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Newspaper Archive of
The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
October 17, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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October 17, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Two THE GOLD END/ LE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Thursday, October 17. 1940 !i!i( ?i i i!: ]ling. A surprise "gadget" shower was ! A~A~,]~,,~,w~J- combined resources of the country's ~"qdw~l,]~l-A~ CliFF A l A PTII/rITIF I ~he latest party, arranged Tuesday! ,~LIiI~II~IIi~IIt , l)anking institutions. This .being the ~*u.aa~aa~,iu, L~;~o _ "'" b.~.J~l~f'lJ[-g ~ ~., l • ~¢ • • •L.~.) """ I evening by Mrs. E. C. Allison, jr., and ! W.|||f] ~-l]~f] i case, the double liability of stock- " On-ose 139 ..... "iMrs. F. F. Fenton at the AllisonI .......... ! holders for their investments in bank a-g- - ~Ir ~[~]~lrt ~M~ ttf ~P ~ home i " IJ.g~.l~_gg |.$t~r capital is wholly unnecessary. It is -- . hVA~taJ aTA~ffi--~ vv ~*aa ~.~a a~a~., -~ a,~. A~.,,t,,~.a ' ........... " ........ ' .... n-~^ that b(~th the Fed Bo,th the Democratic and Republl" At All-White eremony aturaay ANNOUNCES ~EI~'GAGF,]~:E~T i By ~Vasl,ington Bankers Association! eral Deposdt Insurance Corporation can.. candidates for" gr?veru,?r _~td i At a dinner party held at her: "~, ~,,i,~,,~ ..,,,.,,,,.~,t h,~,~ h,, ,d ie.nd the State Banking Department unKed States senator in flus ~a ,Charming in its simplicity and Miss Margaret McEwen of Salt Klickitat home last Thursday eve-i va~:¢~ed~;~a~;ser~io~s';e~.~m(~2inst] are urging the passage of the pro- h~::nPUblpi:~Ya~:~fu:~tfat~':::bl~0r beautiful ~ppointments was the quiet Lake City, sister of the bride, was l ning, Mrs. V. F. Tcomey announced the repeal of the double liability of [posed amendmen,t. Every voter should " ~ ' "~ " ' wedding of Miss Mary ~IcE~en and' her maid of honor, wearing a long the engagement of her daughter Democratic Party Names Two bank stockholders in the State of inform himself carefully of the issues 139, We,shing~ton Grange officials a~+ Clarence B. Reed, solemnized early jacket frock of peppermint pink tar-!Ann Lucas to Alvin Anderson. Eight Members Of Each Board;'Washin~ton. Nor is this surprising, involved in this question. Once he un- nounced today. Saturday morning at the home of the tfeta. Her round bouquet w~s of white' friends attended t~he dinner. Complete List Is Published There is today no good reason for [ derstands just what is involved, he 'This initiative, which would re+ bride's parents, Mr. and ~r~. ,lohn pompon dahlias, tied with a pinki • ---------- I maintaining this antiquated provision lwill undoubtedly agree that the quire a vote .of the people befO~ R• M~Ewen of ~ldendale. A profu- ribbon. Roy Kaiser was best man for T0 DISCUSS L]~GISLATIOlq ~ t recinct election board members t of law. And there are .several reasons! amendment should be approved, public utility di,strict commissioner~ sion of white flowers were used toiMr. Reed. ! Initiative, referendum and consti-!for Klickitat's 36 precmcts were~for abandoning it. The electorate ofi could issue revenue bonds, will bees deoorate the house, and the bridos-I Three other friends of the bride itutmnal amendments will be (hscuss-lnan~ed Monday by !he county board.!this sta'te should be unanimous in !~[~ r~ & It ~ ,. the general election ballot. | ed object~vel~ by M~s Ma~ Root at As ~n the selectmn of pmmary maids in their bright dresses added were in the b~idal hart'" wearingi "~ " / '+. "/ , i • ;,November in ~pproving the constitu-i V~. 14". ,~'~s l¥1eeung ~Fly note of ~olor to the cere Ka:y~::d :~ iMiff~inEHfl:a~acb~oi !ii:~!::iii~itn(t~:: Wldl]l:~:eaTi:c:a:~:y ~°i):ilit;!h~fDs~aam(l~hoCr!t!2~o~iil:bo °io. i!iol!ih d?u b o l o ! is !y nli n:tt::Id Slated At Yakima tya~!!!ll~?~:a~la~idme~d~ti? p!i~ili$ Wedding vows were spoken inlchartreuse; Mrs. He" Pg i ' Tbis ~s in accordance witCa state law " " t , . , ---- y p • ~r~ont of the greeabe~ked fireplace, .of Portland wore brocaded slipper ................ ,~,:, ~, ~+,, ........ ,...-~;. ..... +~'i Double liability has been done l Educators from Klickitat, Benton Inquire. at The Sentinel. [a I ~ • • i I l'~lll .14' l.ll ~l ]H~.II~ ~ .~u*~ll ~. ~II'llcl, C'UtI~IL.y O+Ut~ILUI ~alu, ] ! • . [ flanked on either side with tall satin in forget-me-notsue; anu! .+ . "~"~7..~ ...... .~ . . I ,m ..... +, • h;,h ,,~U~ +h~ ;o,~ away with by law of Congress for!and YaKlma counties will meet in I .. ~. . ; 5IPlnDers ()I tile. women's go!ll: ClUe --,,~ l~+~*t.*" ~,~,-~,~ ~.v,,.~,, ~,,~ ,w,~-I I . ~ . standards of white chrysanthemumsl Mrs. Howard Rassumssen or ~or~- I ~ill meet at the clubhouse F~ida- ' est vote in the county iu the last I nationally cheztered banks and by [ Yakm~a Thursday and ~Friday of this I Sell ~t through the Want Ads. 1I CO1 sa OS t S " Y ~" • ' " ~ " and gladioli I~arge white pottery land was in deep rose The'' • "'g .......... I.)tesi~entia1 election :s alllo~ved to fopty-two states m respect to State week for a series of lectures and • ] . . , noon [or i:nelr W(~+eKIV luncheon. I i " u o ~ I + +bowls of the same flowers were used were garoemas .......... L ......... +..... ,,+ +~,,, +~ ....... i, .... ¢ + banks There is n,o reason for pen- discussions. The +theme of the meet- ] _ . ] +VII'S, Jlll(lle I~mlnlnlel anti ±¥11"s. iron +tatng u~ u~ t+*~ ~£+t~w ax£~*lt~w*+ ~ ! ; above the mantel and on the piano Breakfast Serveu ~, ,. . ......... I e~(h "recin(t board General elec alizing Washington State banks ink will be the "Utilize.tion of Human ,-- . . --4 •i ~.0 ~i~i , ',,arusou writ ue ,+ostess+,. +ue , v • -!tii:l~iii~i;~;,~ ..... ii~ii~b~!i~k:'rll! ?i~ilt~'a~iii ..... ~¢!~i p:li!:Pkii~t~i|~ii~~' + In White Satin .Given in marriage by her father the bride was lovely in white s~tin cut simply on princess lines with train and veil ,of tulle held to her head with a cap of orange blossoms. ~he carried a white prayer book and a shower l)ouquet of gardenias and stephanosis. DESIGNED FOR AUTUMN .... Get a Shipp permanent now to have your hair perform all the trick curls and rolls ex- pected in the new fall coiffures Phone 1413 Tuesday. After the regular meeting, specter; Mary Allen, Mrs. Carl The tiered wedding cake formed ia radio broadcasting ~tation was ar- Seely. judges. an attractive centerpiece for the ranged, sides were chesen, and the App~leton--Angus Nichols, in~pec- table where (~ breakfast was served Original Professor Snazzy conducted tor; Mrs. E. S. Struck, Olaf Baker, after the 10 o clock ceremony Sp~ays .'+ ' : ' " "'a quiz. The program was sponsored, judges. of white flowers decorated the lacet hv ~he Nicker,~on Motor Co and Bend--Roy V~nHorn, inspe'ctor; covered table, and serving the cake, En~-h- ~ .... c~,~ ]' "' C. ~V. Morgan, Wayne Eshehnan, was Mrs. L. ~. McKee, aunt of the The'tean'ts'+~,e~e'+t'i,e witches and judges. bride Also assistingwere Mrs ' • ' -" "..cats. Teams were so well matched Bingen--tt. O. Barnes, inspector; H,owarfl Lewis and Mrs. M. E. Mc-i tbat it was a tie all the way through Harold Karris,Mrs. Jack Bro.wn, Alllster. t so the prize, a large box ,of jel'~y ]judges. M~ and Mrs Reed left nnmedmte beat "- • " " "[~s had to Zoe divided to bet,h, Burdoin Heights--Henry Swan- ly ~fter the ceremony for Seattle, s~des ! " • Coffee and d,oughnut,~ were son, inspector; A1 Johnson, Eugene where they will make then new served '" i " "n the dining room, whichGladder, judges. home. For going away the bride t was decorated with skeletons and Centerville--Andy Isaacson, in- [chose a gray suit with hat and ac-I other Hallowe'eu motifs specter; Frank Bromqey, Alex Ran- cessories of grape-wine and a gar-i ....... dall, judgo~. denis corsage. Mr. Reed is employed GLE W00D WOMAN'S CLUB Cleveland--Harry McCredy, in- in Seattle with the Boeing Aircre,ftl , Sixteen woodcuts of famous Eng- specter: Earl Lasley, Erick Fostrup, company, i lish cathedrals were attractively judges. Oregon Guests i mounted and covered with celo- I Cliffs--George Jeter, inspector; r • Am, pug the guests from out of phane Tuesday at a craft meeting tRay Fergueon, R u t h V~eltz~n, town were two great-aunts of tbeiof the Glenwood's Woman's club, in l judges. bride, Mrs. Laura Wyight of Port-I preparation for being placed on ex-t Columbia -- Florence Bartholo- land and Mrs. W. :E. White of New-ibfbition in the echo.el library, and lmew, inspector; Mae Thompson, '~anteed by the Federal Deposit Insur-journalis:t and aut+hor will speak at Shipp's Barber I I IIII I berg. [later being added to the county col- Several showers and parties haveIlection of prints assembled by the honored the bride here recently. Miss!district federation of Women's clubs Elizabeth Kayser and Mrs. Archielfor tt,:e in Klickitat county schools. Averill, e.nd Mrs. McAllister and Mrs. ~, Twelve members were present for Lewis were among those entertain-] t;he lunch served by the h,estesses, k I Miss Sylvia Wayne and Mrs. R. I. Parrott at the Parrott home, a fea- ture of which was a 15-candle birth- day (rake honoring Eva Parrott. Glenwood club members to insure their safety on the trip to the dis- trict federation meeting in Golden- dale, Friday, carried a rat~bit's foot. They found the grade much improv- ed and although rough, the charm was effective and the trip very suc- cessful. These going as guests of Mrs. Holloway, president of the Glenwood group were: Mr~. Pro,eke IAvingston, Mrs. Frank Lyle, Mrs. Dan V¢ilson, Mrs. Jewel Guthrie and Mrs. R. I. Parro tt, Who participated in the morning's forum as a sub~sti- tuta for Mrs. H. L. Murray, district educational chairman. (Conttnued on page seven) Sacred Recitial Slated Wednesday A sacred musical service wi*ll be held at the Goldendale Baptist church next Wednesday evening, Oct. 23. The hmsical service ~vill be presented by Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Greenway, talented artists who ~have recently coml~leted a successful ap- pearance in Tacoma. Mr. Greenway is a violinist and tenor and Mrs. Greenway is a pian- ist and harpi,st. They have made ap- I pearances in .all parts of the United I States and Canada. The pu,blic is i cordially invited tee attend the re- [cital, t~he Rev. C. E. Hanes, Baptist i ntinister announced. Otto Visits City m KIM I( 111AMSMiSSIOM Now you can start, stop--drive all day without ~|tJ~ ~rsI NEW ROCKET BODIES Long, low-slund+ dbfind~ehed... with worlds of room inside l RICH 2.TONE IlfrElUORS A new eolor treatmeut--the most beautiful you've ever seen I 108 N. GRANT STREET WB PROMISn YOU a new thrill--a great *#~e! Come in and see the 1941 De Soto --come learn how it feels to drive wititout sMfli~g l De Soto is packed with ~urprlses-- wlth features you will eertainly want. See this ear today ! Otto A. rCase, Democratic candtdete I for st,ate treasurer, was in Golden- dale Tuesday completing his tour of Erastern Washington. Case, who served as state treasurer from 1933 to 1937, w,~s instrumen,tal in secur- ing tt~e passage of legislation that permitted the state to buy county and city warrants as investments. This law made i't possible to reduce the interest paid on registered war- rants from six to three per cent and at the same time crewted a demand for all warrants front the political subdivisions of ~he state. This auto- rustically did ~way with any need for public employees to sell their pay warrants wt discounts to individuals. Case estimates this law has saved the taxpayers of We~shington $785,- 000 since 1935. | Let The Sen-tinel classified ads be PHONE 1762 your salesman, tf Mrs. Joe Courtney, judges. Columbus~George G,oss, iuspec- tor; :George Gunkel, Nellie McCann, judges. Dot--J. I. Wherry,'inspector; Mrs. Clarence Kelley, Wallace Badeberg, judges. Fruit Yalley---C. E. Larsen, in- spector; Bessie Austin, Mary Hun- saker, judges. Glenwood --- Osmer Kuhnhausen, in,~pector; Florence Bruce, Brooks Livingston, judges. East Goqdendale--Mrs. L. E. Bul- mer, inspector; Mrs. Grace Bratton, Wilma Spalding, judges. North Goldendale--Helen Karge, inspector; Mrs. Don Hobbc-_, Adria Sleeper, judges. "] • South Goldenda~le---G. H.. Ro+us~h, t~ inspector- Mrs. ,Maggie Morgan, I• ' I m Etta Hardin, judges, i~ Hartland--J. W'. Powell, inspec- tor; J. H. McCoy, S. R. Beattie, judges. Goodnoe I~ill~----J. E. Lee, inspec- tor; Frank Riley, Wiqford Imrie, judges. Husum---Mrs. Chas. Rayburn, in- spector; Mrs. Chas. 'Gross, Mrs. Daisy D. Carter, judges. Klickitat--A. E. Stearns, t nspec- tor: Mrs. Allen McEwen, George Dornon, judges. Laurel---GuN Herdina, inspector; O. P. Kreps, Martha E. Dymond, judges. Lyle---Wm. Morginson, inspector; Mrs. Frank Curl, C.L. Korthase, judges. Major Creek--Mr~. ti)lizwbeth Van deVanter, inspector;John Gitmer, Wm. Lindell, judges. Number Four--Clyde Story, In- spector; Floyd VanHoy, Mrs. M. M. Hector, judges. North Dalles--Edna Smith, in- spector; Garnet Van Der Po~le, Mrs. L. W. Curtis,s, judges. Number Six--F. E. Yeley, inspec- tor; Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mrs. Joe Hector, judges. Pine Forest--H. G. McPherson, inspector; Roy Adams, Earl Baker, judges. Pleasant Valley--R. A. Jackson, inspector; Mrs. Andrew Swan, Em- ma Schuster, judges. Roosevelt--Mt~+. Ben Flippen, in- spector; Wa+lter Kelley, Dewey A. B.eeks, judges• Spring Creek---Mrs. S. E. Miller, inspector; Mrs. Earl Dooley, Mary Ritzschke, judges. Trout Lake---J. A. Jermain, in- spector; Mrs. Mary E. Ohllds, Mrs. Wm. Brandt, judges. Wahkiacus--W. F. Ludlum, in- spector; Guy Long, A. J. Berglund, judges. Wishram---George Co'ffield, in- spector; Mrs. Ralph Pent.n, James Delaney, judges. Rroodland--Mns. Ernest Roe, in- specter; R. C. Lefever, Mrs. Martin VanAeist, ju'~ges. White Salmon--Mrs. Ames L. Pearce, inspector; Mrs. K~,te Boyd, Orpha Duus, judges. ance Corporation and in effect by the ! the Thursday meeting. You always get the best quality at the lowest price when you do your food shopping at Goldendale's De- pendable Store. Our shelves are filled with fine foods at prices you cannot afford to miss. We also take this uP° portunity of thanking the peolfle of this area for the fine reception record- ed our recently closed Harvest sale. OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, 3 for.. -... SYRUP, cane and maple, large jug .... 23¢ PEANUT BUTTER, in bulk, 2 lbs ..... Nestles MILK, 3 cans for ............ MINCEMEAT, Lyon's fancy, 2 PEEL, Lemon, Citron, Oranges, Diced Mixed, fcy drained, new stock, lb. COCOANUT, Durkee's, Vz lb. cello ..... 15@ OCOANUT, Durkee's, lb ............ 25@ ALAD AID, Durkee, quart jar ...... ATSUP, Snider's, large bottle, 2 for .. 29@ ODAS, Snowflake, 2 lb. box ... ...... 28@ ERBER BABY FOOD, 3 cans ...... I'HRIFT PRUNES, 2 lb. pkg ......... UGAR, 10 pound bag .............. 55¢ BRAZIL NUTS, 2 pounds ........ "... 25@ 'IG BARS, 2 pounds ................ 3ROOMS, Brown Beauty, $1.00 value• .89 POILET TISSUE, Delsey, 3 rolls ..... 25@ DVAL SARDINES, Tomato or Mustard 10@ WAX PAPER, large 125 foot roll ..... 14@ QUAKER ROLLED OATS, .lge. pkg... Sea Port TOMATO JUICE 10C No. 2Vz size fine ....... ............ • Dependable FLOUR," 49 lb. sack ..... $1.29 WEST BEST COFFEE, pound ....... BIG VALUE COFFEE, pound ..... .." FAIRWAY COFFEE, 2 Ibs .......... RELIANCE COFFEE, 1 lb. can ..... SEAPORT COFFEE, 1 pound ........ VIKING DOG FOOD, 6 cans ... ...... NORTH STAR DOG FOOD, 2 lb. pkg... 19@ NORTH STAR DOG FOOD, 5 lb. pkg... 45@ Lien SLICED BEETS, No. 2 cans ..... 10@ Our Mothers 7 .... Sauerkraut (newcrop) Dill Pickles, quart .... Mince Meat, 2 lbs ........ 25c Lyon's Magnus Aristo Fresh Side Pork, lb ...... 15c Boston Butts, lb ......... 23c Picnic Hams, lb ....... 171/2c Pork Roast, lb. ......... 16c Young Pork Jowl Bacon, 2 lbs ........ 25c Pure Lard, 4 Ibs. ........ 29c Ring Bologna, Stick Bologna, Minced Ham, lb. 17c Mutton Chops, 2 lbs. .... 19c Large Arizona Celery, bunch ........... 5c 360 Sunkist + Lemons, dozen ......... 23c Fresh Ox-heart Carrots, 4 bunches ...... 10c Juicy Sunkist Oranges, 2 doz. ......... 25c Fresh Grayland Cranberries, 2 Ibs ....... 35c Utah Green Grapefruit, 3 for ........ 10c