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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 26, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 26, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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19,0 | rsday, September 26, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale Washington Miss Irene Krausher spent the weekend in Spokane visiting friends. Bill McDowell is now working at grocery. He is taking the of Danny Seitzinger. English Toffee, Mexican Pinoche at School, Womans clubhouse, 27th, 2 and 7:30 p.m. 2t-- Jack Garling is now working at Goldendale J. C. Penney com- gtore. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ahola return- Friday from Seattle where they three days lafft week visiting friends. Get your winter briquets now and $1.00 per ton, McKenzie I-I~rd- Co. lt-- Mi,~s Marie ill;all, daughter of the and Mrs. C. J. Hall, left last for Salem, Ore., where she begin her second year at Will- University. • ke Oregon Journal delivered to home or at ~onfectlonar¥ stores Allison's Pharmacy. George Lay- agent, if-- PHONE 52 ATUI Sept. 27-28 O"Brien - John Garfield in "Flowing Gold" Comedy--"Spills for Tbrflls" Cartoon ~ ',Cross Country Detours" Sept. 29-30 Maureen O'Hara - Louis Hayward in Girl Dance! News Reel Color Cartoon----"Pluto's Dream House" DAY Oct. 1 Double Feature ! "WEAVER BROTHERS o.~ ELVIRY MYSTERY SEA RAIDER" URS: Oct. 2-3 with Robert YOUNG M-urn. O'SULLIVAN Lewis STONE WILLIAM GARGAN LYNNE CARVER 26.27.28 - 29 W. F. Ludlum, of Wahkiacus, was in Goldendale on business Monday. Peanut brittle, divinity, ~t the candy school, September 27th. 2t-- A. G. Rowland, of Bickleto~ was in Goldendale on business last Sat- urday. He is a new subscriber of the Goldendale Sentinel. L. L. Phillips, of Lyle, was in Goldendale ~on business Thursday. Phillips this week held an auction sale at his ranch near Lyle and i flisl~osed of all his property. Mrs. Ruth Leffbetter, Goldendale primary school teacher, missed her first institute meeting in 20 years last Saturday when she was ill at the time the annual county teach- ors' gathering was held here. Ed Allbritton, Democratic nomi- nees for East End commissiioner from Alderdale, was in Goldendale Saturda~y. Mark M. Moulton, of Kennewick incumbent state representative and Republican nominee to succeed him- self, was in Goldendale for the coun- ty institute last Saturday. Chocolate Creams and Dollar Mints at Candy [School, Sept. 27. 2t-- R. J. Bates, of LBingen, Republican nominee for sixteenth dlstrict rep- recentative, was in Goldendale for the county institute gathering Sat- Mrs. J es~i~ Pendleton, Miss Mary Clark and Miss Footer, all o.f Un- derv~o,0d, were in Goldendale last Saturday for the teachers' institute meeting. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William lV~orehead Saturday and Sunday. Charles F. .Stinson, Republican nominee to succeed him,self as state senator from the sixteenth district, was in Goldendale Saturday for the • annual county institute meeting. Lee.rn l~opular Music by the short and easy met'hod, The Miracle Series. *Demonstration gladly given without obligati.on.--~Mrs. F. J. Sleeper, phone 1203. 382 Miss Margaret McEwen, accom- ,panied by Miss Fae Glenny, both of !Salt Lake City, arrived in Golden- dale Sunday evening to spend sev- eral days visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. McE~ven. Miss McEwen and Miss Glenny left this week for Seattle to spend several days visiting friends. They will re- turn here early next week to spend the balance of their vacation in Goldendale. I The Portland 0regonian available from Frederick Oltmanns. Call phena 484 for daily delivery to your OWl home in town or at Comhmtionary steres, tf I~AIA, BARGAINS; Your Choice! lb. Pepper 5c; 16 oz. Antiseptic 5c; or large Petro-Carbo Salve 5c with purchase bottle Watkins Lin. hnent $1.00. A Real outstanding value. "Wait For Your Watkins bian--- It Pays." ROY W. LUNDBERG COMING DR. C. W. YOUNG OPTOMETRIST wil| re ume his regular trips to Go!dendale and will be at THE HALL HOTEL Thursday, Oct. 3 for examinations of the eyes and fitting of glasses. Jack New, bern, of Klickitat, was in Goldendale on business Monday. Watch Gillenwaters Hardware ad for news of Big Buck Contest. It- ,Sidney Jo,hn~son, of Lyle, was in GJoldendale ,on business Monday. Jess Cornthwaite, of Lyle, was in Goldendale on business Saturday. Get your winter briquets now and save $1.00 per ton, MeKenzie Heard- ware Co. lt-- O. J. Rondo, Dallesport school di- rector, was in Goldendale on busi- ness Monday. Miss Margaret Divers left this week for Portland where she plans ~o enroll in a beauty sehooll. Mrs. W. R. ,Maillie and daughter, Mrs. Virginia Bro~vn, were over Sunday visitors in P~rtland. Taffy and Cocoa.nut Squares at the Candy School, Sept. 27, 2 and 7:30 p. m. Admission 25 cents. 2t-- George Read, Democratic nominee for county auditor, and Mr. Spencer, both of White Salmon, were in ~oldendale on ~bu.sine~s T~hursda~y. For economical, efficient heat use Duo-Therm Oil Heaters. ,McKenzie Hardware. lt-- Jim and Emmett Bryant, of Los Angeles, spent the past week in Gold- endale visiting with their mother, Mm. Mary M. Bryant, and their bnother, Everett Bryant. Mrs. Rosa ,Gunkel, of Maryhill, and ,Miss RuJby Gunkel, of Tv~)ut Lake, spent ~Saturday in Goldendale. Miss Gunkel attended t.he teachers' institute while here. John A. Sanders, of Roosevelt, Republican nominee for county com- missioner in the third district, was in Goldendale on busPness M,onday. W. F. Byars drove to Portland over the weekend. While there he listened to the campaign speech de- livered by Wendell Willkie. I. J. Drury spent Tuesday in Yak- ima visiting with Mrs. Drury who is receiving medical treatment there. He returned home Wednesday. The condi'tion of Don ~obbs who has been seriously ill at his home for the past several weeks is report- ed as improving. Fred 01tmanns, local painter, last week purchased a new air c,ompres- sor slaray paint gun for use on all putdoor paint "jobs. Oltmanns re- turned last week from a trip to Portland and Seattle. In Seattle he rvisited with his daughter and son- in-law. Miss Virginia Lee was in Kenne- wick Saturday and Sunday where she attended a meeting of the Yak- ima district Business and Profes- sional Women's club~. ,Miss Lee, state publications chairman for-the clu'b, spoke on the work of the or- ganization's pu~blicity department. Among those fr:om Goldendale who drove be The Dalles Tuesday evening of last week to attend a special meeting of the Eastern Star school teachers who attended the in- stitute meeting here Saturday were: Selma Myhr, Dallesport; Ruth Lar- gent, Pine Forest; Neola Hanson, Laurel, Ida B. Wade, Goodnoe "Hills; Wallie K. Pierce, Lakeeide; Wini- fred McCredy, Cleveland; Ralph Brown, Crofbon Prairie; William C. Gregory, Appleton;Mary M. War- wick, Horseshoe Bend ; Harold Eshelman, Gilmer Valley; R. H. Fergin, Evangeline Just, Siri Sund- berg, Rex R. Thomason, Maude Pearson, Ruby Gunkel, all of Trout Lake; Reita Thane, Oak Grove; Martha K. Ford and Emma B. Woods, both of Husum; Emile Con- boy, Cedar .Valley; and Ehben Kin- soy, Mountain Brook. at Yakima Thurs. - FrL Saturday 0RAJAH 0AMPBELL'8 THRILL 2t0U8 OH£MPIONSHIP MIDGET AUTO RACE8 AD J 8IONg .... ............... md 10o 4 DAYS - 4 NIGHTS At State Fairgrounda in Yakima PREPARE for Fall A furnace that's in good con- dition requires less fuel, af- fords greater afety, and op- erates more efficiently. You'll save money by having your heating plant checked now I DON'T DELAY SEE .... Roy W. Lundberg, Watkins repre- sentative, ~vill be working around White Sahnon, Bingen, and Lyle the balance of this week and most of next. For economical, efficient heat use Duo-Therm Oil Heaters. ,McKenzie Hardware. lt-- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ramsey spent the past weekend in Portland. While in Portland they heard Wendell Willkie, Repn'blican nominee for the presidency, speak. George Ryals left this week for Seattle to resume his studies at the University of Wa~.hington. Warren Hartwell, of the Mar- shall-Wells company's, Portland of- lice, was in Goldendale on business last week. Charles L. Olson, of White Sal- mon, was listed as a recent vieitor at the San Francisco world's fair, by the State Progress Commiss,ion last week. S. F. Wnuk, of White Salmon, county commissioner from .district number one, was in. Goldendale for the board meeting Saturday.' W. W. Shields, of Lament, Wash., was i~ Goldendale last Saturday on business. He formerly resided in this county. A. L. MacB,laine wae in Seattle last week where he attended three of the ~baseball games between the Pacific Coast league champion Seat- tle Rainiers and the Oakland Acorns. Seattle won all three games to go into the finals of the play-off. Watch Gillenwaters Hardware 5.d Ortis Olsen was in Portland on business over the weekend. Harry Hill, of Yakima, was in Goldendale on buelness Monday. Melvin Thompson, clerk at the Dependable store, is on his vacation this week. Angelita Sanders, Klickitat teach- er, was in G~oldendale on business: Tuesday. C. B. Du'ffy, of the Eastern & Western comoany of Portland, was in Goldendale on business this week. ! .Mrs. Thurman Ward and baby Carole are el)ending this weekend in Portalnd visiting with friends. The Seattle P-I delivered to your home or at McKee's Pharmacy, or call Lawrence Weiss, agent, tf Ben Camp, Mrs. C. G. Miller and Mrs. Hope Davie, all of Bingen, were in Goldendale Sunday visiting with friends. C. A. Parks, of the Johns~Mans- ville company of Seattle, is in Gold- endale this ~veek aiding with the city water project. Bob B.ratton, son ,of Mrs. Grace Bratton, left this week for ~eattle to resume his studies at the Uni- versity of Washington. Charlotte Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Lewis, left last week for Walla Walls where she will begin her soph,0more year at Whitman College. ,f/Bob CahiH, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cahill, is now enrolled at Whit- man college. He is turtnng out for the varsity football team under Caoch Nis ]~orleeki.~/' " for news of Big Buck contest, it-- Jerrine Brooks, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Godfrey, of and Mrs. Z. 0. Brooks, plans t~o Seaside, Ore., stopped in Goldendale leave this week for Seattle where last Friday for a visit with Mr and she will enroll for graduate study Mrs. W. J. McKenzie. They 'were, at the University of Washington. returning home from a trip to Cana- Baubara Wickham, da~tghter of da. Mr. and ,Mrs. Rex Wickham of Gold- Mrs. Josel~h W. 0'Connell, Van- couver, arrived in Goldendale this week to join her huaebaud who was recently transferred here to serve as medical officer at Camp Golden- dale. Mrs. Howard Marshbank and Mrs Edward Erickson, of Portland, and Mrs. Esther Hatch,,ofVancouver, spent t.he weekendin Goldendale visiting at the Mrs. R. D. Sunder- rand and Guy Hause homes. Mrs. C. M. Ryman, Miss Mabel Ryman, Mrs. Eddith Leaton and Mrs. Bernice M. Smith, all of White :Salmon, were Goldendale visitors last Saturday. ,Mrs. Ryman visited with friends while the other ladies attended the teachers' institute. Mr. and Mrs. I~uis Edwards, :of Olympia, and Artie Harris, of Che- halls, visited from Thunsday eve- ning until Sunday evening with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Harris. Among the Goldendale Lions club members w~ho drove to Grandview last Monday evening to attend the Lions club charter night ceremonies there were: Edgar H. Canfield, George Taylor, Clifford Pike, Ralph Nickerson, and Archie Radcliffe. The nearly organized Grandview Lions club has a membership of 45 mem- bers. Their first project is to light the Grandview high school football field. Dr. Gerald Turley left Saturday evening for Ohicago where he plans e i to pond a month .or longer tak ng graduate surgery work in the Chi- cago School of Surgery. While in Chicago he p,lans to attend a couple of football games on the campus of his alma mater, Notre Dame Uni- versity. He.will attend the Georgia Tech, and Carnegie Tech games. Other teachers at the inetitute in- cluded: O. E. I-Ioldman, Eileen LeDeau, Margaret B. Watt, Calvin Rempfer, Katheryn Edington, and Angeleta Sanders, all of Kllckitat; Hilmer Erick~on, of Wishram; Levi F. Austin, Mabel Kirby, Mona Mil- ler, Charles Scott, Alice ~aling, Irene Scott, all of Bickleton; Ruth Kaiser, Firwood; Bert Kragnes, Ruth McCormick, Eleanor Newman, John Fairman, Elsie Wal~gren, all of Centerville; Gladye Klatt, of Maryhill; W. G. Parker, Katherine Rake and Thelma Artz, all of Alder- dale; Ulric'h Zuberbuhler, Bendicta Leland, Lillian Spoon, Mabel Ryman, Bernice Smith, C. F. Breneman, Verdell Ragedale, Roy H. Cain, Margaret Rodman, Edna Plog, Wet- her Dleckman, and George Wood, all ,of White Salmon; Mr. and Mrs. John Symonds, Alma Glass, Kathryn Reader, all of Roosevelt; and Sylvia Wayne, Winston Sanders, Clyde Griffin, Martha McColl, all o.f Glen- wood. go hand im hand at WIERMAN'S Shoe Repair Service endale, left last week for Walla Walla where she enrolled at Whit- man college. Miss Wick.ham pledged Delta Gamma sorority. Hale Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bennett, left recently for Seat- tle where he will enroll for the fall quarter at the Univereity of Wash- ington. Bob Byars left last ~veekend for Eugene, Ore., where he ~ill enroll for' the fall quarter at the Univer- .sity of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Powell have moved into the Darch residence on West Broadway formerly occupied by Dr. and Mrs. George Harvey. Valda CreVling, daughter of Mrs. Grace Crevling, and Lorraine Kay- ser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avon l~ayser, left this week for Seattle where they will resume their studies at the University of Washington. Nellie I. King filed euit for di- vorce f4~om Phillip W. King in su- perior court here Tuesday. In the complaint she charged cruel and in- human treatment and non-support. She asked custody of the children. Jeff Davis, Toppenlsh auctioneer, THEIR ONLY RIVAL... FLORSHEIM BROWN is the color hit of the season, and we have it in all finishes from dull gloss to high burnish . . . from the "aged" mellowness of Florsheim Hand-Stained Calfskin, to the mirror. like luster of Florsheim French Toes. Go to t~e Man W/~o Kn ....... Sl, o,s Be,,t ... Your ~7or~]~eim D~aler / j. B. S. CO. wa~ in Goldendale on business TueS- day. He reports that he will hold a ~m~ with special livestock auction at the state a smooth-looking snap-brim_ ! fair grounds in Yakima Saturday morning to dispose of all breeding Its correctly turned-up back, snapped F.stoCkF. A.andandfat4~et°CkclubseXMbltedat the fair.bY front will "point up", your ward- Mr. and ,Mrs. W. B. Nickerson robe.., its price won t tear down and Mr. and Mrs. George Nickerson g ~ attended the Western Washington you~ t)uOget . . . . • Fair at Puyallup la~ Thursday. They drove on to Seattle to attend a Ford dealers meeting and to see the 1941 models. Other county teachers in Golden- dale Saturday for the institute in- cluded: Eddith Lenten, Pleasant View; Marion McCarthy, Gertrude DeBois, Bingen, Margaret E. Bowen, Bristol; Grace Davis, Fulda; Ethel McConnell, Orchard &Ieights; and Jewel Edmison, Oltffs. Jim Hall and Harold Jacroux left early Wednesday morning for San Francisco where they plan to attend the world's fair. From San Fran- cisco they will drive on to Los Angeles and San Diego. They will inake the return trip by way of Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada. They will be gone one week. e~aul S~nstrum, e~n of Mr. and O## Arrow Shirts A big help in making you £eel your best is looking your best. Now is the time to get yourself some handsome Arrow Shirts, with their clean-cut tail- oring, their handsome collars, their beautiful patterns. Every Arrow is sanforized. Mrs. L. F. Sanstrum of this city, was recently dppolnted as manager of the Safeway store in Hood He was formerly manager of Ca~ad~ IAmks etore. The Hood River manager has purchased the Safeway S~ore in White Salmon and will operate that store privately. The White Salmon ,manager was transferred to C~ascade Locks. 2.00 MARYHILL RESIDENTS ATTEND FUNERAL RITES M~ARYiHII.~ -- (,Soeclal) -- ~rs. Kenneth Rude and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Saurs went ,to Hood River last Wed- nesday to attend the funeral of t~he grandfather of Mrs. Saurs and Mrs. Rude. Will Greenman who has been sis- lting his nephew, Gee. G~ss, an~! fam- ily, were to Goldendale ,Friday to visit his nieces, Mrs. Eddy and l~rs. Jacroux. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Robison drove to Wlshram Friday night. ,Mr. and Mrs. IAoyd Early and f~mily moved up from Portland and ,will live on the Maryhlll Fruit l~rm vacated last week by Mr. and Mrs. Don Barley, who moved ,back to :Port- land. Stanley Ayher, Byron and Harriet Mrs. Goss, Mrs. Roblson, Mrs. IBabcock attended the show in Gold- Themes and Mrs. ~auro drove to The endale last rPuesday evening. .Mtss Selma Myhr, of Dalle~port, visited at the Asher home last Sat- urday. Mr. McDonald attended a Me.sonic ,meeting in ~llensburg last Saturday] night with a delegation from the C~oldendale lodge. .Mr. and tMrs. ~rank Wedgwood: were .Sunday dinner guests at the home of their son ~md daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs, Hugo Wedgwood. ~unday was ~rover Wedgwood's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. I.,ester Robison spent ~unday in Goldendale. Mr. and Mrs- McDonald and Mrs, ~Bert Geer were in The Dalles .Men- ,lay, Dalles Monday. E. W. ,l~eck was a business visitor in The Dalles Monday. Triplex Cleaners Phone 542 Goldendah All kinds of a:ltera ions, etc.