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30, 2004
Goldendale Kiwanis
Day a success
adult members of get but older and younger kids
Kiwanis made the also came - were reluctant to
to host a late- leave the games, but did venture
event for children, outside for hot dogs, face paint-
set in motion that ing, and the "bicycle rodeo."
in Saturday's Free helmets were given away,
Day, held at the as well as a few bright new bicy'-
Middle School (see des, donated by Bikes for Tykes
6). program in Vancouver, accord-
least 25o people ing to Michael Steinbock.
organizers were Representatives from local
a the event's success agencies were on hand to tell
f considering it was a kids about the work they do mad
to promote safety, and 16 volun-
are also held by teers from Goldendale High
International every School's Family Career and
It's an annual event Community Leaders of America
said local (FCCLA) program helped make
John Miller. everything rtm smoothly.
it was time for Goldendale Kiwanis' central
in. project is reading, so there was a
weeks reading room and books.
games at Allyn's Funding came from the
Center and Kiwanis golf tournament; the
Custom Cabinets event was a way to give back to
golf, minia- the community, Miller said.
a ring-toss and an "It was very successful and we
hop," a catapult- had a great turnout. The parents
Other games and kids all enjoyed it. We're
balls, balloons, grateful to the school for the
space, and we will do it again
- pre-school next year. The hard work is done
was the tar- - the games are built!"
Goldendale artist featured in Hood River show
Nature is the unifying inspiration for
three artists featured at the Columbia Art
Gallery in October.
The show, "A Natural Approach,"
includes pottew by Pamela Regentin and
pastels by Reolla Wild of tlood River and
Donna Van Tuyl, who lives and works in
Van Tuvl is a fldl-time painter who also
studied photography and c~amputer science,
but whose pmfelTed medium is pastels.
"I love the pure x~brant colors, diverse
tex~lre and fi'eshness of pastels," she said.
In addition to the Columbia Art Gallery,
Van Tuyl's work has been on display at The
Dalles Art Center, the Golden Gallery in
Goldendale and at community shows in
Van Tuyl and Wild have often explored
the scenic Columbia River Gorge region
'~ishram Basalt Cliffs" by Donna Van Tuyl.
together and their works complement one
another, offering twin perspectives on the
area's breathtaking landscapes, said the
gallery's announcement.
Regentin, of Mt. Hood, Ore., based work
for the show on the simplicity and elegance
of leaf veins and silhouettes
"A Natural Approach" opens on Friday,
Oct. 1 with an artist reception from 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m., and runs through the month of
October. The Columbia Art Gallery, at lOl
Fourth Street in Hood River, is open from
lo a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday through
Sunday, and noon to 5 p.m. on
On Oct. 7, from 5:45 p.m. to 9 p.m., the
galleD" hosts its annual "Under $mo" sale
at the Cascade Wellness Center, m4 5th St.
in Hood River. The sale features work by
regional artists, who donate all or part of
their profit toward operation of the gallery.
The Columbia Art Gallery is a non-prof-
it galleD' that has served all gorge artists
for over 30 years.
"We are the longest successful support-
er of regional arts in the area," said gallery
manager Bonnie Reynolds.
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I M~l~or ot Wa~m~j~on New,~pof ~ ~ ,,,,
Attorneys' Feesments, late charges,
$0.00 advances costs and fees
Title Report thereafter due, must be
Northwest $367.65 cured by 09/27/04 (11
,Inc. Process Report days before the sale
Bank, N.A. $95.00 date), to cause a discon-
merger to Statutory Mailings tinuance of the sale. The
Home $192.00 sale will be discontinued
Recording Fees and terminated if at any
Judith $65.00 time before the close of
James Publication the Trustee's business on
$0.00 09/27/04 (11 days before
RevisedOther $0.00 the sale date), the
ton Total Costs default(s) as set forth in
$1,344.65 paragraph III, together
Total Amount Due: with any subsequent pay-
2004, at $4,261.54 ments, late charges,
the advances, costs and fees
Other potential defaults thereafter due, is/are
205 do not involve payment to cured and the Trustee's
Ave. Inthe Beneficiary. If applica- fees and costs are paid,
ble, each of these The sale may be terminat-
the defaults must also be ed anytime after 09/27/04
Trusteecured. Listed below are (11 days before the sale
categories of common date), and before the sate
defaults which do not by the Borrower, Grantor,
and bor- involve payments of any Guarantor or the
at public money to the Beneficiary. holder of any recorded
t and Opposite each such listed junior lien or encum-
at default is a brief descrip- brance paying the entire
following tion of the action/docu- balance of principal and
property, mentation necessary to interest secured by the
cure the default. The list Deed of Trust, plus costs,
of does not exhaust all pos- fees, and advances, if any
sible other defaults; any made pursuant to the
No,: 05-16- defaults identified by terms of the obligation
Beneficiary or Trustee and/or Deed of Trust.
xk- that are not listed below VI.
to the must also be cured. A written notice of default
r~orded in Other Default was transmitted by the
6, Klickitat Action Necessary to Cure Beneficiary or Trustee to
Nonpayment ofthe Borrower and Grantor
110 Taxes/Assessments at the following
Deliver to Trustee written address(es):
proof that all taxes and
to that assessments against the
of Trust property are paid current
Name and Address
recorded Default under any senior Judith A. Smasne
under lien Deliver to 107 Golden Pine
No. Trustee written proof that Goldendale, WA 98620
of all senior liens are paid
County,current and that no other John Doe Smasne,
Judith defaults exist Spouse of Judith A,
Failure to insure property Smasne
as tenants against hazard 107 Golden Pine
Grantor, Deliver to Trustee written Goldendale, WA 98620
proof that the property is
rustee, to insured against hazard as James A. Shadwick Jr.
This week in Public Notices:
• Public Notice re: Randall Road Closure --- Klickitat County
Public Works
• Public Notice re: Lyle Wastewater/Concurrent Notice --
• Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance re: Wolford,
Steve, Lori- Klickitat County Planning Dept.
• Notice to Creditors re: Charles J. Johnson --- Rakow, Ross
• Public Hearing Notice re: Shambo/Struck ~ Klickitat
County Planning Dept.
Jane Doe Shadwick,
Spouse of James A.
Shadwick Jr.
P.O. Box 1338
Goldendale, WA 98620
by both first class and
either certified mail, return
receipt requested, or reg-
istered mail on 06103104,
proof of which is in the
possession of the
Trustee; and on 06/03/04
Grantor and Borrower
were personally served
with said written notice of
default or the written
notice of default was post-
ed on a conspicuous
place on the real property
descdbed in paragraph 1
above, and the Trustee
has possession of proof of
such service or posting.
The Trustee whose name
and address are set forth
below will provide in writ-
ing to anyone requesting
it a statement of all fore-
closure costs and
Effective: July 4, 2004
Northwest Trustee
-Services, PLLC, Trustee
Vonnie Nave
P.O. Box 4143
Bellevue, WA 98009-4143
Contact: Vonnie Nave
(425) 586-1900.
(3703, 400 I)
Tuesday, October 5, 2003
at 1:30 p.m. in the
Chambers, Room 101 of
the Klickitat County
Courthouse, 205 S.
Columbus, Goldendale,
Washington, for the pur-
pose of fixing the 2005
Budget and establishing
property tax levies. The
hearing may be continued
as needed to reach a final
The Klickitat County
Dated this 21st day of
September, 2004.
Joan Frey
Don Struck
Ray Thayer
ATTEST: Lawrence E.
Clerk of the Board
Klickitat County,
(4004, 4103)
In the Matter of the Estate
of Jewel Bernice Lane,
Deceased. Commissioners have CDBG Grant Contract #:
No. 04-4-00033-8 completed and placed on 03-64003-060
ProbateNotice to file its 2005 Preliminary *DATE: September 29,
Creditors (RCW Budget for the County, a 2004
The personal representa-
tive named below has
been appointed as per-
sonal representative of
this estate. Any person
having a claim against the
decedent must, before the
time the claim would be
barred by any otherwise
applicable statute of limi-
tations, present the claim
copy of which will be fur-
nished any citizen who Name of Applicant: Public
will call at the Budget and Utility District No. 1 of
Technical Services Klickitat County
Department, 205 S. Telephone #: (509)773-
Columbus, Room 103, or 5891
at (509)773-2331. Street, City, Zip Code:
Any interested person 1313 South Columbus -
may appear and be heard Goldendate WA 98620
for or against any part of
the Budget at the above TO ALL INTERESTED
mentioned time and AGENCIES, GROUPS
accordingly the Klickitat as amended. KPUD is
PUD has decided not to certifying to CTED that
prepare an Environmental Tom Svendsen, General
Impact Statement under Manager of KPUD con-
the National sents to accept the juris-
Environmental Policy Act diction of the federal
of 1969 (PL 91-190). The courts if an action is
reasons for such decision brought to enforce
not to prepare such state- responsibilities in relation
ment are as follows: The to environmental reviews,
Environmentalanddecision making and
Biological Assessments action, and that these
for this project during responsibilities havebeen
2004 indicated that the satisfied• The legal effect
Lyle WWTP project will of the certification is that
not adversely impact the upon its approval KPUD
floodplain of the Columbia may use the CDBG funds
River, wetlands, water and CTED will have saris-
quality, air quality, threat- fled its responsibilities
ened or endangered under the National
species, or cultural, his- Environmental Policy Act
toric or archaeological of 1969 and other envi-
resources. Further, imple- ronmental responsibilities
mentation of the proposed listed in 24 CFR Part 58.
WWTP upgrade will not CTED will accept an
have a disproportionate objection to its approval
adverse impact on minori- only if it is on one of the
tyorlow-income residents following bases: a) that
of Lyle and the surround- the certification was not in
ing service area. An fact executed by the certi-
Environmental Review fying officer or other offi-
Record for this project has cer of applicant approved
been made by the above- by CTED; or b) that appli-
named KPUD, which doc- cant's environmental
uments the environmental review record for the pro-
review of the project and ject indicates omission of
more fully sets forth the a required decision find-
reasons why such state- ing or step applicable to
ment is not required. This the project in the environ-
Environmental Review mental review process.
Record is on file at the Objections must be pre-
above address and is pared and submitted in
available for public exam- accordance with the
ination and copying upon required procedure (24
request at the KPUD CFR Part 58) and may be
Water/Wastewater addressedto
Department between the CTED/CDBGProgram
trustee's fees due at any in the manner as provided place. TheAND PERSONS~ hours of 9:00 and 5:00. Staff at 906 Columbia.
time priortothesale, in RCW 11.40.070 by Commissioners meeting No further environmental Street SW, PO Box
VIII. serving on or mailing to room is accessible to per- REQUEST FOR review of such project is 48350, Olympia,
The effect of the sate wilt the personal representa- sons with disabilities. RELEASE OFCTEDproposed to be conducted Washington 98504-8350.
be to deprive the Grantor tive or the personal repre- Written comments are FUNDS: On or about prior to the request for
and all those who hold by, sentative's attorney at the also welcome and should October 15, 2004 (*'15 release of federal funds. Objections to the release
through or under the address stated below a be received in the days after date of publica- of funds on bases other
Grantor of all their right, copy of the claim and fil- Commissioners Office by tion) Public Utility District PUBLIC COMMENTS ON than those stated above
title and interest in the ing the original of the October31, 2004. No. 1 of Klickitat County FINDING OF NO SIGNIF- will not be considered by
above-described property, claim with the court. The (KPUD) will request the tCANT IMPACT: All inter- CTED. No objection
IX. State
Anyone having any objec- claim must be presented Board of County Washington ested agencies, groups received after November
with the later of: (1) Thirty Commissioners Department of and persons disagreeing 2, 2004 (***last day in the
in required by the Deed of 107 Golden Pinelion to the sale on any days after the personal Klickitat, Washington Community, Trade and with this decision are invit- 15-day period) will be
Sunrise Trust grounds whatsoever will representative served or Joan Frey, Chairman Economic Development
Waste Cease andJane Doe Shadwick, be afforded an opportuni- mailed thenotice to the (3904, 4003) (CTED) to release federal ed to submit written corn- considered by CTED.
ments for consideration
desist from committing Spouse of James A. ty to be heard as to those creditor as provided under "-'p~ funds under Title I of the by KPUD to KPUD's Signature & Title:Is/Tom
In.twaste, repair all damage ShadwickJr. objections if they bring a RCW11.40.020 (3); or (2) Housing and Community Goldendale office. All Svendsen,General
Development Act of 1974 comments must clearly Manager Date:
to propertyandmaintain 107 Golden Pinelawsuit to restrain the sate four months after the date BEFORE THE BOARD (PL 93-383) for the follow- specify which decision 07/22104
N.A., property as required in Goldendale, WA98620 pursuant to RCWof first publication of the OF COUNTY COMMIS. ing project:
Deed of Trust 61.24.130. Failure to notice, tf the claim is not SIONERS they object to - the
Unauthorized sale of Judith A. Smasne bring such a lawsuit may presented within this time KlickitatCounty, Project Title or Name: Finding of No Significant Address: 1313
.=d by property (Due on Sale) 110 Golden Pineresult in a waiver of any frame the claim is forever Washington
theRevert title to permitted Goldendale, WA 98620 proper grounds for invali- barred, except as other- Lyle Wastewater Facility Impact or the Request for South Columbus
i~ now vestee dating the Trustee's sale. wise provided in section IN THE MATTER OF Improvement Project Release of Funds. Such C i t y / S t a t e / Z i p :
satisfac- IV. John Doe Smasne, written comments should Goldendale WA 98620
X be received at 1313 S.
lation in The sum owing on the Spouse of Judith A. 'OTICE TO OCCU-11 of this act and RCW TEMPORARY CLOSURE Purpose or Nature of the Columbus - Goldendale * Date of
11.40.060. This bar is OF RANDALL ROADProject: To improve the WA 98620 on or before Publication
!aSon of obligation secured by the Smasne PANTS OR TENANTS- effective as to claims COUNTYROAD NO.
.~ or Deed of Trust is: Principle 110 Golden PineThe purchaser at the against both the dece- 21860 wastewater treatment October 15, 2004 (*'15 ** A date at least
Iton the Balance of $50,344.73, Goldendale, WA98620 abilities of the Lyle days after publication). AII 15 days after date of pub-
¢1 by the together with interest as Trustee's Sale is entitled dent's probate and non- Resolution No.15604 Wastewater Treatment
to possession of the prop- probate assets.WHEREAS, RCW such comments so lication
provided in the note or James A. Shadwick, Jr. erty on the 20th day fol- Date of first publication: 47.48.020 authorizes Plant. received will be consid- *** A date at least
other instrument secured 110 Golden Pinelowing the sale, as September 16, 2004 road closures when con- Location of Project: Lyle, ered and KPUD will not 15 days after the estimat-
alleges from 09/01/03, and such Goldendale, WA 98620 against the Grantor under Personal Representative: tinued use will be danger- Washington request the release offed- ed day CTED will receive
heed of other costs and fees as the deed of trust (the Robert Herman Curtis ous to traffic; and Street Address or other eral funds or take any
Pay the are due under the Note or Jane Doe Shadwick, owner) and anyone hav- Attorney for the Personal WHEREAS, Klickitat identifying information, administrative action on the request (4005)
now in other lnstrumentsecured, Spouse of James A. ing an interest junior to Representative: RogerW County has received a include City and County: the project on/or before
otherand as are provided by Shadwick Jr. the deed of trust, includ- Boardman (WSBA4631) request to close Randall Lyle Wastewater Plant - the date specified in the
statute. " 110 Golden Pine MITIGATED DETERMI-
Cat V. Goldendale, WA98620 ing occupants and ten- Address for Mailing or Road from Mile Post 2.61 919 Old Ferry Road - preceding sentence. NATION OF NON-
ants, After the 20th day Service: to Mile Post 4.16 for a cer- Lyle, Washington - SIGNIFICANCE
The above.described real following the sale the put- Roger W. Boardman, tain cress-country event KJickitat County. Census RELEASE OF GRANT
FUNDS: KPUD will Notice is hereby given
property will be sold to Judith A. Smasne chaser has the right to Attorney at Lawscheduled for October 30 Tract[s]: Parcel No. 02- undertake the project that Ktickitat County
satisfy the expense of P.O. Box1338 evict occupantsand ten- 502 South Columbus and31,2004. 120314000400- T2N
sale and the obligation Goldendale, WA98620 ants by summary pro- Avenue NOW, THEREFORE, BE R12Sec3 described above with issued a Mitigated
secured by the Deed of ceedings undertheGoidendale, WA 98620 IT RESOLVED,that Community Development Determination of Non-sig.
Trust as provided by John DoeSmasne, Block Grant (CDBG) nificance (MDNS) on
$0 statute. The sale will be Spouse of Judith A. unlawful detainer act, (380.6,3902,4002) Randall Road from Mile FtNDINGOFNOSIGNtF- funds from theSeptember 23,
Chapter 59.12 RCW. Post 2.61 to Mite Post ICANT IMPACT: It has Washington State 2004,under SEPA Rules
made without warranty, Srnasne The trustee's rules °f auc ~ 4.16 be closed October been determined that Department of (Chapter 197-11 WAC)
express or implied regard- P.O. Box 1338 lion may be accessed at BUDGET HEARING 30 and October 31, 2004 such request for release Community, Trade andand the Klickitat County
encumbrancesing title, possession, on°r Goldendale, WA 98620 www.northwesttruste~~°m and are incorporate Y NOTICE with the costs of posting, of funds will not constitute Economic Development Environmental Ordinance
October 8, 2004. The JamesA. ShadwickJr. this reference. Y°u nave NOTICE IS HEREBY advertising and signing an action significantly (CTED)underTitlelofthe
default(s) referred to in P.O. Box 1338
paragraph III, together Goldendale, WA98620 also access sale status at GIVEN that public hear- the responsibility of the affecting the quality of the Housing and Community See PUBLIC NOTICES,
www.northwesttrustee'c° ingswill begin oncross country event spon- human environment and Development Act of 1974,
with any subsequent pay- sor. page 8
ii ~i!i