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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 16, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 16, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 10 PUBLIC ]'rom page 9 asphalt operation (Niva Pit). The proposed site is located within a portion of Sections 7 & 18, T3N, R15E, WM., Klickitat County, WA (north and south sides of Niva Road, Centerville vicinity). After review of completed environmental checklist and other information on file the Klickitat County Responsible Official has determined that this pro- posal will not have proba- ble significant adverse impacts on the environ- NOTICES ment. Copies of the MDNS are available at the Klickitat County Planning Department dur- ing normal business hours. Comments and/or appeals on the above environmental review will be accepted by the Klickitat County Planning Department, 228 West Main, MS: CH-17, Goldendale, WA 98620 until October 1, 2004 at 5:00 p.m. (3805) PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Jewel Bernice Lane, Deceased. No. 04-4-00033-8 Probate Notice to Creditors (RCW 11.40.030) The personal representa. tive named below has been appointed as per- sonal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any other- wise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the per- sonal representative's attorney at the address stated below a copy of the daim and filing the angi- nal of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented with the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representa- tive served or mailed thenotice to the creditor as provided under RCW Robert Herman Curtis 11.40.020 (3); or (2) four Attorney for the Personal months after the date of Representative: Roger W. first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame the claim is forever barred, except as other- wise provided in section 11 of this act and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the dece- dent's probate and non- probate assets. Date of first publication: September 16, 2004 Personal Representative: Boardman (WSBA 4631) Address for Mailing or Se[vice: Roger W. Boardman, Attorney at Law 502 South Columbus Avenue Goldendale, WA 98620 (3806, 3902, 4002) PUBLIC NOTICE Klickitat School District No. 402 Board of Directors has declared the following items sur- plus: 1988 Buick LES 4-door with 163,620 miles Troy Built trimmer/mower, like-new condition Flymo air cushion lawn mower, like-new condition Items can be viewed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday through Fdday. Submit a sealed bid to EO. Box 37, Klickitat, WA 98628 or drop it off at the district office. Please mark the envelope "Bid Enclosed". Bids will be opened at 9:00 a.m. on September 23, 2004 and awarded at the regular board meeting on September 23, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. For more information, please call (509) 369- 4145. (3807) Your Gorge Classified ad also appears in : Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dalles Chronicle; and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record or toll free at • RNN¢IN.I i iii iiii i i i iii? }!ii}ii:i i hll~',~, ,i . il,lr.~Fi,i, ~'~ i i i i i ,,, . ii ,~ .... Experienced Investment MERCHANDISER pert time, 8ENIORPLANNER CHILDMENTAI. Are you the primary care- ANTIQUE SALE, 40%offin Busir~ss Op .portunides---~_ Consultant has opening for servicing local grocery Kltckitat County Planning HF_AI.TH SPECIAI,,BT giver for a loved one? Don't Sept. Old toys, paper col- invesmlertts & Loans---"l:ib Service Assistant P/'T. NO stores with non food items. Dept., Goldendale is ac- forget to take care of your- lectibles, furn. More added !nsurance~0 selling. Must demonstrate The Dallas-Hood River, ceptlng applications for a Mid-Columbia Center for self, tool Evergreen The from our attics. Retiring, Mortgages ~, L;otwacts--rz excl admin. & communlca- must be available early senior Planner to replace a Living is seeking two full- Daises has immediate everything goes. Wind Riv- ... ............... tionskJlls. Typing, momings & have reliable vacant full-time position, time positions to provide short-stay and respite er Trading Post, Carson, (JU~SI~ organized, Submit resume transportation. Duties: performs in both culturally competent end opening on our new Adult WA. Closed Men. ~,~ in person at 308 E. 3rd St, 1-800-287-1504 Ext 706. land use planning & fish appropriate behavioral Day Care Wing. For more 509-427-4766. information or to schedule TheDallss, ~ and wildlife arena,. Per- health services for youth atour, contactEnn, ,~.~. AIR Ouct Cleaning buslnssa, Fast growing constru~.on is taking applications for forms a variety of ed- and families within the 541-993-0030. Rss./Cornm $6500. 509-773- company is looking ;or the position of heavy truck venced professional level System of Care. Will pro- 3290 or 50~256,0927. skilled carpenters, fore- mechanic. Experience with planning duties in support vide counseling end edu- ..... 'men, and Q & A person, air brakes, wiring, etc. Must of county planning efforts, cation; case coordination Caro|yil's ~ HOOD RIVER NEED SUCCESSFUL, Full time, competitive wag- have own tools. Campers- serious people who'd like to es medical in 6 months rive wages. Apply in per- including a coordination of with a wide variety of cam- ANTIQUE SHOW earn an executive level in- Call Brenda at 928-941" son, off Hwy 197 in Dallss- land use application re- munity partners; will work Adult Cal~ ~ Sept 18 & 19 come at horne. 1177 or fax resume to 928- port, WA.EOE. view, updates of compre.- with chlidren and femllles in Sat, 9-5 & Sun l0-4:30 305-1185. henalve plans, ordinance various settings In or out of $1000 sa~dngs on first Appraisal Booth (use passcode255455) ~ ~ updates & providing staff the office. Requires a Mas- month's care rates avail- Hood River ExpoCtr. 11~ Ill Council, Inc. (Head Start) is support for the Planning ter's in psychology, social able until Dec, 1st. 24 hour Free Parking, Adm: $4 currently accepting applt- Commission, Board of Ad- work, or related field and 2 care, 4 locations to serve ~O~Jl~ltT ACCOUNTANT, Columbia info 541-387-3817. . Ir!l~.=~:l Gorge Community College cations for the following IX)- justment and other boards, yrs. exp. in behavioral you. Call today for info & ~ CO~ Business Office. Oversees sitions: Hood RIVe, 1 ~ Researches & analyzes health counseling with chil- tour. 541-298-2556. www. STOVE. Exc cond. $800. Help VVanted~5 expenditures, tracking and Monitor 18 hr/wk. $7.05 par technical date to apply de- dren and families. Expari- 541-387-2955. P~s wanma uu procedures related to fed- hr, 9 me/yr, Psrkdale: t Volunteers .... 82 oral, state and foundation tar Coo~il~tor AA In ECE valopment regulations to ence with eady Interven- (d~ Happy Ads! ........................ 2 Card of Thanks ................. "5 Notices ............................ 10 Events ................... "15 Personals ......................... 20 Support Groups ............. 25 Lost & Found ...................... 30 Job Opportunities """""85 In Home Services""''89 Child Cam Providers'"90 Child Care Wanted """"95 D~aper Services""~-"" 100 15 Events 'The Ticket to a dream job HEY HEY WHAT DO might really be a scam." you say? Let's all dance Government Wildll~ Jobsl the night away. Civic Aud. Great Pay and Benelita The Dallea. 509-773-3379 No Experience NWDSA Buddy walk To protect yourself, call the Federal Trade Commission Sat.. Oct. 16 at the ~Rese Quart~. Can yah hetp? EmaiP, " Sue at NWDSA Mission: Create and nurture a loving and inclusive community celebrating every person with Down Syndrome. 20 Personals ABORTION? WHY? CONSIDER ADOPTION Warm, secure, loving home available for newborn baby. Please call attorney at 1.80~.4411. A-977 PREGNANT? Need help? Call Pregnancy Resource Center at 773-5501. Free pregnancy testing. 25Support ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) Support Group- Goldendale; meet Mon- days, 6:30 p,m. 124 W. Al- lyn-Street. For more info call 773-4428. AL-ANON-115 - -E M~ Goldendate Senior Center Thursdays, 6 p.m. 773,..6420. toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or ",4sit wv,* A Public ~rvlce Msssage from The Dallas Chronicle and Frc, AmeriCas is the nations largest propane gas com- pany, looking for an ex- tremely competent, ener- getic and team-oriented ddver, who demonstrates strong sales and customer service experience. Indi- vidual must be able to work independently and also demonstrate an excellent working relationship with his or her co-workers. Must have CDL w/Class B, Haz- mat endorsement, DMV printout. Competitive salary and benefits package in- cluding 401(k) and tuition assistance. Please forward your resume, qualifications or apply in person to: Am- ericas Propane #5233, Hood River/The Dallas, 747 W. 2nd St., The Dalles, OR. 541-298-2111. Arsmark Correctional sarvlcam is accepting applications for Cook Supervisor. Send or fax resume or applica- tion to 201 Webber Rd, The Dallas. 541-506-2905. Offers competitive wages & ................. benefits. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Wamic Group, Tues.(open) AUTO SALES 7pro @ Wamic Church. CONSULTANT ALCOHOLICS Anon. Gold- Apply in person to: endale meetings at the Gary Gdffdh United Methodist Church; Cliff Smllh Motors Men., 8 pro.; Wed., 8 p,m.; 3100W. Casoade Avenue, grants and contracts for the college. Performs complex accounting activities re- quldng the selection and broad use of generally ac- cepted accounting princi- ples and standards, finan- cial analysis and prooe. dures relation to major pro- gram areas. May act as lead worker over assigned staff in major program are- as. Noqulremerd=: B.S. in Accounting, Finance, Busi- ness Administration or re- required 40 hr/wk. $2126 per too. 10 too/yr. 1 Bue Ilkmitor 9 hr/wk. $7,05 par hr. 9 me/yr. Applications will be accepted until noon September 20, 2004. Ap plications and job descrip- tions may be picked up at the OR or WA employment offices and should be mailed to Mid-Columbia Children's Council, Inc., 1100 E. Marina Way, Suite 215, Hood River, OR 97031. EOE pass criminal background and credit check, and be bondable. Request appli- cation packet from Presi- dent's Office, Columbia Gorge Community College, 400 East Scenlc Drive, The Dalles, OR. 97058. 541- cg¢c.oJ, EOE Hair stylist needed for an- ergetic, busy salon. Needs enthusiastic hair styttst. We offer competitive commis- sions, paid vacation, ben- efit packages, in salon training. Monthly contests & more. If this sounds like what you are looking for, call Dienne at 541-386- 9449 or on my cell et 541-490.4994. c~ dNo~ baam~l=,WA ~PART ~ ADVISOR yr, Benefits. White Salmon: 1 Chitd Care Assistant 10 hr/ wk, $8.53 per hr. Applica- tions will be accepted until noon September 27,2004. Applications and job de- scdptions may be picked up at the OR or WA em- ployment offices or contact Mid-Columbla Chlldren'a Council at 541-386-2010. Applications should be mailed to Mid.Columbia Children's Council, Inc., 1100 E. Madne Way, Suite 215, HoodRiver, OR 97031. EOE Need Ucensed Journey. man Plumber. Send re- sume to PO Box 984, The Dallas, OR. 97055. ==epUng for Pwt to Full time CAKE DECORATOR. Apply in per- son at R~au~rs, 18117 12th St, Hned RI~r, OR. oi~ y=ur heat complex and/or highly sen- sitive development, con- struction & land use Issues. Conducts short term & long range planning programs & project=. Excellent benefit package. Annual starting salary: $38,209-$42,182 DOQ. Applications at or e-rr~ Fri,, 8 pro,, 109 E. Broad- way. 1-800-999-9210, Crystal Meth-/kn-ony- -m0u~s "Survivors". Fri 8-9pm, 401 E. 10th, Unit Recovery Foundation, The Dallas. DEMEMTIA SUPPORT GROUP Friends, family & caregiv- ors of people affected with Dementias. 2rid Wed. of every month. 10-11am. Oregon Veteran's Home. Public is welcome. For info cell 541-296-7190. TOPS. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Tuesdays 8:30 a.m, to 10 at Riverview Comm. Bank. 773-0456, T.o.P.s ("rake off l~ounds Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 p.m. at Riverview Comm. Bank. 773-5301. Women's Cancer Support group. Open to all women with cancer. Come join us the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Celilo Cancer Center. For more info con- tact: Lyn at 296-7205, 30 Lost& Fou $700 REWARDI 509-637-0661 For return of white card- board box confining tax records, Hot Wheel cars, Johnny Lightening car & old car books, Lost in the area of Bates Road, White Salmon, Wash. about a month ago. $700 REWARDI 509-637-0661 INSTRUCTION & Preschools ................ 35 Schocts/Training ....... '40 Tutonng ............. "'"45 InstnJction .......... 50 Health & Fitness ....... 55 tion, play therapy, end/or working with co-occuring disorders preferred. Must have Oregon State lice~ sure (LCSW or LPC) or have the ability to obtain li- censure within one year of hire. Must be computer lit- erate and able to type for use of automated clinical record system. Bilingual (Spanish/Engtish) pre- KIIckttat County Personnel ferred. Travel required. Department, 509-773- Salary: $3,335-4,054/mo. 7171, 205 S. Columbus, Contact Sheleen et 541- 296-5452 for an application packet. Clem ~N/04. EOE/ to offer the following new 11ELEMARI~=TER position: N. Bonneville, business to Therepist/COMHP (County business, exp. preferred, Designated Mental Health P/T to start, ref~ required, Professional) This position pay DOE. Kristi 509-.427- is responsible for assess- 7232 OR866--261-7609. ing client=' needs, devel- oping service/treatment plans, and providing thera- py and County designated "BomtoFk~" Mental Health Professional Fourth-grade boy: Looking Services. Must be able to for someone to epend qual- work the on-cell schedule, ity time with. Loves the out- Three days will be et our doors and fishing. Looking White Salmon site and two for e "Big Brother" who is days will be et our Golden- stable, but can be a lot of dale site, this Is flexible on fun. Lives in WmK;O which days will be spent at County. If you ere interest- each site. Master's degree ed in a fellow nature lover in psychology, so~l work or dosety related clinical field required, expederme preferred. Relocation as- • ~mce available. Please call 509-575-3894 to request en application. Please include resume when returning your appli- ce~on. ADNEOE. 15 - 20 Hrs per week. Be- Bear.est.' ginning Wage $18.00thr, ~ TRUCK DRIVER for North DOE. Individual must have We have openings In Kilck. Central Oregon based bulk good written and oral aldlls ~ Wne¢o, Hood River and oommodities hauler, re- and have some planning ~ CouMi~. If you like quires overnight stays. experience or related field, working with teens, you Must have dess A CDL wl Be familiar with ordinance oould make e difference as administration. Able to re- • Foster Parent. The Next air brakes, HAZMAT, & view site & building plans. Door provides free training, doubles endorsement, Hood River, OR Prepare formal reports to ¢~,tiftcetion, 24 hour on-cell dean ddvlng record, re- Planning Commission, City support, time off, and quire== minimum 2 years AUTO SlERVlCE ATTENDANT Coundl and work closely $1200-$2000 par month ~a~io~.2-5300f°rm°re driving experience. Seue- Reliable person required with staff. Administer taxfree. for busy Hood River deal- Shoreline Master Program, Call Heldl Seymour today at ership. Requires valid driv- Comprehensive Plan, Zon- ~ x4t4 for mole In- ors license and clean ing Ordinances and permit record. Start immediately, application processing. Apply in person to Pennia SEPA, NEPA and EIS ex- Cosens at Cliff Sm~ Motors, 3100 W. Cascade St, Hood River, OR parlance a .p~s. Attend 2 evening meetings par month. Maintain good com- puter skills. Insure all legal required public notices, hearing and permit proce- dures are adhered to. Maintain comprehensive public reoorcls. Submit ep pllcetion and resume with references to City of North Bonneville, P O Box 7, N. Bonneville, WA, 98639. Ap- plications are available at City Hall in N. Bonneville, WA, M-F, 8am to 5pro. (509)427-8182. Applica- tions with resumes must be received by 5 pm Septem- ber 28, 2004. Journeyman Level & I~, Mu= have ~. ~ resurns to: P.O, ~ e4, Kkk~ wA.gN2e or fax to # 60S~leS~STE ~AMSl"ANT Pert-time, 18.5 hrs/wk. Pro- vides e variety of services primarily to children end young adults end profes- sional work specific to li- brary operations. gual, Spanish/English pre- ferred. $10.28/hour. Appli. cents must submit e Hood River County application by 4:00 p.m. September 29, 2004. Request job pocket through the Hood Rtver County Administration, 601 State Street, Hood River, OR 97031 or fax # 541- 386-9392, Hood River County Is an EOE. ~AN0 On (~ Faml We're seeking a careful person to help tend 50 ac. In ~ someone who communlcates well w/farm Owners, can be frlendty but firm with e crow, attentive ~ & s~l, tlex~e, deper v k, end moUvetod. Good Span sssen~. Vaded respon~bl,Use, w/greet 9-12 mceJyr. To apply, 541-490-5249. Our orgentzatkm repre- sense major Fortune 500 Companies and requires shoppem in Goldendele and Blngen to evaluate Restaurants and Retail Stores NO FEES TO PAYI Apply online at W~N#,~,¢Oflrt The ticket to a dream job might be e aeam ~Pm~J~! Nor=p** = Don't pay for information about jobs with the Postal Service or federal govern- ment. Call the Federal Trade Commi~ion tell free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit www.ftc.gev to Isem more. A pubti¢ sslvl~ mne=~lO 11~ Dall~ Cl~lda lad kFrC. 'trek Ddv0r, year found, MI Ume, oporait~li In the NW re- glo~. ~, 9sad driving m(~rd, 2 ym up. m- qulmd. BeMfi~ +. 14100-54t- 220t or $~,71~41111 BOB STONE FREEWAY AUTOCENTER Has opening for experi- enced Auto Detailer. Apply to Terry Holzman, 541-296-2150. CDL Ddver with passenger endorse- ment needed. PT, Flexible hours. $10/hr. Apply tn par- son, 102 Oak, Hood River. that will keep you young call 541-298-2173, in Hood River call Ted st 541-386- 5565, ext 200. 6 year old boy: Looking for a "Big Brother" who will teach me how to fix things just like my Peppy. Colorful personality; not afraid to ask queations; will make you leughl Looking for someone who is stable, but loves to have fun. Can't walt any longer for a "Big Brother." Please call 54% 296.21T3 Bi0 B~l~I/==m =fb Construction Manager Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital is seeking an experienced Construction Manager. This is a full time TEMPORARY position, projected to end 12/31/2005. Must have knowledge and experience with the UBC, NFPA, JCAHO, ADA, UFC, state and local codes. Must have and maintain a valid driver's license. Must have a working knowledge and understandin~ of all trades, blue prints and schematics wtth an emphasis on structural, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems. Must have knowledge of Life Safety Systems and current construction practices within a health care setting. Associate Degree in Engineering preferred. Minimum of 3 years experience in the man- agement of construction projects with at least 3 years in the management of construction projects in a health care setting. We offer an attractive salary and great bene- fit package. Please apply on-line at www.Providence.or~/employment For more information call (541) 387-6453 EOE [ caring difference you ten feel C]ass ed. d Deadlme Call or bring Into The Sentinel by noon Mondap 509-778-8777 COW~JNITY CORRECTIONS COUNSELOB il Hood River County Parole and Probation. Applicants must possess a current DPSST Certification and current work experience in parole and probation. Ap- plicants must complete Hood River County appli- cation. Obtain job packet and return application to Hood River County Ad- ministration, 601 State Street, Hood River, OR 97031. Fax # 541-396- 9392. Application deadline 4;00 p.m. October 7,2004. Hood River County iS EOE. Concrete form setter/fin- isher. Wage DOE, 541. 386-4185 leave meg. COOK FT/PT position in Hood River. Exp. necessary. Fax resume to 541-386.1203. DOWNTOWN Mini Mart is taking applications for cashier. Part time, nights & weekends are a must. Ap ply in person 806 E 2rid SL Car POOls """"--'110 Tic,eta '"'''115 TravelS120 Free-for..all "'""""'~ 122 STERNWHEELER SHIP TICKET. 1 adult Excursion Cruise ticket for sale. Paid $20. Sell for $15 firm. Expiration: 6/30/05. Ask for Tammy 360-834- Auctions ""'"""" 125 Hood River """"" 126 The Oalles """"'"127 White Salmon/Bingen "'128 Odell --"''''" 129 Garage/Yard 8ales ''130 O~er Oregon Cities ""131 Perkdele ....................................... 132 Cook/Underwood "'133 Other Wssh.~gt~ Cll~s~ 134 Goldend~e "'''" 135 Camas .............................. 136 Washougal '"'--" 137 Vancouver ~138 Bazaers/Fk~a Markets ""139 AnUques & Coilec~blss 'm''='~140 Jewelry '''--"--'145 Apparel ....................................... 150 Furniture ~156 Appliances .................................. 160 Home Electronk~ '"-- 155 comoutm ...... tT0 .......................... 175 Cameras& Photo Sup~ "--"'--18O Rrowood & Stovss-'--'185 HCt Tubs, Spss, Sw~lng Pools "'"'190 Goods-------185 Exercme Equcment---"250 Sellboar~ & A~"~ Art & Lelsure "'-"~ 10 Musical Instruments "'215 Lawn, Garden & F.qu~ment -----"""220 Bu~ Mmr~s "--"--'225 T~mber Buy/sell"--'-"--226 Hand & Power Tools ""230 Mt~e~meous Equipment "--'--"--"Z35 Heath Care -----------238 Arts, Crafts & HotYotss"'240 Baby Items "'"'250 Hair cara& "----''255 Books'"----"260 Office Equ~xnsnt------'285 Restaurant Equipment ""270 Miscalkmsous Wanted _80 Free/Give Away "--""'282 Swaps & Tredes---'-'285 A $149 FULL SET k Double pillowtop. Brand new, still In plastic, full warranty. Lists $479; will sacrifice, can deliver. 503-612-8596. A $229 KING SET • Dbl, ~nlliowtop. Brand new, still plastic. Full warranty. Can deliver. 503-612.-8596. 11 pl .e£e ~ BRAND NEW A Cherry Wood Dining Set, Hand crafted quality. Co~ deliver. 503-612-8596. 7 piece CHERRY WOOD brand new txtlm. set. All hardwood construction. Cost $4250. h Will sell $1275. A Can deliver. 503-612-8596. CAPTAIN'S bed w/2nd pull- out bed. 2 mattresses, Nor- wegian birch, 4 storage drawers. Nearly new. $100. 503-789-4260 in Parkdele. COLONIAL table set w/four chairs. Good cond. $50. 509-493-1037 COMPUTER DESK. Large, nice, w/shelves & file draw- er. $95. 541-386-7233. COUCH Custom designed. 9' wide, curved, 2-section, muted colors. Exc. cond. $250. 541-352-4188 GENUINE ITALIAN NEW LEATHER just in from Italyl $1975. Can deliver. 503-612-8596, HIDE-A-BED w/2 matching recliners, $75. RECLINER, $20. (6) PRESSBACK dining room chairs, $200. 541-386-2868. King s|ze bed. $25. 541400-9571. KING SIZE BED AND FRAME. Clean. Exc cond. $100. 541-354-1479. Round oak table, 42~. with pedestal. $75. 54 1 478-3456. Simmons/BeautiRest mat- tress & box spdngs, Full ~ze. $100. 541-386-8211. TWIN box spring & mattress. Barely used, excellent con- dillon. $50. 509.493-2351 Walnut four poster bed frame. $75. 541-296-9596. A $169 QUEEN SET ~- Aiso=~ $150. yard. 4 mova ' (2} Dbl. pillowtop. Brand new, still In plastic. $450, Full warranty. Can deliver. 503-612-8595.6pro. CITY ABBREVIATIONS For the convenience of our readers & advertisers the following city abbreviations will be used to Identify garage & yard sales in the Columbia Gorge (all others will be spelled out): HR--HOOd River. 1"0--The Daises. PK--Parkdale. We-- Whim Salmon. TL--Trout Lake. CL--Cascade Locks. NB--North Bonneville. GOL0--Goldendale. WaHGL. .Wsshougel. A Gond ~doetion of W/D starting ~ $79. Refddgs start- Ing ~ $t59. Come by CoL Gorge 2nd Hand a 413 E 2nd or cell 541-296.4800. DRYER, works great. $60. 54%296-5772 FRIGIDAIRE heavy duty dry- er. Good condition. $50. 509-493-2501 FRIGIDAIRE side-by-side w/ice/water maker in door, 25.6 cu. ft., all wht. 2-3 yrs. old. $475. 503-740-2231 call or 380-833-8480. FREE. HOT POINT dish- washer. White. Runs. 541- 386-9226. Rebuilt Appliances, mason- able pdc~. 90 day warranty. 541-2il6.79il9, CASCADE LOCKS BENEFIT ASSOC. Annual Christmas Bazaar Nov. 131h, 9-5 Looldrlg For C~ Handcrafted Items only. $15 per table. Anyone interested should contact Tiffany 541-374-2168 Tu .-S or y VENDORS/CRAJ=TERS WANTED 9th Annual Liberty BIbin Cr~ Bazaar, Sat,, Nov, 20, 2004. Heather 360-954-5100. SEARS KENMORE Wash- er & dryer. Good cond. $150. 541-352-9317. ZENITH cabinet "IV. U- haul. $1. 541-296-3844 mill'