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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 19, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 19, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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September 19, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington Page Three Or. Taleott, of Wahkiacus, w*a,s business visitor M,on- Tiederman, police chief, of was a Goldendale business FTida.y. and Mrs. Wa~lter Wilkie, of ,Sahnon were in ~oldendale on Friday. ~r. and Mrs. C. Martin, of San were guests at the F. L. home last week. Mrs. is a niece of Mr. Bridgefarm- Oregon Journal delivered to home or at 0onfectionar¥ stores Al|ison's Pharmacy. George Lay- agont, tf~ PHONE 52 Sept. 20-21 Cartoon---"Swing Social" Travelogue--"Calling on Columbia" Sept. 22-23 Sept. 24 with Hall - Frances Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Levi Austin, of Bick- leton, were in Goldendale on business Friday. Peanut brittle, divinity, a,t t'he candy school, September 27th. 2t-- Mr. and Mrs. James Powell, of Hartl,~nd, were in Goldendale on busi- ness Friday. ~Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCoy, of Hart- land, were in Goldendale on business Friday. Get your winter briquets now and save $1.00 per ton, McKenzie H~xd- ware Co. 1t-- Mr. and M:rs. Frank Fenton left ,Mr. and Mrs. Gene Walker and daughter, Wilma Jean, left Sunday for a week's vacati~on ill Idaho). JMr. e.nd Mrs. E;arl Baker have mov- ed into the Layman apartments on Columbus avenue. English Toffee, Mexican Pinoche at Candy School, Womans clubhouse, Sept. 27th, 2 and 7:30 p.m. 2t-- Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Robinson and family, of Klickitat, were Goldendale visitors Saturday. Daryl Spalding spent the past week in Everett visiting with his brother, Jimmy Spca.lding. M. D. Greenfield, .of Klickitat, was in Goldendale on business Saturday. Mr. and Mgs. Wesley Rasmussen were Goldendale business visitors Sat u rd,a.y. Sunday for I,owa and Kansas, where[ ,Get your winter briquets now and they will spend a week or more vis-[save $1.00 per ton, M,eKenzie ~o, rd- iting with relatives, ware Co. lt-- iMrs. Ernest Counts and son,Bud, I Boh lZrauspe spent Thursday in of Crofton Prairie, this week moved]Wishram with his father, Max into the Bertha Brazelton residence]Krauspe, and family. on west A street. I Mr. and M~rs. Ha-old Milby and Chocolate Creams and Dollar I son, Ronald, of The Dalles, spent Mints at Candy School, Sept. 27, 2t-- ] Sunday in Goldendale visiting with iler mother, Mrs. Mary Spoon. John R. M!cEwen, &oldendale at- torney, left Saturday for Iowa on a two week's business trip. Mrs. I. J. D~'ury who was taken to the St. Elizabeth's hospital in Yaki- ma a week ago Tuesday for treat ment, is reported to be getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Henderson and d~.ughter, Roma Hapfe and two chil- dren, of Vancouver, were in Golden- dale visiting with friends. Harmon H. Hooker filed suit for divo,rce fronl O,]ive R. I{ookel: in superior court here last week. Dr. William H. West announced Dr. and Mrs. George I~.arvey mov- ed from the Darch house on West Broadway into the Pierce house on West Court street• John A. Sanders, Republican nom- inee for county commissioner from Roosevelt, was in Goldendale on busi- ness Saturday. Mrs. Ruth Dreskel and two sons and a daughter of C~a.kl.and, Calif., spent Sunday at the H. W. Bates home. This is the first time Mrs. Dreskel and Mrs. Bates have seen l each other in 41 years. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Korevaar have moved into the house on 124 East C street formerly occupied by Mr. and ! Get your winter briquets nowand iKLICKITAT STUDENTS save $1.00 per ton, M,cKenzie H~a,rd-/ LEAVE FOR COLLEGE ware Co. it--/ --------" ~Frank McNulty, of Centralia, spent[ K L[~KrrAT, --~eptem~er 16- the first of the week in Goldendab IHelto folks--- You'd hardly kno~v us as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alfre( /now with the paint and varnish in White. Ruth H,uber received a final decree of divorce from ,Fred Huber in su'0er- ior court this week. Judge Howard J. 2Ltwell signed the decree. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Nickerson and Mr. and Mrs. George Nickerson plan to Thursday for Seatle where they will attend the special dealers showing o'f the new Ford car. They also plan to attend the Western Washington fair at Puyallup. Miss Ehnina White, assistant st,ate director of the farm extension ser- vice, was in ~oldendale on business early this week. ,Mr. and Mrs. E. "C. Allison, jr., left ;Sunday oil a week's vacation trip to the Olympic peninsula. They plan to return Sunday evening 0~ :his week. Judge I~oward J. Atwell was in ]oldendale for the court session this week. This is his last official ap- )earance in the Klickitat county court until January. Judge J. E. Stone will take over the county superior court duties through Octo- ber, November and December. Pearl J. Proper was granted an interlocutory decree of divorce from Perry Proper by Judge Howard J. Atwell Tuesday. Miss Josephine ~'oster left M~onday for Washburn, Illinois, to spend a month or six weeks visiting relatives and ~riends. Miss Amye MeKee, county nurse, returned this week from a two week's vacation spent in Wenatchee and our hair. We've been doing 6ome decorating- it seems to be in the air, the post office has Ibsen arranged differently and is getting a new floor and some varnish and paint. One of our cibizens remarked that .it i l~oks more like a Posit Office now- Bryant Robertson was accepted by the ,Coast Guard and will be leaving Klickitat .soon. Mrs. Rodney Blanchard has re- covered from a slight "illness. Mrs. Stanley Coolidge has also recovered from her Long selge of illness. A nuraber of Kldckitat's younger fry are leaving for their various col- leges this week. Margaret Land- grail, Zada Magee, Louise Sch~nidt, Norman Hallyburton, and Jeff Len- non are among the youngsters coll- ege bound. Mrs. Pete Durkee of Gilchrist, Ore- gon has ~been spending a visit of several weeks in KMckitat with her mother-in-law, Mrs. J. B. Durkee, and her sister Mrs. Cliff Sager. Miss Madeline ,Southmayd form- erly of Klickitat is working for a b~g candy company in M~lwaukie, Wisconsin as receptionist and typist. We have .been urged to remind those Klickitat residents who have r~ot as yet registered tha~ the regis- tration books.are open for registra- tion from Septem~ber 11, until Octo- ,ber 19. We were also asked to urge every one to make use of his right to vote, since in these turbulent times of falling democracies and ~ising dicta,torships it is necessary Mrs. L. L. Case. Mr. and Mrs. Case have moved into the McGuire resi- dence o,t 414 rSouth Columbus. Miss Dorothy Wi, lson, who was a primary teacher at Centerville for the past two years, is now an in- structor in the Seattle school system. ~She is toa,ching the second grade in the Mountain View school in Seattle. The Seattle P-I delivered to your home or at McKee's Pharmacy or call Harold Weiss, agent, tf DANCE WHITE CIiEEK GRANGE HALL SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 Sunnyside Music. Midnight Supper RECAPS Buy guaranteed O. K. Tread Tires and save money which will lighten the load that is weighing so heavily upon everyones shoulders Sept. 25-26 tinder present (lay conditions. - Regardless, however, of the -feature ! foreign and international sit,- alien, you can go on enjoying first line new tire comfort and mil ge by having your tires inspected, recapped and re- paired by the O.K. Rubber Welders. SERVICE ... NEW TIRE MILEAGE . . • ECONOMY .... Lew Ayres ALL ADD UP TO . . . in Fleecing" O. K. TIRE WELD RAY MINER, Proprietor Here Comes the Biggest Event of the Year!! WASHINGTON September 4 New . . . Modem . . . Streamlined . . • Unusm~l Grandstand Acts . . • A Thousand and One New Features . . Mammoth Agricultural Displays from the World's ~reatest Agricultural Counties .~.. Factory I}emonstratioms . . . Livestock Champions Night tn Parade . . . Don't Miss a Day! At State Fairgrounds in Yakima today that his office will be closed[Seattle" Wednesday for the balance of thtl Dean Gillenwaters was in Klickitat week. While the office is closed •] this week and last doing plumbing will be entirely redecorated, an$ cement work. V¢. F. Ludlunl, of Wahkiacus, was Jack Jackson Thursday morning in Goldendale on business Monday. of l* week received a telegram an- Z. O. Brooks was in White Salmon nouncing that his mother had died .on business Monday of this,week. Charles' Spoon, of Hoquiam, spent the past weekend in ,~oldendale vis- iting with his mother, Mrs. ~Mary Spoon. He is a control la'b chemist at the Rayonier pulp mill plant in Hoquiam. Olin Spoon, who is work- ing in PortM.nd in an electric shop that is radio.compasses made the trip to Goldendale with :him. Among [hose from Klickitat coun- ty listed by the Washington State Progress Commission as recent vis- itors at the San Francisco world's fair were: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ~R. Mc- I)owell, of Goldendale; Mrs, Albert Gotfredson and Harriet C~otfredson, of Bickleton. Taffy and Cocoa.nut Sqt}ares at the Candy School, ~Sept. 27, 2 and 7:30 p. m. Admission 25.:cents. 2t-- ,Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Ward have • moved into t'he residence on 415 East MvMn street, f.ormerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Crede W~tson. Watson's~ have moved int~o the Carl Grending residence on ,East ,Main. Mr. and Mrs. Grend~ng have moved to Sunny- side. Mr. Grending resigned his posi- tion in the Pioneer State Bank to accept a position with the Mayer[ Spray company. Captain Glenn P. Nell, command- lng officer at Cam • " p Goldendale, andI his f~.mily moved into the BlgbyI apartments last week. Captain Nell! £ormerly commanded a three comp- any setup at Wikiup and Redmond, Ore., which was the largest C,~C or- ganization in the United St~.tes. Cap- tain and Mrs. Nell are the parents of a small son named Larry. The Portland Oregonian avallabls from Frederick Ol tmanns. Call ~ono 434 for daily delivery to your own home in town or at Confectionery stores, tf to protect and beautify--NOW! New paint not only brightens the appearance of your home, but pro,tects the wood a,gainst sun, rain and snow. Fall is the season to paint! Check your needs and come to us! T PAINTS and SUPPLIES Z. e. Goldendale's EXPERT PAINTER PAPER HANGER at Mound City, Kansas. Mrs. Everett Davidson is a daughter of the deceas- ed, Harry Jackson a son and J. L. Burke, of Centerville, is a brother. Le,a.rn Popular Music by the short and easy method, The Miracle Series. Demonstration gladly given without obligatton.---~Mrs. P. j. Sleeper, phone 1203. 382 Loren Triplett, of White Sahnon, Den~ocratic nominee for first district conImissioner, was in Goldendale on business Tuesday. Mrs. Etta ,Curtis and Mrs. Ray Egashira, of Wishram, were business visitors in C~oldendale Tuesday. D,anny Seitzinger left Sunday for Seattle where he will enroll for the fall quarter at' the University of Washington. He made the trip to 'Seattle with Charles Davis. George Klein this week purchased the Ferd ~Holter residence on Broad- way. Earl S'. Coe, ,of Bingen, Democratic n.ominee for state senator, was in Croldendale on business Tuesday. A. M. M atsen, county commission- er froni Bickleton, attended the board session in Gotdendale Tuesday. Jack Dressel is in Missoula, Mont., this week v~cationing and visiting with relatives. Students w'ho left for Washington ~tate Col,lege this week included Harold Hill, tMarguerite Lawson, Jean Sleeper, June Hector and Elsie Seibold. Chester Hill and John Hector drove to ,P~allman with the students. Wa.lter Goodwin, 28, of Cascade Locks, Oregon, and Ethel Adams, 18, of Ho~d River, were issued a mar- riage license in Goldendale Sept. 14. Miss Virginia VanH, oy, queen of the recent Goldendale Jamboree, was listed as one of the pledges to Kappa Delt~ sorority at Washington State (~ollege. ,Miss VanHoy is a sopho- more at the State C~)llege. F~r Fuller Brushes phone 773. 3t Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Berglund, of Wuhkiacus, were in Goldendale on business Tuesday. Bill Nye was in Portland last week on business. Nye was the winner of the saddle horse given away by the Jamboree commi~ttee at a drawing held *].t ~he Sunday show at the rodeo grounds. !Mrs. George Av.ery, of Nebraska, is in ~oldendale visiting with rela- .tives. :She is a sister of C. W., Otis and I~omer Morgan of this commun- ity. Mrs. Juii~ Wilson accompanied by her grandson, Ernie Wilson, of,'I~ort- land, left Sunday for M ontan~, where they will spend a month visiting with relatives. M~rs. ,Wilson's sons, Charlie and Clyde, live in M~ntana. Charlie Wilson pu~blishes a weekly newspap- er in CeI~tr~l Montan~ and Clyde Wilson Hves near Miles City. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ferry return- ed Sunday from"a month's vacation trip to the 2~tlan:tic coast. They vis- aed with ~Mr. ,Y~orry's father and oth- er relatives in Hershey, Penn., and d~ove on to Now York Pity, Wash- ingbon, and )other ,tilast Coast and Mid-Western cries. Enroute home they saw the Pendleton Round-up. that ~ve as a nation demonstrate our faith in our form of government by marching to the polls and selecting the men we think 'beet suited to ad- minster our govern~ment. Phillip Raboin gwve an organ con- cert in Wh,ite galmon Sunday after- noon on Bernard P~llard's new Ham- mond electric organ. Guests from White ,Salmon, Washouga,l and Longview attended. lear Person passed away at 4:30 a.m. Friday a,t the home of his son Al~bin Bergland after an illness that lasted less than two weeks. Mr. Per- son was 85 years of age. Deepest sympathy is extended to the bereav- ed family. Dr. Backman and Klickitat's AI Henry were nominated on the demo- cra,tic ticket for state representa- tives from this district. Oscar Lehto injured his mouth and loosened several teeth in an ac- cident that occurred in the dry kilns last week. Mrs. Lesi,ie MacKenzie and her two children have been visiting with Mrs. MacKenzie's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mlllsap. Mrs. Larry Sharpe and Mrs. Rex Cooke entertained 4_3 persons at a bridal sh,ower in honor of Inez Drex- el, Thursday evening in the club room. Both ,pinochle and bridge were played. Mrs. Herman Wickman w, on first prize in bridge and Ahna Bennett ~von pinochle first prize. Mrs. B(~b Hally.burton received the pinochle consolation prize and Miss Louise Hally~burton received the bridge consolation prize. Inez re- ceived ~,~ many beautiful gifts, a number of lovely towels, sere., pieces of pyrex ware, two bed spreads and even a can opener. The only th,ing that she really needed a,nd didn't receive was a nice big truck to take all her ,presents home in. The hostesses served ice cream and ice box cookies. The tee cream was so delicious that one extremely courageous lady ate three dishes! [~enry .received ~n invitation Saturday from the State Grange ~o speak at the state fair at Richland, Washington, Friday, *September 20. Mrs. Martin Millsap and Mrs. Dede Schmutzer entertained twenty guests at 'the home ,of Mrs. Martin Millsap, a stork shower in honor of' Mrs. Lyle T~bin Wednesday evening. Jumbled Names a,nd Flea were play- ed ~ith .Mrs. Jack Tobln, Mrs. John Huffman, Miss Lois Jaekel and Mrs. Babcock prize winners. The guest of hon.~)r received a number of love- WILSON BROS ..... ARROW .... BLOCK BILT And other Nationally Advertised Lines LONG SLEEVE :)R1 SHII Convertible collar . . . fine gaberdine in the new fall shades. Select from a large stock of this seasons most popular styles. Priced from i.50 to 3.95 SWEATERS and SPORT JACKET Sweaters in every possible style. Leather trim Sports Jackets with Zipper, Suede Cloth and other popular materials. Priced from 2.95 to 10.00 | " "'" "'"';:': "" ": "*"" +:':':':':':+:': :':':'::;;::::+:" I I NEW FALL SL2 ZKS Made by a firm known, for fine fabrics and expert workmanship. Fine all-wool Whipcord, Gaberdine, Cov- erts and Worsteds. Here you will find your size and the color you've been look- ing for. 4.95 to 9.95 @ | The first meeting ,of the year for Wilson Implemer~t company this the Wauna club will be held Men-I week is-showing a new 1941 Ply- i' day, Septen~ber 23 at 8:00 p. m. in imouth. This is the first showing of the clubroom. ,Mrs. Allen Mc]~wen]the new model Plymou,th in Crolden- and Mrs. Martin Millsap, service dale this season. committee, are to be hostesses. The Read and Use The Sentinel Want first meeting in every year has al- Ads. They get results, tf ways been particularly devoted to Mr. and Mrs. Voter for the making the acquaintance of new comers in our community, so all y,oung xvomen between the ages of 16 and 30 are cordially invited to attend. A special program has 'been arranged and promises to be most Interesting. The fine arts chairman and program committee will have a pleasan~t surprise for all members.~ Don't forget Monday the 23rd-- there will be lots of fun for .every- one. In the absence of Mrs. Alfred Boysen, club reporter, who is con- valescing at her parents' home in Goldendale, another club member is pinch-hitting for her, and en behalf of the Wauna club, hopes she will soon be back with us. Mickey. ,H Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thompson and ly and useful gif.ts. • daughter returned Wednesday ev- Mr. Magee's big new gas ice truck en, tng from a trip ~to Alberta and wa~ tiredly damaged when Herman S~sketehewan, Canada. They travel- aSChmutzerditch nearWaS~ingenf°rcedtot°av~ddriVea intOcol, ed 3,000 miles on their trip. lision With anbther truck, Monday. complimentary vote in the Mr. Schmutzer was badly shaken up but otherwise uninjured. Sundey, Klickttat's male popula- tion left in masse toshare in the btitzkrieg on :bird~. Mrs. Cecil M.cGinsey and Mt~s Stevens from Charlette, North Car- olina, also Mr. and /Mrs. Rufus Eck- erson and three sons vf Oorvallis, Oregon are visiting at the Hall~bur- ton home. ~iss ESther J)inger underwent a t~nsilectomy at the Klicldtat hospi- tal Thursday. Ralph Hally~burton is in the Klick- ltat hespttal ill, a~d" Mrs. I~mer ttutchins is ill. Miss Ma~Ane Miracle is also on the sick list. primary. I now solicit the united vote of Klickitat county for State Senator. FIRST BIG GAME OF THE YEAR! DALLES HIGH SCHOOL vs. MILWAUKIE HIGH SCHOOL Amaton Field... The Dalles SEPTEMBER 20 -. 8 p. m. Last Public Appearance of Co. H, 186 Infantry, before leav- ing for year's training. BOOSTER GIRLS DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS Benefit Kiwanis Club Fund for Underpriviledged Children Adults 50c