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The Goldendale Sentinel
Goldendale , Washington
October 17, 1940     The Goldendale Sentinel
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October 17, 1940
Newspaper Archive of The Goldendale Sentinel produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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October 17, 1940 THE GOLDENDALE SENTINEL--Goldendale, Washington Page Seven occasion of her ,a.nnual visit !attractively decorated with fall tinguished guest and main speaker bet•s" of Goldendale's Evergreen ! flowers for the .occasion. Guests were at the affair was Mrs. F. It. Ludwigs tar number one of the Order of]present from Seattle, Spokane, Dort-j of Walla Walls, Washington state srn Star entertained with a for-i land, The Dallas, Pendleton, Idaho, federation president, who launched a dinner at the Masonic temple i and iPairbanks, Alaska. tour of clubs of t~he s~tate with her Wednesday evening, i -- l appearance here• ,,---. APproximately 100 membel•s and i GOLF LUNCHEON Theme of the conference w~s The lefts • • a I T Preservation of American Democ- were served. Mrs. Bush w sj Mrs. May Root will present an] ,, . ~rapanied here by two other state' el)jective discussion on the various racy, which was dmcussed during liters of the Eastern Star, Maymelin:tiative, referendum and constitu-lthe mormng session by district de- stine ss ~ pat tment chairmen at an institute n, worthy grand conductre , '.tional amendntent3 that will appear" " " ~l Elizabeth Lucas, worthy grand i on the general election batllot, presided over by Mrs. Paul Caryl of gther The dinner also was in ob-! 1Trout Lake and Mr,s. C. F. Breneman '¢Vance of "Friendship Night," ofi EASTERN ST/kR TO ~][EET of Whi, te Salmon. Order. ! Evergreen CJhapter number one, Speakers Heard ~rs. John Coffield, worthy matron, Order ef Eastern Star will hc~ld a Institute speakers included Mrs. !~ Gerald Fenton worthy p,atron, stated comnmnicationWednesday J H Abshier on "Is the 'Ism' Wai- st'he Goldendale chapter presided i Oct. 23 at 7:30 p.m. come Here?"; Mrs. I-I• G. M,c~Gowan, the dinner and the meeting that~ This will be observed as Ruth's Lyle, "Democracy in the Making"; ° • GLENWOOD WOMAN American Democracy Is Sublect A SOCIAL A CTIVITIES . . . ,,,c. i, ---I At Mid-Columbia Grou MeetIn ...... I P C, lenwood O07- ight hun- (From Page Two) ~------- . ' " I • I dre(t acres ,of a 2 000 acre slash are ................ ~ - --t Nearly one hundred clubwomen and Mrs. Roy Heaman of Wlute Sal-I ............. .~ .......... • ~ ~elng Durn~Kt tllltl(r ]lie SIAp~I'VlSlOII ,,, ~t=, Ch=n~a, Mann., State ]~rom Trout [Lake, White Salmon, m,on, acoompamed by Mrs. Earl C.oe. I ...... , ..... Laa ~.lL~a "~*aA~.~lJ~.'~a ~ ~v,.v,.., ,.~ I ..................... ,-- - . lot Ine state ilre officials oy the o. . . . ~yie, l'kllCKltat l~mgen ann uoiaen- ~n amusing re~tamg 'ACCUStomeu as " " • "~ t] ' ]Neils company this 'week in the sec- W,th !~. Dinner [ .r, ..dale gathered at the W+m+ns Asso- I Ant" was given by ~Mrs Laura J . * • .._..... .......... rmal ...... : ....... ..... . "+,+ion of the Outlet where logging clatlon ClUbhOuse here +'rluay Ior the /ffarrott, L~lenwoofl. , ....... J , , operations naveoccuple(l tile d. ttonoring their Wov,thy Grand gifts and corsages, 'annual fall meeting of the Mid- Presidents Talk Ne ls enn)lovee,~for t~hehast 11 M~Floss Bush of Se'~ttle on The tables and dining room were Columbia district federation. A dis- Introduced by Mrs. Lowell ~mith ,, ,* " '~ ' ~'" ........... monttlS. It is estimated that another a former classmate in the Walla[ . The official Roosevelt caravan will Watla schools, Mrs. Ludwig~ present- ] three weeks will complete opera- visit Klickitat county .on October 28, ed an effective catalogue and cam-It]°ns tn tlns sectmn east of Glen- Stanton Ganders, local Demom~tie mentary on activities of the state[weed" chairman announced. The caravan and national federations. Recently1 Mr~s. Frances Riley, Glenwood will stop in Goldendale at 10:00 a. elected state president, Mrs. Ludwigs woman hunting in the vicinity el: m and from here will go on to Kiick ' Itab wuere 1[ Will s[,oI) aE 1]_:00 o~. is also head of the music department the gimo~e crossing on the Klickitat .... ~ ........... last Sunday decided to held her fire .............. of the national federation and a pastI '" • "' tit. rTonl l~kllCKltat it Wlll return to president of the Washington State] when confronted by a 1000 pound Goldendale fern noon luncheon and cinnamon bear. 9he had only fourtheu --o ou to Yakima federation of music clubs. I shells remaining for her 25-35. ~ g ~.. ~. ' . With three Inillion club members, I ' State onlcers, t;ongressmen ann A specia.1 union meeting session 1o .......... the national federation is potentially[ " I cat l)enlocr.atlc canumates t, or in Klickitatda~t Saturday was brok- . .......... the most powerful organization inI + I county ann ulsnuct legislative oKices cn up by a fire alarm from the J.wil" +- America, Mrs. Ludwigs told the] ............. I ~ accompany tne caravan. ' • • . I t:ongressman~nute Hill in a group. Women may have to exercise]~eus toni where a sinau ~n'e na~ .~ + been caused from wetaing sparks lettm .... ' [ their influence on public opinion/ . I • to The ,Sentinel this week, an-I und,er the mill. Quickly extinguish- / ,, sooner than they know, she wen'ned, lcd there was n,o damage. • dalen°UnCedat tltnate he would visit Golden- and asked that all be on the alert ....... ' ~ earlies.t possible moment flour seer nave been gotten auy- .,. • , ..... alter Congress recesses or adjourns for legislative acts that jeopardize ink the weej¢ uy local resments. " Mrs. Laura J. Parrott, Glenwood, "Education in a Democracy;" Mrs. Roy Heaman, White Salmon and Mrs. M~y Root, "Legislation, the Lifeline;" Mrs. Ran Richardson, "Propaganda;" IMrs. Breneman, "In- ternational Relation.s;" and Mrs. G. F. Nails, Klickitat, "What do we want from Democracy? ,Presiding over the morning busi- ness session was Mrs. E• C. Trost, :federation president• Mrs. C. J. I-I~ll gave the invocation, and Mrs. P,:ich- ard Bates of White Salmon led the salute to the flag. Reporting were representatives of the three junior clubs in the district, Mrs. Jack Gifts and corsages were night. A "Harvest Program" will be by Mrs. C.offield to the given under the direction of Mrs. ~tate officers. [Douglas Ledhetter and Mrs. t~inar ~Irs. Lee "Darland, retiring grand]Andersen. Wasco, More, Grass Val- ire .of the Evergreen[lay and ~he DaJlles chapters have a.nd Mrs. E. M. Stultz, char-[been invited for this occmsion, Mrs. ~ember, were. also honored with lMay Roe.t, secretary announced. our civil rights or out- status as a peaceful nation. +Court News Given For Week's Period In an action filed 'b~ Earl Stevens against D. H. gtegman and wife, the plainti'ff prays for judgment in the sum of $1636.45 and for the costs and disbursement %erein. The com- plaint alleges ,that on July 14, 1935 the defendants employed Leonard C, Craft to perform work for tt~em at the regular wage of $30.00 per month and board and lodging; that • Jake Becks has been in very poor Demo Candidates , . • ]health aria is not much better. Enter Final tan Jewel Edmison, Mrs Miller and 1[ I~. 11 ~ ~ Mrs.' Minnie Becks were in Go'lden- in rail .,ampalgn!daie' R Friday evening. -- I Rohert Short and Melvin Miller The political lull ,that followed made a trip to P, ortland Friday to primary election ended ,this week as see about a job on the railroad. various c~a.ndidates f.or state offices opened their October campaigns in this county. Ward Hollo.way, Al:bert Ma0'kgraf, Mr,+. Jackal were all snccessful on Centerville School the opening day, ~rhi'le Ed ~haw got The Centerville qtigh school is one in the Laurel section duringsponsoring a carnival October 18 at mid-week. 8:00 p. m. Everyone is most cordial- Glenwood Grange No. 94 enter- ly invited. There will be games of tained a,3 distinguished guests Sat-lheano' ring tos,~, shouting gallery, urday, Candidate Robins,.~n of I roulette wheel, fish pond, and Dallesport, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Deg-]beau~y parlor to furnish amusement man and Steve Wnuk, of White Sal-lto all. A concession sure to orove men. ,Mr. Robin,ran brought along a popular will ~be t.he food stand crate of cantaloupes which were where candy attd pop-corn will be greatly .enjoyed during lunch. A sold. There 'will ado be a worth- birthday cake honoring the October while door prize; so come a~d try birt,hdays was cut f, or two who were your luck. There will also be a pro- present• Oneof these was Harry gram. Admission is free to all. Wellenbrock. P.ractice on tMe P.-T. A. operetta JACK-IN-THE-BOX "SCREWDRIVER" -- Pop! -- he's out of the door into traffic -- so much simpler than slid- ing out on the curb side. "Screw- drivers" cause 25% of all Stop-and- Go. Remember, your engine uses $ times as much gasoline in low and second gears as in high--when a "Screwdriver" or "Screw jay" brings ran to a needless stop, you pay. SHARE-THE-ROAD CLUB WARS ON TRAFFIC PESTS More than 7,000,000 motor- ists have joined Shell's crusade against "Screw- drivers" and "Screwjays." Take a stand against these pests who cause 35~o of all fuel-wasting Stop-and-Go --join the Share-the-Road Club. Any Shell dealerwill enroll you.., give you free Cravens, fir s t vtce-presiden¢ of he performed labor until July 9, Choleric club, White Salmon; Mrs. 1940; t.hat the defendants failed Inez Drexel, president, Waun0, club and re.fused to pay the same as of Klickitat; and Mrs. Lowell Smith, agreed; that only $452.00 has been Mucrada club. paid by the defendants; that there Luncheon at Church _remains due the sum .of $1423.00 to- You Should Always For Bright leaves and pods ofbarberryIgether with interest in the sum of $213 45 that the claim has been added a colorful note t.o the luncheon] • ; f~ lJ__.--J__l !~ |_ __ ~oauenua~e a ery rrouuc~a: at the MeChodist annex where] " ", " " • tables duly assigned to the platnhff It ts ordered by the Court that the clubwomen were served by mem-[ " ~ ". • , the jury term of court for the mont'h l Goldendale Bakery Foods Are Always Fresh. They're bars of the Ladles Aid. ToeustmiS-[of October 1940 commence on baked the day you buy them. Service is direct tress was ~rs. l~oy Southmayd of[ : ' ' Monday the 21st at 10 00 o clock from their ovens to your home. Klickitat, who presented briefly the[ ' : '~ state presiden¢, Mrs. Ludwigs and a. m. 2- -Goldendale Bakery Foods are made from the finest in- the past presldent~ of the district. [ In the matter of the guardianship gradients money can buy. They are baked under A surprise birthday greeting was lot the persians and estates of Ed- Mis war Bryant Robertson anl Robm t extended at the luncheon t,o s/ + : " usethe mostthe mostSanitarYmodernC°nditi°nSequipment.bY expert bakers who Elyse Crecelius of Lyle, pioneer,club-[ , ' Clyle Robertson the guardian has woman wbo was aotive in founding]TM his inventory which s~ows that 3 -Goldendale Bakery Foods are home products. They are ifayli t ii!!i r,ili! !ili!i twOh ]iiii iiiiii iii' baked in a Goldendale owned and Goldendale aper- ated plant. Their facilities are designed to meet i, the needs of the people of the Klickitat Valley. of poems written by clubwomen of : the+ state been appointed a Notary Public for , a term ending September 11 1944 Always Order GOLD KRUST BREAD 'Trout Lake s chorus added a pleas-t " ~ • ant musical interlude to the after- In an action filed by Beall Pipe neon session, presenting two songs, "When Moon,beams Softly Fall" e~nd the lively "My Johann." Songs were also presented by Mrs. M. R. Davies, accompanied by iKrs. J. H. Abshier GOLDENDALE CO. WELTER & SEIBOLD, Proprietors No. 23 of a series To protect your right to drink good beer, the Brewing Industry wants such anti-social retailers eliminated entirely. It has instituted a "clean-up or close- up" program--now in effect in some states and being extended. We'd like you to know about this socially important program. May we tell you about it in an interesting fr~ booklet ? Write: United Brewers Indus. trial Foundation, 19 East 40th Stre~ New York, N. Y. You'll probably find a few bad apples in a bushel of good ones, That's the way it is with beer retailing in America. There are hundreds of thousands of wholesome, law-abiding beer retail establishments that sell good beer-- the refreshing, appetizing beverage of moderation. At the same time, there is a handful of undesirable, anti-social taverns. Unfortunately, these few out- law establishments bring discredit to the entire beer industry. B££Reaea beverage of moderau'on I and Tank Corporation again,~t Eu- gene Ruedy ompany, To~wn of "White Salmon, and Glens Fails Indemnity Co., the plaintiff prays for judgment in the sum o,f $3440.95, together with interest, attorneys' fees anl costs. The complaint ,alleges t~hat on or about Feb. 18, 1937, the Town of White Salmon entered into a written contract with defendant Eugene Ruedy ompany ~here%y the defendant agreed to furnish labor, and m~teriais and t~o construct a water supply line; that Glens Falls Indemnity Company was surety up- on ,behalf of the contractor; that the contractor furnished labor, ma- terials and supplies in the total sum of $17,041.63 and no part of same has been paid except the sum of $13,600.68; that defendant Town of White Salmon, ,has retained a per- centage of the contract price as :security for the payment of the labor, materials and supplies under the emntract. Elmer Merrill is brought before the court on information charging him with the crime ,of burglary in the second degree, when he did on or about Sept. 20, 1949, wilfully, u.nfawfully and feloniously, break and enter the dwelling house ,of one Joseph C. Tharpe. Upon being ar- raigned the defendant pleads guilty, I whereupon it is ordered t~at he be ]punished by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary t~or a term of not re,ore than 15 years• It is ordered by t,he court in the case o{ F-,astern and Western Lum- ber Co. vs. Carl Sv~rverud, that the action 'be, and the same is dismiss- ed ~-ith ppejudice and without 6osts to either party, and t~hat the writ of attachment issued and levied up- on real property be and the same is discharged and released. In the case of Charle~ Carlson eL ux vs. The Unlted Trust, Limited, et al, it .i~ ordered, adjudged and decreed that the title and possession of the liI~,SWt Sac. 32, Tp. 4 N. R. 15, be, and the same is settled and quieted in the plaintiff's and the de- fendant~ are enjoined and forbidden to claim any title, right, interest or lien in and t~ the same• The e~ecut0r of the estates of C. C. and ~-[ester K. VanAelst, 'both de- ceased, ,h~s filed his final account and petitions the c~urt to make dis- tribution of the residue of the e~o Household effects of Mrs. TheoI)a "Robin Hood" began last Thursday theday-and-nightemblem. lqringazi were moved from (llen- night. Mr. Fairman ~-il'l again direct weed Sunday. It i,~ reported that the oI)eretta. ~~ Mrs. Bringazi has been teaching inA cast for the out-act play, Klickitat. Mrs. Itarry Booher is in "Junior Bay,s a Car," is being Goldendale caring f, or the Bringazi chosen. This play is to be presented boys• by the student body together with ~,~~ Pho+ebe att(l Phyllis Livingston one-act plays fr,om Lyle and Wish- doing first and second grade ,+tu- ram on November 8. dent teaching at Ellensburg thisi--------__ quarter, q~ave written their parents CLIFFS MANATTENDS that they "tied a million shoe PORTLAND STOCKSHOW strings" the first day. The Akerill ,steel gang, following CLIFFg--(Special)---George Jeter a ten-day lay-off went back to 'work was in P, artland last week and on TuesdaY. while t~here viaited the stock show. The play cast ~0f the Ladies' Aid Ed White, of Goldendale, is ~'ork- have begun twice a week practice,lug on the new improvements on on their play for presentation in (mr roads, running the grader here.t~;:;~!~!~.:. Novenlber. After nlany long years, yes I i{{ii~ii~{i~{~iii~ • Erie Bleiler is still in San Fran- wouhl say 25 years opening gates ciseo, where lie went to see the fair to +our Cliffs ~chool house, the roan- ~iiii)ii::::::i~:::~::i lust month. + ty has