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SEZrEMBER 27,2017 --5
The Klickwood volleyball and Kately Peterkin, also
team traveled to White Swan grandchildren of Mike and
last Saturday to compete in Marilyn Scott, and Riley and
the White Swan Tournament. Bailey Rickman, grandchil-
The Klickitat and Glenwood dren of Terry and Ed Arnold.
girls' team made it to the All the cowgirls and cowboys
championship round received nice awards
and finished second at the closing pro-
outofsixteams.Way gram and are look-
to go, Klickwood, you ing forward to next
have made your corn-.
Gienwoocl summer's playday
munities proud. Womens" Clubseason.
Gavin Bensel, Don't forget the
Anthony Avila, and fall bazaar on Satur-
Frank Lorton competed in
day, Oct. 14. Sign up for a table
youth football games in Ste- to sell your woodworking,
venson over the weekend
and seem to be thoroughly quilting, sewing, photography
enjoying their season. Check cooking, crafts, and whatever
with their morns for games in else you might like to sell.
White Salmon. These great There is no charge for a table.
young athletes would love to There will be breakfast and
have a big Glenwood cheering lunch goodies for sale.
section. Proceeds from the kitchen
Joslyn and Blain Arnold, will go to the Glenwood
children of Be and Casey Band to purchase percussion
Arnold, and Jocee and Jen- instruments. Please come
try Hector, children of Jaecee support the band. These kids
and Josh Hector, competed have really been getting into
in final horse playday of the their music under the direc-
season at the West Klickitat tion of Jennifer Hallenbeck,
Saddle Club. Also competing and your support would
were Shane and Laney Scott, be greatly appreciated. To
grandchildren of Mike and reserve a table, contact Jen-
Marilyn Scott and Oop and nifer at (509) 364-3517 orjhal-
Diane Burgin, Lexi, Kinley
Washington Health Centers receive funds to fight opioid crisis
TodaytheHealthResources by increasing personnel, lev- opportunity to provide men- interventions to overcome
and Services Administration eraging health information tal health and substance challenges in rural commu-
(HRSA) awarded $4,075,745 technology, and providing abuse services to patients nities, such as longer emer-
to 24 health centers in W~sh- training, who wouldn't otherwise seek gency response times and
ington to increase access to The expanded funding is or have access to treatment." lack of access to substance
substance abuse and mental part of the Department of Nationwide, HRSA abuse treatment providers.
health services. Health and Human Services' awarded more than $200 mil- For more information
"No corner of our country, five-point strategy to fight the lion to 1,178 health centers, about the impact of integrat-
from rural areas to urban opioid epidemic by: And, since rural states are ing mental health and sub-
centers, has escaped the Improving access to treat- more likely to have higher stance abuse services at the
scourge of the opioid crisis," merit and recovery services, rates of overdose death, par- community level, and a list of
said HHS Secretary Tom Targeting use of overdose- ticularly from prescription FY 2017 AIMS award recipi-
Price, M.D. "The Trump reversing drugs, opioid overdose, 496 health ents, visit: https://bphc.hrsa.
Administration is taking Strengthening our under-centers located in rural com- gov/programopportunities/
strong, decisive action to standing of the epidemicmunities will receive the fundingopportunities/aims/
respond to the crisis caused through better public health Access Increases in Mental fy2017awards/index.html.
by the opioid epidemic. These surveillance. Health and Substance Abuse To view a list of the RHOP
grants from HRSA go directly Providing support for cut- Services (AIMS) award. Fur- and the SAT -TNGP award
to local organizations, which ting-edge research on pain ther, an additionalnearly$3.3 recipients, visit: www.hrsa.
are best situated to address and addiction, million will support 13 rural gov/about/news/press-
substance abuse and mental Advancing better practices health organizations across releases/2017/fyl7-rural-opi-
health issues in their own for pain management, the nation to increase access oid-awards.html.
communities." "Nationally, about half of to treatment and recovery To learn more about the
Approximately $4,075,745 all care for common mental services for opioid abuse Health Center Program,
will support 24 health cent- health conditions happens under the Rural Health Opi- visit:
ers to support expansion and in the primary care set-old Program (RHOP) and the about.
integration of mental health tings," said HRSA Admin-Substance Abuse Treatment To find a health center in
services and substance abuse istrator George Sigounas, Telehealth Network Grant your area, visit: http://finda-
services. These services focus MS, Ph.D. "In health centers, Program (SAT -TNGP). The
on the treatment, prevention, where people are often most organizations will use these To learn more about the
and awareness ofopioidabuse comfortable, staff with var- awards to advance evidence- FORHP, visit: https://www.
in the primary care setting led expertise have a unique based, opioid use disorder
The Twin Bridges Museum them Wednesday nights, 6:30
wishes to thank all partici- - 8 pm for MPact Girls and
pants that made their annual Young Explorers. Youth (mid-
Fundraiser Dinner and Silent dle - high school) meet at the
Auction a great success, same time. Please call (509)
The museum is a non-profit 365-3971 for additional infer-
organization and relies on mation.
these fundraisers and dona- According to the recently
tions to maintain operations, released results of last
Many family members held spring's Washington state
cameras to record the event in assessments, Lyle School stu-
either still or moving videos dents continue to make gains
of the Lyle School Choir. They and, in some categories, are
entertained the folks with exceeding the state average
song choices ranging from
tunes by The Beatles to Judy on these challenging assess-
Garland's "Some- merits. Despite the high bar
where over the posed by new state
Rainbow"--includ- ! News tests and gradua-
ing great solos and tion requirements,
Lyle's four-year
duets. They really Mildred Lykens graduation rate was
did themselves
proud. And no one 89.5 percent in 2017,
left hungry from compared to the
that generous helping of spa- state average of 79.1 percent.
ghetti dinner, that's for sure. This was the highest gradua-
An "Essay & Poetry Con- tion rate at the schoolin seven
test," sponsored by the years. Tria Bullard, Lyle's
Baha'is of Klickitat County, Board ofEducationPresident,
is open to all Klickitat County says. "We are thrilled with
youth ages 12- 20. The theme the progress that we continue
is, "So powerful is the light of to make as a district. As the
unity that it can illuminate mother of three students in
the whole earth." Lyle, I am excited about the
The essays must be 250- growth in student achieve-
500 words and poetry must ment and the possibilities that
be minimum three verses, the future hold."
Prompts: What is unity? What I would be remiss if I did
does it look like? Where have not remind you about the
you seen it? How can it have Lions First Saturday Break-
an impact in the world? How
fast coming up on Oct. 7. You
can you personally create
know I am a fan of the Lions
unity in your neighborhood
or home? First Place: $100, Club and all they stand for
Second Place, $75 and Third and this month is not too early
Place $50. Submissions must to start thinking about Early
be received by Oct. 15, to Christmas Food Box Project; or call Rene Donations. This is scheduled
Weiler at (509) 281-0477 or for Nov. 4, but early monetary, donations, canned goods and
Contact, Now's the time to non-perishable foods will be
release that author within, accepted both months. These
The Lyle Celebration donations are so important
Center, 715 Washington Street for our community food boxes
in Lyle, invites all girls and for the holidays. Please be as
boys in grades 1 - 6 to join generous as you can.
Grisha Krivchenia, a young tory, where he studied piano
Northwest composer/pianist, with Sedmara Rutstein and
will perform a special Hurri- composition with Jeffrey
cane Relief Benefit Concert at Mumford. In 2007, he founded
St. Paul's Episcopal Church the music program at Spring
on Sunday, Oct/1, at 3 p.m. Street International Schoolin
Krivchenia divides his time Friday Harbor, Washington.
among the Seattle area, Santa His chamber music is pub-
Fe, and concert dates around lished by Abundant Silence
the world. He enjoys a busy Publishing.
performance schedule, and Krivchenia takes spe-
the Columbia Gorge com- cial interest in using art to
munity has been included in amplify voices that might oth-
a concert tour he is making erwise go unheard. He writes
through Oregon at the end of music in collaboration with
September and first of Octo- hospice patients and recently
ber. completed a song cycle on
Krivchenia's compositions texts by Syrian refugees.
are realized by professional The concert at St. Paul's
ensembles throughout the Episcopal Church is pre-
northern hemisphere. Recent sented and sponsored by
premieres have taken place Gorge Community Music and
in Los Angeles, Seattle, and Cascade Singers. All dona-
Bucharest. tions at the door will go to the
Krivchenia completed his Red Cross to help the victims
studies at Oberlin Conserva- of the hurricanes this season.
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