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OCTOBER 4, 2017 --3
Barbara Jean Hoyle
Barbara Jean Hoyle sur-
rounded by family, passed
away in her home on Sept. 24,
2017, after a long battle with
cancer. She was the oldest
of two children
born to Loyd
Parris Cobb
and Margaret
Goldie Barber.
Her mother died
when Barbara
was only four
years old so she
and her brother
were raised by
her grandpar-
ents. She was born in Comp-
ton, California and grew
up in Astoria, Oregon. She
moved to Klickitat, Wash-
ington for her senior year
of high school. After gradu-
ation she married David
Winters in 1955. They had
four children: Kimberly,
David, Timothy, and Lori.
She raised the kids in Gold-
endale, where she worked at
the hospital as an assistant to
the director. She married Ed
Hoyle in 1979, which added a
stepson, Stephen Hoyle. The
combined family is five chil-
dren, 12 grandchildren, and
eight great grandchildren.
Barbara always
showed uncon-
ditional love for
everyone, espe-
cially her family.
Viewing will
be at 9:45 a.m.
Saturday, Oct.
7, 2017, at the
Church of Jesus
Christ of Lat-
ter-day Saints,
Columbia Basin Ward Build-
ing at 7750 Eltopia West Road,
Eltopia, Washington. Service
will be at 11 a.m. and burial
will follow at Country View
Cemetery on Sheffield Rd,
near Basin City, Washington.
Mueller's Greenlee
Funeral Home is in charge
of the arrangements.
The family invites you to
sign their on-line guest book
at www.muellersfuneral-
homes .com.
Donald Clarence Morgan
Donald Clarence Morgan,
age 77 of Goldendale, Wash-
ington, passed away on Sept.
28, 2017 peacefully at his
Donald was born on Dec.
14, 1939 in Utica,
New York to
Kenneth and
Gertrude (Rob-
erts) Morgan.
He served in the
Air Force as a
tions Operator.
He was married
to Sheila K. Ray-
of Riverton, Utah; Daniel and
Michelle of Beaufort, South
Carolina; Crystal and Lynn
Bischoff of Goldendale; 25
grandchildren; one brother
and his spouse, Alan and
Debbie of Clin-
ton, New York.
He also leaves
several great
and many nieces
and nephews.
Donald was
by his brother,
Barry Robert
born on January 29, 1962 in Morgan and his parents,
Boise, Idaho.and sealed~in- Kenneth and Gertrude,
the Idaho Falls Temp)e of his sister-in-law, Barbara
Th.~,Church of Jesus Chrzsf of B, eeson and brother-in-law,
Latter-Day Saints on August Bruce Rayborn.
1, 1968. He was a faithful Funeral services will be
member of the Church of held Oct. 6, 2017 at 10 a.m. at
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day The Church of Jesus Christ
Saints having been baptized of Latter-Day Saints on the
in Utica in 1966. corner of McKinley and
He is survived by his lov- Columbus Ave. in Golden-
ing wife of 55 years, Sheila; dale. Interment will be in the
three sons and one daughter Mt. View Cemetery in Gold-
and their spouses, Jeffrey endale with arrangements
and Megan of Kent, Wash- in the care of Columbia Hills
ington; Kevin and Marvelle Memorial Chapel.
Carl Carpenter
H**ME AT IASTIHumane Society
200 River Rd. j The Dolles Hours: Tues - Fri., 11o - 5p
,541.296.5189 i Saturday, lOa - 4p
Carl Edward Carpenter will be missed by his wife,
was born in Ypsilanti, Michi- Wanda Carpenter; sons Tim
gan on Nov. 11, 1939 to Eliza- and David Carpenter of
beth (Sturgis) and Clifford Goldendale; brothers John,
Carpenter. He served in the Steve and Bobby Sturgis;
Army National Guard and stepchildren Terry Shirley
married Wanda Imogene and Linda Weaver of Michi-
Stewart on Sept. 22, 1967. Mr. gan; 11 grandchildren; and 14
Carpenter worked at the Gel- great grandchildren. He was
dendale Aluminum Plant as a preceded in death by his par-
steelworker and was a mem- ents Bob and Elizabeth Stur-
ber of New Life Assembly of
God Church and a volunteer gis; brothers Phil Carpenter
for Rural 7 Fire Department. and Jerry Carpenter; sister
Carl loved reading theJoy Sturgis; stepchildren
Bible and spending time Danny Shirley and Allyn
in prayer. He also enjoyed Shirley.
tinkering around his home, Columbia Hills Memorial
gardening and watchingChapel handled cremation
professional wrestling. Mr. arrangements. Condolences
Carpenter passed away in may be sent to the Carpenter
Goldendale on September family by visiting www.gard-
9, 2017 at the age of 77. He
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Leslie Carol Linden Johansson Hoag
Leslie, 72, died September
18 at Salvatierra Hospital
in La Paz, Baja California
Sur, Mexico. She was born
November 1, 1944 in Gold-
endale to Duane and Betty
Linden. She had lived in La
Paz since 2012 and was pre-
viously a resident of Hills-
bore, Oregon, Battle Ground,
Washington, and Shelton,
She received her BSN from
Pacific Lutheran University
in 1966 and began working
as an RN in Goldendale. In
the early 1980s, Leslie was
among the first nurses in
Washington to earn a Certifi-
cate of Emergency Nursing.
She worked in primary care
and emergency nursing in
Shelton, rheumatology and
home health in Vancouver,
and correctional
nursing (which
she likened to a
combination of
public health and
emergency care,
but with depu-
ties on hand) in
Vancouver and
Leslie was one
of a kind, who
loved reading, gardening,
crafts and travel, avoided
housework whenever possi-
ble, and was able to laugh at
nearly everything. She had
a lifelong fear of birds and
enclosed spaces but had no
hesitation to compete in bar-
rel-racing her
horse as a child,
take on anything
the emergency
room could dish
out as adult, or
spend her retire-
ment in a foreign
country where,
initially, she
knew no one and
did not speak
the language. She will be
She was married and
divorced twice, to Paul
Johansson and Arnie Hoag.
She is survived by her
brother Max and his wife
Barbara Linden of Selah;
niece Bree Tait and her son
Finn of Selah; nephew Brady
Linden, his wife Rosa and
their son Eneko of Selah;
daughter Leina Johansson
of Seattle; son Brad and his
wife Melissa Johansson of
Montesano, and four grand-
children: Colton Johans-
son of Cheney; Curtis and
Cooper Johansson of Monte-
sanD; and Liora Johansson of
Per Leslie's request, there
are no funeral services.
Congratulations to the Goldendale FFA members who participated in judging at the Central Washington Fair in Yakima.
Here are the results:
Livestock Judging Team Placings: 2nd, 12th, 27th and 50th out of 60 teams.
Top Livestock Judging Individual Placings: Grace Hanning 1st, Morgan Coyne 2nd, and Rachel Gallagher 4th out of over 300 individuals.
Horse Judging Team Placings: Goldendale Gold 1st and Goldendale Blue 7th out of 19 Teams.
Horse Judging Individual plac=,i~gs: K~[W~tson 2nd, Aspen Balodis 9th, and Jessica Shelton 10th out of 95 Individuals.
Dairy Judging Team Placingsi~h and 25th.
Dairy Judging Individual Pla~s: Joseph Randall 6th out of 130.
According to preliminary
data received by NOAA's
National Weather Service in
Pendleton Oregon, tempera-
tures at Goldendale averaged
warmer than normal during
the month of September.
The average temperature
was 61.7 degrees which was 2.7
degrees above normal. High
Temperatures averaged 77.9
degrees, which was 1.5 degrees
above normal. The highest was
101 degrees on the 3rd. Low
temperatures averaged 45.5
degrees, which was 3.9 degrees
above normal. The lowest was
33 degrees, on the 21st.
On five days, the tempera-
ture exceeded 90 degrees. It
was at least 100 degrees on 1
Precipitation totaled 0.75
inches during September,
which was 0.22 inches above
normal. Measurable precipi-
tation -at least .01 inch- was
received on 5 days with the
heaviest, 0.31 inches reported
on the 20th.
Precipitation this year has 30th. mal temperatures and near
reached 12.83 inches, which During the month of Sep- normal precipitation. Normal
is 2.94 inches above normal, tember, there were no light- highs for Goldendale fall from
Since October, the water year ning flashes detected in the 70.0 degrees at the start of
precipitation at Goldendale has vicinity of Goldendale, accord- October to 54.0 degrees at the
been 20.90 inches, whichis 3.68 ing to Earth Networks.end of October. Normal lows
inches above normal. The outlook for October fall from 38.0 degrees to 31.0
The highest wind gust was from NOAA's Climate Predic- degrees. The 30 year normal
22 mph which occurred on the tion Center calls for near nor- precipitation is 1.41 inches.
If ever you've thought about adopting or fostering a pet, the need is urgent, Please help us find forever homes today!
Columbus Avenue Baptist, S.B.C.
815 N. Columbus, Goldandale, 773-4471,
Pastor Michael Block, Sunday School
9:45am, Morning Worship l lain, Sunday
Evening Study and Worship 6pm, Wednesday
Evening Prayer and Youth Group 7pro
H01y Tdnlty Ca olle
307 Sohumr, Goldendale, Father William
Byron, 773-4S16, Sat, Eve, Mass 5:30pro;
Sun, Mass 95m; Spanlsh Mass Sat, evening
6:30pm Eve of Holy Dz,ys 7pm; Holy Days
7:30am and DMly Mass Mon - Fri '1:30am
CCD Classes, Wed. afternoons 2:15 to
3:30pro KtndeRarten through 6th grade, Wed,
eveninp 7:30 to 8:30, 7th - 12th grade, Con.
• ulons before Mass Sat, noon - I pm
Community Grace Brethren
II 80 S Roosevelt, Goldandale, Gregory M.
Howell, pastor, 773-3388, Sunday School for
kkb & Adults 9,~0am; Sun, Service lO:30am;
Sat. Service 6:30pro; Wednesday Activities:
Awana 2-3:45pm; Youth Group & Prayer
Meeting 6:30pro; goldendalegrace,oom,
"The Bible, the whole Bible, and
noOdng but ~e Blbl~ "
Christ the King Lutheran
S Columbus & Simcoe Dr, Goldendale; 773-
5750. Sun, school, 9am, worship services
lOam Everyone welcome.
United Methodist
Columbus & Broadway; Pastor Kathy Neary;
773-4461, Service times: Worship 9:305m;
Adult classes 10:4511~; Fall & Winter Chil-
dren's Church available during worship, All are
welcome. Call the church for regularly sched-
uled events,
Church of the Nazarene
124 W All)n, Goldcndale; Pastor Victor Hunt,
773-4216; guldendalenaz(q), Sunday
School 9:305m; Worship 10:455m
1602 S Columbus, Ooldendale, Pastor Kevin
Gerohak, 773-4650; Sun. School 9:30am;
Morning Worship Service 10:30am; Evening
Service 6pro; Family Night on Wed, 7pro with
programs lbr ages 3 years through adult,
I/2 mile East on Bickleton Hwy. Sabbath
School Sat. 9:305m; Worship Service llam;
Pastor Tim Grey; 773-4381
Centervllle Community Church
508 Dallas Mountain Road, Centerville,
WA 98613; 208-792-7108; Pastor Ken
Akins; palerider;
Sunday Worship Celebration 10am,
"Where friends invite fdcnds and
Everyone ls Welcome"
Father'e House Fellowship
207 S Klickltat Ave, 773-4719. Basic Bible
Fellowship 9:305m; Worship 10:30am; Wed,
Prayer 6pro "A Gospel-Centered Church,"
Prelue Burn
2021 Pipeline Rd, Pastors Rod and Cathy
Smith, 773-3185. Sunday Worship 1030am;
Wednesday Bible Study 7pro
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only $19 per month. Contact The Sentinel
at 773-3777 to find out how. Blessingsl