~. outside of building Valid
records, responsible, punc- and the capacity to multi- driver's license - Required.
tual, ability to work harmo- task. Starting rate for this Physical Labor in varying Mid-Columbia
niously with others, ability position is $25.40/hr and in- weather conditions- Re- Children's Council
to follow instructions, and cludes an excellent bene- quired. Wage: DOE is currently recruiting for
applicant must be able to fits package including the following positions:
pass a UA test. 401k. Pre-employment Mental Health Specialist
drug screen and skills test- (Hood River OR) - 40 hrs
Past Lift Truck Operator ing is required. Send re- per week/10.5 months per
experience is not required sume and cover letter to: Benefits including: Medical,
Qualified Applicantsshould Visit Dental, vision, Life, Sick
fill out a Job Application in for more in- leave, Vacation, PTO, and
person at our Administra- formation. 401(k)
tion Office located in Odell.
Potential Hours: 8 hour
Starting pay is $12 days/7 days per week dur-
Full time ing harvest. Day or Swing
Medical benefits, personal shift
time and vacation available
for an application, or
download one at our
website: https://
General Laborers
Be able to show up to work
FULL TIME SALES on time. Be able to walk
ASSOCIATE and pick up litter that has
blown around the property.
Looking for a full time sales Be able to work in varing
associate to join ou, team. weather conditions. Mini-
We are seeking candidates mum Wage:
with ambition, who have
what it takes to close sales, HRCSD
beat sales quotas, and ParkdaleElementaryESOL
grow their paychecks.Teacher
.50 FTE (temp)
Qualifications Instructional Assistant
Ability to work flexible
retail hours, including 6.5 hrs/day (temp)
evenings, weekends, and Assistant Cook LOOKING
holidays 7 hrs/day - May Street
Elementary "~
Must have reliable High School English LA
transportation Teacher
(Temp) .50 FTE
Bilingual in Spanish and Open until filled. FOE.
DO you like to drive?
Do you like being your
own boss? We have just
the right part-time job
for you! We are now tak-
ing applications for Motor
Route delivery 10eople.
Pick up applications at
The Dalles Chronicle at
English Apply online at:
315 Federal St.
-- Retail sales experience www.hoodriver.k12
Positions are open until
3:00 p.m September
22, 2017 or until filles.
More information and ap-
plications are available on-
line at or at the
District office, 171 NW
Washington Street, PO
Box 157, WHite Salmon,
WA 98672, 509-493-1500.
Canton Wok 5
Part-time experienced wait-
ress bartender & kitchen
needed at CantonX
Wok. Call 541-296-6500
and ask for Kelly or apply in
person at 310 E. 2nd St {"~
The Dalles.
mation. Open until filled. ' HV~ )
<~Z i .i: ::::~
Alcohol & Drug Counselor 1
Evenings & Weekends
Competitive Wages +
Apply in person
1020 Wasco St. Suite B
Hood River, OR 97031
Klickitat County Juvenile
Goldendale, Washing-
ton. Full-time, non-ex-
empt. Salary $16.62 to
$18.70/hour, generous
benefit package.
First review: September
22, 2017. Open until
A Klickitat County appli-
cation must e on file to be
considered for employ-
ment. Visit klickitatcoun- for details and ap-
plication or call the Per-
sonnel Department, 509-
to receive private lodging
and a salary in exchange
for care of my home, ani-
mals and property near
Hood River. Must have ex-
perience in at least some of
the following skills: dog and
, horse care, landscaping
and plant care, house
maintenance and cleaning,
shopping, cooking, visitor
services, property repair,
contractor supervision and
internet research. Must
have history of steady em-
ployment and excellent ref-
erences. Send resume with
phone number to
Wasco County is currently
hiring for a Senior Planner.
month plus excellent ben-
efits. Complete job de-
scription and application
packets are available on-
line or
may be picked up at the
Wasco County Human Re-
source Dept, 511 Wash-
ington St. #206, The
Dalles, OR 97058. Position
closes 09/15/2017. FOE