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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 23, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 23, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~E SUBJECT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT. REPRODUCTION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, DISTRIBUTION PROHIBITED. 23,2004 PAGE 5 HAT'S APPENING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER R4 Basketball Camps and Dry y is hosting the annual fall cross graces at Sorosis Park. For boys and girls in Races begin at 3:30 p.m. For more contact Tom at (541) 298-5776. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Plant Sale sponsored by the Goldendale donations welcome (see photo at more information, call 773-3266. County Search and Rescue will and Rigging" training on the at lo a.m. The SAR truck me invited. (509) 25o-o515. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 Diabetes Support Group has a new time "., p.m. in KVHS Conference Room A. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 Missionary Janiee MeLain will be speaking and showing slides of her current work in Kenya, Africa and prior assignment in Liberia at 6 p.m. Potluck dinner and presentation will be held at the United Methodist Church. For more information, call 773-4461. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 Cemetery Benefit Dinner, noon to 3 pan. at Glenwood School. Adults $6, 6-12 yrs - ,~3, 5 - , The Spin," a writing under - $1. with Wendy Warren from 9 a.m. to Junior Rodeo Queen tryouts, lO a.m. at the hniques for creating interesting and Klickitat County Fairgrounds. Anyone interested stories. For more intormation, contact in participating, contact Pat Shamek at 773-4347 Library at 773-4487. early mornings or late evenings. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 Broken Spur Rodeo Association Queen Party at the Centerville Grange, 7 tryouts, lO a.m. at the Klicktiat County desserts offered. Fairgrounds. Anyone interested in partcipating, Violence Summit, 8:30 a.m. to 5 contact Pat Shamek at 773-4347 or Vincent Miller dendale Middle School Last day to Sept. 24. For more information, call at 773-6144, early mornings or late evenings. WOMEN OF DISTINCTION Contributed photo When the Goldendale Soroptimists held their 2004 awards ceremony in May, Sidne Steindorf (RIGHT) and Carmon Bryan (LEFT) were unable to attend. So the women's organization honored the pair at its September social meeting. Bryan, a long-time Klickitat Valley Hospital nurse, received the "Women Helping Women" award, and Steindorf, recently retired as director of the WSU Learning Center in Goldendale, received the "Women of Distinction" award. Also pictured is Soroptimist Deborah Heart. Next up, said fellow Soroptimist Ruth Bruns, are the officer installation meeting next Wednesday (prospective members welcome), and the annual fall plant sale on Main Street this Saturday. DISTRICT COURT JUOGE BRIAN ALTMAN AUGUST 17 etLee Lawrence Jr.: Minor Oper Alcohol Consumption charge amended to Dr. 1, change of plea charge, fined $1,000/$900 court costs, $135 CAA cost Recovery Fund, 90 jail, 24 roD. bench prob., R. Lieurance: DV Assault w/Reporting Domestic dismissed with ~Per city motion pursuant to with condition of 24 roD. (2/2412002) Millard: No Valid Oper. ID (4/12/04); dism. per city Shenefield: No con- (6/7/04); change of plea $1,000/$850 susp.; pay: ;osts, $250 GIF, $150 CAA jail/87 susp. - credit 3 2 yr. bench prob., NSV; no extinguished. )h Vollan: Minor Poss. (1/27/02); dism. per EVEN DAY LOCAL FORECAST WK0-High Cascade Milh BUYING LOGS & TIMBER White Fir Douglas Fir Bob Bishop 360-430-2390 Norm Byars 541-490-2940 Mill: 509-427-8413 2022 Wind River Hwy. PO. Box Carson. WA 986 t0 SEPT. 23 Cloudy 73, Low 46 SEPT. R4 Sunny 77, Low 47 SEPT. a5 Sunny 81, Low 49 SEPT. 26 Sunny 79, Low 47 SEPT. 27 Low 47 SEPT. a8 Sunny 74, Low 42 SEPT. a9 44 city motion pursuant to compl, w/SOC cond. & paying fees. Christopher James Winslow: Assault 4 (5/23/04), Criminal Trespass 2 (5/23/04); 18 roD. stipulated order of continuance filed; $100 court costs, $125 CAA fees, $300 GIF; 18 roD. bench prob.; NSV; obtained alcohol eval. Mark Allen Wynhoff: DUI amended to Negligent Driving I (6/19/04); change of plea to guilty; fined: $1,000/5750 susp.; pay: $50 court costs, $250 DUI cost - recovery fund; 90 days jail/90 susp.; 2 yr. bench prob.; NSV. Tye Charles Zielinski: DV Assault 4 (6129102); def. paid $200 SOC fees; dism. per city motion pursuant to corn- GOLDENDALE SENIOR CENTER LUNCH MENU THURSDAY, SEPT, 23 Baked Chicken TUESDAY, SEPT. 28 Beef Stroganoff ~Y, Slg'r. 30 Hamburgers Meals are served at noon. Home-delivered meals are available to shut-ins. Call "Senior Services at 773-3757, for an assessment. pliance w/cond, of 24 roD. SOC. Marco Antonio Benites-Flores: DUI (7/29/04), Hit/Run Unattended Vehicle (7/29/04), No Valid Oper. License w/o ID (7/29/04); count 2 dismissed per city motion pursuant to plea negot.; Ct. 1: change of plea to guilty; fined: $5,000/$4,177 susp.; pay: $125 CAA fees, $50 court costs, $250 GIF, $50 restitution; 364 days jail/363 susp.; 24 roD. bench prob.; NSV. Ct. 3: fined: $1,000/$750 susp.; pay: $50 court costs; 90 days jail/90 susp.; 24 mo, bench prob,; NSV. Jacob Wesley Shenefield: No Contact Order Viol. (7/26/04); dism per city motion pursuant to plea negotiation. Faith M. Snyder: Defrauding Public Utiltiy 3; 24 roD. stipulated order of con- tinuance filed; pay: $55 restitution, $125 CAA fees, $50 court costs; 24 no. bench prob.; NSV. Jeffery Francis Snyder: Assault 4 (10/31/03), Obstruct law enforcement officer (10/31/03); dism. per city motion AUGUST 18 Jeffrey Alan Goldenberg: Speed. 16 mph Over Limit (6/17/04); motion to dism. denied; committed $153; def. came back to court w/further info on discovery; def. mot. to dismiss conteSt- ed judgement granted. Nicole M. Pecore: Speed. 20 mph Over Limit (5/29/04); not committed. William Louis Sexton: Fail to Wear Safety Belt (6/13/04);.changed to miti- gation hearing; committed, fine $50. Scan Alexander Patton: Protection Order Viol. (2) (8t3/04);.plea: not guilty; found indigent; CAA; bail set $5,000; NCO entered; amended to DV-related. Alfonso John Bargas: Negligent dri- ving 2 (6/12/04); committed, fine $300. Dustin Clay Bamette: Fail. to Renew Exp. Reg > 2 roD. (7/13/04), Op. mot. veh. w/o ins. (7/13/04); Ct. 1: commit- ted, fine $100; Ct. 2: dismissed, MIC r-7 ..... ........ 2 FOR I GOLF'~reForlG : Seniors (55+) 2 For , ~reen Fees : Two i8-h01es / - • wcart $35 • Two 18 holes for $18 I • Two 9-holes w/cart $24 • Two 9-holes for $12 : * Present this coupon Monday to Friday. Specials End 10/31/04 Please Call Ahead for Tee Times. : 17OO Railroad Ave.Arlington, OR. : 454-2000 ; cHI CREEK ! | (541) ........ ' 541-386-5066 Columbia Laser Skin Center '" • RestylaneTM * Treatment of Acne, Hair Removal ..... Rosacea, Sun Spots Vein Treatment Microdermabrasi°n/ Chemical Peels Consultation • Skin Care ° Sclerotherapy 1100 E, Marina Way 100 • Hood River Sonia Schuemann, MD ' Erika Wilson, PA-C COMPLIMENTARY BLEACHING* * AFTER INITIAL VISIT Of~r valid through 9r30/04 Initial visit Includes exam, necessary X-rays, and cleaning. o Family & Restorative Dentistry ° Senior Discounts . Finance Plans Available . Most Insurances Accepted Robert Brewer I)DS a.m.- 5:00 p.m.. 818 West Sixth Street, Suite 3, The Dalles 541.296.9134 e'" $25, Connie Marie Crapo: Fail. to Renew Exp. Reg > 2 mo. (7/12/04), Op. Mot. Veh. w/o Ins. (7t12104); Ct. 1: commit- ted, fine $100; Ct. 2: committed, fine $200. Patrick Paul McSorley: Op. motorcy- cle w/o mirror/eye protection/helmet (6/13/04); committed, fine $50, David Anthony Phillips: Op. Motorcycle w/o Mirror/eye Protection/Helmet (7/4/04), No motor- cycle endorsement (7/4104); committed, fine $50 - both counts. Robert Allen Blake: Make False Statement to Pub. Servant (7/9/04); plea: not guilty; CAA. Shelly Jean Browning-Garcia: Supply Liquodpremises to Minor (7f15/04); plea: not guilty; CAA Armando Carreon-Aguilar: Recreational Fishing 2 (7/24/04); bail forf. $75. Deborah Kay Garris: Supply Liquor/Premises to Minor (7115/04); plea: not guilty; CA#,, Scott Matthew Holcomb: Mal. Mishief 3 (7/28/04); plea: not guilty; CAA. Edith Anita Jacobs: Supply Liquor/Premises to Minor (7/15104); plea: guilty; 10 days jail/10 susp.; $1,000 fine/S750 susp.; 12 mos. NSV. Leona Daisy Lambert: Criminal Trespass 1 (8/5/04); plea: not guilty; CAA SCHOOL LUNCH MENU THURSDAY, SEPT. 23 B - Biscuit, sausage, fruit, milk. L - French toast, ham, hash- brown, fruit, milk. FRIDAY, SEPT. 24 B Oatmeal, juice, toast, milk. L - Hamburger, orange wedge, fruit, cookie, milk. MONDAY, SEPT. 2"7 B - Pancakes, fruit, milk. 12 - Chili cheese nachos, salad, breadsticks, apple- sauce, milk. TUESDAY, SEPT. 28 B - Cold cereal, toast, fruit, milk. L - Beef dippers, french fries, veggies, bread, applesauce, milk. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29 B - Cold cereal, toast, fruit, milk. L - Tacos, cornbread, veggies, pears, milk. August Lee Law: Criminal Trespass 2 (7/18/04); plea: not guilty; CAA. Crystal Lee Law: Criminal Trespass 2 (7/18/04); plea: not guilty; CAA. Charles E. Lewis: Assault 4 (6/29/04); plea: not guilty; def. sworn in - not indigent; Pro Se or NOA 2 wks. Sean Erich Mathers: DWLS 3 (6/7/97); plea: not guilty; def. sworn in - not indigent; Pro Se or NOA 2 wks; bail forf. $150; warrant fees $100. Leroy Dale Moss: Animal Cruelty 2 (6/12/04); plea: not guilty; def. sworn in - found indigent; CAA. Luis Alberto P. Reyna: Unlawful Purchase/use Lic. (7/24/04); plea: guilty; 90 days jail/90 susp.; $1,000 fine/S750 susp.; 24 mos. NSV. Jose A. E Sanchez Castaneda: Minor Poss. and/or Consump. (8/2/04), Criminal Trespass 1 (8/2/04); plea: not guilty; CAA. Roseann V. Belcher v. Barbara Gonzolez: Harassment (8/4/04); respondent not present; order for pro- tection from unlawful harassment grant- ed for 1 yr. Halley Rhae Sievers: Change of name (8/12/04); name change granted. [ SDS [umber Company I Local Sales Outlet "~ ~)! Visit Our WebsitePLYWOOD• 3/8~[ thru 1" • COX, CCX, ACX, T&G, & SANDED PANELS STUDS • #2 & atr, KD, OF & HF, S4SEE : '1 :: --- • 2x4 -- 6' thru 16' • 2x6 -- 6' thru 18'" : • 4x4 -- 8' treated posts .... .4x4 & 4x6 -- 8', 10' posts Hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Located at SDS Lumber Co.. Bingen,WA. (509) 493-2751 Gee "s" Family Restaurant SERVING CHINESE & AMERICAN FOOD! Weekly Spech b CHINESE SPECIAL Kung Pow Chicken with choice of sweet mad sour chick- en or pork, or pork fried rice. AMERICAN SPECIAL s550 Chicken Fried Steak with choice ofpotato, .soup or salad, and sourdough bread. Open M - S- 10:30 - 9:30 & Sunday - I h30 - 8:30 118 E, Mare • (509} 773.6999 Downtown Goktcndale Join us at Thanks.&r making our mid-campaign energy miser so successful. "A New Season for Klickitat County." Pat Arnold (D) for Klickitat County Commissioner District 1 Paid for by the Committee to Elect Pat Arnold, RO, Box 478, White Salmon, WA 98672 FIREWOOD CUTTING PERMITS For the Goldendale District Will be available October 31 through November 26. Permits will be issued at and with the cooperation and courtesy of: , JERRY'S SToP-N-Go, Permits cost $25 each (including seller's fee) entitling permit holder to 4 cords. PERMITS ARE FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.v Other restrictions will apply, and will be made known at the time of purchase