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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 26, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 26, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i¸ Page Two TIE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington l:-- soc, , Ac_ T ,Esll j ...... lax / ]RAII 0W ASSEMBLY i and attention called to things that lreported a very successful camp, fi- wmcraaa upens I INSTALLS NEW 0YFICERSIcan cause failure and how t'o avoid jnancially as well as otherwise. Re- L'" SP.~!~dt'M[~ With ] Frances Lawson was installed as ithem" I ports were given by leaders present ............ ] • ,, ~a.," .... e ~,.~ ~_,~la,~..a~1,~ } During hi,~ demonstrations Daven-i • Woman's Association Thanks Group raawnan ratty/order of Rair ow Girls at public port invites and answers questions I°n their plans f.or the coming year. pertaining to any kind of candies. Mrs. Ovel.'O.cher and Mrs. Rex Cooke j ---,,.-----. ceremonies held iu the Masonic repo.rted for the Klickitat girls. Mrs. For Cooperation In Park Pro ect An autumn vacation in Hawaii temple,Monday evening. KLICKIT T WOMAN'S , Daubenberg announced that Ester Ansel, Girl Scout Regional Direc.tor, CLiJB HOLDS MEETING would be in White Sahnon, October The ill'st fall meeting of the Klick-] 21 to help leaders and committee members with their problems and Members of the Woman's associa- tion all contributed tJo the program at the first meeting of the year held Thursday, Sept. 18 at the clubhouse answering roll call with interesting ~nd amusing experienc(~s of the awaits members of Mucrada club, who will be guests at a luncheon in Hawaiian s.tyle next Thunsda] after- noon, Oct. 3, a~ they gather at the ,Sept. 27. Five new members were introduc- ed and welcomed into the club by Woman's association clubhouse for t.he group's first meeting of the sea, on. Memrbers of the program Other new~y installed officers in- clude: Ida Louise Vincent, w, orthy associate advisor; Helen Jeffrey, Charity; Viola Culver, Hope; Hazel Garling, Faith; Marcella Milton, chaiHain; Jean Tobin, drillleader: Betty Wonder, red; Jea~ Moline, i tat Womaus club was called to o~der in the clul) room, Friday, Set)tember 13 by the new president, Mrs. South- plans for scouting. It is hoped all parents and adults interested will Thursday, September 26, 1940 deciding of a project for this years work was postponed until O,ctober. The following were suggested: play ground improvemel~t, flag ,a.nd flag pole, piano for the primary gradeS, new card tables and curtains for the gym and a new snare drum for the i orchestra. , 5~rof. ltoldman introduced ,the new teachers, Mrs. Sanders remedia! teacher. Miss Eddington, primary and Mr. Renfer. 7th and 8th grade, t-I~ ! then gave a l)rief talk on plans of the year..Mrs. J. J. Fry, president, pre- sided over the business meeting, 4.PIEC~E BEDROOM SET--Slight. ly used. Walnut veneer, Water- fall design, with round mirror, $37.50. NEW l)RE,%SEl~---~Valnut Finish, $14.95. 4-PIECE I?J~IDIttX)M SET -- Wal. nut, $39.50. BEDR(~M SET---Three ntirror vanity, chest, paneh~! bed, and bench, $~9.F~). hARlIE OAK I) mirror, $12.F~4). SIX I)HA~VER Cttlk'~)NIEI~- with mirror, $14.50. GOOD USEi) BOX SPI¢INGS and INTEI~I'ItlNG MATTRESS- $29.50. NEW i)AVA NOS --- $27.,~~ to ,~L50. LAI~JIE MOHAIIt DAVENI'OIVI~, Used, $24.50. SMALL TABIA~S---For all rises, ~2A~) and up. GLASS SHOW CASE--S3.50. CAI~INET RAIHO---General Elec- tric, 7 tubes, 19.50. TABLE MODEL RADIO----S7.50 It. C. A. CABINET 1¢A1)!O---$9.50 KYI~THEN CABINET BASES $4.95. AIR TIGHT HEATER -- Cast lining, $14.7~). ALL CASq' CII'~CULATOP~ HEAT. Elb--$29.50 and your old heat* el'. NEW ALL CAST Cllt4'! LATOIt---- $44.50. DUO.THERM OIL CII{(?ULATt)It HEATER---S34.50. ZENITH EhFAYI'RIC WASItER-- Good comlition, $'29.50. PIANO BENCH---Walnut or Oak Finish---Salt.50. S~WING MACHINES---~$6.95 and np. FURNITURE EXCHANGE Mrs. Fry. Mrs. E. C. Treat, president of the Mid-Colum,bia district federa- tion, announced plans for the fall meeting of t.he group Oct. 11. The morning ses.sion at 10 a. m. will be fol~awed by a luncheon served by the Methodist Ladies' Aid in their dining room. Mrs. F. H. Ludwig, state federation president, will be the speaker. A~ociation men~bers 'wish to ex- press their appreciation for the aid given them in providing tables, benches and garbage receptacles for the city park to the Klickitat Pine Box FacVory, John Trumbo, J. F. Oltmanns, Joe Linden and the G~oldendale Hardware Co.and Mc- Kenzie Hardware. These conveni- ences have beeu in constant use by tourists and others and have filled a long felt need. B.P.W. CLUB HOLDS FIRST FALL MEETING Goldendale's Business and Pro- fessiional }Vomen made plans for a busy year ,of discussion, civic par- ticipation and parties at the first meeting of the fall, held Monday evening, Sept. 23 at the home o~ the president, Virginia Lee. A con~plete list of committee appointments will be announced by the pre~s:ident be- fore the next meeting, which has been set for Monday evening, Oct. 7. An inf, ormal report on the district conference in Kennewick, where Miss Lee represented the group, was the main feature of the evening. The Goldendale president, who is the state chairman of publications, was one of the speakers at the Kennewick banquet. Mrs. Fred Lear, vice-president of the club and pro- gram chairman, is making p~ans for the clu,b yearbook..Miss Elizabeth Bratton is in charge of the next meeting at Miss Lee's ,apartment. t BRIDGE CLUB ME TS Mrs. Howard Lewis entertained her bridge club at her Columbus avenue home Tuesday afternoon. ~t BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Marion Hudson entertained her bridge clu,b Wednesday after- ,loon. Fur.~a'lmmed or Tailored Advance Styles Dozens of expensive look-~ ing dress coats with love- ly furs! Lots of smart •ports coats in sturdy tweeds and fleeces! All beautifully tailored; all richly lined and interlin- ed! 12-20, 38-44. TAKI~ ADVANTAGE 0]~~ Penney's Low Prices Beautifully made of fine fabrics! Richly lined, interlined! 12-20, 38-44. 14.75 JOIN PENNEY'S LAY-AWAY COAT CLUB ! d. O. ~lNlOgV 00., lttO., committee, headed by Mrs. A. C. Copeland, are arranging the affair. Headlining the program will be a discussison of the Hula by Mrs. E. C. Allison, jr. Hawaiian gongs will be presented ,by a trio ,of club mem- bers. Cards will be in the mail this week to conclude luncheon arrange- ments. Presiding over the :buMness meet- ing will be Mrs. F, F. Fenton, new president of the group, "who suc- ceeds ,Mrs. Herman Rauscher. Year books will be available at the meeting, and dues are payable at this time, Mrs. Fenton said. GOLF CLUB LUI CKEON M,rs. Bertha Trost will be hostess at the Women's Golf club luncheon scheduled Friday r~oon at the club- house. Luncheon will be served at 12:45. LEGION AU'XIIJARY INSTALLS OFFICERS Mrs. Lee Darland, past president of the American Legion Auxiliary, installed the following officers Wed- nesday evening, September 18 at the first meeting of the new year: President, Clara Klatt; first vice president, Jennie Brock; second vice president, Frances Abshier; secre- tary, Deryl Spalding; treasurer, Adria Sleeper; historian, Dorothy Lewis; chaplain, Amy Bv~wn; ser- geant-at-arms, .Shirley Dunn; exe- cutive board, Ruth Kaiser, Carolyn Hill and Muriel Brooks. The following committee chair- man were appointed by the new president : Americanism and Oratorical con- test, Sue Morehead; Youth activi- ties, Ruth Kaiser; Child Welfare, Carolyn Hill; Educational, Shirley Dunn; Oonstitu,tlon and by-laws,, Annie Klatt; Disaster and relief, Edith Gimlin;, Employment, Yudlth Baker ; American heritage, Amy Brown; Legislation, Adria Sleeper; Music, Muriel Brooks; Junior activi- ties, Gladys I~ouse; National de- fense,Laverne Darland; National news, Vera Whitehill ; Poppy, Frances ~bshier; Pt~blicity, Beryl Spadling; Radio, Myrtle Kelly; Re- habilitation, Jennie Brock; Trophies and awards, Lillian Garner; Unit activities and Oommunity service, Marie Fry. Membership month will be in October and a membership contest is in progres~ "with Muriel Brooks as captain for one side and Carolyn Hill for the other. The losing side is to enbertain the winner, The next meeting will be held at the Legion hall Wednesday, Oct~ober 2. All members are urged to attend. REBEKAH LODGE HAS ARY IEETING Goldendale's Leah Re~bekah lodge nur~,ber 22 observed the eighty- ninth anniversary of the national Rebekah order with an appropriate program at the I. O. O. F. hall last 'Tuesday evening. Following out a p~triotlc motif the tables were attractively decorat- ed with red, white and blue asters. Copies of the United States consti- tution were placed in the center of each table. The bill of rights of the U. S. constitution guarantees free- d,0m of assembly one of the many privileges denied the peoples of European totalitarian states. In Germany, Italy, and other dictator dominatednati~)ns neither the Odd Fellows or Masonic orders are al- lowed. The next regular meeti,ng of the Rebekah lodge will be Tuesday evening, October 1. Henrietta l!~migh, state president from WaHa V¢alla, will be the geust of honor. Initiation ceremonies are also sched- uled Friday evening. A good turnout of memlbers is requested by the Re- bekah officers. DESIGNED FOR AUTUMN .... Get a Shipp permanent now to have your perform all the trick curls and rolls ex- pected in the new fall coiffures Phone 1413 Shipp, s Barber orange; Carmen Athow, yellow; Shirley Hansen, green; Wanda Van- hey, blue, Annice Kayser, indigo; Maxine Radcliffe, violet; Alice Bul- mer, confidentia.1 advisor ; Ruth Schuster, outer .observer ; Betty Groves, musician; and Janice Spald- ing, choir director. ~|t tit BILLIKINS MEET Mrs. Clifford Pike entertained the Billikens club at her home last Tuesday evening. CANDY EXPERT WILL CONDUCT SCHOOL HERE The W~omau's Association once more calls attention to the candy school t,o be held in their clubhouse Friday afternoon and evening. Much interest as been expressed and a large attendance is expected. E. R. Davenport is highly recom- mended as an expert in his line, and the candies are made before the class, each step explained in detail, mayd. After the reguM.r routine of pM.n be a.tiend one of her meetings, school year. 1)usines~: 5Its. Ray Ward gave an in- The regular meeting of the Klick-, The progranl consisted of two teresting report on the Y,akima con- Parent Teachers association was i)eautiful piano duets by Mrs. Ine~ I held in the gym Monday evening. The I Drexel and Mrs. Larry Sh,a.rp. vention. Miss Sopel' presented a very interesting program "South Ameri- President, Roscoe Ham, presided. TheI Mrs. H. W. Mcgee, SecretarY' can Music." Hostesses for the afternoon were Mesdames Bennett, Holdman and Elsner. Mrs. R. P. Jeffrey was guest of honor for the social hour. Mrs. Ray Kyie and Mrs. H. W. Mcgee at- tended the Columl,ia .District bo,ard nleeting at \Vhi, te Sahnon the same day. Saturday, September 14, the Mt. Adams Girl Scout Leaders associa- i tion met in the club room. The eigh- teen .members presen.t enjoyed a pot ~luck h|ncheon, followed by the busi- ness meeting, which was conducted by the new President Mrs. Daul)en- berg. of White S,a:hnon. The business in most part consist- ed in reports of Girl Scout Camp Director, Mrs. Lauterbaug.h and of the council members present. All CENTERVILLE HALL | SPONSORED BY GOLDENDALE WOMAN'S ASSOC. Music by JIM HALL AND HIS ORCHESTRA Admisison 75c, inc. tax Dancing at Nine J Don't wear yourself out searching for savings. Bring your food order straight to YOUR DEPENDABLE STORE AND SAVE FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. A fine food store--packed with super-values---is right here in our modern market. Choice meats and garden-fresh produce .... quality groceries .... baked goods and dairy products--all are priced to bring you extra savings every day of the week. our NEW I~()iV PRICE Sun Gold Flour, new low price, 49 lbs. ..... $1.09 Drifted Snow Flour, 49 lb. bag ............ $1.59 Tomato Juice, 4 cans..25c New West Peanut Butter, 1 lb. jar. 19c Salad Dressing, qt ..... 17c Supreme Sandwich Spread; qt... 17c Supreme Cookies, pound ....... 19c Chocolate Eclairs Pumpkin, lge. 21/2 can.. lOc Rolled Oats, 9 lb. bag .. 33c Rinse, large size ....... 20c Rinso, giant size ...... 54c North Star Dog Food, 2 lb. pkg .... 19c Sunbrite Cleanser, can ........... 4c Viking Dog Food, 1 lb. can, 6 for... 25c V2 gal. Fruit Jars, close outs, doz ..... $1 Grapefruit Juice, giant 46 oz. can .. 15c Pork & Beans, Giant 2V2 cans ..... 10c Kerr Apple Butter, I lb. can ...... 10c Atlas Sanitary Lids, dozen ........ 9c White Star Tuna, large can ....... 17c West Best Coffee, pound .......... 21c Big Value Coffee, pound ......... 17c Fairway Coffee, 2 pounds ........ 25c Lifebuoy Toilet Soap, bar ......... 6c Lux Toilet Soap, bar .............. 6c Sugar, 10 pound bag ........... .. 55c Powdered Sugar, 3 lbs ............ 17c Fruits and Vegetables Values For Friday and Saturday Only GRAPEFRUIT, 6 for ........25c 80 size SWEET POTATOES, 4 lbs... 19c CARROTS, 2 bunches ... .... 5c POTATOES, 50 lb. bag .... .4"7c Yakima, No. 2's uality Meats Bologna or Liver Sausage, lb ...... 19c Dill Pickles, new crop, quart ..... 10c Pure Lard, sanitary pack, 4 lbs .... 29c Gibson Shortening, 3 lbs .......... 27c Young Pork Roast, lb .......... 161/2c Cut from fancy young pork Picnics, mild sugar cured, lb. .... 171/2c )a]