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30, 2004
& Branding meeting 7:30 Diabetes Support Group has a new time 2
River Bank. For more informa- p.m. in KVHS Conference Room A in Goldendale.
Slater at 773-6o12. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 Missionary Janice McLain will be speaking
County Senior Council will meet at 6 p.m. and showing slides of her current work in
)ort Community Center with aKenya, Africa and prior assignment in Liberia.
noon. Speakers will be county commis- Potluck dinner and presentation will be held at the
and Ray Thayer. All seniors are United Methodist Church. For more information,
attend, call 773-4461.
Party at the Centerville Grange, 7 Maryhill Winery Harvest Party through
desserts offered. Sunday, Oct. lO. Live music and food samples
of the American Revolution available, while winemaker John Haw crushes
Chapter meeting, lo a.m. at grapes. For more infromation, ca11773-1976.
Bank in White Salmon.. For more Small-scale Poultry Production and
contact JoAnn Hardin at (5o9) 493- Greenhouse Management workshops at the
Forgy at 773-3938. Discovery Center in The Dalles. For more informa-
Summit, 8:3o a.m. to 5 tion or to pre-register, call (5o9) 773-5817.
Go]dendale Middle School. For more Contours de Maryhill Loops car show at the
call (509)25o-o315. Maryhill Museum of Art. Sponsored by the
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3 Goldendale Motorsports Association. Registration
Prairie and Vicinity Pioneerbegins at lo a.m. Awards are at 3:3o p.m. Dinner
will hold its fall meeting at the Mt. tickets are still available. For more information, an
y Church in Glenwood. A entry form or to purchase dinner tickets, contact
begins at 1 p.m. followed by a meet- Travis Gray at 773-3677 or Larry Lenoir at 773-
Please bring photos to share. 7x37. The event is free to the public. Hill Climb rac-
MONDAY, OCTOBER 4 ers will parade to the car show at noon Saturday.
Citizens for Peace meeting at Mud Bog Racing sponsored by the
church in Goldendale at 5 p.m. For Goldendale Jaycees, at Eddieville Motorsports
contact Robert Seborer at 773- Park. Gates open at 9 a.m. For more information,
contact the Goldendale Jaycees at (509) 250-
Photo by Amy R. Walker
No one is complaining about the weather, for a while anyway. Not long ago we were
all melting, soon we'll all be freezing, but for now, we can kick back and enjoy the
beauty of fall. The smell of wood stoves and the sound of dry leaves in the breeze
bring back a reverie of times gone by. Soon we'll be enjoying pumpkin pies, family,
and, of course, the never-ending quest for more firewood.
BRIAN ALTMA, (812112004); plea: not guilt, bail exhort-
AUGUST 18 crated to poster.
v. Josh Pool: Goods John Ingram Nunn: Fugitive
s(7/27/04); no parties pre- 98/23/2004); def. signed wiaver of
Borgen: No conserv. Joseph Donald Taylor: Comm with
req. (614104); com- Minor-Immoral Purposes (1810612004);
plea: not guilty, pr'd with conditions, no
Speeding 10 contact with victim.
committed Cindy Ann Yallup: DWLS 1
(812012004); plea: not guilty, Pro
AUGUST 20 Se/NOA two weeks.
$calis Hall: Criminal AUGUST 24
18/2004)plea: not guilty, Ryan Anthony Smith'. Theft 3
(5/9/2004); plea: not guilty, bail $500.
AUGUST 23 August 25
0evore Laughton: DUI Douglas W. Tufts: Speeding 10 mph
not guilty. Over Limit (6/27/2004) motion to dis-
Hytton: DUI
SEPT. 30
~Sunny ' ' r
LOW38 : ~
OCT. a
170, Low 36
OCT. 2
1 75, Low 41
OCT. 3
177, Low 44
O~r. 4
176, LOw 43
Chicken Ala King
Meals are served at noon.
Home-delivered meals are
available to shut-ins.
Call Senior Services at
773-3757, for an assessment.
miss granted (discovery issues). Domestic Violance (1/23/2004); motion
Tamara Rose Bertholf: Speeding 10 to extinguish NCO, granted.
mph Over Limit (7/24/2004); committed, Sterlin Jaque Wahchumwa: Assault
fine $55. 4 (6/1012004); def. picked up on FTA
Donald J. Burgett: Speeding 17 mph warrant, plea: not guilty, bail set at
Over Limit (7/6/2004); committed, fine $1,000. Litter Over 1 Cu Yd Uninc Area
$80. (8/1/2003); def. picked up on failure to
David Stewart France: Unlawful pay warrant, fines and fees plus 100
Hunting of Big Game 2 (7120/2004); w/c, sent to collections.
plea: not guilty. AUGUST 27
William Perry Lancaster: Fishing Jeffery Francis Snyder: Supply
w/out License or Catch Card Liquor/Premises to Minor (5/21/2003);
(8/12/2004); plea: guilty, bail forf., fine Pla. and Def. present, jury impaneled,
$60. witnesses sworn in, testimony given,
Kenneth Wayne Mullinax: Creminal defense motion for mistrial granted.
Trespass 2 (8/15/2004); plea: not guilty, Calvin James Hunt: DWLS 2
Pro Se/NOA two weeks. (3/20/2004); Def. picked up on warrant
Murvin Willis Mullinax: Creminal for FTA,, def, after being advised pied
Trespass 2 (8/15/2004); plea: not guilty, guilty, 365 days jail w/335 susp., $102
Pro Se/NOA two weeks. TPC, $2,500 fine, $2,000 susp.
Tanya Nadine Taylor: Driving While Avis Lucette Palmer: Assault 4
Suspended 3 (7116/2004); plea: not (7/29/2002) Malicious Mischief 3
guilty, def. sworn in, not indigent, Pro (1012712003); def. picked up on warrant
Se/NOA two weeks, for failure to pay, $50 today, signed new
Brandon Kenneth Tracy: Malicious time pay.
Mischief 3 Harm>50 (7/5/2004); plea: Jegar Clair Lagrander: Reckless
not guilty, def. found indigent, able to Driving (12/3/2003); Bench trail held,
contribute $150, judge red,~ced to Neg, Driving 2 (lesser
Dale Joseph Wood:" Malicious included), fine $538.
Mischief 3, Litter Greater Than 1 Cu Timothy Arthur Schulz: DUI
Yard: (5/16/2004); no further service (5/8/2004); plea: guilty, 365 days jail
information, dismissed w/prejudice, with 364 susp., 15 days EHM in lieu of
Roseann V. Belcher vs. Barbara 1 day, $823 fine, Rev. EHM 10126/04 or
Gonzalez: Goods and Services provide proof, 2 year bench probation.
(81312004); Mary Smith & Darrell AUGUST 30
Ellingsworth appeared for def., trial Glen Wayne Davis: DUI (8/29/2004);
judgement for pla. $500 plus costs, plea, not guilty.
Gersain Alvarado Hernandez: Marvin 1". Meanus Jr.: DUI, Driving
Speeding 19 mph Over Limit While Suspended 3 (8/28/2004); plea,
(612212003); committed after deferal,
fine $133.
Raymond M Dodson: Speeding 15
mph Over Limit (Over 40) (6/18/2003);
committed after deferral, fine $105.
Jacob Wesley Shenefield: DV
Assault 4, Interfere w/Reporting
164, LOw 43
Oer. 6
i 65, LOw 40
' Channel
"s Family
with choice
chicl :en
' ~" pork fried rice.
Steak with
11:30 8:30
I1 . (509) 773-6999
For the Goldendale District
Will be available September 24
through November 8.
Permits will be issued at and with the
cooperation and courtesy of:
Permits cost $25 each
(including seller's fee) entitling
permit holder to 4 cords.
Other restrictions will apply, and will be
made known at the time of purchase.
Columbia Laser Skin Center
• RestylandM
Hair Removal
Vein Treatment
" Hood River
• Treatment of Acne,
Rosacea, Sun Spots
• Microdermabrasi°n/
Chemical Peels
• Skin Care * Sclerotherapy
Sonia Schuemann, MD ' Erika Wilson, PA-C
not guilty, bail set at $2,000. Wasco County.
Ryan Anthony Smith: Theft 3 Theresa E Eisinger: DUI (9/3/2004);
(5/9/2004); plea: guilty, 90 days w/83 plea: not guilty, pr'd with conditions.
susp. w/credit, $1,000 susp., $250 GIF, Tony Zenaas Jimenez: DUI, DWLS 2
$100 w/c, $110 CAA, $50 c/I. (9/4/2004); plea: not guilty, found indi-
Sterlin Jaque Wahchumwa: DUI gent, pr'd with conditions.
(8/28/2004); plea: not guilty, released Miguel Moreno: No Valid Oper
with conditions. License w/out Identif (9/6/2004);
Karee Ann Risteen: DV Assault 4 Obstruct Law Enforcement Officer
(7/31/2004); Prob. violation, admits rio- (91612004); plea: not guilty, found indi-
lation, def. to work on the work crew for gent, $10,000 bail set.
3days. Jose A. Perez Ventura: Driving
SEPT. 7 While Suspended 3 (91512004);
Dustin Martin Collins: DV Assault 4 Obstruct Law Enforcement Officer
(9/6/2004); plea, not guilty, found indi- (9/5/2004); Def, to hire own aty., $5,000
gent, no contact with victims, $25,000 bail set,
bail set. Vetner Darwin Misterek: DUI
Daniel Lawrence Durant: Fugitive (9/6/2004); plea: not guilty, found indi-
(9/7/2004); Def. voluntarily signed waiv- gent.
er of extradition to State of Oregon,
THURSDAY, SEPT. 30 fries, veggies, bread, apple-
B - Breakfast roll, fruit, milk. sauce, milk.
L - Corn dog, french fries, TUESOAY, OCT. 5
veggies, applesauce, milk. B - Cokl cereal, toast, fruit,
FRIDAY, OCT. 1 milk.
B - Oatmeal, juice, toast, L - Soup and sandwich, veg-
milk. gies, pears, cobbler, milk.
L - Chicken burger, orange WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6
wedge, fruit, cookie, milk. B - Cold cereal, toast, fruit,
MONDAY, OCT. 4 milk.
B - French toast, fruit, milk. L - Pizza, green beans, veg-
L - Chicken nuggets, french gies, pineapple, milk.
This isn't your ordinary
Fairytale adventure~!
Come follow us
All performances at 7:30 p.m. at TDWU High School Auditorium
October 7, 8, 9 and 14, ] 5, ] 6
Music & Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim ° Book by Jomes LopinG
[ Kiickitat PUD's Clothes Wa~er Rebate to Change ]
Starting October 1~', 2004 the BPA specifications regarding the clothes washer rebate will
go to a tiered rate. To our customers this means there will be 2 different rebates available
according the the Modified Energy Factor (MEF) rating on the machine. The MEF is an
equation for Energy Factor that takes into account the amount of dryer energy used to
remove the remaining moisture content in washed items. The 2 tiers and related amount
of rebate are as follows.
Requirements Rebate Amount
Energy Star Clothes Washer with MEF of 1.42 or higher $60
Energy Star Clothes Washer with MEF of 1.8 or higher $100
Any invoice that is submitted to KPUD for a Energy Star' rated washer that has a
purchase date before October I, 2004 will receive a straight $100 rebate. Anything
submitted with a purchase date on or after October 1, will receive a rebate based on th6
MEF rating.
For a list of Energy Star rated clothes washers with the MEF rating, call or come by the
Goldendale office or you can access the same information through the Energy Star Web
site at www.ener~. Under "Products" choose Appliances, Lighting, Heating &
Cooling & more. From there follow the clothes washer links.
1313 S, Columbus
{509) 773-589 l
KlicUtat PUll
o=*m~ i~ "nmm ~* g4eam
Wh/te Salmon]
110 NE Estesl
(509} 493-2255I