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2--OcToBE. 18, 2017
RACE from page 1
Pharmacy, Wilde Contract- teers who helped with set-up,
ing, Broken Spur Rodeo, clean-up, and running the
Red's Tire, Flyin C Perfor- offices."
mance Horses, 7 Yeguas, Another barrel race is set
Loni and Brandy Myers, and for Oct. 29, also at the Indoor
Belle Star.
Arena at the Fairgrounds,
"I want to thank all the
businesses and individu- starting at noon.
als who helped sponsor this "Every little bit helps in
event and gave to the silent a big way," Jones says. "I'm
auction," Jones says. "And to glad that is was such a suc-
all the individuals and volun- cess."
WEEDS from page 1
after a bird hunting trip we it! (www.invasivespecies.
took in 2015. Luckily, a friend using
sent me a photo and request the WA Invasive mobile app
to identify the plant before or online reporting form. You
his mother picked the flower also can take a Global Posi-
for a dinner table bouquet, tioning System (GPS) point
Gone differently, someone and photograph and e-mail
could have been poisoned." it to invasivespecies@rco.
Simple actions like using Never assume that
a boot brush before and after landowners or managers
hunting, or cleaning equip- know about the issue.
ment and tires cannot only
protect the landscape, but "Prevent the introduction
also ensure that wildlife is and spread of noxious weeds.
abundant and available for It's far less expensive than
harvest, trying to remove species
Before hunting, spend once they arrive," Bush said.
some time familiarizing "If you value the experience
yourself with noxious weeds of hunting, quality habitat
by vising www;, and abundant wildlife then
If you spot one of these spe- take a few minutes to pre-
cies while hunting, report serve it."
• Truck Tires• Snow Tires
• Brakes • Wheels. Shocks
• Batteries
Thursday, October 19
6 to 8 pm
606 E. Broadway • Goldendale
VOTE from page 1
I would really like to help Q: What does a proactive best for the community and
structure, promote, andgrow school board look like in kids in the long term. There
our athletics departments, financial decisions? is a great future here.
and really all extra-curricu- JIt: We have hired a new JI-I: I've been a lifelong
lar activities, business manager who does Goldendale resident. My
Q: Mr. Hoctor would you most of the daily communi- daughters went to school
like to weigh in on that? cations with ESD in Yakima. here. I'm proud of my family
JI-I: Well, I have said all Right now we need to beaccomplishments. Members
along that over half of high prepared for what to do, but of the Hoctor family gradu-
school kids participate in nobody knows how that is ated from Goldendale High
something--from band, to going to work. Everything School almost every year in
FFA and sports. But they is still up in the air. It is still the past. There are two new
can't participate in those notknown, but the court will board members comingon,
activities unless they have have the final say, and when so I think with a third new
good grades. So it incentiv- they do we will abide by it. board member it might be
izes those kids to be good stu- When that happens, then we too much to learn. I feel I'm a
dents. But in regards to find- will fall into what is expected good listener and give every-
ing and keeping teachers, we of us. So it is a wait and see body a chance to voice their
advertise all over the United situation until they get this input. I try to be to the point
States and we have attracted thing worked out. Then we in my comments and opin-
teachers from Alaska, the will know what direction we ions when representing my
Gulf Coast, the East Coast need to go in with that final views.
and they come back to the dollar amount. Elections for Klickitat Val-
Northwest. But some teach- TJW: I think 100 percent, ley Health (KVH) IIospital
ers have a hard time see- you've got to be proactive. District 1, for Commissioner
ing a future here and tend You need to know the budget Pos. 2, has incumbent Mark
to move to aomewhere ¢loe. you're goin6 to get, and you 8igfrinius seehi1~g re-election
We've hired retired or semi- can look at the past averages to a six-year term against
retired people to fill some of to project what the budget challenger Sherrill Basse, a
those position but often times will look like. I think you long-time Goldendale resident
they can only do it for a year. need to have a plan ready and presently an employee at
In the last three years we when the budget comes. KVH.
have had a dozen or so long- That would be a proactive Q: What is your back-
term teachers retire, so that approach with different fund- ground and what profes-
makes the problem stand out ing models to work with. So I sional experience do you
more. We are trying to incen- think on the school board, in have that you will bring to
tivize new teachers to stay relation with getting every- the Pos. 2 of Hospital Com-
three or four years with "X" body on the same page and missioner?
amount of dollars. But with lined out, you have things Sherrill Basse: I'm cur-
the new state mandates it is ready to go, like a gage to go rently finishing my bach-
still not certain how it will all by and then adjust otherwise, elors of science in business
work out. As far as teachers Q: What is one last thing administration and I have a
and unions bargaining and you would like to share with background in banking and
negotiating contracts there our readers? retail construction. My fam-
are so many "what ifs" to be TWJ: We love our commu-ily is from the area and I have
determined, nity, we love our programs at lived here off and on since
TJW: With the McCleary the school, and we are very 1976. My husband is from
decision, you are almost up invested in the community. Centerville and our two chil-
against the wall. My intent I think I can bring a differ- dren were born at this hos-
would be to do what is best ent perspective and different pital. We moved back here
for us. If we can commit look. I'm a visionary guy, and eight years ago to help family.
people to five years in there would like to see things bet- I currently work at the coffee
policy that might be a good ter in our athletic programs, shop at the hospital and have
way to keep teachers. If that and extra curricula activi- been there the last two years.
is a possibility. I would look ties. We love our kids. This is I'm very interested in rural
into that when hiring people for the future. It is not about health and how we can keep
to meet us where we are at. us as individuals but what is our hospitals viable. I want
Columbia River Gorge Quilters' Guild
10-5 p.m,:
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Demonstrations and Vendors
Antique Quilt Bed Turning
to be part of the solution to
keep our hospital working
well into the future.
Q: Mark, tell us some of
your background and your
current work at the hospital.
Mark Sigfrinius: I've
been in public service for 43
years and was the mayor of
Goldendale for 12 years. We
had a great team and got a
lot accomplished for the city.
I believe hospitals are vitally
important to this commu-
nity. In my tenure as hospi-
tal commissioner we have
remodeled the first and sec-
ond floors and made a beauti-
ful clinic, with a lot of input
from the employees. We have
hired hospitalists, who just
take care of patients, and that
has helped take away some of
the responsibility of our phy-
sicians and that has made a
big difference. We have out-
8ourced our ambulance ser-
vice which has helped with
costs. We are now servicing
about 2000 people a month. It
has been a great experience
for me, but has been a lot of
learning on the job.
Q: Sherrill, if elected what
would be your approach to
the job and what new ideas
would you like to try?
SB: For me I think it is
really important to have
adequate information before
making decisions. I believe
having statistics and data is
the best way to know what
will work and not work. I'm
very much a data person. I
like to research all the sta-
tistics in order to make an
informed decision. A prior-
ity for me would to make sure
there is a good ethical foun-
dation for everything that is
done. I see ethics as the foun-
dation, not only for our per-
sonal lives, but for business.
Some ideas I would look into
for our rural health commu-
nity would be telemedicine.
Giving patients a chance to
meet with doctors electroni-
cally. That is a huge trend in
ruralhealthcare. I also think
having several smaller clin-
ics in the community would
help meet our heaithcare
~ Q: Mark, would you like
to address some of the other
accomplishments the hospi-
tal has had in the past few
MS: Telemedicine is some-
thing we have currently
accomplished at the hospital.
At one point we didn't have
enough bandwidth to do it,
but we have that now. We
have relocated the life-flight
helicopter pad, and we will
be finishing the new physi-
cal therapy clinic here pretty
soon. When I first got the posi-
tion six years ago we were a
1.5 million dollars in debt and
now that is not the case.
Continued page 11
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