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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 23, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 23, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER h • " " uit By GREG SKINNER "The facts are, Chipman Sontag, By SAM LOWRY students do not taste things that are not food," News Reporter has taken over the statutory Auditor, what his News Reporter Phillips wrote in response to the incident, duties of the auditor almost when advising the The superintendent later noted that the Tuesday morning, entirely," Barnett Kalikow, on the issue. An incident reported in last week's Sentinel, state has made bullying an important issue, Klickitat County Superior Housden's attorney told the Sontag's intent in which Goldendale Middle School students and that the Goldendale schools have provid- Court Judge C. James Lust judge. Chipman has the five charter ingested a laboratory chemical passed off by ed awareness training for each group of told attorneys representing "ability to change the num- state that do not other students as a different substance, has grades, last year and this year. the Klickitat County Auditor bers from one project to tors. From that, been called bullying by school administrators. "[Students] need to treat one another with and the Klickitat County another and back again with- "Some "I do think of it that way," said Marie respect, and accept the need to be respected," Commissioners that he out an audit trail," said appoint their own( Phillips, Goldendale district superintendent. Phillips said. would not issue a sought- Kalikow. Kalikow "There definitely will be consequences that There is a difference between teasing and after summary judgment in Arguing for the commis- Auditor, will involve time away from school," Phillips bullying, she noted. "If you are perceived as the Auditor's lawsuit against sioners, Stephen DiJulio said able to the said, for the student or students who passed bullying, then you are bullying." the Commissioners. that placing the budget under that the numbers blue-colored copper sulfate or sulfite off as "Fdds need to be able to speak up about it," The legal battle among the the CFO was indeed legal "It ~fiolates the "candy." and to understand why it is not acceptable county's elected officials based upon enacted legisla- separation of According to their parents, two youths- not and why it is important to report, Phillips stems from 1996 when the tion. "Counties have the abil- Kalikow. three as originally reported - who accepted the said. "Some kids won't turn anybody in." county commissioners began ity to choose a CFO or not," "There is not a blue powdered substance from a fellow middle- Oddly, according to Phillips the incident pulling the preliminary bud- said DiJulio. "It's not uncon- of legislative school student, said they were told it was candy, occurred on the day of a bullying training. As get process and oversight stitutional." its this to charter not Kool-aid or methamphetamine,a result, she said, one of the students involved from the office of Diana "They claim it's legal, we said DiJulio. "He said it was Japanese candy. He poured in the "candy" incident said he "didn't want to Housden, Klickitat County claim it's not," said Kalikow. After hearing some in my hand," said one of the youths, be involved any more" - that is, to give up bul- Auditor. A1 Brochet, Mason County and asking a According to Phillips, a high school student lying. In short, the commission- Auditor and board member questions Lust took home "an appropriate item from a sci- One of the youths who became sick after ers feel they can legally give of the Washington not rule from ence class lab experiment... A middle school ingesting the blue chemical, and his parent, the job of budget preparation Association of Countytoday." sibling altered the item (crushed it to pow- said that the incident was only the latest in a and oversight to the Chief Officials (WACO), said the Asked for his der), brought it to school, and tried to pass it series of incidents at Goldendale schools Financial Officer of Klickitat legislation DiJulio refers to tion of how the off as candy." involving "haves and have-nots." This youth County. was penned in 1985 and is held up before Both parents said that their sons told them withdrew from the Goldendale district shortly Since the fall of 2ooa, Glen being misinterpreted. Kalikow said, the sibling actually gave it to another boy, who after the incident. Chipman has been the CFO. Brochet said he asked Brian close to the vest." then gave it to the youths. Goldendale Police Chief Dave Hill said that "We hope that students will learn not to police are still taking statements from those • present non-edible items to others, and that involved. I I Prosecutor reports late-summer Superior Court actionsBy GREG SKINNER plan. The last planning occurred The Kliekitat County Bingen, pleaded guilty to see- On Sept. 7, Isaac Meagher News Reporter 199o's and was funded by the Prosecuting Attorney's office ond-degree burglary and first- Hannigan, 46, of Toppenish, Service. has reported the following degree malicious mischief, was pleaded guilty to felony EAST COLLINS DRIVE This time around the sentences handed down in sentenced to three months for harassment and was sen- Monday night the Goldendale City Council kicked in $15,ooo and the Superior Court since mid- each count, to be served con- tented to 17 months incarcer- approved a contract with Taylor Engineering Goldendale matched with August. currently, and was ordered to ation plus 9 to 18 months to redo East Collins Drive. equity and planning of their On Aug. 16, Jessie Edward pay $4,249 plus restitution, community custody and City Administrator Larry Bellamy said the said the council will meet on Oct. Chavez, 36, of Vancouver, OnAug. 18, Raymond Allen ordered to have no contact entire roadbed and surface will be replaced, out and construct a pleaded guilty to conspiracy to Shadewitz, 25, of Bingen, was with the victim and pay $960 and the entire section between Columbus Bellamy noted that the comm01 deliver a controlled substance found guilty of first-degree plus restitution. (methamphetamine), was sen- assault after a jury trial. On Also on Sept. 7, Andrew Avenue and Roosevelt Street to the full width plan fits with the current tenced to 60 days incarceration Sept. 7, he was sentenced to Myron Black, 26, of The of 40 feet. Bellamy said some blocks are ment ideas for the city. and 12 months community 129 months .incarceration Dalles, was sentenced for already wide enough but some remain at custody and was ordered to plus 24 to48 monthscommu- possession of a controlled older standards. Gas, water and sewer lines CREATIVE THINK pay $4,775 in fees and costs, nity custody and ordered to substance (methampheta- will be replaced along with storm drains in "We think it's important to have On Aug. 1% Eugene have no contact with the vic- mine), received 3o days plus~ the $1.3 million project, the event promoter the city plans t. Miqhael Cloud, 25, oftim and pay $2,585 plus addi- 12 months community cus-t With the new roadbed come curbs, gutters, Bellamy. And so it is, the Br~J~stown, Wash., pleaded tional restitution, tody and was ordered to pay and a brand new sidewalk; it could include mayor to authorize up to $9,50 guilty to taking a motor vehi- On Aug. 2o, Daniel Allen $2,022 in fines and costs, some lights, said Bellamy. Construction tract with the Seattle-based cle without permission (sec- Tindall, 4o, of Vancouver, Information regarding should start next summer, create a strategic tourism plan. ond degree) and was sen- pleaded guilty to possession of Superior Court convictions tant will spend 90 to 12o tenced to 30 days incarcera- a controlled substancecan also be found at COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN the project. tign andordered to pay $892 (na ethamphetamine), received httpd//www..klie, kitateq.un~..o The City Council requested that Mayor Bellamy said it's important • iS]usr~stitution. ' ..... .... 1i3 haonthg plies, nigh:to v,~ rg/rrosecutor/ana, m rne Mark Sigfrinius "execute a contract" with Paul energy moving on tourism for Also on Aug. 17, Jeremy months community custody office of the Clerk of Court. Koch Consulting for a new community action nomic development. Robert Dockstader, 28, of and was ordered to pay $5,535. Executive Director Washington Newspaper Publishers Association in Seattle has an immediate opening for an Executive Director to oversee a staff of six and provide services to its 127 Regular and Associate community newspaper members. Newspaper management experience preferred; trade association and lobbying experience~ m helpful. Send letter of application, resume and salary history to: ~ WNPA Search Committee ~ ,4 ;~) Wed. 15 t~g 1434 EIIiott Ave. W., Third Floor 'n,= ,6 ~ Seattle, WA 98119 v~t ,7~ -~ "GOOd or Country Cooking" c,osing date: Oct. 15, 2004. ~L,8 ~ .~ More about WNPA and this position at: .~,,~,~ 66 -~ • 25 % discount to any active military card-holders. ' ..... Joseph Selby M~)TO Nlol|th 0.43 • FREE beverages to law enforcement, firefightcrs & EMT's ....... ~S~T~h.i~. A,=. o.4s • New - Senior & Children's menus. • Daily Specials! YOU FOR YOUR • Homemade Soups! SUPPORT IN THE PRIMARY. • CGmplete Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Menu. 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Broadway, Goldendale 773-4646 We have all paid for a product or serv- ice that was unsatisfactory and at best it was an expensive lesson learned. We at Erdman Funeral Home and Cremation Service understand how frustrating a situation like that can be and that is why we offer this guarantee to you. If for any reason, a family is not satisfied with any portion of our services, there will be no charge for that portion. It's that simple.* Call us. We are here to help. - Erdman FuneralHome and Cremation Service. 51 $1399 Gina needs... Discover. Explore. LIBRARIES OF