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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
September 26, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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September 26, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I '!'2 i Pa_ge. Six THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEI,--Goldendale, Washington Thursday, September 26, Commissioner's 1940. MATSEN oue new tractor witb (Seal O erk of Board. struct on, ncurred by the State I °ration, maiutenance r :~: EI~ i " ' .... ~all Icier. equipment material cost~ and in~erl:uptions o s,,rvk MER KAMA-tOLZ, the Board in attendance. THE.RE,ORE BE IT ORDERED; I " " - " t of such construc i " -. ' • . t • I':) "~ --. S.F. WNUK. Current Expense Fund that sealed bids shall be c'l- " A Petmon for Yranchlse to con-] .... ,t on, nicm~ed by tile I in any other items of co I1 l'roceedmgs ,,.~al"d. of County Comnlissioners, I The following amount was paid by the County Auditor, toa[fe~.n[~l~ s~ruct~i.?ePer'~e and maiutail)a water !~a~e~.ia[msual~ieslab:rD^lequ~pment,[ determinedby: . ~:, .... ~-llCKlta~ wearily, ~wte or wasa I out oz tne uurrent Exuense Fund forlone (1] n~w trnotnr, x*r~th rln~^-~ ~"* 1'~ pv a v ct~ug acl'OSS anu upou all el1 "ill '',. ~p p~ "v~lon. ailcl [ (1) l'necharacteristics or ii) F°r EstablisIl~t~e~LUTl:LmltyRoad ~k~e~ RE~:~NMIofL4.,~oRa,rd ~lt~:.filfo~o~wgi~nyin~amadKl:u~nk:::twaCsOunt~ :OC~;;sed this 4th day of September, ~epC~abteR~:du~Y:4~'!tsm~lthm~:[e~l, iiii:Sy!2i~A!is~ntld:i!i~lli:ti (9~.~i~;~:~a:b~C~ ~ ~; ~ g 'pc d A M MATSF_AN ; ~ D , "" "~ ~ Y !~'~ WHEREAS, it appears to the WI~I~P~S: It appears to the out of the County R~ad Fund for] E.).~M~R KAMHOLZ i OR1)ER O1~ SALE [f~epart~e~o~tns~fH~ways ~ p aymel}t gineer and the Administl [~ Board of County Commissioners of Board of County Commissioners of claims against Kliekitat County, S F WSNUK ' i (County Property) .. ' . ' , y nas cred- (3) Evidence of past per'. K~Ck~at~¢t,l~eU~te~Y~eSitt~;ee°;stsW)oSrh'~l~e K:iCkih.taal t(~hUrnetYs Sne~:23ff tW:si~g-" SBle)iJrtl~e Board of County Corn- K1B~t ~fuC~nsYat(e~onfm~s~°hners'!STo~T~liOkFtZ~SHINGTON' County ~i~f~?l~ik~!~tcDen:(~i::tned;° t:~.cC2~.nI~ • (c)a~e~ experience of the ~[\~!:!t:.i~!!~.'i:I ",~ " O "'~'' : ",~ls't: r ' , •i, aa.~ oi''~.u st"["|[ ' .... |[' i'. :'" " t~ " :" '" , :. /[t;i~~o,:~_~~act . t~wne . na" the ha_1 '17 a, n~2e~: in nShisalr a3 lOllmrlohll; tlltile2:: ,, " am, ~y .... an.,~[ , v n r~ .... er most practicable route in the viciuitv cribed as right of way 60 feet inlGrand Jury sesslon'for sai(l Kllekitat Tax Lot 26 in "SWNWt .... - ....... 19 3 11 50 ..... i ' ,. ; ............. 7. !.hall be final in evaluating the - t.~ount tO cony I z~.~b~'v~ dUl~-J.N A IYIII~L#P~I~ items |~ of the Old Bickletou Road to a ~oint width, beginning at the t corner ofl : y ene on the 22nd day[ Min. ~ ~_~," ~ .~." . . ~ '_ • ~! |:t ~terse~ting the present Bickl~ton- Sections 7 and 18 Township 6 north)of July, 1940• _ 1 .... Lot Blk. Price t~..... ) ,lel•K O~ J~oara. l_ 10. The time of completion ['~ Goldendale Road in the NE~ of Sec- range 13 east and extending easterly| 2 ~urroru's Add.----centerville 9 & 10 1 1.00 I ~,~~ I vrojec~ as speci.fied by the Biddq • ...... ::::::::::::::::::: • • [~ visions of Chapter 187 of the Session RE~OLVED: That public interest] g p de t at all costs and ......................... Min [ "" . " ~ " ' d of a of the maximum bid price In~ .... ' " " . • " • course pit run placed three a Proposal is not accepted or |;~: i Laws of 1937 and hereby direct the requires the above m~provement" un_|expenses for, the duly .~mpaneledI Sac. Tp. age. Acres Pricelinches ,..,~,t ................. ~ ~ee~ wine a aistance t r-roposai ......... ~s acceptea ana a ~on~ |::~ Oounty Road "Engineer to make a de," the provis~ons of Chapter 187 of|~rana JU~y snan .pc pmq py tne N~N~NWSEt 1 3 10 10 500 of 1• miles be~,,-~-~ '~ • .t ......... | ~ renort un'm ~he ~h~v~ a-~,rth,~a ~acne ~ession ~,aws of lv~ and tnat|cOuaLy Wnel~ln salu L~ronu Jury is aw~.~ur~ o~'~,k¢~;r~,;x" ................ . • '. ." .," e ~. ........ ~ .~ a poln~[~l,on wonr, racr is execu,tea and e~s : : ~" ~" ~ • ....... ......... • qmpaneled ~,~,, ,,~,~;~m.~uw~m~ ............... ~ ~ ~v ~a. ~.ov near tile center of Section 9 thence factor ~ Contractor's Bo'nd is fur) Approved this 11th day of July the expendltme of not to exceed • SWNWSE "S ~ 1 3 1 1~ - I . ~ • . 3 [~ "1940. $1,000.00 from Gas Tax Construction .... 4 . E~SWSEtt, ~NWNWSEt .............. 13 "3 100 2~" 10"50 ~°r~o,~ mile to the north line of sal~! ed by the s,ccessful Bidder,. [}~ AttCst" J()S~'A M'LLER " " A M MATSEN, ers of said glickitat County should]l-8,.int~inNENW~; WhNWi; NWSWI .... 14 4 10160. 10"00iTwp 4 North Range 15 E~ " ]low proposals that by filing itS. |i.~ (Seal) Clerk of Board ~IAk~E~ KA2klJE~OLZ, . ) emergency appropriation of)~xxr~r~-~.qw~.~w~ o,.., ~ ~a ,~, ~, ,, I RE.SOLYE.D. That public mterest)P°sa)_ together with such che~?~ |T:;) ~ " S F -WNUK $z,0'00.00 to pe.y ,the costs of said ~;,~,'~'~:J~'.~ ..................... :o ~ .~ -~. ?~"'.~lz'equires the improvement under the)consmeranon or tne uwner's r~ " " • • Gr u ]~wi~vv~[;l,~w~w~, ..................... 2~ ~ lu ~u ~u uu "~" - . " • • ~ii~ ORDER MAKING APPOINTMENTS t~oard of County Commissioners, [ a d Jury. - " ~ SW~ of Lot 1 l~ss R ur W.~._~ Ro~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a a ~n I pr°v.~mns of Chaptm 187 of the lng_and considering such Prol~ [~ In tile ~,atter (,f the annolntment of)Kllckitat County, St~.te of Wash. I ..... o • - [StS~W¢" "S'~N~.~ff'~-~V~I~EN'~';: ............... [Sessmn ~.,aws of 1937 for the Im-I .SUCh rr.oposaj snail t~ nrm ana~ |i:~ ,, ~ ........ *-~%. . i Attest" JOIfN A MILLER ! mat tnls, an emergency cahing ~orl ~ .~....2-- ~'~: ~:.~"~.~.~2~ ~ -4, .......... 10rovement above described and thatling upon eacn SUCh t~iuuer ana ~i',~ ,~_liea~?__ ~n[cers _~or t~ounfy_, i'(Seal)" Clerk of Board ]the mandatory payment of money re-/ ..... vvlts-~ ltoau; r~w¢ .......... ,~ ~ 11 bu. ~ z~.0u! $725.00 fronl Special Maintenancel check shall be held by the Owne! |i'~ xza~s oem~ Lie ~une ~or ma~mg "lqulred b~ law as nr~v~,~,~,~ ~, ~-H-- ,, ~om~ ............ ,o o ±~ or. ~v.vv s " • the eriod of 60 .... ,~ .................. • ......... Ga~ Tax Fund Comnussioners D P days from tho [i~ ............. ] ORDER i - , Remingtons Revised Statute ..... • ..................... . ..... - .... "~, I t,,ct No. 2 to be expended to make e above set for the openln! ~ the apomtments of health officers 39976 ~ SWNE~;NWSE~ 26 3 11 80 4000 .- ' m-her in £~ anu tie matter Doming on ior aear-I . .land that no notio- ,~f ho~.o. +~o.~.~ ~ • ................................ • a ~ a5.30 .t~.ou 1 said inlnr~)vf~inonf [ Pr0nos-vals ~, ing at this time n the M~tter of Establi nine t o! is required Lots 6 and 7 3 4 11 72 75 37.001 A roy |:~J " " ] Tq~ ~Ph~ Creeks-Bickle~n Road } .. .... • ........................ . ..... • ..... ~ pp ed tMs 1 lth day of Sept- 12 No contract shall be let i~ ~!~ Upon due consider~a,tion, It is here- ~ • • 1 NOW TI~E~REPORE ~ ~m D~ ~W2~r~ ......................... ~ a ~± aU. ZU OU(ember 1940 ~ .... ",e +~ ~+~ .... +~a .... ~ ~f [~ by ordered that I)r. R. L. BaKer isl TMs.matter coming on for nearmglSOLVE~BY THiS BOAR~]~ ....... tSWSW~ ............................. 5 4 11 40. 20.00t 'A M" MATSE~q )~n~7~,~-~2"2"~. ~,~,;~'~.~'~e'~'..~,~"~*~ [i~ hereoy appointed as the county health upon the report o~ the county engl- 1 " NWNWt ............ 8 4 11 40 20 00 ~LME~-~:~'~ ,, i~=~;~1~.~'_~"~%' .~. ..... ~ ~.".Z-" ~ " neer and sam in in due form • . " ................. , , * ....... ~x~.r~az, ~'u~l ut Llt~ t:~)~ui.tVlSS1On all DIU~$, officer for Kltckltat County Wash- the e be g That an emer • E(kN~E~ 9 4 11 80 4000 ~ - "~ • ' due to 1 " vit of ub gency be d~cl~red m ................................ S. F WNUK. unsatisfactory they may rejec~ [~[ ington, and Dr. G. W. Turley as the .... tie attached atlida P -)the sum of~2 000 00 t E~SE~ .............................. 10. 4 11 80. 40.001 Board of County ~ ..... ~, ...... [,~ t~, .... ~ ~,~ ..... +, .... ~ i,~ ~ deputy health officerfor saiddis-ucanon" . . *' ~ " "- N~SWSWi 13 4 11 20 1000 Klickitat County ~5~':~"'~'~ ...... /Z=_F'2;;" ";_"~;_~u~','~L~'~ .... Y "_'_'Z ,~ • , ............................... ~c~Le ot wash case all cIIeCKS snail De return~ , tract Upon motion of Ehner Kamnoiz T1 NWSWSW~ 16 4 11 10 500 "' ~" • [~!~ :"" • ~ ........... land s-c-n .......... nuk th-[ lat the County Auditor of KIick-I .........."~','~';~'--'~: ................. ,. ...... • . • ^]A~ttest: J'(~HN A MILLER )the bidders" but if such contra~ ~i:~' this 15th day of July, 1940. IEnglnee~ s rceport .was accep~u anqiected to d.l:aw urmn sa~iS-fun'd~fgr~he]SWSn~ .............................. 24 4 11 40. 20.00l ............ ] s~(all~h~" r;;~,.n~"+~" t~l~'~',:~". _,~ _ ,~, ~ A M MATSEN tne roea estaonsnea anu mcatea Pa"ment of "- ~- -~ ~NWSEt 28 4 11 40 2000 ' ................... ~ :*• ' 1 o " " : ~ne t~ranu Jury expenses~ • " "" ................... NOTICE AND IN . cep:t that of the successful bid [~ EL~ER KA.M~I, OI~Z, ta°ng"!he.hnesasherewlth set f°rth:lfor the term endin~ An~n~t 9st~ iTax Lot 8 in NE~3Wt .................. 31 4 11 8., 4.00[" 1. .... ST ItU(~PIONS TO]which uha]l t ..... taln,~d ,,ntll |?~ S F WNUK Begmmng at a point on the State/1940 ,,,,,, +h ..... %_7-=.o-~- 7~;..,~W~SW~; WS-S Road 3~ 4 11 80 40 00~ • D.~,vE~ ~; --:- 7"7:-.-~ -~.~"'"-.~ -;'~"_~ [~. Board' of County" Commissioners,]Highway iNumber 8 ill the Northeast]prop~rv%uche'~.s (~'u~e,~La2°n °~..tnelEt~tSWSE~;WtSl~SE~i';vVS:i "fio~ci': :: :33 4 11 30: 15"00 " __ Z~:c~snan De en*terea .il~to Ior. [,!~ Kllckitat County Sba£e of Wash. [qua.rter of Section 17, Township 5,[vided by law , .........u,u- NWSW] .......................... 33 4 11 40 20:00[ 1. Sealed proposals forthe con-l~,7~naw~e,.OI suncn P?(Lenrlal~s.~I°r~l/ |i~ Attest: JOHN A. MILLER, IN. R. 17, E. W. M., thence easterly) Passed unanimousD, this 3rd de-,(N~SSNwS~E~ ......................... 33 4 11 10. 5.00]struction, ,i~)cluding the suplSly of such work '~x'rnts~h ..... .c, V~r~ ,,~ ~ z f ed with su [~ (Seal) Clerk of Board. lto" the ~se~thlineeO~n~eCtilont18astT~e~ l) [of September, 1940. , Tax I~t 5in S~SE~; .W/S-S Road ........ 35 4 11 .14. ^ 7.00 ~eeC~e~sarYel~OO~et~ll~terials and equip-[sat'{sfaatory to the comhtission, i~ |~ ---------- ~ " " • : | A M MATSEN )w~w~'~w,~w~uess ~t-w ........ ........ xx ~.~o a.ou]. . .: p . . • , o~ a rural elec-(amount of the maximum Con~k~ [::~ ORDER /direction intersecting the old BicK-| S" F"~l~TW" ' /E~ Lot 1; E~SDNEt ................. 36 4 11 41.95 2100 n'ical uistrioution project (herein- ~" ~" ~".... * ~1~'~-- ~ .... ~-- "~ I~:~ In the matter of the appointment ot}~et°~ )~?aRd i~th~aV~C~lhtYnOf S~ 27,~ E~Li~E.R KA~I~OLZ, [E~NW.SWt .........