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Your Gorge Classified
ad also appears in •
Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise;
The Dalles Chronicle;
and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record
or toll free at
........ 1-30
Schoo~ &
............... 34-55
Ftnan¢~ .................. ~72
a,Voy, .............
I. Hem ~.._.90-1
T~ .......... t09.122
.............. 32~15
RMI Emte ........... .41
k~omome ...........
W up
Help Wantad--'''--"~5
Positions Wanted ""''80
Job OppoMunities "-''85
In Home Services .... 89
Child Care Providers ""'90
Child Care Wanted """"95
Diaper Servioss"'~ 100
75 He/p Wanted 75 He//) Wanted 75 He/p Waned7a He/p Waneed Trave/&
General General Omce Tra
*The Ticket to a dream lob
might really be a seam.°
Government wiIdflfe Jobsl
Great Pay and Be~flts
No Expn~
To protect yourself, call the
Federal Trade Commission
toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP,
or visit
from The Dalkm Chronicle and
Happy Ads! 2 AUTO SALES
Card of Thanks --------'--6 CONSULTANT
NCtK:es -- -- 10 Applyin pemonto:
Events 15 Gary Gdffith
Personals" '20 Cliff Smith Motors
Support Groups """--"25 3100 W. Cascade Avenue,
Lost & Found ~'--"'30 Hood River, OR
Reliable person required
• ' for busy Hood River deal-
BRING YOUR DATE DON'T ership. Requires valid driv-
be late SQUARE DANCE ors license and clean
lessons start 9/16-clv, Aud record. Start immediately.
TO., 7-gpm, 509-773-3379 Apply in person to Pennle
Cosans at Cliff Smith
NWDSA Buddy Walk Motors, 3100 W, Cascade
The Goldendate School VVhite Salmon
Portland Rose Quarter. Caretaker for small church. Distdct has a full-time pe-
Can you help? Email: Room and board provided, sition open for Grounds Holistlc Healthcare
Sue at 541-985-0192. The Dalles. Maintanance. Is seeking dynamic, multi-
NWDD, Mhmion: ~ Applications may be oh- tasking individual with
Create and nurture a loving
and inclusive community with passenger endorse- tainedatthe healthcare billing experi-
ment needed. PT, Flexible Administration Office; ence, scheduling and com-
celebrating every person hours. $10/hr. Apply in per- 603 South Roosevelt, puter skills. Send resume
w~h Down Syndrome son, 102Oak, HoodRiver. Goldendale, WA 98620;to: WSHH, POB 1759,
509-773-5177. White Salmon, WA 98672
Per~ol~ COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS CLOSING DATE: or fax to: 509-493-1462
................ COUNSELOR H Sq~ 24, 2004. EOE
Warm, secure, loving home
available for newborn baby.
Please call attorney at
14300-606-4411. A-977
FT CONTRACT AND GRANTS Open your he,'t The Sherman County District
ACCOUNTANT, Columbia Open your horae. Attomsy's off, ca is seeking
Gorge Community College applicants for a Victims'
Business Office. Oversees BeaFcemr Advocate to work 8 hours
expenditures, tracking and Parent, per week. Position will sup-
procedures related to fed- We have openings in Klick- port and assist victims and
eral, state and foundation itat, Waste, Hood River end witnesses to crime through
grants and contracts for the Sherman Counties. If you like the legal process, as well
college. Performs complex working with teens, you as be on call when needed.
accounting activities re- could make a difference as Knowledge of modem of-
quidng the selection and a Foster Parent. The Next rice practices and good
broad use of generally ac- Door provides free training, computer skills required.
capted accounting princl- certification, 24 hour on-call Excellent communications
pies and standards, finan- support, time off, and skills are necessary. Sher-
clal analysis and proca- $1200-$2000 per month man County resident pre-
dures relation to major pro- tax free. ferred. Salary starts at ap-
gram areas. May act as Call Haldl Seymour today at prox. ~$13.75 per hour. Ap-
lead worker over assigned 541.386-5520 x414 for more in- plication may be obtained
staff in major program are- ~. from the Sherman County
as. Requirements: B.S. in PROGRkMMANAGER District Attorney, More,
Accounting, Finance, BusS- (28 hrs/wk). The Next OR. 541-565-3534. Appli-
hess Administration or re- cations due by 3pm Sep-
leted field. Minimum three Door, Inc.'s Big Brothers tember 24, 2004. Sherman
years experience working Big Sisters Program seeks County is an equal oppor-
in governmental, municipal an outgoing, community- tunity employer and does
or fund accounting and one oriented individual to over- not discriminate on the ha-
year experience specific to see program operations for sis of race, color, national
federal grants or federal Wasco & Hood River Co. ongin, sex, religion, age or
contracts accounting/man- Duties include supervision, disabiiltyin employment.
agement. Masters degree fundraising, recruiting vol-
The ticket to a dream job
a plus. CPA desired. Must unteers, & creation/man-
might be a Seam
pass criminal background aging of budgets. Exp with Hlgh-PsylngPoMalJobsl
and credit check, and be community outreach and No Experience Raquiredl
bondable. Request appli- programs involving youth & Don't pay for information
cation packet from PresS- volunteers helpful. BNBS about jobs with the Postal
dent's Office, Columbia
Gorge Community College, req'd. Hourly rate DOE. Service or federal govern-
400 East Scenic Drive, The Submit resume/pick up alp ment. Call the Federal
Dallas, OR. 97058. 541- pilcation at 212 2nd St / PO Trade Commission toll free,
506.2405,srneagher@ Box 661, Hood River, OR 1-877-FTC-HELP, or visit 97031, or email: to learn more.
EOE A public lervice message
from The Datles Chronicle end
cation, city government &
project management. Abil-
ity to perform the essential job
functions, work w/
equipment normally asso-
ciated w/an office environ-
ment; communicate effec-
tively, both verbally & in
writing, establish & main-
tain good working relation-
ships w/all city dept's other
governmental agencies &
the general public. Obtain
application packet from the
City Clerk, 313 Court St.,
The Dalles, OR. 97058 or
website :www.cLthe-
Close: 10/7/04. EOE
Req's grad from HS or
equiv; secretarial training
and/or pnor job-related exp
w/increasing levels of re-
sponsibility & data entry ex-
perience. District applica-
tion available from Recep-
tionist, 1020 Montello,
Hood River, OR. View de-
tails at www.hoodriver. or call 541-387-
5016 for info. Deadline:
9/24/2004 @ 4 p.m. EOE
Advertising Salm
Immediate Opening for full-
The Daises.
benefits include: medical,
77H~~d life, 401-k, plus dental
available. Applicant must
SENIOR PLANNER A~PI(~ possess a valid ddvers
,, license and proper 'tnsu-
Hood River County Parole Humanities Software, Klickitat County Planning rance.
and Probation. Applicants a Division of Renaissance
must possess a current Learning, Inc. is seeking Dept., Goidendale is ac- APasslonForl'kmilng?
If helping others heal is Applicants may send their
DPSST Certification and British, female voice talent, cepting applications for a your passion, we have a resumes to Hood River
current work experience in For audition info 541-386- ~nlor Planner to replace a place for youl In addition to News, P.O. Box 390, Hood
parole and probation. Ap 7819 Ext'201. No exp req. vacant full-time position, competitive compensation, River, OR 97031.
Duties: performs in both we offer comprehensive
ABORTION?WHY? p/Scants must complete INSTRUCTIONAL AS- land use planning & fish benefits and an environ- TELE~I.RKETER
Hood River County appli- SISTANT (Parkdale) Req's and wildlife arenas. Per- ment of excellence. We N. Bonneville, business to
CONSIDER ADOPTION cation. Obtain job packet grad from HS or equiv & 2 forms a variety of ad- have the following positions business, exp. preferred,
Warm, secure, loving home and return application to yrs college. Bilingual in
available for newborn baby. Hood River County Ad- Spanish/English preferred, vancad professional level open: P/T to start, refs required,
Pleasecal/attomeyat ministration, 601 State Distdct application avail- planning duties in support pay DOE. Kristi 509-427-
1~00-606.4411:A-967 Street, Hood River, OR able from Receptionist, of county planning efforts, Emeq~(mcyR.N 7232OR866-261-7609.
PREGNANT? Need help? 97031. Fax # 541-396- 1020 Montello, Hood River, including a coordination of CdtlcelcoraRN
Call Pregnancy Resource 9392. Application deadline OR. View details at land use application re- CaettfledScrub
Center .at 773-5501. Free 4:00 p.m. October 7,2004. view, updates of compre- T~hnolnglst
pregnancy tas~g. Hood River County is EOE
FT/PT position in Hood
Rtyer. Exp. necessary. Fax
m~ne to 541~s~1203.
A~OA (Adult Children of DOWNTOWN Mini Mart is
Afcoh01tcs) Support Group- taking applications for
Goldendale; meet Men- cashier. Part time, nights &
days, 6:30 p.m., 124 W. At- weekends are a must. Ap-
lyn Street. For more into ply in person 806 E 2nd SL
call 773..4428. ~ walbtaff
wanted. WildFlower Cafe,
AL-ANON-115 E. Main, Mosier. 541478-0111.
Goldendale Senior Center
Thursdays, 6 p.m. Experienced Investment
Consultant has opening for
773-6420. Service Assistant. P/T. NO
ALCOHOLICS Anon, Gold- selling, Must demonstrate
endale meetings at the exci admin, & communica-
United Methodist Church; tionskills, Typlng,
Men., 8 p.m.; Wed,, 8 p.m; organized. Submit resume
in person at 308 E 3rd St,
Fri., 8 p.m,, 109 E. Broad- ThaDelles.
way. 1-8(30-999-9210.
Financial Specialist
Crystal Math Anonymous Northwest Farm Credit Ser-
"Survivors". Fri 8-9pro, 401 vices, an agricultural coop-
E, 10th, Unit Recovery erative that provides fi-
Foundetion, TheDalles, nancing and related ser-
vices to agricultural pro-
DEMEMTIA SUPPORT GROUP ducars, is seeking a Fi-
Fnends, family & caragiv- nanclal Specialist to work in
ere of people affected with The Dalles, OR. branch.
Dementias. 2nd Wed. of This position is part time,
every "month. 10-11am working approx. 20 hm/wk.
Oregon Veteran's Home. This position assists the
Public is welcome. For Jnfo credit officer in completing
call 541-296-7190. financial information by
gathering applicant/cus-
T.O.RS. (Take Off Pounds tomer information, inputting
Sensibly). Tuesdays 8:30 loan data, reviewing cus-
a.m to 10 at Rivervlew tomer loan documents and
Comm. Bank. 773-0456. presenting to customer for
T.O.P,S. (Take off Pounds signing. Comply w~th c/De-
Sensibly), Thursdays, 6 ing requirements and die-
p.m. at Rtvervlew Comm. bursa, book and certify
Bank. 773-5301. loans within authorities.
Women's Cancer Support Respond to customer in-
group. Open to all women quirtes and process cue-
with cancer. Come join us tomer transactions includ-
the let and 3rd Tuesdays ing checks and receipts, fu-
ture payments funds, etc.
of the month from 6:30 pm
to 7:30 pm at Celilo Cancer Perform intermediate/ad-
vanced clerical duties such
Center. For more tnfo con-
tact Lyn a~ 296-7205. as word processing,
spreadsheets, establishing
,and maintaining files, an-
or call 541-387-5016 for
info. Deadline: 912412004
@ 4 p.m. EOE
Job Opening
City of North Bonneville, WA
15 - 20 Hrs per week. Be-
ginning Wage $18.00/hr,
DOE. Individual must have
good written and oral skiffs
and have some planning
experience or related field,
Be familiar with ordinance
administration, Able to re*
view site & building plans.
Prepare formal reports to
Planning Commission, City
Council and work closely
with staff. Administer
Shoreline Master Program,
Comprehensive Plan, Zon-
ing Ordinances and permit
application processing.
SEPA, NEPA and EIS ex-
perience a plus. Attend 2
evening meetings per
month. Maintain good com-
puter skills. Insure all legal
required public notices,
hearing and permit proce-
dures are adhered to.
Maintain comprehensive
public records, Submit ap-
plication and resume with
references to City of North
Bonneville, P O Box 7, N,
Bonneville, WA, 98639, Ap-
plications are available at
City Hall in N. Bonneville,
WA, M-F, 8am to 5pro.
(509)427-8182. Applica-
tions with resumes must be
received by 5 pm Septem-
ber 28, 2004.
Level Caq er,
Carpent~ Assistant &
Laborer. Must have tools.
Send resume to: P.O, Box
~ Klldo~ WA. ~2g or
fax to # 5094~257a.~
swering telephone and tak- LOCAL company seeking
................... ................... ing messages and pro- energetic, people-persontn
osssing mail.
FOUND women's wedding Position requires high our service department.
set outside of DeHart's on school diploma or equiva- Multi-task position, com-
9/12. Call to identify, lent, knowledge of financial puter skills a must. Send
509-281-0229. statements, customer ser- resume to Box "O", cJo
vice experience, additional TD. Chronicle, PO Box
training in general office 1910,ThaDalles, OR,
skills, and a minimum tWO
...... , ; , , years' related work experi-
enca. An agriculture or
Praschods """'36
Schools/T raining ""'----40
Tutodeg ~45
In, ruction "'"""""""50
Health & Fitness "--"--55
hensive plans, ordinance A~istantChildcaraGiv~ "BomtoFbh"
updates & providing staff For more Information, Fourth-grade boy: Looking, small st
support for the Planning ity time with. Loves the out-
Commissio0, Board of Ad- tir@n-,¢m,'.nst, er call us at for someone to spend qual-
~~'~' doors and fishing. Looking:.
justmer~t and other b~rds, for a "Big Brother" who is
Researches & analyzes 1700E.19thS~et
stable, but can be a lot of
technical date to apply de- The Dalles, Oregon fun. Lives in Wasco
Business Opportunities ""60
Investments & Loans'--'65
Mongagea & Contracts "72
AIR Duct Cisening busineas.
I~mJCofran. $1~00. ,~t.77~.
Mtn Man Nut & Fruit Co.
Established local route. Re-
duced price, 541-490~o327
For not~ ~nd ~tm=
Foe=, 800.6374677
velopment regulations to
complex and/or highly sen- THERAPIST/CDMHP
sitive development, con- Central Washington Compre-
struction & land use issues, hen~we Mental Health in Gold-
endale, WA is able to offer the
Conducts short term & long following position:
range planning programs & Therepist/CDMHP (County
projects. Excellent benefit Designated Mental Heallh Pro-
package. Annual starting fessionel)
salary: $38,209-$42,182 This ~sible for
DOQ. Applications at assessing ~ents' needs,
www.klickitatcou or
Klickitat County Personnel
Department, 509-773-
7171, 205 S. Columbus,
MS-CH-15, Goldendale,
WA 98620. Position open
until filled. EOE
8hermln County $:hool Dis-
trict is seeking a qualified
candidate to serve as
wrestling coach for the
2004-05 school year. Qual-
ified applicants may submit
applications to Sherman
Jr./St. Hig~ School, Ron
Townsend, 65912 High
School Loop, More, OR.
97039. 541-565-3500.
Closing date for applica-
tions when suitable candi-
dateis nd EOE
Goldendale School District .....
has the following opening Exs¢@w $~rMary: City of
for the 2004-05 school The Dalles City Manager's
ysan Office; 30 hrs/wk, $13.24-
Goldenda~ High School $17.43 pr hr + 80% pro-rat-
Amen Sign Language
Assistant ed bane. Performs admin-
TemponwPosition istrattve level duties & task
6houraperday;2daylper assignments in a support
yank capacity to the City Man-
This be "Student.~" ager & City Clerk. Red: HS
peattion, diploma w/advanced col-
AAdegnm,72c~lisge ct~llts, lega course work desirable
OrFonnalParenducetor w/exp in public or private
A=a~umentmqulrd. sector in the area of busS-
Applications may be ness admin. Knowledge of
obtalnedattha secretarial skills, computer
Administration Office; 603 application, administration,
South Roosevelt; budget & wdtten communi-
Goidendale, WA 98620;
Telephone 509-773-5177.
Closing: ~ot Z/, 2004, or
unlll filial. EOE
MERCHANDISER part time, Must have a CDL with tWo
servicing local grocery years expedence. Tanker
business related degree stores with non food items, endorsement. 32 cents per
wouidbeaplus. The Dalles-Hood River, mile. Must be able to go
Competitive compensation must be available early into Canada. 541-386-
and benefits package avail- mornings & have reliable 3003, Ask for Bob.
able. For immediate con- transportation. The Columbia Gorge Olscev.
stderation, apply online at 1-800-287-1604 Ext 706. ery Contsr seeks mature If team member ot perform
you are unable to apply on- Motel Rallef Manager. Biggs/ maintenance of building
line, please call 1-800-743- More, 8 to 10 days/nights and supporting systems,
2125. EOE per month, requires some including HVAC, irrigation,
ovemlght stays. Experi- alarm systems, plumbing,
Mid-Columbia Children's ence preferred but not re- lighting, and audio visual
Council, Inc. (Head Start) is
currenUy accepting appli- quire& 541-739-2501 for equipment. Full time, sale-
more information and ap- tied, benefits. Please send
cations for the following po- plicafion, resume to 5000 Discovery
sit/one: Hood Rlvtr: 1 Aeao- Drive, The Dalles, OR.
cista Tesch~ CDA required, Need Licensed Journey- 97058.
AA in ECE preferred 40 hr/ man Plumber. Send ra-
wk. $1839 per me. 9 ~ me/ sums to PO Box 984, The TRUCK DRIVER for North
yr, Benefits. White I~flmon: 1 Dallas, OR. 97058.Central Oregon based bulk
Child Care Aeaista~ 10 hr/ commodities hauler, re-
wk, $8.53 per hr. Applies- NOW a¢ceptlng appllcetlens quires overnight stays,
lions will be accepted until for Pad to Full time CAKE Must have class A CDL w/
noon September 27,2004. DECORATOR. Apply In per- air brakes, HAZMAT, &
Applications and job de- ion at Rossuers, 1867 12th St, doubles endorsement,
scdpttons may be picked Hood RIver, OR, clean driving record, re-
up at the OR or WA era- quires minimum 2 ~ears
ployment offices or contact Ray Schultan's has 2 open- driving experience, uene-
Mid-Columbia Children's ings for technicians. We of- fits. 541-442-5300 for more
Council at 541-386-2010. for pay based on qualifies- Information.
Applications should be t/one, pd vacation, 401k.
mailed to Mid-Columbia 541-296-6191 or see Bob Truck Ddver, year round, full
Children's Council, Inc., Rot)bins. time, operating In the NW rs-
gk)n, FielDed/doubles, good
1100 E Marina Way, Suite GREGONIAN CARRIER need. drMng record, 2 yre exp. m.
215, Hood River, OR sd. Fuel efficient cer required, qutred. Benefits +. 1-800-541-
97031. EOE 541.296.,le~ 220t ot 509-767.11E1
County. If you are interest-
ed in a fellow nature lover
that will keep you young
call 541-298-2173, in Hood
River call Teri at 541-386-'
6665, ext 200.
B~ amem/S~m ~t~
"Ha.O~=ln Wanted"
6 year old boy: Looking for
developing service/treab~nant a "Big Brother" who will
plans, and providing therapy teach me how to fix things
andCountydeai~MerAal just like my Pappy. Colorful
Health Professional Services. personality; not afraid to
Must be able to work the on- ask questions; will make
call schedule. Throe days w~ you laught Looking for
be at our White Salmon site someone who is stable, but
and tWo days will be at our
loves to have fun. Can't
Goldendaie site. This is flexf- wait any longer for a "Big
ble on which days will be spant Brother." Please call 541-
at each site. MastsYs degree in 298-2173
psychology, social work or Big Bruthem/SMe~ of the
closely related clinical field Columb~
req~red, ~ ptolemy.
Relocation assistance avail-
able. Mtn. salary with 2 yrs. "~W~(II "
exp. is $33.716.80. plus on- ~~
call. Please call 509-575-3894 .....................
to request an application, Are you the pdmary cere-
Please include resume when
returning your application, giver for a loved one? Don't
ADNEOE forget to take care of your-
self, toot Evergreen The
Dalles has immediate
short-stay and respite
opening on our new Adult
Day Care Wing. For more
information or to schedule
a tour, contact Erin,
Adult Care
Car Pools .......... 110
Tickets "'--"-- ........ 115
Travel ......... 120
Free-for-all 122
1t5 l"ickets
SHiP TICKET. 1 adult
Excursion Cruise ticket for
sale. Paid $20. Sell for $15
firm. Expiration: 6/30/05.
Ask for Tammy 360-834-
2141 M-FSam-5pm.
• rH ,, ,
Auctions ........ 125
H(x~ River "'"--""'--126
The Dallas 127
White SalmorVBingen""128
Odell "-""'""'-"""""129
Garage/Yard Sales """"130
Other Oregon Cities ...... 131
Parkdale """"--""--'"~132
~ndenNood --""--133
Other Washington
Cities ....... 134
Gotdendale ........ 135
Camas ......... 136
Washougal 137
Vancouver "'""--""'--'138
Bazaars/Fk~a Markets'--139
Anrques &
Coliectibies ....... 140
Jewelry .......... 145
Apparel ......... 150
Fumiture --'"--"-- ..... 156
Appliances' "'160
Home Electronics "''"165
Computers ........ 170
Satellites ..... 175
Cameras &
Photo Supplies ........ 180
Firewood & Stoves""'185
Hot Tubs, Spas,
Swimming PoO~S ........ 190
Sporting Goods ........ 195
Exercise Equipment "--'200
Sailboards &
A¢cessones .......... 205
Art & Leisure ...... """210
155 Fumiture
2 BURGUNDY recliners,
good con& $60 OBO. Flor-
al couch, $120 OBO. All
La-Z-Boy. 360-835-3722.
BEAUTIFUL custom built pic-
nic tbls. $200. You pick the
color of stain or finish for an
additional $25. Custom siz-
es & designs avail, upon
request. 360-834-0239.
5 piece. $400.
move & easyI
Green color.
'87 ToPPS
7 piece CHERRY1917
WOOD brand new bdrm OBO.
set, All hardwood
construction. Cost $4250. A cycle.
Will sell $t275. A Can
deliver. 503-612-8596.
ENTERTAINMENT center, w/Leopold
$4o. tend:
541-386-5453. Hunters
from Italyl $1975. Can
deliver. 503-612-8596.
FRAME. Clean. Exc con&
$100. 541-354-1479. Ruger m77
Oak oval dining table. $450.
60" plus 2 leaves, 6 chairs. 6pm.
$375. 541-386-5444.
$15. shots
SOLID OAK coffee table, SIC-PRO
like new, $50. 509.493- 10 shots
SOLID Oak table, 2 leafs. SIGNATUF
Very nice cond. $100. 360-
DbL piliowtop. Brand mountain
new, still In plastic.
Full warranty. Can deliver.
Musical Instruments .... "215 8'
Lawn, Garden POOL
& Equipment ....... "220 4~fl~,~.u~ Italian slsts,
Building Materials ....... 225 ,W~~ aramith
Timber Buy/Sell ..... 226
Hand & Power Tools .... 230 21 cu. ft, Gibson upright ets, 4cue~
Miscellaneous freezer, excl cond. $225. Cost
Equipmanr--"""""235541-993-2365. The Dallss $1550.
Health Care
Equipment ....... 236 30" Stainless steel over
Arts, Crafts & Hobbles'--"240 the range hood. New.
Baby Items "'""''"""250 $100. 541-354-1584.
Hair Care &
Beauty Aids ........ 255 55" MAGNAVOX Big
Books ........ 260 Screen "IV. 2 yrs old. Exc
Office Equipment""'--"265 cond. $900. 541-354-1014.
Restaurant Equipment "'270 A Good selection of W/D
Miscellaneous starting @ $79, Reffidge start-
forSale 275 ing @ $159. Come by Col.
Miscellaneous Gorge 2nd Hand @ 413 E 2nd
Wanted ...... 280 or call 541.2964800.
Frae/Give Away ...... 282
KENMORE Gas dryer.
CITY Great oond. $95.
ABBREVIATIONS 541-386-2692.
For the convenience of our Rebuilt Appliances, reason-
readers & advertisers the able prices. 90 day warranty.
following city abbreviations 541.296-7@9.
will be used to identify WHIRLPOOL matching
garage & yard sales in the washer/dryer set. $200. NORDIC
Columbia Gorge (all others 509-427-5518
will be spelled out): $350.
HR--Hood River. TD--Tha
Dalles. PK--Parkdale. W$-- 16~'~e
White Salmon. TL--Trout mill
Lake. CL--Cascade Locks. E~'or~k~
NB--North Bonneville.
GOLD--Goldendale. WSHGL. 19" HITACHI colored TV.
.Washougal, Exc. cond. $50.
• ,.,l~,~,___.___,,]r ~ HOME STEREO receiver,
~~ ~ood sound. 150W x 2.
,, $30. 360-834-1256.
BENEFIT ASSOC ..........
ANTIQUE SALE, 40% off in
$t000 Savings on first Sept, Old toys, paper cot-
month's care rates avail- lectibles, furn. More added
able until Dec. 1st. 24 hour from our attics. Retiring,
care, 4 locations to serve everything goes. Wind Riv-
you. Call today for tnfo & er Trading Post, Carson,
tour. 541-298-2556. www. WA. ~ Men. 509-427-4766.
Construction Manager
Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital is
seeking an experienced Construction
Manager. This is a full time TEMPORARY
position, projected to end 12/31/2005.
Must have knowledge and experience with
the UBC, NFPA, JCAHO, ADA, UFC, state
and local codes. Must have and maintain a
valid driver's license. Must have a working
knowledge and understanding of all trades,
blue prints and schematics with an emphasis
on structural, mechanical, plumbing and
electrical systems. Must have knowledge of
Life Safety Systems and current construction
practices within a health care setting.
Associate Degree in Engineering preferred.
Minimum of 3 years experience in the man-
agement of construction projects with at least
3 years in the management of construction
projects in a health care setting.
We offer an attractive salary and great bene-
fit package.
Please apply on-line at
For more information call (541) 387-6453
A cering difference you can feel
sa~se~ ~ eam.~m
Sun, S~t ZL lOm.~
Furniture, housewares,
jewelry, dishes, knick-
knacks, small tools, nuts &
bolts; lots, lots more!
500 E 12th St,
The Dalies
YARD Sale, Fri. 9/24 Sat.
9/25 from 8-4. Box Canyon
Rd. to 586 Sex~on Rd.
$149 FULL SET,
Double pillowtop. Brand
new, still in plaitic, full
warranty. Lists $479; will
sacrifice, can deliver.
A $229 KING SET A. DbL
pillowfop. Brand new, still
In plastic. Full warranty.
Can deliver. 503-612-6596.
11 piece A BRAND
NEW Achan7 Wood
Dining Set. Hand
crafll~ quality. Cost
$5850. Sac. $1825. Can
deliver. 503-612-8598.
High Speed Interest Stlhl
Sales, Service &
Local Hood River
dealer for the
Columbia Gorge
1802 Cascade SL #4
WF, $85. DF, LPP, Chink,
Alder, $125. Split,
seasoned-FOB yard. Local
deliveries avail.
Whitfieid pellet stove.
Quest model. Good cond.
$750. 541-386-2692.
sew, S'
Annual Christmas Bazaar EPSON color pdnter
Nov. 13th, 9-5 C60, $.50.
Looking For Crafters 360-834-7084. ORGAN
Handcrafted items only. 4 pm. 54'
$15 per table. Anyone 17~1/~
interested should contact ,,,,
Tiffany 541-374-2168
Tues.-Sat. only please. Check this oufi
3 free receivers
WANTED Free DVR or HDTV reviver
9th Annual Ubedy Bible 4 mon~m free Programming
Craft Bazaar, (wfih purchase of NFL Sunday nic this.
Sat., Nov. 20, 2004. tk;kst) . color of
Heather 360-954-5100. Free Installation
To order call es &
Connection "
*(cr~t ~l &
commYm~nt raqdrad) 19"
(aft ma~or credit cerds dr, 24
accepted) Perfect ~
Also ask about Din~way Ngh
speed Intsn~ and XM
MOVING SALE cmme¢ial free smllite radio
SepL 24 & 25, 9-4 ~'
101 Relay Rd., Stevenson
Fum., firewood, tools.