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Your Gorge Classified
ad also appears in •
Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise;
The Dalles Chronicle;
and the Camas/Washougal Post-Record
or toll free a(
NEED ......
Mn0un=mmt ............ 1-,~
Sd as&
.............. 34-55
B mu&
Financial ............... 39.72
In H0nle ~....,,90-1~
Tnm &
.............. 1~28S
/ mb&
, nure .............
I~nt~ ................. 325415
Real Estate ................. .419452
Wrap up
,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,, i ,
75 Help Wanmd T5 Help Waned 75 Help Wanted
General General General
Preschools ~"""""'"35
Schools/Training ""''"*'"40
Tutodng "45
Instruction .......... 50
Health & Fitness ............. 55
75 Help Wanted75 Help Wanted78 Help Wanted
General General Office
WANTED: Teacher of the
deaf. To work w/deaf gid in
Goldendale. Wage nego-
tiable 509-7734816.
GROUP MUSIC lessons,
Band, stdng insts. Age 8+.
Call K~li 261-1140,
Gergenet Technical Support METAL FABRICATOR
PosltionsAveilabte Local manufactunng com-
Gorgenet is seeking net- pany has an opening for a
work savvy individuals to steel fabricator. Must be
support our growing num- able to read drawings &
ber of broadband DSL, follow tolerances to form
Wireless and Dialup inter- heavy metal parts using
net services. The position shears, press brakes and
involves telephone support related equipment. Be able
of existing customers and to align, adjust and set up
selling DSL, Wireless and verson or similar type
dialup services to new cue- press brake. Great benefit
tomers, Qualified candi- package, must pass phys-
dates will have a working ical & drug screen, Apply in
knowledge of the following: person: 3800 Eagle Loop
Windows based computers Odell, OR 97044. Salary
Macintosh computers DOE
LAWs and WAN's Intemet
applications such as Web,
Mail, FTP and Chat Dialup,
DSL and Wireless internet
CONSULTANT ment Adington Landfills, At-
Apply in person to: lington, Oregon has an
Gary Griffith opening for an on-site truck
Cliff Smith Motors driver, Duties include on-
3100 W. Cascade Avenue, site shuttling of containers.
Hood River, OR Must be dependable and
demonstrate safe work
AUTO SERVICE ATTENDANT habits, Requires valid ddv-
Reliable person required er's license and HS depic-
tor busy Hood River deal- ma or equ/valent. Must
ership. Requires valid ddv- complete Hazardous
ers license and clean Waste training. Send re-
record. Start immediately, sume or pick up applica-
Apply in person to Pennie tion: Personnel Manager,
Cosens at Cliff Smith 18177 Cedar Spdngs Lane,
Motors, 3100 W. Cascade Arlington, OR. 97812.-Clos-
St, Hood River, OR es: October 15, 2004,
-- Waste Management is an
foe. No door to aoor.
Call 1-800-FOR.AVON.
C o mput or N ee tw o~--S pec/asitst'
FT, Columbia Gorge Commu- Mid-Columbia Center for
nity College Information Tsch. Living is seeking to fill the
nologyDepartment following positions with our
B.S. or industry certification Systems of Care (SOC)
with extensive job exped- grant:
once. Minimum 2 years No-
veil Netware network in- Project Coordinator: Full-
stallation and maintenance time Coordinator respon-
experience, Excellent trou- sible for oversight in the de-
bleshooting, communica- velopment and implemen-
teen and multi-tasking skills, tation of the comprehen-
Salary range: $37,699- sive strategic and commu-
$42,431. For complete job nications plan for SOC.
description and application This position will also serve
packet, contact the Office as the central point within
of the President, 400 E. SOC for strategizing and
Scenic Drive, The Dalles, assessing technical assis-
OR, 97058; 541-298-3123; lance needs of the com- munity, Requires a Mas-
Closing date: October 22, ter's degree in related hu-
2004 at5pm. EOE. man services field with 3
yrs exp. in coordination of a
Commercial & Residential. CONSTRUCTION laborer,
Lots of room for expansion, part-tTme, $8-$10/hour project, grant, or program
Senous inquiries only. 541- DOE. Musthave own including staff supervision.
993-3360 for details. Will
train, transportation. 773-4745. Bachelor's degree in relat-
Resumes may be emeiled
Business Opportunities ""'60 to jobs@gorge, net
Investments & Loans'"""65
Insurance ........................... "70 Hairdresser wanted for the
~HI~ .............. 1100.842 Mortgages & Contracts"'"72 1st 3 days of the week. For
into call 541-296-4555 Mid-Columbia Children's
~ Bn,,,~lt/~ HAIRsTYUsTICo|mletelogi=t Council, Inc. (Head Start)is
~~i Oppor~ni~ needed for F/T clientel in currently accepting appli-
White Salmon immediately, cations for 1 Eady Head Start
Connie at509-493-2706, home Visitor in Goldendale.
$250K 1st yr potential www, 40 hr/wk, $1839 per me. 12
Coming ,~on- Fundementsl NOt MLM me/yr. Benefits 12 months
Baptist Church. For tnforma. 1-800-705-4513 Handicapped male seeking a year. Infant, toddler CDA
teen ca11405-209-83t0 ................ individual for bathing/ desirable or willing to obtain
ABATEMENT Technolo- dressing team 3 to 4 days a within 1 year. 1 Child Care
HappyAdsl .... 2 gies 2500c portable air
Card of Thanks ........ 5 duct machine. $5500. 509- week 5:30-7:30am. Con-Assistant for Early Head Start.
Notices t0 773-3290or509-250-O927. tact296-6615 10 hr/wk, $8.53 per hr, 12
Events ..... 15 .......... me/yr. No Benefits. Apple-
Personals ...... 20 Cerpet/Upholstary Cleaning LATERAL DEPUTY cations will be accepted
Support Groups "'~"""25 Businenfur~ide. Klickitat County Civil Ser- until noon October
Lost & Found """"'"""30 Greatcustomerbase- vice will be testing for the 25,2004. Applications may
position of Lateral Deputy be picked up at the OR &
Job Description/application WA Employment offices
can be obtained through and may be returned to
The Klickitat County Shedff Mid-Columbia Children's
Council Inc., 1100 E. Mad-
C~)K- : ....... ed human service field with Department 205 S. Colum-
15E1/1t/'1~ CATERING truck for FT/PT position in Hood exceptional experience bus Ave, Room 108 County
NWDSA Buddy Walk sale. Runs great. Fully River. Exp. necessary. Fax working with children & Courthouse 509-773-2483
Sat., Oct. 16 at the equipped. 360.835.0219. resume to 541-]L~1203. families and administrative Or ematl
experience; or equivalent
PortiaedRoseQuader, EST~,BLlSHEl~ressiaurant ---~ERSB-=WlCE- combination of education, Closing date is 5:00 p.m.
NWD..~,I~nm'..lpm for lease in motel. 100+ REPRESENTATIVE training, and experience on October 29, 2004 Test
Create and nurture a loving seats, open since 1985, (AUTO,CAD) will be considered• Must in Goldendale, Washington
great location, Hwy. 97 at have experience in con- November13,2004
and inclusive community Goldendale, WA. 509-773- Responsible for Auto-Cad tract compliance, program
celebrating every person 5793 or drawings, servicing cue- development including pol- MID~-C~~-
with Down Syndrome, ...- .;-..-~-;:°-:-.- tomer needs order entry icy & procedure develop- ere, Inc. (MCP) has two
Mm Man NU[ & I-rUl[ tie. ,' , '
~=tohq=ho,~ I^,'~l re-*= P,~ and scheduhng. Pnor Auto- ment. Clinical experience full-time positions open in
20Per~aonsIs ~",~,,.~',.,"d'~=,~1"~90~.~;)~'' Cad experience required, working with children & our Operations Depart-
""'~"'~, ...... Must have at least 2 yrs families preferred. Salary mont.
ABORTION?WHY? ................ office experience, Word range: $4,094-4,7901mo, The individuals hired will be
CONSIDER ADOPTION ~2 M~ and Excel, ten-key, & pro- working at times in each de-
Warm, secure, loving home i~l Ct~ ficiency in math to include Social Me.sting Specialist: vision of the company,
which include Grain Ware-
available for newborn baby, fractions. Experience with Half-time (approx 18-19
Please call attorney at .,,^,,, j,~,, ,~ ,,,, ,.,^,,, computerized order entry hrs/wk) position respon- housing, Trucking, Fuel,
1-800-606.4411. A-967 /Ut" ~ I"/MU NUW system preferred. Must be sible for developing a social Seed, and MCP's Retail
........ For notes and ¢ootracls available to work overtime, marketing strategy for SOC Store.
Lucienneb: You emaiteq .¢t-lnl=- ,,,~',-,,~,
me on 9/21. I went to an- ' as_n_eeded..$1 1-$13 per hr grant community, This pc- The successful candidates
uul:: GPJ"(UINAL I~ criersI e themust haave semi dnving
swer on. 9/22 and found~1,111~1 flYA~NT " sition will a so s rve as experience and possess a
an exciting growth oppor- """*r"l ""~"" ;*~"-~"" "-'-
that email closed. Please r..4wrLv ~lnnr~ tunity with an industry lead- ,..=., a .py,.. ~,,~.,,, o,...., ,v, valid class A CDL with the
call John 360-449-3535. .... . _, ........ . ,,... _.. strateg~zmg and developing following endorsements:
=. u~,,,u ~.=t~-u.-u,~-~=,~ media ublic r "ati
......................I~REGNANT? Need he!p?. P~sWanted'"'"--80Help Wanted ..... "'75 manufsctud~g p~ ..... p el one) ~ ai~kes, doubles, tanker,
;all Pregnancy I:Z~so~ : ~nteeHs~,,,...~82 Excellenl~be~t~allts~, L-B~tgn,~J~U~s'. ~.nd. othl~ i~ ~UCceS~
:enter at 773-5501 Free ..... ~,^,. ,,..,.,,,..,-,as free worl,,D/ace. EOE. AD- marketing matenals ro pro- "~w~~ also be"~=
, ~nCy tesung.' " InJobO~'~"nu'u=OHome Services"'""""89°° ply at OR Emp/oyme'nt mote SOC. Requires a quired to acquire a com-
...... Deqtorwww.WorkinglnBachelor's degree in corn- mercial pesticide applicator
municetions, public rela-
Child Care Providers "90 through 10/18/ license within four months
Ch,id Cars Wa
D.per -'100 t, ons, or related fie,d with4 om. dateofhire•
,,, ~-~M~-~,~RVlCE yrs. related exp. in corn- MCP's operations depad-
AA WA~: GROUP T~s REPRESIENTATNE munications, public real- physicalment employeeSactivities relatedPerf°rmto
tions, or marketing; or the operation of a grain el-
(open) 7pro. New location, ~ Responsible for servicing equivalent combination of evator including operating
Molly B's 57740 Main St, ...................
customer needs, order en- education, experience, and
TyghValley, Oregon. *The Ticket to a dream job try, and scheduling. Must training, Must have excel-
ACOA (Adult Children of might really be a scam.* have at least 2 yrs office lent verbal/written commu-
Alcoholics) Support Group- GovemmentWildllfeJobsl experience, Word and Ex- nication skills; ability to type
Goldendale; meet Men- Great Pay and Benef~ col, ten-key, & proficiency and utilize graphics and
days, 6:30 p.m., 124 W. AI- No Ex~nce Necessaryin math to include fractions, other computer software
To protect yourseff, call the Experience with compu- programs, houdy rate is
lyn Street. For more info Federal Trade Commission tedzed order entry system $20.52/hr.
call 773-4428. toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP, preferred, Must be avail- For both positions: Bilingual
AL-ANON-115 E Main, or visit able to work overtime, as (Spanish/English) pre-
Goldendale Senior Center APubllcServiceMe~age needed, $11-$13 ph DOE. ferred. Must be computer
Thursdays, 6p.m. fromTheDall~Chronldeand CARDINAL IG offers an literate and have the ability
773-6420. ~eFTC. exciting growth opportunity
with an industry leader us- to type and utilize software
ADMINIErRATIVE ing state-of-the-art manu- systems. Travel is re-
ALCOHOLICS Anon. Gold- AesIErANTI.PERMrrs lecturing processes. Ex- quired. MCCFL is a com-
endale meetings at the Klickital County Building In- cellent benefits, Drug free munity behavioral health
United Methodist Church; spection Department, workplace. EOE. Apply at agency covedng Hood Riv-
Men., 8 p.m.; Wed., 8 p,m,; Goldendale is accepting OR Employment Dept or er, Wasco, Sherman, and
Fri. 8 p.m., 109 E. Broad- applications for a full-time Gilliam counties. Contact
way. 1-800-999-9210. replacement position. Du- through 10-18-04, Shaleen at 541-296-5452
C~s~I ~leth A,nony~u-~s .es: performs a variety of for an appfi~,~tion packet.
"Survivors". Fn 8-9pm, 401 secretadal and permit co- DevelopmeetOfllcer,
ordination duties to con- Maryhill Museum of Art Closes t.0/20/04 EOE/Dru9
E, 10th, Unit Recovery tribute to efficient officeop- seeks an experienced de- freeworkplaca.
Foundation, The DaUes. eration. Composition of velopment professional to FLOORING INSTALLERS,
DEMEMTIA SUPPORT GROUP business correspondence, plan, implement and grow Must be licensed and
Friends. family & ceregiv- establishing/maintaining all aspects of a compre- bonded. Carpet, vinyl, lam-
ere of people affected with detailed records; prepare- hensive development pro- inates, tile. For application
Dementias. 2nd Wed of tion of summary reports; gram, including coordinat-
bookkeeping; receiving ap- in9 and directing anticipat- call or fax 503-635-5286.
every month. 10-11am, plicetions/issuing permits; ed endowment/capital Fax 503-670-7860.
Oregon Veteran's Home. and providing tBchnical as- campaign. Salary and ben- LABORERS: Waste Man-
Public is welcome. For info sistance to applicants, elite competitive. For corn- agement Arlington Land-
call 541-296-7190. Wage: $11.05 per hour. plete job description and in- fills, Arlington, Oregon has
Applications at formation on how to apply, openings for laborers for
TOP.S. (Take Off Pounds or cell 509-773-3733 or visit
Sensibly). Tuesdays 8:30 e-mail maryhillmuseumorg. Ap- Landfill operations. Must be
a.m. to 10 at Riverview, plications accepted until dependable and demon-
Comm. Bank. 773-0456. Klickitat County Personnel November 15, 2004. strata safe work habits. Re-
quires valid driver's license
T.O.P.S. Crake off Pounds Department,509-773- DUFUR HIGH SCHOOL cur- and HS diploma or equtva-
7171, 205 S. Columbus, rently has an opening for a lent. Must complete Haz-
Sensibly),p.m. at RiverviewThUrsdayS'comm.6 wAMS'CH98620.15'AnG°Idendale'EOE. Posi- Head High School Track ardous Waste training.
and Field Coach. The suc-
Bank.T73-5301, t~pn Open Until Filled. cessfu! candidate-~ill pro- Send resume or pick up
W~'l-Ca--n¢~--~S-upp-o~ A~EMBLYMECHANIC vide direction for grade application: Personnel
group, Open to all women Local manufacturing com- school through varsity high Manager, 18177 Cedar
with cancer. Come join us party has an opening for an school track & field pro- Spdngs Lane, Arlington,
the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays assembly mechenic. Must grams. To apply please OR. 97812. Closes Octo-
of the month from 6:30 pm have knowledge & exp. in contact Jack K. Hender- ber 15, 2004, Waste Man-
son, 541-467-2509. This agement is an EOE MIFNI
to 7:30 pm at Ca/lie Cancer heavy equipment assem- posit~on is open until filled. H
Center. For more info con- bting, hydraulics, truck-type
tact Lyn at 296-7205. brakes and 12 volt electri-
cal systems. Great benefit
po kage, mu= pass phys-
ical and drug screen. Apply Cook - Relief
LOST: white gold wedding in person at: 3800 Eagle
ring. between Sept. t4 & LoopOdelI, OR97044.
15. Peggy Cuff. 773-=,,,931. Salary DOE Providence Hood River Memorial
Counselor - AT
This full-time counselor will provide
chemical dependency treatment serv-
ices to community members with
substance abuse concems. Qualified
candidates will have a minimum of a
Bachelor's degree plus three years
experience, or an Associate's degree
plus 5 years experience.
Please apply on-line at Www.Providence.o
For more information call (541) 387-6453
Hospital is seeking a Relief Cook.
The position will support three facil-
ities, Down Manor, Brookside
Manor and Providence Hood River
Hospital. The Relief cook oversees
the delivery of timely meal service
to patients and cafeteria, serving all
regular and therapeutic meals. The
qualified candidate will have hospi-
tal or other professional culinary
Please apply on-line at
WWW, providence.or employment
For more information call (541) 387-6453
A caring difference you can feel
A caring difference you can
equipment, recording grain
receipts, lifting, shoveling,
walking, and working at
times 180 feet above
ground level. There will
also be a variety of tasks in
other departments, which
include the operations of
small and large trucks haul-
ing grain and fuel, operat-
ing grain cleaning equip-
ment, fork lifts, and waiting
on our valued customers in
our retail store.
If you meet the CDL re-
quirements, are a self-
starter, a team player, an
economic thinker, like chal-
lenges and variety within a
day's activity, take owner-
ship and responsibility for
your actions and those of
your team, have high stan-
dards and goals, and focus
on outstanding customer
service, we want your
As a member of our great
team you will receive very
competitive compensation,
After a 90-day adjustment
period new full-time em-
ployees become eligible to
participate in a number of
company paid benefits - in-
cluding 100% company
paid health insurance, the
accrual of vacation and
sick leave, performance
bonus program, company
funded 401 (k), and more.
MCP is a successful Farm-
er owned Cooperative
serving farmers in the Mid-
Columbia region of Oregon
Washington with 18 grain
elevators in 13 locations in-
cluding 3 barge loading lo-
cations, 3 grain seed out-
lets, 3 fuel sites, 1 retail
store, 3 grain semis, and 2
fuel delivery trucks. Our fo-
cus is toward being the
most efficient provider of
services and products that
help our patrons and cus-
tomers profit both individu-
ally and collectively. The
succeed we must continu-
ally provide the proper at-
mosphere, training, oppor-
tunities, challenges, and re-
wards to employees who
think and take action as if
this business is their own.
To apply ,please forward
your resume to:
Manager, Mid Columbia
Producers, P.O, Box 344,
More, Oregon 97039.
Applications will be ac-
cepted until November 1,
Mid Columbia Producers is
an equal opportunity em-
FT production mgmt. with
proven detail-odentad, de-
sign/art back-ground.
Skilled w/Flash, Illustrator,
PhotoShop. Cross platform
literate w/db knowledge.
Audio exp a plus. Salary
DOE. Send resume and
salary requirements to:
Position #MPCl, PO Box 950,
Hood River, OR g7031,
PoBg~Y=hoo.oom EOE
Local manufacturing com- ASSISTANT
pany has opening for an Central Washington Corn-
experiencedstructural prehensive Mental Health
steel welder (wire feed), is currently seeking a can-
Exp. with automatic burn- didata with good organiza-
tng equip, also helpful, tional, customer service
Great benefit pkg, must and clerical skills for our
pass physical & drug White Salmon office. Suc-
screen. Apply in person: cessful candidates will
3800 Eagle Loop Ode/l, OR have vocational/technical
97044. SalaryDOE training beyond HS and 3
yrs. office exp. $9.00 per
hr., 30 hrs. per week. For
77HelpWanted an application packet
please call the Job Line at
~l 509-575-3894• Equal Op-
Mid Columbia Asphalt Co. is portunity EmployedADA.
taking applications for ex- APmtonForHealing? OFFICE MANAGER
If helping others heal is
perienced laborers, opera-
tors, and truck drivers, your passion, we have a Needed for new rural family
Drivers must have valid place for youl In addition to practice clinics in Lyle and
WA or OR Class A CDL li- competitive compensation, Klickitat, WA. Requires two
cense & current medical we offer comprehensive years experience with all
card. Apply in person off benefits and an environ- aspects, including billing
Hwy 197 in Dallesport, WA. ment of excellence. We and knowledge of state and
EOE have the following positions federal regulations. Enjoy
open: small towns and a beautifl
environment. Available
• Director, Pharmacy mid-November. Send re-
sume to Dr. John Holley,
,Director, Laboratonj 708 State Hwy 142, Lyle,
• ER Registered Nurse
WA 98637.
• ICU Registered Nurse
.OB Registered Nurse 79 He/p Wanted
• T .hoo
.R,cep o. t
• Medlcel Assistant-with Pedi.
• Certified Scrub Toch $350K + 1st yr. potential.
, Office Manager, Columbia Training provided. If
Hills Family Modi¢ine sedous call: 800-362-4742.
For more information,, emsil at SALES & MARKETING Health Care
hr~mcmc.nal, or call us at Established company looking Equipment"
541-296-7510. for individual w/good people
MId.ColumbiaMedicalCenter & computer skills, willling to Baby Items
1700E.19thSlmet work hard & grow with e small HairCare&
The DslI~, Oregon co, Houdy + Incentives, Apply
neWay, Suita215, Hoed to P.O, Box 390, Dept. 789,
River, OR 97031. EOE.Caregiver/Medicaflon Hood River, OR. 97031
A.btant. ,
Need Licensed Journey- We are recruiting for a 82Volunteers
man Plumber. Send re- caregiverand a Medication
sume to PO Box 984, The Assistant position for Mill
Dalles, OR. 97056.Creek Point in The Dalles, "BorntoFi=h"
Fourth-grade boy: Looking
Now accepting eppllca'tions Essential qualities include: for someone to spend qual-
for full & part time pooltlons, honesty, accountability, ity time with• Loves the out-
Applylnpenmnat teamwork, good atten- doors and fishing, Looking
Rouuere, f86712thSt, dance, love of seniors. This for a "Big Brother" who is
HoodRIver, OR. is an Assisted Living com- stable, but can be a lot of
Open your heaff, munity that puts Residents fun. Lives in Wasco
Open your home. First. If you are looking for County. If you are interest-
a change and would like an ed in a fellow nature lover For the
BeaFoster opportunity to work for a that will keep you young readers &
Parent. special company that val- call 54%298-2173, in Hood following
We have openings in Klick- ues it's employees, you River call Ted at 541-386- will be
list, Wasco, Hood River and owe it to yoursBIf to visit 6665, ext200, garage &
Sherman Counties, If you like MiJI Creek. FT/Competitive Big Brothen~SImofthe
working with teens, you wages, Medical/Dental, Columbia Gorge will bez
could make a difference as VAC. Experience pro- "Handyman Wanted" HR--Hood
a Foster Parent• The Next ferred, but will train the dght 6 year old boy: Looking for Dalles.
Door prov des free training ' -'vi- al "it ctor " hn
• . ' moi ou u e Jo a =Big Brother" who will White
certification, 24 hour on-call . . . " .........
su'no"* tim- -=a-" Welsnaar Mill GreeK P'olnl teach me how to fix things Lake,
~,, .... u u., ,.~ ' ' NB--North
1 0 ..... nth1201 W 10 S~tre~ The
$ 2 0-$2000 p .......... ' .
Call Hsidi Seymour today el
041.386-5520 x414 for more in.
~I, Fuel efficient car required.
Dalles ESL Program. In-
structional Assistant will
assist faculty with student
intake and assessment,
computer-assisted in-
struction, student outcome
reporting system, basic
skills tutoring and other re-
lated duties. $9.63 per
hour, Schedule is six to ten
hours per week, Men-Wed,
evening hours. Request
application packet from
President's Office, CGCC,
400 E. Scenic Dr.. The
Dalles. OR 97058. 541-
298-3123. Fax 541-298-
3104. Position closes Fri-
day, Oct. 15, 2004. EOE
Part time position. Ability to
regularly perform heavy lift-
ing required. Bdog resume
to 616 E. 2nd, The Dalles.
No calls please.
Sales. Looking for experi-
ence salesperson in
plumbing & HVAC some
computer skills required.
Please send resume to PO '
Box 1332, The Dalles, OR.
The ticket to a dream job
might be a seam
Hlgh.PayinD Po=tal Job=l
No Expn P.eq r
Don't pay for information
about jobs with the Postal
Service or federal 9ovem-
ment. Call the Federal
Trade Commission toll free,
1-677-FTC-HELP, or visit to leam more.
A public ~rvlce meuage
from The Dalles Chronicle and
the FTC.
Central Washington Com-
prehensive Mental Health
in Goidendale, WA, is able
to offer the following posi-
Therapist/CDMHP (County
Designated Mental Health
This position is responsible
for assessing clients'
needs, developing service/
treatment plans, and pro-
viding therapy and County
designated Mental Health
Professional Services,
must be able to work the
on-call schedule. Three
days will be at our White
Salmon site and two days
will be at our Goldendale
site, this is flexible on which
days will be spent at each
site. Master's degree in
psychology, social work or
closely related clinical field
required, experience pre-
ferred, Relocation assis-
tance available. Men. salary
with 2 yrs,
$33,716.80, plus on-call.
Please call 509-575-3894
to request an application.
Please include resume
when returning your appli-
cation. ADNEOE
Warehoum#Truck Driver:
Looking for warehouse
worker/truck driver with
CDL Class A license.
Please send resume to PO
Box 1332, The Dalles, OR.
Garage/Yard I
Antiques &
Cameras &
Sailboards &
Lawn, Garden
& Equipment"
Hand & power
FrontDesl,~cheduler you laugh! Looking for
position avail w/Cescade someone who is stable, but
Orthopedics in T.D. We are loves to have fun. Can't
looking for an individual w/ wait any longer for a "Big
experience in a medical of- Brother." Please call 541-
rice to join our busy pro- 298-2173
fessional clinic, This pose- BIg Brothers~lstmofthe
• teen requires strong organ- Columbia~
izational & people skills, as
well proficient use of corn- 95 ChJ~
puters. FT position, Men-Wafl~
Fd w/benefits. Send re-
sume to 1715 E. 12th, The Looking for a NANNY in
Dalles. 97058 ***No phone Hood River. 4 yr old twins
calls please. & 18 mo. Mon-Fri. 541-
Home Care Worker needed in 386-7403 or 503-577-5620
Tygh Valley area, Approx
90 hours per month; in-
cluding evenings and
weekends. Contact Jessie
at Seniors & People with If you
Disabilities at 541-298- Are you the primary care- er
4114, ext 229. giver for a loved one? Don't at an
forget to take care of your-
Live-In Careglver needed for self, too! Evergreen. T.he
40+ year old male. Re- Dalles has immediate 2:00-2:30pr~'~
quires valid driver's li- short-stay and respite Please c~11
cense. For more informa- opening on our new Adult 296-4341.
teen contact Jodi at Seniors Day Care Wing. For more Affordable
& People with Disabilities at information or to schedule Furniture
541-298-4114, ext 231. a tour, contact Edn,
541-993-OO30, quarterS,
Mid-Columbia Family
Health Center has a full-
time position open for an
experienced MA, LPN ~r
RN for our White Salmon
office. Please call 509-493-
2133 or send your resume
to: MCFHC, Box1519,
White Salmon, WA,,
98672, Attention: Linda
McCaulley, RN,
Evergreen The Dalles is
currently recruiting for RN
or LPN on night shift• Med-
ical, dental, 401K, shift dif-
lerential offered. Apply in
person and speak with
Laana Harris, RN.
I~1 needed for Health
Services Director for lovely
Assisted Living Community
in The Dalles. Community
Based Care systems in
place. Prefer hands on
Nurse who lives in The
Gorge and enjoy= being In
chsrge, coaching, tsambuild-
Ing end promoting quality
care for our residents. This
person will be working with
staff, residents, families
and the local medical com-
munity. Essential qualities
needed include: account-
ability, leadership, good
communication and coach-
ing skills. We are looking
for solid leadership and an
excellent role model for our
staff. If you would like to in-
spire this team to great-
ness, please contact: Mary
Joy, Grayco LLC, and PO
Box 566, Gresham, OR
Full Tim office assistant
needed. Hours 8:30am to
5:30pm daily. Computer
knowledge necessary. Will-
ing to learn new programs.
Job duties include data en-
try, filing, letter writing and
account processing. Ben-
efits available. Bring re-
sume to 308 East 3rd
Street, The Dallea, OR.
to 4pm.
tober 17
amount of
or two.
CAROLYN'S Adult Care
Adult Care
$1000 Ssvlngs on first
month's care rates avail-
able until Dec. 1st. 24 hour
care, 4 locations to serve
you, Call today for into &
tour. 541-298-2556. www. , =.
Car Pools """"''"""--110
Tickets ...... 115
Travel 120
Free-for-all .......... 122