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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
October 14, 2004     The Goldendale Sentinel
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October 14, 2004
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 OCTOBER 14,t Your Gorge Classified ad a/so appears in : Hood River News; White Salmon Enterprise; The Dalles Chronicle; and the Camas/Washougai Post-Record or toll free at 330Bur,/ Julia's Specialty Gifts INOUSTRIAL BUILDING Hood 46 breeds of pet ornaments River, 70' x 360' Clear- avail. Makes a great gift for span. 15) ft. 541-387-2979 any occasion. Benefits the Light Industrlsl properly, Morris Animal Foundation. 1820~ W. 2rid St, The Dalles. 1016 SW Morrlson St., 5500=qfL541.2~o-~44. Portland, 503-274-9308. ON BROADWAY, storefronVoftice space for PETSFORADOPllON lease, Easy access from Wasco County Animal Hwy, 97, suites starting at Shelter only $3001mo. Contact 541-296-5189Brenda at Columbia Crest Open Mon-Fri 12-4 Property Management, (Closed Noon- 1 ) 54 1-296-5267. River Road, The Dallas PUBLISHER'S NOTICE PURE American Pltbulls. All real estate advertising in Female-S300 ea,, Male - this newspaper is subject $250es. 541.387-4357. to the Fair Housing Act Red Heeler 7 me male. which makes it illegal to ad- High energyl Current shots, vertlae "any preference, $100.509-767-1539 limitation or discrimination based on race, color, relig- ~~ ion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any ,,, such preference, limitation Healing Wlnds Therepeutlc or discrimination." Familial Contw held at: status includes children Crosswlnds Stables, 12414 under the age of 18 living N.E. 212th Ave. Brush with parents or legal cus- Prairie, WA. 360-254-5387; todians, pregnant women 360-~9.$5off10~mn. and people securing cus- ~.gesdttm,¢om/ tody of children under 18. heall~l This newspaper will not knowingly accept any ad- ~0~'~=~ vertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are here- ................ by informed that all dwell- HAYI Alfalfa, grass, grass ings advertised in this mix, or feeder. Mid sz or newspaper are available on small. $65-$100fton. Del an equal opportunity basis. avail. Lyle, WA. 509-365- To complain of discrimina- 4122or cell 503-318-9654 t/on call HUD toll-free at 1- 800-669-9777. The toll-free SEAIK]N-ENDBIow-OUt~IIS telephone number for the AlL Air/Orchard grass, Td- hearing impaired is 1-800- t/cats, 100 tons. DeL avail. 927-9275. Gdale. 541-980..4148. RETAIL SPACE THIRO Cuffing, orchard grass/ 7,500 Sq Ft, 402 E. 2nd St alfalfa mi~, 24trlng bake, no Office Space, 1500 Sq rein. 50,7?3,~7t, Ft.,balcony, 406 E. 2nd St. The Dalles. 541-296-5944 Shop or Storage. 1200 sq ft. $300/mo.400 sq fl $125/mo 541-298-8903 The Dellu historic downtown 3300+ sq ft. $9001mo. 5414)93- 4836. ¸¸ App.. P,,ar=, Pmclm Starting at 15) per lb. Bt V'mw Or~ar~ Fruit Stand 6670 Trout Creek Ridge Rd, Parkdale 541-352- 6554 or 800-529-6554. 3 Ibs free Badett pears with $5 purchase. 9am- 5pro. U.PIck, Wo PId~ I~yrkm In Chlldmn'e am. WHITE SALMON Commercial space, Storefront, office or retail space. Central White Salmon. Approx. 1,200sf, Mr. Hood view. $600/mo, 509-493-2857 SOUTH GAR )EN APARTMENTS & RENTALS TYM-TRACTOR$. 33-70HP **Avsllsble Newt 2 Bdrm, 1 for rent or sell. Adams BA, w/heat pd. 541-980- Tractors, 541-296-4943 3039. rrhl Dallu Ig studios, Un- rum, $365, Fum. $400. W/ S/G pal, HUD ok. 541.296L Business Rentals'""~330 8805, 541-993-8805, Apadment ~M~st -~e~o Rentals/Oregon--5 appreciate fiver view apt. in Apartment Historic building. 3 bdrm, 2 Rentals/WA""""''340 bath. Newly refurbished. Condo Rentals"""'"350 No smoking/pets. $995/mo. Duplexes, incls. WlSIG. 541-386- 4-Plexes/OR ""'''"355 3964/503.-810-2884. Duplexes, 4-Plexes/WA""'""360 HOOD RIVER. Heights, House Rentels/OR'"""365 above State Farm Ins. 3 House RentaWWA ""'--'370 bdrm, 2 bath. No smoking/ Sentor Housing '""'372 pets. Ref required. $725 + Mobile Homes/OR ""'"375 dep. 541-386-2864. Mobile HomeshNA"'''"380 HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm. w/ Mobile Home Spaces ""382 Mr. Adams view, $450. Call Rentals Wanted """"385 for appt 541-386-1617. Rentals to Share --390 Room Rentals "''""'395 HOOD RIVER. Affordable RV Site Rentals""''"397 rent, Hud Accepted. In- Vacation Rentals"''"400 come restrictions apply, If Bed & Breakfast "''"405 no units are available, qual- Storage Space~410 flied applicants will be add- Misc.Rentals"""''415 ed to our waiting list. Please call 541-386-6607 Hood River 2~ bdrm, W/D, or541-386.8788. W/S pal. No smoking/pets. W. May. $700. 541-311e4)271. HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm HAVE A HOME FOR SALE? downtown, Off street park- Get results fast by placing ing. $500.54t-385-7301, your ad in the Gorge Cles- HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm apt. sifleds, your ad will appear $500 me. In every paper in the gorge 541..,386-3964 area, reaching over Orchard View Manor Apts. 115,000 readers each Newly remodeled 2 bdrm. week. Call us at the GoCd- units in beautiful setting. endale Sentinel, 773-3777 Background check re- or toll-free at 1-888-287- quired, W/D hook-ups, 3777. garage. First/last/sac. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. $575.541.386-3989. Retail/office space, 1500 T.D. Studio, W/S/G, gor- sq. ft. Off street parking, gaous view, quiet country Frank @ 541-386-1000. setting. No pets $400. 541- HOOD RIVER Office/ware- 296-1451, 980-0805 house space, Approx. 1250 The Dslkm 1 Bdrm, $365, sq, ft. w/garage on ~ ac. dep $300. HUD ok, W/S/G $850 me. 541-386-7040, pd, 5~41-296,.6047 340 Aparl ent 340 Apatlment 365 370 Houu 420Acreage Rentals/WA. Renlals/W & LoB ; Quiet Neighborhood Bedroom Units On-site laundry A United Builders Rental Property Golden Arms and Golden Sands Apartments are the place to livel Golden Arms Apartments 3 Bdrm, units available Rent & Deposit based on income W/S/G paid, laundry & playground Very close to shopping & schools - 2 mos. free utilities Golden Sands Apartments Fantastic Value! 1 Bdrm,, 1 ba. $280/mo., $280 dep. W/S/G paid; Close to downtown; laundry; extra storage; HUD vouchers accepted. First full month's rent FREE! TrY: Inquire at: 509B E. Main, Goldendale, WA 98620 Phone: 509-773-5828 Fax: 509-773-3153 1-800-833-6388 for hearing impaired Equal Housing Opportunity CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Spacious 2 bdrm ell electric. New condition, economical and quiet. $400/mo, $300 dep. 3 bdrm. 2 bth, mobile home. Large covered deck, nice yard. W/D hook-up $450 me., $350 dep. WISlG paid Sun Castle Properties 2 b m. A/C, on-site laundry, W/S/G pd Quiet, clean, spacious. 773-3816 or 773-3209 r , 3~~t • Ren s/OR. The Dalles 1 Bdrm base- THE DALLES. 1 bdrm, 2 ment apt. Utils, laundry, rains from downtown. Off cable. $375. + dep. Fur- mad perking. Private yard. nished. 541-298.4021, $400 includes all utils. 541~o~125 34~~t*: POMONA TERRACE APARTMENTS 2 Bdrm, 1~ BA. AC, washer/dryer, W/S/G pal. All units have full or partial upgrades enhancements. Sm pats & Section 8 welcome. 1019 Pomona St, The Dallas, OR. 541-296-4114. T.D. 2 Bdrm, W/S/G, quiet country setting, gorgeous view, $400. No pets, Avail now. 541-296-1451, 980- O8O5 2 BDRM: W/S/G paid.No pets. Clean, great view. 509-767-1449. CRESTVIEW Apts. is now taking applications for 1, 2, & 3 bdrm. apts. Energy ef- ficient, excellent place to live! Starting at $335/mo. Must meet income eligibility requirements. Please call 773-5436 between noon-6 p.m. Newly remodeled. $350/ $450 + dep. 509-385-.6863. LARGE 2 bdrm. weather- HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, 1 AVAILABLE Oct. 1: Wish- ized apt., all elec., W/S/G bath. $550. 1 st/last dep. ram bluff home, $500/mo. 3 pd.,$400/mo.,$200dep. Avail10/10.541.352-6080. bdrm., 1 bath. Brenda, at NICELY furnished 1 bdrm., 54%298-4736. $325/mo,$200d~.p. HOOD RIVER. Commer- 123NWHigh St. cial&/or residential. Cute, Blngen 2 bdrm, carport, Ig. 509-773-3816. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, New roof, back yd. No pets, $600, + --- fresh paint. $750 + dep. utils&dep. 541-386-5567. LYLE Cozy 2 & 3 bdrm. 509-493-1352. GARDEN OF EDEN Horse pasture or personal pare- dise, 2bdrm. Hanging gar- dens, rockery, expansive lawn. Hi-speed intemet. Inclds. W/D & all utils. No pets/no smoking. $625/mo, 509-493-,4453 MT. ADAMS Apts., units avail. for ~/mo., GI$ In(:., W/D, new paint & carpet. Section 8/ HUD ok. For Info or tour, call 509-773-4981. Fo=r-RexosOR HOOD RIVER Heights. Newly remodeled 2 bdrm, 1 bath w/view. Quiet street. Includes utilities & shared W/D. No smoking/pets. 1 yr. lease. $875. lsUlast/ dep. 541-490-8619. MOSIER. River view, 2 bdrrn. No smoking/pets ?. Utilites includ. $625 me, + $625 dep. 541-478-2550. The Dalles Spacious 1 or 2 BdrmEin hictoric duplex, 418 . 4th. $45015500. 541-296-4304, The Dallas 2 Bdrm duplex. $500 + $300 pep. 541-296- 6026. The Dsliss 3 Bdrm, 1 BA. $650, 1 Bdrm, 1 BA. $400. 541-296-8824 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT O DEPOSITS, O FEES on 2 & 3 bdrm townbeuses located in nice quiet area. The Delles. 541-298-1076. R i iii il m m~' HOOD RIVER Westside 4 bdrm, 2 bath w/AC, on pri- vate road. Avail 11/1. $1100. 541-387-6722, HOOD RIVER VALLEY on ~< ac; 2 bdrm, den, 1 = bath, dining, full bsmt, newly re- modeled, view. Lrg shop, heat, insul, 3PH power. No pets/smoking. Disc avail. $900. 541-354-1290 MORO 2 bdrm, 1 bath for rent. $450/mo + $500/dep. 954-298-5270. More sm 2 Bdrm house with garage, WIG pd. $475/ mo. 541-980-3112 Mosier 3 Bdrm, 2 BA. elec heat. No smoking or pets. $700 + $500 sac dep. Ap- pliances avail, W/D hk-up. W/S/G pd. 308 Washington St. 541-475-3133. MOSlER: 3 bdrm, $695 HOOD RNER: 2 bdrm, $650 Windemere GTRE. 541-386-3233. NEWLY REMODELED Country home on 4.5 acres, Close to town, great view of Gorge & Mt Adams. 4 Bed- room, 1 BA. Pellet stove, elec heat, new deck. Barn + 2 addt'l outbuildings, fenced & set up for horses. No smoking, not HUD ap- proved. $895/mo + $500 sac dep. 541-298-7840 or 298-6739. PARKDALE 4 bdrm, lcbath, garage, NO smoking/pets, I st/last/damage. 1 yr WHITE SALMON. 1+ bdrm lease. $750. 541-352-6439 w/view. W/S/G. 1st/last pep. $575. 541-490-4322. PARKDALE. Newer 3 bdrm, 2 bath on 5 acres. WHITE SALMON. 1 bdrm, $1200. 541-490-1534. yard w/deck. Includes W/D, utilities. Pets ok. $550. PARKDALE: 4 IxIrm, 2 541-386-2545. bath, barn for work or stor- age. 5 ace w/creek & pond. Unfurnished, $1000 per me. Fum, $1200 per me. Horse barn & pasture also available for additional rent. Call Ken at 503-725-3991. **The Dalles spacious 3 Bdrm, 3 BA, River view. $900/mo. 541-386-4497. ROWENA 2 bdrm, W/D hookup, WIS/G paid. $475. "HOOD RIVER* Newer, pal- + dsp. 541-296-4744. rate studio apt. Westside, quiet, deluxe, extras. W/D, THE DALLE$. 3 bdrm 1 bath. etc, $650. 541-386-3682, No smoking. 1 yr. Isles, $700, 3 Bdrm in The Dalles- top $250dop.1413E.13thPI, level of home near hospital. 54t-2964768 RIMROCK MEADOWS Five-acre homesites. Panoramic views. creek. Underground utilities./ndMdual Land/Home financing. From $36,300. One mile on Bickleton Hwy. 509-773.5134 WHITE SALMON. 2 bdrm, 1¢ bath, W/D, view, yd. $6OO. 5O9-493-4294. 2-1/2 ACRE view lots, Goldendale, WA. Septic, well, power & phone. $37,900. $3,900 down, $273.58 monthly at 9%, HOOD RIVER. GOLDENDALE: 3 bdrm., 2 380-607-5397. bath 1800 ba. mh on 5 ac., 5 mi. N. of 20 ACRES 10 ml, E. of Gold- Goldendale (Pipeline Rd.) endsls. Well 25 gpm, pump, INN OF $550/mo., 1st/last. pressure tank, septic, pane- lba condo 503-312-8578, 8-5; ramic view, paved road. $55k, furn. $49,5K. 509-493-4173 after 5 pro. tsm~ 509,365-2097. 3605. GOLDENDALE: 2 bdrm, mh, PUBLISHER'S NOTICE estate agent. foncad yd., storage, carport, All real estate advertising in $400/rno.50~773-3854. this newspaper is subject 0down/0O GRACEFUL furnished to the Fair Housing Act Country Estate. Scenic) which makes it illegal to ad- 4 mi. to Hood River bridge, vertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination MOSIER. '99 509-493--3240. based on race, color, relig- home. 3 ion, sex, handicap, familial 3/4 acres. HOME In nice area, 1 status or national odgin, or bdrm. By Owner, $25,000. an intention, to make any 509-773-5876. such preference, limitation HOUSES for rent in or discrimination." Familial Wishram. Call Jimmy, status includes children approx 1 under the age of 18 living 509-773-4500. with parents or legal cus- C1. $315,000.1 LYLE: remodeled 2 Bdrm, 1 todians, pregnant women 490,1' BA. $500 + $250 dep. 1st, and people securing cus- last. Pet ok. 509-385-2461 tody of children under 18. This newspaper will not $1L=VENSON: 2 bdrm, $625 knowingly accept any ad- CARSON: 3 bdrm, $600 vertising for real estate In the WHITE SALMON: 2 bdrm+, which is in violation of the tral $600. Windernere GTRE. law. Our readers are here- mecca. In 541-386-3233. by informed that all dwell- Oregon. WHITE SALMON Bluff ings advertised in this rafting, house. VIEWSI 2 bdrm, 2 newspaper are available on all here! bath. No smoking/pets, an equal opportunity basis. Small town $650 + u~t. 541-387-4345. To complain of discrimina- best. t/on call HUD toll-free at 1- 2 large lots = 1978 Hometta ' WHITE SALMON. 3 bdrm, 800-669-9777. The toll-free 1 bath: $800. 3 bdrm, 2telephone number for the BA. manf home. bath: $800. 541-380-.8999. hearing impaired is 1.800- Elec heat, 927-9275. stove, large dows, area,24x24 Upper lot lower lot Mature trees. RENT TO OWN 1 & 2 bdrms. EZ down, F..Z t~-C,,all Lany 541-298-5966. The Dallss 85x105 Eastside view lot. Permit ready, all utils in. I will build your dream house or manf home. Come take a look at this view! 541-298-8873. THE OALLE$ Leveled Visw Lo= View of dyer. dam & Mt. Utilities on lot, W/S/P/cable. $34,900 - $37,900. 541-993-5535. LYLE '67 Single wide ap- 435Real proved to current fire & safety standards. Applces incl~:l. $700. 541-490-3031 1600 sq ft home on 85x105 View, no pets/smoking/ view lot, Eestside. Possible SecS. Av~'!I 1111104. $695~ The Da~lel Hoqse$ & apart-. , leas(, option-or, setie~' 'as-, 503-66%1241 ~mente available =d~ztir, g at stst~lfln.541.298.~yVv, $4oo. 541-296- 2 ..... Want to rent: The Dalles 1 full basement, fireplace, Ig street parking. 541-296- ~ ~ or 2 Bdrm house/MH. Quiet fenced yd, new roof, on two 1152. Bsmt, near Cascade Sq.rurelarea, accedtpets, lots with detached 2 car DEE 3 bdrm, 2 bath. 15 No pets, no smoking, $600. 661-317-8156 garage. Kit home. River- + dep. 541-298-2376. rains to town. 1 yr. lease. No pets/smoking. 1st/last] sec. $700. 541-352-6328 The Dalles 3 Bdrm, 1 BA. Large yard, WIG pd. $625/ me. 54%980-3112, Hood River 1 & 2 IxIrm apts. Starting at $500. 541.386-1310/6476. The Dalles 2 Bdrm w/den, HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm., 1 BA. Ig kitchen, dining riverview. Newfioors. area, util, garage, fenced W/D. Quiet, Eastside, yd. N/S. $6451mo + dep. downtown. No smoking/ NO HUD. 541-296-1909 pets. $750 incis. W/G. 805- 569-9360154 1-490-8277. THE DALLE8 2 bdrm, I bath, stove, ref, W/S/G pd. No pets, $475 + $250/ dep. 318W 16th St. HOOD RIVER. Remodeled 1~< bdrm 1 bath, river view, kitchen, living & dining room. W/D. Pets nego. LT. $700. 541490-6725. HO00 RIVER 1 bdrm, $600. 2bdrm+ rag ,$900. 3 bdrm/2 bath, $1100. 541-386-9123. HOOD RIVER. 1 bdrm with carport. All applces, WIG furn. No smoking/pets. t214 Tucker Rd. $650, $500 dep. 541-386-2001, Dallu- A must ml Tak- ing applications: 3 Bdrm, 1 BA, garage, fenced yd, nice E,side neighborhood; very clean. No smoking/ pets/HUD. $750/mo. 1st + deps. Appl incl. W&D. 541- 296-4413 between 6 & 9pro, M-F.Dam-9pm Sat/ Sun 2 bdrm, 1 bath in Carson. $575./mo. Rental & credit ref. req, Pets nell., no smoking. 541-308-5530 or 509-427-5934. view. $169,500, 503-658- 3902.The Dallas, OR. A HANDYMAN CAN HOOD RIVER. Quiet w/view. Ju~tA~kl Share kitchen/laundry. 541-478-0339 Day/wk/mo.541.386-5905. Affordable rates. ALL RE- HOOD RIVER. 2 rooms in PAIRS; Interior/Ext. Car- upper valley. $300 each + pentry/drywall/paintingh~n- utits. No smoking/pets, clews/doors/siding.frances/ Avail 10/15. 541-490-3253. gates/patios/decks/con- crete/masonary. Free Es- timates State Lic# CCB160633 FOURAse=MiniStomge EASTSlDE like new Super ~¢e~a~labis Good Cent= mr9 home on ContactJImat541.4~.~480 treed htlislds lot. Appl, sisrm, AC, carport, patio, many up- LOOKING for enclosed, grades, $95,000. Adjacent lot secure storage? (Boats, now avallabis. 541-298-5334. motorcycles, etc.) Have 2 large buildings. Call Dode, FSBO: 2 Bdrm, 1 BA. L'g 509-773-3213. back lot, alley access. Sm shop. $78,500. 541-980-3756. Acreage & Lots ""-'-"w420 Commercial Property"'425 Orchards, Farms, Ranches ~430 Real Estate """""'--435 Real Estate Wanted """440 Manufactured Homes ""445 Condos"''--'"--450 .... FSBO: In Rowena, gor- geous, fiver view, 8 acres, 4 Bdrm, 2 BA. farmhouse/ duplex. + single wide mo- bile. $130,000, OBO. 253-568-6744. $Mntlvated Seller, For Sale I~ 541.483-2432 HOOD RIVER. 4 bdrm, 2 bath in lovely rural setting. 2 rain walk from HRVHS. The Dallas 1 Bdrm, Ig, area f~_ ~ $1000. 541-386-2510. for outdoor plants, newer k,J~ ~ HOOD RIVER (DEE). Lov- appliances, ramp, grab ingly restored 4 bdrm 2 bars, AC, WSG and heat bath country Craftsman. 2 paid. Very quiet, close to CUTE as a buttonl 2 bdrm. Mt view. Fenced 3/4 ec. 2 on site manager. Night se- duplex w/stove, fridge, dw. fireplaces. Many extras. cudty lights. Walk to Li- W/S/G pd., great location, $1100.503-866-0544. bran/. No smoking. Cats good neighbors. 923 N. HOOD RIVER 2 bdrm, 2 OK, HUD OK. $465/mo. Columbus, Goldendale. bath, yard, pets nego. Nov- Esther, 541-296-2247 $450/mo., $450 dep. 773- Apr. $675. 541-490-1455. THE DALLES. 1819 E. 3020. 10th, 2 bdrm: $500 + dep HOOD RIVER. 2 bdrm, 1 Refdg & range includ. W/D GOLDENDALE: 1-2 bdrm., bath, 2 decks, river view, hook ups. Contact 541- all util. pd., $490-$600/mo., W/D. No pets/smoking. 386-7666. MCPM. ~ .~* inc. cable. 509-773-4325. $775 + dep. 541-386-6131. TWO HOUSES Oft $149,900. 541-296-9143. 4902 Dalles Like new 3 m.h. in 145 ACRES dale, WA: four bedroo~ with full barns, lent corrals view of only two Asking 541- A MT. White townhouse. old. 2-car For BICKLETON, ba. on 4 upper. contract. 36o.837-3o, . CAMAS SE 6th 2 BDRM., 1 be., 2-cer gar- age w/storage. Completely CAMAS furnished, inc. 61" TV. In- 2-1/2 ACRE view lots, bdrm. cludes ALL utilities. $750/ Goldendale, WA. Septic, HOOD RIVER VALLEY=` me. Excellent references well, power & phone. FSBO. Log home on 25 required. 773-3755, Dave. $37,900. Deposit $1,000. acres. 2 bdrm plus loft, 2 4 BEDROOM, 2 ba. on Pay in full with land/home bath. 17 acres planted to acreage, $600/mo., W/S/G loan. No interest or pay- tree's with income. pd. Excellent references mentsuntlimovain.$495,000,541-354-3(304. required, 773-3755, Dave. 360-607-5-397. tewide Classified 77 Newspapers .... 1.5 million readers .... one easy way to advertise CALL 773-3777 OR TO L.Feee 1-888-287-3777 This newspaper partici- patas in a statewide dassk ed program sponso by the Washington News- paper Publishers Associa- tion, a statewide associa- tion of weskly newspapers. The program allows classi- fied advertisers to submit ads for publicat~n in partita week,s oughout the stats in compliance with the following rules. You may submit an ad for the statawide program through this newspaper or in person to the WNPA office. The rate is $195 for up to 25 words, plus $8 per word over 25 words. WNPA reserves the dght to edit all ad copy submitted and to refuse to accept any ad ~ for the stataw~de program. Individual news- papers re~in discretton to refuse to run any particular ed accepted by WNPA for the statawide program, WNPA, ~fore, dcee not g~=-=~e that every ad w$ be run in every newspaper. WNPA will, on requsst, for a fee of $40, provide infor- mation on which newspa- pers run a particular ad within a 30 day pedod. Substantive snore (wrong address, tele- phone number, name or price) will result in a "make gooct, In which a corrected ad will be run the following week, WNPA incurs no other liability for errors in publication. ADOPT: A Happily married couple wilt give your baby lots of secudty & love. E/lie & Sam, 1(800)989-6766, expenses paid. ADOPTION: Athletic actor- turned lawyer couple wish to shower your baby with love, devotion, security, a great education and happi- ness. 1(800)349-3941, pin. 00, expenses paid. ALL CASH carldy route, Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 machines and candy all for $9,995.1(800)814-6323. FIRST TIME offer. Intema- tional Chemical Company strikes goldt "New" revolu- tionary product. "O" com- petition - exclusives avail- able. Immediate cash flow. $19,750 investment. Don~ miss this! 1(888)920-4683. LEARN TO EARN. $250K+ annually pit. No selling, call: 1(800)43% 1323. ESTABLISHED print and sign shop. Small growing community in scenic NE Four weeks to 1.86 million licensed banker, Washington/Idaho. Owner readers for less than $800. 1 (866)622-5500. retiring - $60,000. Financ- Call this newspaper or ing available. 1(509)671- 1(206)634-3838 for more 0555; 1(208)437-5952, details. DRIVER- Covenant Trane- • ~!~ ~ port. Teams and solos check out our new pay plan. STEEL building sale. We'll CASH FOR stNctured set- Owner operators, exped- beat any competitors bids, tlement/annuity payments, enced drivers, solos, learns spec for spec, or we'll send It's your moneyl Get cash and graduata students. Call you a check for $200. now when you need lt mostl 1(888)MORE-PAY(I-888- 1 (800)973-3366; www.pre- Oldest/best in ~ business. 667-3729). Settlement Purchasers. / 1(877)Money-Me. TRUCK SCHOOL. US Truck Dnving School since 1959. 3 week, 160 CDL program, financing avail- able, OAC, tuition reim- bursemer¢ Call Phil or Bob: 1(866)268-7854. Troutdale, Oregon, ANNOUNCE your festival statewide for only pennies. DRIVERS wantedt $2500 sign on bonusl Full bane- EASY MONEY. Private fits, excellent weekly pay, invsstor has money to #oan. no Haz-Mat or Canada. I lend on raw land, rental, 0/0's & recent grads wsl- mobiles, commercial, etc. I cornel Flatbed training rely on equity. Call Eric available call Heather Foss, 1(800)563-3005, foe- @1(866)728-0120;, REFINANCE nowf 30 yr. EXCHANGE Program rap- fixed 5,625%, 0 pts. A-D resentative wanted. credit accepted, loans to Rewa~ling part4me oppor- 125% ofvalue. 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