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September 19, 1940
THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington
Page Seven
of Hearing Final Account and
Report and Petition for
~o'. P. 2118
~uperior Cou r,t of the State of
ton for Klickitat County.
In Probate
the mabter of the estate of
H. Coleman, Deceased.
is ~hereby given that
Catherine Coleman, ,the execu-
of the estate of Augustus H.
deceased, has rendered and
for settlement to, and filed
the clerk of the Superior Court
co,unty and st~a.te her final ac-
and report and petition for
bution as such executrix; and
Tuesday the 15ith day of Octo-
194,0, at 10 ,o'clock a. m., at
eou~t ~oom of our said Superior
a't G~oldendale, in s~id county,
duly ~ppointed by our Su-
Court for ,t~he settlement of
accoun.t, at which time the
is asked ,to settle such report,
the ~roperty to the heirs
entitled to the same and
discharge the executrix•
WJ~NEJSS, The Hon. J. E. Stone,
Judge of the said Superior Court,
and the seal of said ,Cou~t affixed
this 13th day of September, 1940.
R. M. SPOON, County Clerk and
.Clerk of the Superior Court.
McEWEN & BP~C~OICS, Attorneys for
l~state, C~oldendale, Washington.
Sept 19-Oct 10-4t--
Notice of Hearing Petition for I)e-
termination of Heirs, Distribution
of Property to the person entitl.
ed thereto and to Determine
Inheritance Tax
N,o. P~ 2153
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington for Klickitat County.
In the nm.~ter of the estate of
Wi, lllam Wallace Duryee, Deceas-
Bessie Duryee, executrix of the above
entitled estate, has filed in the office
of .the clerk of said court her peti-
tion asking ~he court to distribute
the property of said estate t.o the
)arson entitled thereto, to determine
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• State k
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State Cons| itu to:
Whom It May Concern: •
In obedience to the State Constitution, and the several Joint Resolu-
~s of the State Legisl~ture hereinafter referred to, there is hereby
}lished for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington~
ee proposed amendments to the constitution of the said state, as fol-
~ATZ JOINT RESOLUTIOI~ NO. 1 in addition to the amount invested in euch
r~a 1| ReeoZ~e~ By the Senate and the sn~e~, legislature may provide that stock:
of Representatives o~ .~r~e oxholders of banking corporations organize~l
~hlin~on,in legislative sessxon as- under the laws of this state which shah pro-
~,~bled: held i vide and furnish, either through member°
~xaat at the gea%ral election to be -- n ship in the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-
~ ~tate on the "xueed~ n~ ~uc2e~. ing potation, O• through m~be~hip in an~
~.. _~ Mon..da.y in Nov~noer~ z~av, ~nere other instanm~entali~ of the Government
be eubmlt~, to the.qualined voters of of the United States, in~lmnse or security
~ fo~ Nael~ a~op~mn., a..nn app~.val foe the peylnent of the debts and obli~atione
~..on, en ~men~men~ ~o ~ne ~onsu~u.of such banking corporation equivalent to
k~! of rheostats of Washington, repeming that required by the laws of the United
~ao_n ~ of article XL - ..... States to be furnished and provided by ha-
~.~a~ Be It F~rr~er ~ao~.e.~, ~rn~ .~ae ~lona~ banking associatlone, |hall be relieved
of ~tata enau cause the ~ore~o~nE from liability for the debts and obligations
~tutiona~ am~momtmt to be pum mnea of such banking corporation to the mane ex-
it at least three (~) montlm precedm.g tent that stockholders of national banking
election, in u wsekly n aw~paper m associations are relieved from liability foe
~mr~ ~mt~ what~ • new~paper is pup-the debts end obligations of neh national
t~hout the crate, bankinE associatione under tha haws of tha
a*ated the Senate February 8, 1989.United States.
V.,..~. a ,~amy~ss And Be It Further Resolved, That the ~ec-
• D~Ntd~t ~¢ the ~ate. retary of State shall cause the foregoing
......................... ished for at
~blUm~R .. ~ __ iSl~l~U$1onnl amenflmen~ T~O De punl
~J~ ~OU~ ]l~h 6. 1939. least three montlm next preceding the elec-
JOHN N. SYL~e, tion in a weekly newspaper in every county
Speaker of the House.where a newspaper is published througnout
in the oflise of tha ~retary of State, the state.
~, 1959. Passed the Senate February 21, 1989.
VIc~p~ A. M~ns,
~..- President of the Senate.
s~NATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 8 Passed the Housa March 5, 1939.
~ddin foe an amendment of section 11 JOH~ 1~. SYLV~ST~R,
~ha ~II of the Constitution of the Speaker of .the H om~.e..
~f' Wuhingten •elating to the liability Fried in the ofl~¢e of the Secretary oz ~m~,
holders in corporations, including March 7, 1939.
enrporationa, foe the debts and o1~
of euch corporations, and enabling
provide for the placing of
of ~tockholde~ of banking nor- HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1|
~r~niM u~der the haws of th'm Ba It Resolved, By the Senate and the
bts ana obliEauons o~ SUCh House of Representatives of the State of
,n~ upon a basl~ of equality with Washington in legislative session assembled,
ity of stockhoider~ of national That at the general election to be held in
mmela~on| for the debts and obli. this state on the Tuesday next sdcceeding
of such asseeiations under the laws the first Monday in November, 1940, there
~nited States., shall be submitted to the qualified electors
Reso/wd, By the Senate and House of this state for their approval and ratiflca-
mentatives of the Stats of Washing- tion o• •ejection an amendment to Article
l~ishative ~mion assembled : II1 ~f the Constitution of ~he Stare'of Wash-
; at the general election to be held in in~t~n by adding thereto a new section to
ate on ~ae Tuesday next s~esedinE be°desi'gnated section 26a~ follows :
~t ]~[~daY~.t~t November~_l~_ 0,_ tit~ Section 26. The people by initiative, o~
• s~b~...~0 the q~ ~..t~rs the legislature by appropriate enaetment~
~es* ~ app•oval aid ra~mes- may fix, change, raise or lower the salary Of
r .N~io~ ~m am~m~ef s~..0~ any constitutional or other office• of th~
~¢la ~lt ox ~ne t~ons~,~uuon o~ ~ne state, including members of the legishature|
of WashinEton, so tlmt said ~eetion Provldcd, hows~ee, The salary of the legit.
e.m~ded ahall l.elld a~?.zouows: . . hators shall not exceed Fifty Dollars per
11, NO ~orpomuo~ auoclauon, month. Any and all constitutional provl-
[vid~d shall ~uu.e or put in circulation elons to the contrary are hereby repealed.
States. Each stockhold~ of any ~-.~ ..e ~ ~ ~, .....
~' Inmlran~ col~o•ation or joint JoHN I~. SYLV~SM
usodntion shall b@ individually and Spea~er of the Hon~.,
~. lisle.. ~qually and ratably, mad Passed the ~kmat~ March % 1989.
m,~O• snorer, f~" all contracts, debts, .o -- ..
[~ ~'~-- ~i~-~h"i~ tl~'---~'•'m*~n'lueh President of the Senat~
m~l~re, to t~ extent of~t~ emmet of Fried in the office of the I~m.,~etary of Stat~b
~ at th@ p~ value thm~of, March I$, 1989. •
OFrmz OF S ca aaY or
[, B~v.~ Rxzv~, Secretary of State of the State of Washington,
~y certify that the above and foregoing contains a full, true and coro
copy of Senate,Joint Resolution No. 1, Senate Joint Resolution No. 8
~ouse Joint Resolution No. 13, passed by the Legislature of the Sta.te
~ _aldMngton at its twenty-sixth session, as appears from the originals
~d Joint Resolutions on file in my office.
Wttmms M~ Na~4 and the seal of the State of Wash/ngton thk lit
of May, 1940. BELLE REEVF~
the heirs of said decedent and ¢o de-
termine inheritance tax, and that
said petition will he heard on Wed-
nesday, ~he 16th day of October,
1940, at the hour of ten o'clock in
t'he forenoon of said day, at the court
~oom of our said Superior Cou,rt, in
the City of Goldendale, County of
Klickitat, Sba:te of Washington.
WITNEiSS, the H,on. Howard J. At-
well, Judge of said Supm:ior Cou~rt,
and the seal of said Court affixed
this 14th day of September, 1940.
R. M. Spoon, County Clerk and Clerk
of said Superior Cou~t.
F. A. Smith, Atborney for estate.
Sept 19-O~t 1014t--
Notice of Hearing Final Account and
Report and Petition for
No. P. 2125
In the Superior Cour,t of the State of
Washington for Klickitat County.
In Probate
In the matter of the estate of Wil-
liam Morrow, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Charles H. Brunn, ,the Administrator
of the estate of Willi,aan Morrow, de-I
ceased, has rendered and presented
for settlement to, and filed with the
clerk of the Superior Court of said
County and State hisfinal account
and report and petition for distribu-
tion as such Administrator; o,nd that
~riday, the 4th day of October, 1940,
at 10 o'clock A. M., at the court
room of our said Superior Court at
G~oldendale, in said County, has been
duly appointed by our Superior Court
for the Settlement of the Final Ac-
count, at which time the C ou~t is
~sked to settle such report, distribute
the property to the heirs or persons
en,titled to the same and discharge
the Administrator.
Witness, The Hon. HOWARD. J. AT-
WELL, Judge of the said Superior
Court, and the seal of said Court
affixed this 5th day of September,
R. M. SPOON, County Clerk and
Clerk of the Superior Court.
WARD & WARD, .~ttorneys for Es-
tate, Goldendale, Wash. $5-26t4
N,o. 6753
In the Su, peri,or Court of the State
of Washington in and for Benton
In the matter of the dissolution and
Disorganization of Horse Heaven
Irrigation Distric,t.
On reading and filing of the Per-
empbory Wri,t of Mandamus issued
by the Supreme Court of the State
of Vv%shington on the 9th day of
September, 1940, commanding this
eou]~t to en~tertain jur4sdiction of the
dissolution proceedings and the mat-
tars reba.ting to the distributlon of
the assets in t'he above entRled
cause, now .on motion of Martin L.
Stearns of counsel for Walter R.
Weller. O. K. V~411immson and Paul
Hamilton, trustees of the creditors
and property holders of Hiorse
Heaven I.rrigation District, Dissolv-
ed, that a new time a.nd place be
fixed for the hearing on the report
and petition of said trustees for dis-
trdbution of the remaining assets
which said report and petition was
~eretofore filed herein upon the 9th
day of June, 1939: IT IS OR DE,R:E,D
t'h,at Wednesday, the 20th day of
November, 1940, at 10 o'cloc A. M.
or a.s soon thereafter as counsel can
be beard at the court room of this
court in the Court house and town
.of Prossor, County of Benton, be and
the same hereby is fixed as the time
and place all persons interested are
required to appear and show what
interest, if any, they h.~ve in the dis-
tribu¢ion of s~id assets; and IT I~S
Yq~T~TI-IER OI~DE,~I~D that ~he hear-
ing fixed herein be and the same
hereby is substituted for, and the
same shall take t:he place of, the
hearing heretofore set in said me~tter
,for the 7th day of September, 1~939,
and th,at all clai,ms, motions, demur-
rers and other pleadings or appear-
ances entered in said for,mer hearing
or in any continu~t,nce thereof be, and
the same hereby ave, considered ~o
all intents and purposes as though
entered and made at the hearing
ordered herein and pursuant to-no-
ti,ce given thereon, and that no fur-
ther claims .or plo~lings sh.aH be re-
quired to perfec.t bhe rights and in-
terests, if any, thereunder; and IT
I~S FURTHER OI~DERE~D that notice
,of said hearing be given by the pub-
lication of this order in a newspaper
once each week for stx successive
weeks iu each of the counties in
which Horse Heaven Irrigation Dis-
trict or any pa,r.t thereof is si,tuaOed,
to-wit: one in the Prosser Record
Bulletin, a newspaper printed and
published at Prosser in Benton coun-
ty; one in the Zilla~ Mirror. a news-
paper p,rinted and published at
Zillahil iu Yakima county; one in the
G, oldendale Sentine'l priu:ted and pub-
Hshed a.t Goldendale in Klickit'tat
county, all in the State of Washing-
t,ton, the first public~vtion to be more
than si~cty days pr.ior to the date of
said hearing, ~and that further no-
tice be given by mailing to each at-
torney of record in this cause by
registered more than thirty
days prior to 'the date of said hear-
DONE this llth day of Septeml)er,
Date of cfirst publication Septem-
ber, 19, 1940•
TIMOTHY A. PAUL, Superior Judge.
Sept 19-Oct 24-6t--
CALL ~a KLI-~IT--A-T---C~
:School --Nos. up to and
Districts . including
44 ............. 2928
49 ...................... 435
54 .............. ........ 2013
62 ....................... 7,20
66 ........................ 1568
74 ....................... 485
201 ........... ............. 2303
203 ....................... 20'50
214 ...... ................ 2087
215 ....................... 2~518
220 ................. ......2750
222 ....................... 5
302 ....................... 4702
Building ]~hmds
3'02" ............. 159
94 ...........[. ........... 22
The above described warrants are
payable :tt the office )f the C~unty
Treasurer of Klickiin.t County on or
after Saturday, September 21, 1940,
upon which date interest will cease,
except on warrants previously called,
upon which interest has already ceas-
,Dated ~.t Goldendale, Washington,
this 16th day of September, 1940.
lt-- Treasurer, Klickitat County.
W. iF. Byars, accompanied by his
grandson, Allen Hall, drove to Bick-
lebon, Alderdale and Roosevelt lest
A copy of the 1941 preliminary
budget for Klickitat county is now
on file in my office. All interested
taxpayers may examine same by call-
ing at the auditor's office.
2t-- J.A. MILLER, Auditor.
1. ,Sealed proposals for the con-
struction, including the supply of
necessary labor, m*a.terials and equip-
ment except meters, of a rural elec-
irical distribu~tion project (herein-
as Project WashingVon - 1017A1 -
Klickitat, which is p,a.rt .of the System
known as Pu,blic Utility District No.
1, Klickitat County, will be received
by the Owner on or before 8:00