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The Largest Paid Circulation In Klickitat County Of Any Paper Oz F rth
Goldendale, Washington, Thursday, October 17, 1940
Vol. 61. No. 42.
SHED 1879
Pine )_ ,x Production aced From
Ft ugh Mill By Gro ----
' st Thro up ~.~ after they'd looked
twice Goldendale people still
......... L Box shoo 'production from the'woods into the finished pro- believed they had seen a wild
Rb:i:l~t~Tb:RN duct bundled and ready for delivery was traced by Goldendale man on Main s, treet.
Affi ,mAbW 8 Chamber of Commerce members last Thursday morning in a tour The wild man ras bearded,
---------- Of the Klickitat Pine Box company operations. --------- bare-footed, and for fine most
- ~ ills
r Chan es Made On Klickitat
Under the guidance of Philip Judge J. E. Stone Urges Listen- part bare-skinned w..• W" y,
D.._~, r~..~--a ~- ~,-..'~.~.. ur I Hingston and Howard Lewis, the 1-'.~ fi ......... ............ era Not To Forget Lessons of Spokane. Willey, who came
l~It .D40~I.-U ; IC~Z, IY~tl~l, ¥¥ • SOlUtl,on.
• ]Chamber membels inspected the new I ar l
...... " ' ' .......... r" ~n"~ --wmill the Taught By E Iy Sett ers I to town iMonday driving a
• 1Klickitat ~Pme Box sawmill. They l Chamber of Commerce art drove "--'--'--- I],model T Ford with a house ar-
• ~ ] watched as big logs were hoisted out ' ' P Y Va~lley pioneers, many of whom
Volunteer precinct boards earJy .... ......... out over the new rFhree Creeks-Box .......... j
~.o~ the ponu anu ~n~o the mnt m l ....... ed - -he remem~Derea r~ncK~tat ~nen it was~ parked on Main street Monday
Vsdne~dav morning began the task lo~ ..... ~ ~,~1 ......... ~t,,,~ ~r-m th~[~prlngs mgnw~y construct Dy t ............. ~ evening.
• ~ ........................... ~ Klickitat Pine Box comnany with wrtuany unsetueu wliaerness gala- 1
'f registering Klickitat county's band saws lumber moved automati- . . . . . ..v . . _ ._ r ....... He was soon selling post
al' ......... t ........... county assmtance ~o the logging area on the co u vnouse grounus nero
mary man l>ower as the ~rst step cany across the ml,u to zne eager, ......... t ........ card pictures of himself to the
...... operauons on the mastern ann was- Saturaay to oealcate a memorial crowd of curious that gathered
this nation's selective service pro- resaws anti out on ~ne green canto, ern sta-d ...........
! " " "i 1 "he ~x "- - creches m their honor. Judge J. ~. round to see the wi~d man and
~am. It i~ estimated nearly 1600 t The compress operat ,on n ~ Do 'This new road, ~irtually a straight ~, ....u-'erior tour" "ud'~e for the
,on between the ages ef 21 and 35 '.f~ctory from the battery of five cut- highway, extends due east from the;t:t PSk~mania~ JCo~itz coun his menagerie of turtles, opos-
lofts and rip sews to the nailers ant • • , _ sums, and tame coyote he car-
Zill be registered in ~he county's 36 ............. Satus highway and is now within ................. ries in his car.
,~ iresaws was mspecteu oy cue group, half a mile of ,th,~~,a ,e W,~k,tY cllstrlct, (l~l~vere¢l the ueulcatory
~Ciucts by 9:00 p m. Wednes-I a..~ ~,r_... ~T.., .... " ~ ":"'.-- ~: .''"~ ! .. Except for a pair of shorts,
. ' ~ ~ ~vw ,~ Creek canyon, u'rom that polnL ac, iaaaress. Wllley claims he has gone
~Y evening. Special attention was given to the cording ,to present plans it will be Mrs. Catherine Locy, presiden,t ofwithout clothing through win-
tShortly before the registration I new planer unit of the mill where extended on to Box Springs provid- the Klickitat Valley Pie.user's ass,o- tar and summer alike for the
l ~select lumber ts cut and planes m~o c
sns were completed in this countyi ' . lug a sho~ter and faster route be- iation, sponsors of the monument past 20 years.
t s ecml window frame and door stOCK el
Second change was made in the ~ P " " • tween Goldendule and Bickleton. d leered a short address of welcome
:iickitat draft board as originally According to Hing~on only about See Logging to the assembled group of nearly 1.
)unced by G~overnor Martin one thousand board £eet out of every The logging operations on the 300• Judge Stone was introduced by Trout_ake Man
dd Fenton, east end member o,f ,million cut is suitable for this type Eastern emd Western property are Frank Fenton, chairman of the ,- ~,'~ -tde"l;"en*
three-man board, resigned when of mate~-ial, still under way and will probably monument committee.
was learned that men under 36 Virtually all ,of the output of the continue until v¢ot weather forces a 'Dhe granite shaft memorializing
not desired ,on draft boards, new planer unit is shipped by rail shutdown. All logging is done by the names of nea~ly 300 of Klickitat
was i,n~mediately replaced by W. ,to Eastern and M~ddle Western sash tractors. The company's logging county's pioneers is a memorial to
Norris. rancher of the GoldendMe and door f~ctories. The new plant ,trucks are loaded with a gas shovel courage, hardship and achievement,
h~s given employment to 25 addition- converted into a loader. Judge Stone told the group. "The
Anderson Off men, company officials said. Those making the trip with the na, mes chieeled on this monument
Last week Herman Anderson, or- Dip All Lumber C:h~mber of Commerce included: A. will inspire fine generations to come
lnal choice as the central district This year a new DuPont liquid is C. Keefhaver, C. H. Knosher, Dr. J. with energy, endurance and accom-
'aft. board member, resigned be: being used ~by the company to pre- W. L~nde, Pat M~cl~wen, Joe Boyd, p~lshment, he promised.
iUse he feared the duties o.f the vent lumber from ,bluing. All lumber Ed Pike, John Miller, Russell Gay,, ~ourage ~eed~d ,
mt ~vould take t~o much time from ins it comes out of the sawmill on D. Ledbe~er and Hayes Jac~bs. 'We are a nation of pioneers, '
work in the county assossor'sl---------------------~~-~ Judge StOne, ~imself the son of an
lice. He was replaced by E. C. Funeral Rites lnitmtive 139 early day Cow~htz county sheriff,
~) Kaiser, of Goldendale. Kaiser ..... . ~•r. .... • ~tated. "Wlm better than we should
a member of Goldendale's Louis [ l'or Albert Nlva will Be Topic know the value of their courageous
~ld~ Legion !cost and a former dis- • • 0 . 11 I~ ~ I!1 -- ' ventures?"
let Legion officer, i mere aturaay Nlonaay l venlng Even today, the speaker went
Ray Landgraf, of Klickitat, re-I ~ ~ on, man's horizon is only limited
Albert N~va 52, former Center
alas as chairman of the board. R. I " , .... As p~rt of their state-wide edu-by his breadth of vision. "If there
cation campaign, the Grange Power re no lon
Banber, of White Salmon, ie g~ov- i vi~lle merchant and for the past see- a . ger opportunities to open
ament appeal agent, and Dr. W. oral years a resident of this city, committee will hold a public meetingnew lands a~ did the early pioneers,
in the G~oldendale Grange hall Men-0he opportunities for broader hori-
Trowbridge medical off~cer Plans
' " '' " f died at his home here Wednesday l day evening for fine discussion ofzeus in mental realms are greater
a now being made to open a selec- I " "" "'i ....
, service onice ........ m t~omenuam. An lmOrmng" tv~r..~ va nau ~een ~n poor linitiative number 139. Jack Cluck, than ever before, and the mental
'ice secretary will be hired by the ! health since 1935 w,hen he suffered I of Seattle, state Grange attorney will qualities needed tt. open up these
ard in bhe near future, i a stroke. [be the principal speaker. ~fields to individual expel'tenses are
One In Forty t Funeral services for Mr. NivaI The meeting will begin at 8:00 the same as th~e . . . used by ou,r
O ~
It is e~:timated by the War De- I will be held from the Philtlips chapell p" m. and will be open to the public, f refathers.
ment that some 14 per cent .of at 2:00 p. m. Saturday. The Ray. ]Residents ~from all parts of the court- Same Qualities Required
nation's population are men of C. J. Hall, pastor of the Method~st[tY are invited to attend. Cluck s topic] "The men ~v~ho loaded ther faro-
age. In Klickitat county, ac-lchurch ~ '~.!ll conduct ~:he services. ]will be "The Power Trust vs. TheI i,lie~ and a few necessities into cov-
~g to this figure some'15821Burial will be in fine CentervillelPeople." Cluck will answer questionslered wagons and set ,out to make
would be in the eligible age Grange cemetery. ]from the audience following his talk.[ ho~nes in the wilderness faced un-
o ' Mr Niva was born at Centerville[ ~ I known dangers as well as dis-
supply fine initial group fleet. 3, 1888 and had lived in this] Lall I ceuragement, discomfort and possi-
ipts that will probal~ly be I county all his life except for his] I ble failure. They must have possess-
;d by national lo,ttery in mid-ltime ill the Army during the World ] ~ Bri led not only courage and fearless-
~,ber one man in forty of those War. He was a men,bar of the Louis ~ _0 _ heSS,but persistency, resourceful-
register will be drafted. In Leidl post of the American Legion, High hess,faith and self-denlv)l. T~hese
county this would take the Masons and the Knights of ~ same pioneer qual~ities of thinking
39 or 40 men. It is understood
persons who have volunteered
railitary service since passage of
act will be subtracted fro.m each
conscription quota.
Registrations in GoldendMe were
at the regular polling places.
person is required to answer
11 questions. From these ana-
l[he local boards will determine
~of the four c~lassifications
registrant will be placed in.
Four Classes
classes will include: those
for service immediately;
deferred because of import-
to the nation in services rend-
in civilian life; those deferred
of dependants within the
of the law; t~se deferred
of physical unfitness, alien-
and other reasons.
~cription board meeting will
held at the Goldendaie L~egton
Monday evening, Octaber 21 at
P. m. Speakers will explain the
and outline some of the
that must be observed
t~0se registered.
men between the ages of 21
35 who ~have registered for the
service program are urged
The meeting will be held
conjunction wlth the American
pos,t gathering. Following
~eeting refreshments will be
~oe Dressel number one man to
for draft registration. John
il I e r working overtime. A1
handing out papers. Ed
standing on a street corner.
gating e shave. Robert
in ~vown for the pioneer
dedication. ~hurman
and Ed Allison, st., rehash-
a football game.
Survivors include fine widow, Bess
Niva, two brothers, William and
Levi, both of Centerville; and one
sister, Mrs. Ed Graham, of Wash-
tucna, Wash.
Will Show
On Friday Night
Parents and others interested in
vocational work in the local schools
Friday evening are invited to el-
tend the free showing of a full
length moving picture filmed by the
U. S. Depart~ment Of Agriculture. [
The picture will be shown in the l
hig,h school music room and ~'ill be1
,~ponsored by the Futm'e Farmers
The show will begin at 8:00 p.
m., and will continue for an hour
and one half. Frank Stevens, S~ith-
Hughes - instructor at the local
s~ho.ol, will point .out a few of the
objectives of vocational training in
the field of agriculture.
Following t.he picture several mu-
sical numbers will be presented and
refreshments Will be served.
New equipment will soon be in-
stalled at the Triplex Cleaners to
provide even faster and more effi-
cient service, C. M. Weiss announc-
ed Monday. Weiss has taken over
t'he operation of the Triplex Clean-
ers and is purchasing the plant from
Fred Waiters, ,of White Salmon.
The transaction was effec'~'ve
October 1. Mr. and Mr~ Weiss here
been operating the plant since that
date. The THplox Cleaners is located
on the corner of Grant and Court
Real estate that in previous
county land sales went without bid-
ders, ~Monday sold for three and
~our times appraised values. Eighty-
four out of 131 pieces of county
land placed on sale here Monday
were so:Id, Joe Boyd, treasurer an-
Total cash return from this sale"
to Klickitat county was $6,506.70.
Only 37 pieces of county owned land
were not disposed of at the sale.
Western Kliekitat land brought
the most spirited bidding at the
land sale. Virtually every" piece of
land in that area up f.or sale was
~ispo~od of, Boyd said. More than 50
persons attended fine sale.
A real carnival complete with
fortune tellers, confetti, beano and
shooting gallery will ~be staged by
students ~f Centerville higra school
Friday evening, Oct. 18.
The carnival will Ibe ;held in the
sc~hool building and will begin at
8:00 p. m. A short program Will be
presented in conjunction with the
carnival and special prizes will be
awarded following the sbow.
The carniva'l will also feature a
ring toss, roulette, a fish pond, a
bean bag tom contest, beauty par-
lot and a penny toss.
New Government
Hunter On Job
~Wllllam Wright, for the past sev-
eral years biologi~tl survey hunter
in Klickit~t county, w~s transferred
rosen,ely to the ~'ranklln-Ademe
county di~tric~.
H. A. Ketcherslde, new govern-
ment hunter at~tioned in Klickitat
county, reported taking 22 coyotes
during the mo~th of September.
are needed today, because dhscour-
agement and the acceptance of fai,l-
ure are still among the greatest
stumbling blocks to happiness."
Concluding his spee0h, Judge
Stone added, "We are happy for this
moment. We do not need it for our-
selves, for ~loving memories will
never let us forget these honored
pioneers, hut the coming genera-
tions will be lifted and inspired by
this token of their loyalty, fidelity
and love of God and the children
of men."
Robert Graham, 95-year-~>ld Yak-
ima residen.t who was ifae first
white settler in the Blckleton area,
spoke briefly. Other speakers includ-
ed Mrs. E. M. Stultz, first president
of the association; and C. T. Gie-
zentanner, former Goldendale resi-
dent who now resides at Dry Falls.
The Rev. C. E. Hanes, pastor of the
G,oldendale Baptist ohurch, deliver-
ed the invocation•
A number of Valley pioneers
came from Vancouver, Seattle, Yak-
ima and other parts of Oregon and
WaShington for the dedication cere-
The Goldendale male quartet com-
posed of Paul Johnson, August Han-
son, Andrew Alne and C. H.
Knesher sang several numbers.
William McCorktll's two days of
freedom from the Ir,.licklt~ county
Jail added another criminal charge
to his record last Wednesday when
he w~ arrwigned on a prison escape
charge hefere Judge J. E. Stone in
superior court.
Mc~orkill, who already is sched-
uled to stand trial on a first degree
forgery charge Oct. 28, pleaded in-
nocent ~o the charge of escape from
prison. ~he court appointed H. C.
Bradley, of WhRe Salmon, as Mc-
Corkill's attorney.
Homicide Charge
i ih
Angus Calf Owned By Keith Kayser Receives Reserve Grand
Champion Award; Entire Carload Of Stock Exhibited At
Show; Ted Elluore Leader Of Central Klickitat Group
An aggressive group of 15 Ce_,ntral Klickitat 4-H club mem-
bers last w,eek pushed this county s name back into the spotlight
at Port l nd s Pacific International LivestoCk show. The excellent
showing made by the local 4-H club members was the best record-
ed by Klickitat county since its championships of more than a
decade ago.
~--- Top prize winner in the Klickitat
TWO File For delegation was Keith ~yser. Kay-
~.. ~.~.0 lear's Angus steer received a blue
City Offices, i ribbon in the light Angus class,
w% 1111. lklr Angus champion rating and reserve
l~eaalme l ear grand champion all breeds. It took
---'----'-- i the judges nearly an hour to decide
Guy two candidates for cry offices, betw
" sen 'the Centerville boy's steer
'have filed thus far H. VL Mort, cry and an Oregon owned Hereford for
clerk announced today. Deadline for the grand cham@ionship.
filing candidacy is next Tuesday, Kayser later sold his steer at the
Oct.ober ~2. C. H. Knosher, Gold-record price of 21c per pound. The
endale real estate man, has filed for animal weighed 920 pounds and
the office of= mayor, brought a price of ~$193.00. Fifty-two
Ein~r Andersen, incumbent court-
Gilman, filed for re-eleotion. Two
Peter Dierlekx, 63-year-old Trout other councilmen must be elected
Lake resident, was formally charged this fall. Other Ineumben¢ councll-
With negligent ,homicide for the men with terms ending this year are
death of six-year-old Constance George Klein and D. Ledbetter. Ed
Neflson in an action filed in su- Pike is the In~umibent mayor.
parlor court here Monday. IGeorge Klein when interviewed by
Dierlckx, who is accused of driv-,The Sentinel ~his week, announced
ing the car that struck and killed tha't .he would be a candidate for
the six-year-old child as she stepped re-election. D. ,Ledbetter has not yet J
out of a W'aite Fmlmon school .bus, decided whether or not he will flle l
is free on a $1200 bond Dierickx I for re-election
was first arraigned in A. B. Gre-I ~Mayor iPike, at the time he accept-!
shong's justice court at W, hite ,SaN ed the council's appointment asI
men. mayor, did not plan to continue in
R. S. Barber, deputy county prose- office after the fall election. However
cuter, advised that Dierlckx make since that time he has made no
no plea in Justice court and that the definite statement concerning his
case be transferred to the superior iplans.
A White ,Salmon coroner's Jury a l~e~ ~ • .11
week ago returned a verdict of gross lWO in Jail, une
negligence on Dierickx's part in the l h Hos A$~,
death of the school girl• The fatal l v ~s.w.a ~ g~,a
accident occurred t~e afternoon of/ "
Fi ht At Wishram
near Husum
" I One man is in a W'hite Salmon
[ hospital in serious Condition and
/two others are in the county jail at
-----'---- I Goldendale as an aftermath of an
Howard Masters, jr. freshman at alter "" i ........
......... : t carton n ~ne wmnram ~ungte
wasnlngton ~ato COllege was one ca .......
. , . '. I mp last weanesaay.
of two freshman boys Ohoson as .~ _ .. ~ ........
h I mrnest ~tovertson a~ ~unerant
Walter hall representatives in t e "rom " - ' - " " ~'"
' I~ lnoiana, was rushes to white
Intercollegiate Knights organization ..............
/va~mon ias~ weanesaay mgnt tor
--------- ~ t treatment. His, condition is believed
to be serious
Jury T¢
• •r01111 Jack Ramsay, 35, and John Rich-
Will a~ds, 36, also itinerants, are being
Klickitat county's October su-
perior court Jflry term will open
here Monday. First case scheduled
for trial is a condemnation action
brought by the state highway de-
partment against J~an A. Wetn-
gartner, of I~sum, for rights,f-way.
A second condemnation action
brought by Klickitat county against
Wilqia~r~ Richardson for right-of-way
to change the present Horseshoe
Bend road was postponed unti~ Nov.
1. This case was Originally sot for
Oct. 22.
Wednesday a Jury will be selected
to he~r the d~mage action filed by
Edward Uthe agatn~t the Y~kima
Sheep company for allegedly 9tarting
a fire near ~mtthvflle a year ago.
Will Be Closed
held in t,he county Jail for ques-
tioning. No charges have been filed
at this time, officers said. Robertson
told officer~ he was attacked and
robbed by two men ans~vering the
description of the prisoners.
Authorities were notified Wed,
nesday evening after Robertson had
staggered into railway company of-
rices at Wishram. He said he had
been beaten and rol~bed.
Btckleton wl]~l be the scene of a
Repu,blloaza rally l~Iday evening,
O~toher ~5. ~rank Miller, G. O. P.
candidates for U.S. representative
from this district, will be the prin-
ctpal speaker.
Other speakers will include Chas.
,F. Stinson, M.a~k M. Mou,lton, R. J.
'Ba~es, John Sanders and J. S. Robin-
son. The meeting will begin at 8:00
p. m.
Car Stolen From
~Some t~me ~turday hight'during
,the height~h of the celebration of
Waghington'e fool~ball Yietory over
Oregon, Tony Yankee's car was
stolen from a downtown l~rtland
storage garage.
tPolice l~ter found the car abandon-
ed in East Portland. It had been
driven abeu~ 15 miles according to
speedometer reading. ~ne ear had
been in a co~lison and two fenders
end one running board were damag-
ed. ~bout $75 worth of articles in-
oludin~ a camera, and field glasses
were missing from the car.
Mrs. E. ~ Lee re.turned last
,Thursday from Portland and Van-
~ouver where ~he spent two weeks:
~aiting with friends and relatives.
Dr. M. R. Davies announced this
week that his dental office ~viFl be
ciesed during the week of October
21 to 26. The following week the
office will be open but Dr. Davies
wiql nee return from his ~unting
trip into the Okanogan country un-
til Nov. 1.
Mrs. Davies and daughter Patty
will spend the two weeks In Seattle
visiting with relatives. Miss Fay
Gosney will keep the office open
from Oct. 28 to Nov. 1.
-- H
Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Lee and son
John and Mr. and Mrs. Ca~ P. Lenz,
of Rexburg, Idaho, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Stevens last
week. Mr. and Mrs. Lee are the par-
ent~ of Mrs. Stevens. ,:Mr. and Mrs.
Stevens accompanied the group to
Portland over the weekend where
they attended the Pacific Interna-
tional Livestock ~how From Port-
land the visitors drove on to Sea-
side, Oregon.
anim.~ls were competing for prises
in the Angus division.
Many Pr/z~s
Jack Davenport ,placed thiTd with
his entrant in the heavy Angus class.
Charles ~wan, of the Klickitat club,
was fourth in the same division.
In ,the light Hereford class Mark
t~yser was nineteenth and Leo Swan
twenty-fifth. In the beef division the
Central Kl~ckitat club's net prise
winnings were $52.50.
In the dairy division Clifford Wil-
son placed third with his yearling
Guernsey heifer. In the swine divi-
siGn Veryl Riley's pen of fat hogs
received fifth place in ,the Pacific In-
ternational competition. Her prize
was $12.00.
Idncoins Place
Janice Garner's Lincoln ewe lamb
received ~ blue ribbon. She also re-
ceived a white ribbon on a Lincoln
wether lamb. Blaine C~chran's
Hampshire ewe lamb received second
place; Eugene Forrester's Hampshire
ewe lamb was third and Vincent Jus-
sila"s Hampshire 'lamb received ~t
seventh place award.
In showmanship Keith Kayser ~'e-
calved fifth place and Charles Swan
eleventh. This rating was made in
the beef division. In the county
herdsma~nship Mark Kayser, Keith
Kayser, Charles Swan, Leo Swan and
Jack Davenport placed fourth.
Judging Competition Keen
ff'he Central Klickitat 4-H Judging
team coml>osed of Keith Kaysor,
Virgil Anderson and Clifford Wilson
placed twelfth in competition with
42 teams. This saxne team placed
second at the Yakima fair. However
competition at Portland was much
Janice Garner received third place
in her showmanshlp in the sheep di-
vision. A total of 15 club members
made the trip. They were under the
leadership of Ted Elmore, club ad-
visor. L. W. ~ernahan, county agent,
was in Portland for the first two
days of the show. Andrew Swan and
Mark Kayser, sr., also accompanied
the group to Portland.
See Portlmad
rl'he total prize money won by the
Klickitat 4~H team amounted to
$119.50. All the stock exhibited at
the show was later sold at auction
except that kept by club members for
breeding purposes.
While in P~rtland the 15 Klickitat
club members were feted by leading
Portland stores. They were guests at
three ha.nquets, a theatre 1~rty, and
were taken on a tour of the city
They saw wheat loaded on ocean go-
ing transports
Thursday--Woman's, Association
F3elday--Womma,s Golf Luncheon
Fr/d~y~nival at Centervfl_le
Friday---Football, O. H. S. ~.
Saturday---Dance at Blockhous~
Saturday--. Dance at Woodbine
Sunday--(~urch ~mrb~m
Monday--Public Power Oomm/t-
tee meeting, Orn~ ~ 8:00
Monday---Lions club meeting
Mon&ty---Amerkaa ~ meet.
Mo~t~ eoune~
|, , ! ,,, , ,