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October 10, 1940 The Goldendale Sentinel | |
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October 10, 1940 |
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October 10, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL---Goldendale, Washington Page Five
Riley's !Federal Job iWithThe Churches County Stock
Saddle Horse Now Available --- Will Show At
"ffil ~. !-,,. _.-___- HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC W. .- /
l laces
Open competitive examinations to I CHURCH I
fill the post of inspector of general Roy. Patrick S. Lyons, Pastor ---------
apeting against a field con-construction were announced this t ... _7-7-.-7.. t Direct from Yakima's Central
..... ~cneaule oi masses Washington fair where it scored
g some of the finest saddle week by the U. S• Cleft Service Corn-t "~'r • m-i .... f'- "u - ~ I
~u st,TU" ru ant ~u tn ~ naays v l i ] h~over s m
; 111 VCashington, Frank Riley's mission. Persons meeting the quali- a m t ui]p s o e of .the finest
..... * " • livestock in this state, Klickitat
black and white stallion cap- flcatlons and passing the examina- St Mary's Church, Wishram, First
fifth place at the Central tion will have an opportun2ty to fill l~,hir~ ~,a ~-nf~h Uundav~ 11 a m '] countys display .of 4-H club stock
ngton fair. existing and future vacancies in the l ~ !will ~,o on exh bit in Portland this
• week at the Pacific International
~y rode his own horse during U. S. engineer department of the l ORA~', TWTXrERAN CHURCH l
...... ~ ~ aL Livestock show
exMbltlon heId before the Bonnewlle dmtmct. Klickitat Washington "
• A -lications mus .......... I " . . I Angus and Hereford steers, Ches
Land Friday evening. Tne pp . ~ ue on zue w~n Eugene R ~cnramm, pastor
• , o • tel' White, Poland China and Hamp-
was on the ;b.asm .ofper-the secretary of the board of U.S. -- t
"~lvll S rvic ...... I Sunda- school 9"30 a m I shire swine, Hampshire and Lincoln
(~e, quality and style of the (;" " e e exoznm~rs, u. ~. ~ng~-! , y ................................
and showmanship. Riley first neer office, Bonneville, Ore., not later Regular service ..................... 10:30 a. m. sheep all will be exhibited at Port-
than October 18. The position pays "We preach Christ and Him Cru- l~nd by county 4-H club members.
a salary of from $1800 to $2300 percified." The stock will go on exhibit Satur- i~ot)n~on was the whiner .of ~irst
year. , (lay, Oct. 5 and will remain in Port- LAURA J. PARROTT, Reporter a0nors, .Mrs. O. it. Loesche~ secoll(l
CrLF_,N prize wlnller, alia i¥1rs. ~-~ lall zvic-
Other civil service examinations LATTER ])AY SAINTS land until Pet. 12 when it will be WOOD, Oct. 7---The fire sea- ~wen the consolation prize win~er.
Hsted include: electric welder, herd-R, R. Hamm, Superintendent sold at a special auction son pract!cally ended O~tober 1with iVlrs. Wickman served, a delic ou~!
....... " the lay Oli oI 4.,leVi t3aryl, ','rou~ ~aKe ann interesting luncu utter the
er patrohnan, safety instructor, and Klickitat, Wasnmgton ~licKitat county's 4-H cldb judg- fire warden, stationed as lookout on taree tables o~ bridge. 1
junior pharmacist. Additional infer-Sunday school 10:00 a. m. in ing teanl consisting of Jack Daven- Dymond Butte, south of I~urel, and mrs. Rex CooKe returned Fr'day
.............. . ~.. .... . .......... the closure of the 100 foot lookout from a two weeks vacation spen~
mation regarding these positions and " ' ' ' - Vowel'. Three additionalwardens visiting friend~ and relat yes il ~ -
cmv rooms at l%llCll.ltKI, pol ~ VII gil ABaCi son, Ullnoru Wil 1 I J~l
others may be secured from O.G. son and Keith Kayser that placed also ended their duties at the fire len,s~bur.g.
........... • ~,,~vo~ : ................. , hall Ray Carter stationed at Ap Miss Helen Je'flrey, of Goldendale,
Brock at the Goldendale post office. UIIOKu~ u~ UXL~Z seconu in x~mm, WIt compete Ior 1 ' ' - ' •
v q~ ~mith minister , . . .~ .-. _ p eton, ~obert Pierson, Tr.out Lake was the weekend guest of ,Miss Jean
........... uonols a~ ~oluanu. and Pete Bly, Cathalamet.The lastTot)in. Don Hoaglaud and Bob Ho~te-
I'kl !.
---"--'--- " iFtour-H club exhibitors from this two were regularly employed at the ditz both o.£ Goldendale, ~pent Sun-
I,IuIOCl~__ --|~ all o ..... ~,,,~ ,~.,n ........ "- P ' A $3,800 sta'te social security grant Tot)m and Miss Je, rey.~unday was
n..,., .... ~. 10"00 ......... state fire hall here day' in Klickitat vmitin with Miss
x)~oa~ ~LUU5 ................................. county Will lnclu(le" JaCK l~aven oft " ~. • . •
[:oHeoe Orchestra :'°: ........ "............................... :::: ~eltn ~ayser, marl~ Kayser, Veryl augmented by a $3,500 W]PA labor Miss Jeff,'ey'~ seventeenth birthday•
~oru's supper ............................ i~:ou Riley, Eugene Forrester, Blaine .fund has financed extensive improve- Jack and Joe Newt)ern went .?na
Washington State College, .Pull-EV::ni:gdj;r:?:ning"servi;e ........ ~-~g Coc•hran, Vincent Jusslla, John Bmx, p~ent? a~UtrtheonT~tOhUet pLak;ec~Ch~O~ihu~ngvt~p onAlat Va~Sleg ~;~
9~-Jim Niblock of Lyle is ........ : Clifford Wilson, Jerry Miller Virgil reached the halfway mark. accordin~ told his irienus not to expect him
Bible Study Friday afternoon....2:30 Anderson Charles Swan L~ Swan to Mrs. el'in Pearson, member of the back until he got a deer. We hope
one of the26 new members of the Our fall meeting is to be held in . • .' .. ' ' school board there. When finished Mr. Vause took his winter undies,
,, ......... anu danice t~arner, the building will be most complete we hear it~ gets pretty cold over
Washington State college Symphony ~ne meeung house irom ~ov. ~ ~o ~l ~ ~ and modern in every way and will be there in tile winter tiuleJ. ....
orchestra, following tryouts held this inclusive. G. Henry Towell of We- t ,,~ • one .of the most up-to-date school Herman Wickman ann ¢/. ~'. Nelis
week. Ntblock will play the violin, natchee is to do the "}eachin" We ,Arm~hv ele,-t- plants of its size among the states went to Bend on business last week.
• v" s. d ~""~ accredited high schools. The project Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spalding and
Rehearsals are already being held invite you .to ~.ttend these services, f~______ ~ • • calls for two additional class rooms, sons visited with Mr. and Mrs. Her-
in preparation for ~he first concert, "Study t,~ sh,~ fh.~¢ ~n,~,w,~d un I Ik.,*OUIl V raorses a play room painting outside of all man Umlauf last Friday and had
....... ~ ..... ~ .... -t " buildings, kalsomining within, re-dinner with them in the evening.
which will be held in mid-November to God, a workman that needeth not ~ wiring of all buildings remodelin~ Mr. and Mrs I. J. Bunnell, of
in E. A. Bryan hall. to be ashamed, rightly diving theF~ve Khckltat county horses were of old and the ~uilding of new rest°- Pendleton, Ore., spent ,a week vis-
,~n,,~ ~e ~,,,+h " o rm... o ~ t purchased by the Remount Service rooms, one ior ~ne exclusive use of iting in I~IICK1La[ Wltll Lie donn
.............. • "~" ~:~" , ........ visiting teams, a new $1,100 heating Tobin family. Mr. and Mrs. Bunnell
...... .of the U. S. Army last ~'rmay morn- plant with increased hot water capsL are Mrs. T(~bin'~ parents•
q'W~ x~m~n~m ~ tmg. Tne government held its inspec- city, a $1,175 semi-indirect lighting Philip Rabom .purcaased the very
~ ~,~-~-~v~,~. ~ I ti~n ,~ ~h~ r,~ v~ ~ . . system electric play 'bells fire alarms latest and newest l-lammonu electric
C. J. Hall, minister ~\~-- --~ .[--~ ~'--~ xeacKe~ rancn near and clocks. Eighteen ~nen and a organ on the market recently. It has
.t~entervme. superintendent are doing the work a marvelous tone and Philip certain-
for fourth with Joe Kilgore, of
and later dropped to
in a special competition to de-
ti~e placing.
The contest wa~ open to all sad-
i horses. About 30 animals were
ered in the show. The judges
~plimented Riley on his horse-
i~ship. Riley's horse was ridden
"Queen Virginia ValIHoy during
I Goldendale Jambored~___
| B~ause they lost longer |
he Service Garage
. Goldendale, Wasl gton
IN TODAY and let the NiekersowMotor company's
staff of trained auto mechanics and service men
get your car in shape for winter. It will
save you money to have winter
lubrication service now
A Real He-Man Breakfast......
10:00 a .m. Church school. 11:00
a. m., Sermon by the pasto¢. 6:30 p.
m., Epworth League.
Th.ird Wednesday, 16th inst, 2:00
p. m•, W%man's Society of Christian
Service meets. Thi,s Saturday 7:00
p. m., Choir practice.
"One can die of alcoholism with-
out ever being a drunkard. Every
day people die of alcoh~olism without
ever having been drunk... Usually
such a drinker does not get drunk
but slowly poisons himself Without
knowing it. This form of alooholism
is m'ost frequent and most insidi-
ous." Dr. J. Bertillon. (The ¥oice,
p. 6, August, 1940).
You"ll Need Plenty of
It's made from Klickitat's finest cream right here in the
Klickitat Valley. Order some today from your favorite
grocery . . . Always keep your refrigerator or ice box well
stocked with fresh Reliance Butter
Swell On Sandwiches For Those School Lunches Too!
Centerville, W ash.
Opal Wiidanen, minister
Lord's Day Services
10:00 Bible school
11:00 Lord's Supper and sermon.
2:30 S. S. and church at the
Hartland church.
7:00 C. ~E. led by Evelyn Schmidt.
8:00 Song service and sermon.
Week Day Service
7:30 Wednesday Bible study.
October 16 will be church night
for all of the congregation• Pot-
~supper at 6:30 will be followed by
missi,onary ne~ especially from Po-
land. Those who have birthday an-
niversaries during the month will
be especially honored•
Let Us Supply Your Baking Needs
will find our products of the highest quality and our
prices right. Order from your grocer or direct at
the Goldendale Bakery
WELTER & SEIBOLD, Proprietors
Hartland Gets. mc State AAA Group
Ample Rainfall ---- Schedule Meetil
l~LICl~i'i'.&'l--L~pet:iai) -- ki~iio . -~
An all-time record high for Sep- we gel tile l'epuLaLlOIl lof havailg A state-wide nleeting of the KAA
tember rainfall in.the High Prairie sucu an acute ~cnse o[ huui.o~'--aziu .~ wil "
..................... ~ y:OU d l'ealiy LnlIIK We liau .one l~} 1 be held in Walls Walla Satur-
ates w~,~ e~Wlsnea las~ m.ontn, w. we pu~ some o[ ~ne tinugs in our!day, October 5. At the session the
~rvJ~i::n;~°~i:ti~ct~::2:h:d.Ob lle~yli~ IOU:s:~~ I~_KU: ~w°!eekend til?td[:;: :ta:h)A~b~lnmigte.e .m.en
A tot-I .......... ]vacation li'OIll l'agkuc i~tlLilel'~tll L~OI-] S P ems or the
, ~a ~ o~ ~.~v inches oz preczplta-] tege at Tacoma ttnti vlsltea nor Ialll-i wheat producers in the l~actfic North-
tion was recorded in September. ,iv lll Jxhcl~lta~. t west
• : ±v/l's. ~l'.t ~ ause and Gertrude I "
ttamfall was recorded on eight dff-
~&12~e I~IL 101 J2~Y~l~Lt LO atLenU Lne S F
.... ' .... ' ~ • . Gandms, of Bickleton, coun-
feren,t days w~th the heawest precip~- ~unel'a~ v~ ~.~rs. ~ ause~ father ~ ri- ty chairman of the Agricultural Ad
ration falling on Sept 27 Temnera- (/ay aIttrnoon.
.... ", " - ~virs. Herman Wicknmn chose an jujstnlent, Administation's conserva-
~ure WO~S normal Ior tne, opp:l:~u~!)~al.~:meltIOlgd;e~v:e:;~ mv2~' tion program in Klickitat county,
nusuand waslaWaYs°n¢l tel w'a v s~tm~busln~ ana P ans te attend the session WhiCh
ller pet k t ' '~" g at tie will be held at the Grand hotel.
CLOSED ally,t)urton ranch. There were
three t~t)les oi t)ridge. £Vtl'S. Beryt
Sell it through the Want Ads. tf
~~~-- ]
Loren Triplett !
Democvalie Candidate for ]
1,'irst District ]
General Election November 5th. |
Horses sold brought prices rang-
weekend in Vancouver wit'h Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. tester Robk~on were
guests at the A. L. Rude home
Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. ,McDonald and
Miss Lei~ McDonald drove to The
Dalles Saturday night to attend the
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farr, of Van-
couver, spent the day Saturday at
the R. E. Asher home.
Mrs. Lo~ter Robison spent the day
Monday with her sister. Mrs. Clair
Mrs. Goss and Mrs. A~her shopped
in Goldendale Monday,afternoon.
Mrs. H. A. Rude is staying in
G~gldendale with her rrmther who
has ju,~t re,turned from the Yakima
Mr. and Mrs• James Witherall, of
Pendleton, were guests at the Mc-
Donald home Monday.
Mrs. Asher ,~pent Sunday in Van-
Mary Loss went to Portland by
train last ~eekend.
Mr. and Mrs. James Peck and Mr.
nnd Mrs. Letter Robison went t.o
The Dalles Saturday night to the
.Mrs. G0ss and her brother, I. C.
Rohison, of Goldendale, made a
busine,~s trip to Hood River one day
last week.
Mary and Jerry Baboock were out
of school with colds a few days last
Geno Alvau left last week for
Seattle where he will attend the
university thi,~ ~v:incer.
Mr. and Mrs. tester Reeves, of
Seattle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Goss
Mrs. ,lames Peek and the 4-H
boys climbed Haystack mountain
Mr. and M~. Kenneth Rude were
visitors at the tester Rohison home
Frldav evening.
Stanley Asher and Lena and El-
vera Gnsbiano attended the show in
Goldendale Saturday night.
Mr. Ge.v~ was a business visitor in
Coldenda:le Tuesday a~ftern,oon.
Mrs. Jaekel has rented her serv-
ice station to a couple of young men
fre,~ CentervIlle.
Mr. and ,Mrs. tester Rob!son
dr.0ve to The Dalles Sunday.
C. E. Hanes, pastor
10:00 a. m. Bible school. A new
year of work for the various de-
partment)s is now starting. This is
a g, o od time to enter the Bible
school. The graded courses run from
October 1 to October 1 the fbllow-
ing year and much benefit is gained
by regular attendance.
11:00 a. m. Preaching service•
Sermon theme: "The Holy .Spirit."
2:30 p. m. Sunday school follow-
ed by preaching services at Hart-
land. o
7:00 p. m. :School of Misui0,ns in
B. Y. P. U., Adult Union, and the
Jr.-Int. Unions.
8:00 p. m. Evangelistic service in
song and sermon. Last Sunday eve-
ning the congregational and choir
singing were exceptionally fine. That
will help to draw a crowd. Keep it
up. Folks do, like good sing,int.
8:00 p. m. Thursday, prayer meet-
ing, this week to lie followed by the
church business meeting.
8:00 p. m. Friday night, Bdble
school ~rorkers conference.
Come, worship and serve with us.
There is a welcame here!
under the supervision of the school ly knows how to bring ,out the best
board members.
Babcock and Larry have spent the
past week in Hillsoboro. Others out
from Portland over the last weekend
were Mrs. Ida Hanna and Sadie Wel-
H. F. Kuhnhausen and family re-
turned Tuesday evening from their
trip to San Francisco. They enjoyed
the fair very much and considered
the "Calvacade:' well worth the trip.
Mrs. John Cress, of LaCenter, is
staying at the D. A. Cress home and
we are plea.sod to report Mrs. Cress
somewhat improved, though still in a
very serious condition.
The majority of the student body
went to Lyle Friday afternoon for a
six-man football game with the Lyle
Cougars. The score resulted in a
tie, 20 to 20. The primary room treat-
ed the rest of the grade school pupils
to a play, "Peter Rabbit and Mr.
MacGregor," .on Friday afternoon.
Mrs. George Wellenbrock was among
the parents present to see it.
Mrs. Frank Lyle is enjoying a visit
froin her brother, Earl Pendleton,
wife and daughter, of Sacramento.
They expect to remain most of the
The Portland stock show vied here
this week with the opening day of
the hunting season, with the result
just about a toss up. &bout a third
of the population went to Portland,
while another third took their chances
in the woods, the remaining third
elected to st~.y at home. Early in the
afternoon two deer were seen on cars
headed for the direction of Golden-
The H. F. Kuhnhausen truck haul-
ed three loads of Myles B~,os. cattle
into Portland from their Rattlesnake
ranch last week, which averaged bet-
ter th~.n 1000 pounds each. A load
of 4-foot slab wood from the tie mill
at Laurel also went into Vancouver
for use as fuel during the week.
C. B. Davis, Vancouver piano tun-
er, who seemingly has replaced Mr.
Saunders, former piano tuner, in this
section, gave both of the school
pianos ~ much needed tuning this
Storms and snow on the foothills
in the reserve are bringing about 50
per cent of the range stock in from
the hills, Loc~tl cattlemen s,tate that
they wait until stock has begun to
"drift" to lower levels before begin-
ning their fall roundup•
George Dean, Glenwood postmast-
er and C. M. B~bcock have shingled
the Brooks Livingston house in .town,
which is occupied by the Dan Wilson
'The grade school rooms present a
very neat and colorful fall appear-
ance, with plants and wild leaf ar-
~The arrival of new citizens increas-
ed our I>opulation by two this week,
when a son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Kuhnhausen in Whi.te Salmon,
,October 2. On October 3 Mr. and Mrs.
last1 Lad,iges welcomed a smut
daughter• ~er grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Max Ladiges and Mr. and
.Mrs. Tye Bolt for whom she is a
first in grandchildren, and a great
grandchild for Mrs. Olivia Shockley.
Seen Ihy your reporter in White
,Salmon Friday were: Mrs. P. H.
Akerill and ,Luiclle Ward, Mrs. Don
Martin and son, Bruce, Mr. and Mrs.
tMax I~diges, Lucille Ladiges, Max,
jr., and tPaul I~diges, ,Mr. and Mrs.
Loroy Andrew, Mrs. Riley, Jason Van
Wagnoner, Tye Bolt, Russell Lewis,
Mrs. Mattie Dymond and Winston
October 1 Mrs. Parrott completed
one year service as reporter for The
.Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bartholomew,
of Bingen, had as guests last Bun-
day, ~Irs. Lydia Colburn, her brother,
W~ll _~nderson and Mrs. Eva Thomas
on a drive to Gtenwood, up Bird
in it. He intend~ to play for dances,
concerts, weddings, etc.
Ethel Reiss, Helen K~'ueger, and
Peggy Knopp enter~tained 37 guests
at a bridal sho'wer ~n honor of Mi~
Elsie Dinger last Wednesday eve-
ning. Pinochle, bridge and flea were
played. Prize winners were Gertrude
Vause, Mrs. Amo~ Hohnan and
Freda Reiss. Sandwiches, cake and
ice cream were served after the
lovely assortment of gift~ were
Mr. and Mrs. Dick McConkey are
spending a week's vacation in Klick-
itat visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Elsner and a number of other
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hallyburton
were in Hood River Tuesday where
they attended the funeral of Mr.
H,allybur ton's uncle.
Virginia Scoffiehl and ~Molly Ms-
gee are both working at Al's place
The hot lunch project started at
school Tuesday. Kay el)has and Eva
Dunn will be cool~s this yea'r.
The District Federation of Wom-
en's clubs meets at Goldendale Oct.
11. All local club members are urg-
ed to attend. The meeting starts at~
10 a. m.
The Wauna club is having a rum-
mate ~ale Oct.ober 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Magee were in
Olympia Friday.
Miss Dickie and Mickey Leland
spent the weekend at the Neils
Walter Greenfield has a broken,
finger recedved in the football game
last week. Johnny Robinson ha~ in-
fection in his hand. and Kenny Rob-
inson had his tonsils out last week•
Re,bert Thorne ha~ infecti.on in his
arm, Mrs. Roy .Greenfleld says
what we need in Klickttat is in-
surance for our football boys•
A nt, mber of deer brought in Sun-
day. We haven't all the statlsti~
yet, but we do know wbo some .of
the lucky huntsmen were. Carl Coo-
lidge. Jake Rc~binson. ,lack Grueber.
Martin Millsap and Joe McCune
each got a deer with the help of
their respective hunting narttes.
Ralph Con~oy, of Cedar Valley,
was in Goldendale en business Tues-
Betty La:~man. of Sunnyside,
member of the Goldendale high
school graduating class of last year, t
is now enrolled at the Central Wash-
ington College of Education at E1-
lensburg. I
.Stanley Layman, of Sunnyside,
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Layman
of that city, is now enrolled at Yak-
ima Badsiness College.
Ralph Walker, of White Salmon.1
was in Goldendale on buisness Tues-
Creek to Goutchen Creek and back
to White ,Salmon via Trout Lake. O fl
all the places passed Mrs. Col.burn
stated the Dymond home lo~ked the
most £amili~r.
Frank Miller for Congress says:
"The nn-American alien must
go. lie is a human time bomb. I,
would no~ fail to vote for support
of the Dies committee in ~heir at-
tempt to searcb him out. I would
vote to deport him."
--a straight-thinking, cour-
ageous, hard-hitting, ex-
perienced man in the nation's
capitol--a man who thinks
FIRST of America's welfore
in this war-rood world.
Stephen F. Chodwick
"'meQsures up' .