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OCTOBER 4, 2017 --5
The Glenwood middle
school volleyball team will
play at Lyle on Monday,
Oct. 9. The Klick-Wood high
school volleyball team will
Womens' Club
play here in Glen-
wood on Tuesday,
Oct. 10. Let's give G|enwood
them a big turn News
out and cheer them
on against Lyle-
Wishram. They
will be playing
Yakama Tribal in
Klickitat on Thursday, Oct.
12. And, in a bit more volley-
ball news, the middle school
girls will be playing here in
Glenwood on Monday, Oct.
16, against Centerville. The
middle school games begin at
5:30 p.m. and the high school
games begin at 6 p.m.
The annual Prime Rib
Dinner at the Glenwood
School will be held Wednes-
day, Oct. 11, from 5 to 8 p.m.
The Sophomore class is
hosting this year's dinner,
which includes prime rib,
red potatoes, salad, dessert,
and drinks: Tickets are being
pre-sold and may be pur-
chased now from any class
member or the school office.
Prices are $25 per individual,
$40 for a couple, and a family
four-pack special rate of $50,
with add-on child rate of $10.
For more information, con-
tact Tom Anderson or Heidi
Wilson at (509) 364-3438.
Adventure Club for kin-
dergarten through fifth
grade began Oct. 4 at the
church. Adventure Club will
be held every Wednesday
after school from 3 to 4:30
p.m., or 12:15 to 1:45 p.m. on
half days. Registration forms
are available at the church
and post office.
The Fall Bazaar is fast
approaching. The list of
vendors has been growing
steadily and this is a great
opportunity to buy home
goods or Christmas gifts.
There's still time to sign
up for a table to sell your
woodworking, quilting, sew-
Proceeds from the kitchen
will go to the Glenwood Band
to purchase percussion
instruments. Please come
support the band. These kids
have really been
getting into their
music under the
direction of Jen-
nifer Hallenbeck,
and your support
would be greatly
appreciated. To
reserve a table,
contact Jennifer at (509) 364-
3517 or jhallenbeck@gorge.
Our community is fortu-
nate to have Todd French
keep the flags for the various
seasons and holidays and put
them on display at the appro-
priate times. He needs to
retire a couple of the Ameri-
can flags that have faded. He
places them out for Memorial
Day weekend and lets them
continue to fly on the streets
of our town until Veteran's
Day, then takes them down
to store over winter. Todd is
seeking donations of replace-
ment flags or cash donations
with which to purchase the
replacements. Donation
envelopes are available at
the Glenwood General Store
and Glenwood Station. This
is a great cause that needs
community support. Thanks
for any help our readers can
give. Todd also suggested
that anyone wishing to have
one or more of the faded,
retired flags, is welcome to
Doug Daniels provided the
September precipitation sta-
tistics, which show that we
received 0.84 inches of rain
for the month. The high for
the last 22 years of record
keeping was 5.54 inches in
2013 and the low was 0.0 in
1999, 2002, and 2006. The
22-year average for Septem-
ber was 0.80 inches. Thanks,
Doug, for providing these
interesting statistics.
Tillie Williams asked that
we share a reminder that
ing, photography cooking, there are still two days left in
crafts, and whatever else you 2017 to enjoy visiting Wash-
might like to sell. There is no ington State Parks for free.
charge for a table. There will There is no admission charge
be breakfast and lunch good- for day use on Veteran's Day,
ies for sale. Nov. 11, and Nov. 24.
Are you caring a
person with memory
loss? Would you like
more hel
Acg/ ,ct re
The University of Minnesota is examining the
effects of remote health monitoring for people
with memory loss and their family members.
Learn more about participating in this free
study by contacting Professor Joe Gaugler at
612.626.2485 or gaugO01
It looks as though the in apple cider, caramelapples mas Bazaar on Dec. 2, 3, and
craft and bazaars are lining and shopping! Call for avail- 4, with vendors needed. This
up for you to get a jump on able vendor opportunities is a busy bazaar that catches
the Christmas spirit for the at (541) 298-5656, and attend buyers from both sides of the
next few months. The "Mar- the Flagstone Senior Liv- river. For more info, callBar-
ketplace at the Civic" starts ing 3325 Columbia bara Rauch, (541)
the chain of events on Oct. 8, View Drive in The 980-5572. There
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a focus Dalles. Lyle News are new and dif-
on local and handcrafted Next in line is ferent crafty items
treasures and treats. It's free the Annual Lyle Mildred Lykens every year, so you
and open to the whole family Christmas Bazaar will have no excuse
and located at 323 East4th which will be held to leave dear old
Street in The Dalles, so visit At the Lyle activity center on Aunt Matilda off
with your crafty friends & the corner of 3rd and High- your list!
neighbors and discover what way 14, Friday, Nov. 3 from 9 But before we get too car-
they've created, a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, ried away, let's enjoy Hal-
Then it's the Annual Craft Nov. 4, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. loween. A Halloween Bash
Bazaar at Flagstone on Oct. Vendor tables are $10 for each is planned at the Dallesport
14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., day or $15 for both. Contact: Community Center on Oct. 29
featuring local artists and Karen Beck, (541) 490-5673, from 2 to 4 p.m. with treats,
crafters, displaying goods or Laurece Bonham, (509) games and a costume contest
and items handmade from 365-2011. with everyone welcome. This
the heart. Come enjoy the Then it's time for the 14th year let's not.judge the age of
festivities of fall andindulge Annual Dallesport Christ- the Trick or Treaters. Give
generously, and from the
heart, to the teens that knock
on your door, because they
choose not to be out getting
high at some hideaway with
plans of malicious pranks.
All ages love candy--don't
Lastly I repeat that the
First Saturday Lions Club
Breakfast is still the best buy
around and a place where you
can enjoy fellow neighbors
and meet new friends. Break-
fast served 7 to 10 a.m. with
proceeds from the breakfasts
used for eyeglasses and hear-
ing aids; assistance for the
low income; Christmas Food
Box Project; and Scholar-
ships for graduating seniors
at Lyle High School. Be sure
to make any new comers wel-
come to our wonderful Lyle.
(U.S. Department of eligible to obtain aloan, but In order to meet eligibil- culture Risk Coverage and
Agriculture (USDA) Farm agrees to forgo the loan, ity requirements, produc- Price Loss Coverage pay-
Service Agency (FSA) may obtain an LDPifsuch ers must retain beneficial ments, Marketing Loan
County Executive Director a payment is available, interest in the commodity, Gains and LDPs. These
Tomy Gertsch in Klickitat MALs and LDPs provide meaning they have control payment limitations do not
County reminds producers financing and marketing of the commodity or a title applyto MALloan disburse-
that Marketing Assistance assistance for wheat, feed to the commodity, until the ments.
Loans (MALs) and Loan grains, soybeans and other MAL is repaid or the Com- Producers or legal enti-
Deficiency Payments (LDPs) oilseeds, pulse crops, rice, modity Credit Corporation ties whose total applicable
are available to help produc- peanuts, cotton, wool and takes title to the commodity, three-year average adjusted
ersthroughperiodsoflow honey. "Please schedule an gross income exceeds
market prices. The 2014 FSA is now accepting appointment at the Klicki- $900,000 are not eligible for
Farm Bill authorized MALs requests for 2017 MALs and tat County FSA Office to Marketing Loan Gains and
andLDPsforthe2014to2018 LDPs for all eligible com- secure a commodity loan," LDPs, but are eligible for
crop years, modities after harvest, said CED Gertsch. MALs that must be repaid
MALs provide interim Before MAL repayments The 2014 Farm Bill also at principal plus interest.
financing and allow produc- and LDP disbursements can establishes payment limi- For more information,
ers to delay the sale of the be made, producers must tations per individual or please visit your local FSA
commodity at harvest-time meet the requirements of entitynot to exceedS125,000 office or
lows and wait until more actively engaged in farm- annually on certain com- wa. To findyour local USDA
favorable market conditions ing, cash-rent tenant and modities for the following service center, go to http://
emerge. A producer who is member contribution, program benefits: Agri-
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115 W. 4th Street
The Dallcs, OR 97058
(541) 296-3368
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